
mdevol Game profile


Jan 23rd 2014, 10:07:30

Dragon (Scorba)
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

oldman Game profile


Jan 23rd 2014, 11:01:29

The best player right now will be the person who has won alliance, primary, express, team, tournament and FFA with different strategies in each server. I don't think such a person exists. So there's no best player.

However, there's a select group of players who can play every strategy and pull them off successfully no matter the server. Many of the people mentioned in this thread are capable of that. So there's no best player, just a bunch of awesome players.

bertz Game profile


Jan 23rd 2014, 11:27:50

Originally posted by oldman:
The best player right now will be the person who has won alliance, primary, express, team, tournament and FFA with different strategies in each server. I don't think such a person exists. So there's no best player.

However, there's a select group of players who can play every strategy and pull them off successfully no matter the server. Many of the people mentioned in this thread are capable of that. So there's no best player, just a bunch of awesome players.

Then people should post their top 10 awesome players.


EE Patron

Jan 23rd 2014, 13:22:05

Originally posted by euglaf:
Originally posted by Son Goku:
Saying bakku and I followed your landtrading strat is like LaF claiming ownership for every techer to ever finish top ten.

I believe there was a RD/LAF trading thread where people said any advice would be welcome, as no one in LaF had traded before. If anyone wants to take credit for my finish that set I would say Rockman actually helped me the most. I do find it funny that people think trading is difficult, as bakku and myself both finished 390m+ on our very first attempt.

I will say the reset I finished 330m on a techer (Xin made 365m) was by far the most difficult country I've played, especially considering no one has sniffed 300m on a techer since that set (despite lots of FA).

that set the tech prices were insanely god like and people were still trying to figure out the market play that i had developed a few sets prior.

as far as laf netters go - i think hanlong is basically the same as hao2. most of hanlong's wins came in war sets when he started to farm far before others in laf were. hao2 does pretty much the same thing where he starts grabbing way before everyone else and puts in a pretty shiesty war performance. i wouldn't say that the land is being wasted when it goes to either of them, but as far as "skill" goes i dont find it very impressive when someone gets a large amount of free land and posts a good networth (this is akin to receiving free land by taking retals for others or landtrading). its not hard and nobody should really be impressed.
it's probably ok to be impressed by oldman winning like 6 sets of primary or w/e and plenty of tourney, express, etc. you're thinking too much about alliance only
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

Ka Mac


Jan 23rd 2014, 13:26:32

Originally posted by tellarion:
Also vincey :)


Trotsky Game profile

New Member

Jan 23rd 2014, 14:35:12

Looking through the past winners and the posts here. It is claimed that Seth and other RD's didn't do well with their landtrading due to the smaller networths prior to the LaF/RD trading set.

I don't believe that's a fair comparison. As RD didn't have bonafide trading partners during that entire time. The reason for the extremely high networths that reset was the combined effort allowing for targets to trade with. It's much more difficult to landtrade if there aren't enough partners to trade with and then after a while no one within the proper range, which looks to be the case in the resets that lead up to that LaF/RD reset.

As for that reset, clicking through earthstats, it looks like there were a few RD countries way ahead in land over the LaF countries at the same time, that would have allowed 2 or so LaF countries a fantastic opportunity later in the reset with them still able to find partners compared to Seth and other RD's chance.

Either way its obvious there's a number of great players all around
If you look at top 10's looks as though, Bakku, Lenshark,Xinhuan,Osso,Florian,Bark,Smlandau84, highrock, Son Goku, Chump have all done extremely well.

If you look at the Best 3 finishes, Son Goku, Bakku, Smlandau84, Chump, Xinhaun, and Osso have a fairly commanding lead in that category, before it drops by a 10m avg, to Wari, and then another 13m to a unlinked account and then again 6m more down to SolidSnake and Locket

tellarion Game profile


Jan 23rd 2014, 14:41:51

Osso cheats. Every time I do well, he does even better :( For Evo, just look at our tag history. Whoever got the top spot the previous set gets the tag named after them. You'll notice a LOT of EVOvince and EVOosso. The erroneous EVOtella was Osso passing it up in my honor :P

Vic Game profile


Jan 23rd 2014, 17:19:33

Originally posted by En4cer:
tella from the lack of NW i saw in his finishes thats what i was thinking too... Eugene i thought HLW only did the early hitting on that 400m nw set ???

Outside that i thought he was amongst our top countries going in and was breaking for us in any of those other war sets.

Locket please point me in the right direction for the Ershow set please too so i can take a look

he's actually talking out of his arse in regards to the reset candy and i were FAed.
RD gave me my FA to combat the O leech candy had while grabbing to 80k and to combat the massive FA he received. we did not anticipate he would have received as much but three things are true:
i was FA'ed less than candy.
even had I not been fa'ed less than him, he still had me beat.
my country would have beat out ershow's, which is why it was picked that I would receive fa equal or less to that of candy. i did not receive more than 28million nw worth of fa

1 Dragon Knight Sword (#313) 77,115 $274,856,837 HG LaF candy
2 HAnlOng2 (#112) 37,776 $258,608,350 DG ResDogs vic
3 Love Acturally (#55) 42,585 $230,345,540 DG ResDogs ersh

Vic Game profile


Jan 23rd 2014, 17:21:45

... and that's not to mention i'm not even in question in this freaking thread, i am no where in the realm of the best players. locket is just being his typical 'pick fights with everyone on every side of this server' self

CandyMan Game profile


Jan 23rd 2014, 18:09:44

seth is so good he can make 10b worth of stock in 100 turns :P

he did it earlier this reset in fact ;)

CandyMan Game profile


Jan 23rd 2014, 18:24:27

"i was FA'ed less than candy."

false. if you subtracted the aid you got and made a new country with all the aid you received, you'd have a second top 100 country

Vic Game profile


Jan 23rd 2014, 18:46:56

Originally posted by CandyMan:
"i was FA'ed less than candy."

false. if you subtracted the aid you got and made a new country with all the aid you received, you'd have a second top 100 country

that's quite incorrect. 50% of any aid i received was repayment for the 2 tech allies that leeched from me for half of the set, and the payment was NOT in full. the aid i received over that was about 20m nw worth. you received much more. you also had an O leech and we calculated the compound benefit of doing so while grabbing to 80k and that alone was worth well over 25m nw for the set.

what is correct is during that set, under your 'Mr Sunglow' identity that I had given you (to the reluctance of the other colors) earlier that set, you did little to help improve RD and LaF relations, used your color to screw both rd and laf and obnoxiously pestered everyone on color board about their stocks, and then used that info to benefit your own country (while also employing hash and one other to manipulate the bushel market with you toward the end)

you also lied to most all if not all of laf about being mr sunglow so shame shame shame to you.
and let's not get into the reset where 'navel' and candyman played countries during the same period.

that set I barely tried, starting grabbing LATE after i returned from abroad, and you put in stupid geek hours and used an O leech.
the one and only set you and I have ever had a netting competition, I beat you. And you had to post on AT that I did so.

... now that's the truth

Edited By: Vic on Jan 23rd 2014, 18:51:40

Hopeless Game profile


Jan 23rd 2014, 19:01:14

You netters cries and whine too much. You've been around Vic for too long. I also don't give a rat's ass about your past finishes. I challenge any of you clowns to a one vs one war. HA!

Hopeless Game profile


Jan 23rd 2014, 19:02:35

And Vic please don't accept my challenge son. I will just publicly humiliate you.

smlandau84 Game profile


Jan 23rd 2014, 19:13:34

My penis is bigger than all of yours, therefore I'm the best netter

Vic Game profile


Jan 23rd 2014, 19:16:15

the hebrew hammer

En4cer Game profile


Jan 23rd 2014, 21:59:22

Lol Hebrew hammer!

Also Trot I'm sorry you are so mistaken about the conceptions as to how land trading can work. You don't need countries anywhere near your land size or nw to trade with if you know what you are doing. Even now I could play without any of the things you think a good trader needs and pass those nw's posted. Rd also internally traded hits during that period and hadn't though outside the box as to how to trade efficiently. Also the set your talking about none of the RD countries were built up as they traded and in effect were passed in ending nw because of this...a lot of that big set was actually sub optimal for all of the t10 players and if the game formulars were still the same you would find that there are a number of players (that know how to and could inside LaF) pass 500m nw playing the trader.

braden Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 0:24:17

"Also the set your talking about none of the RD countries were built up as they traded and in effect were passed in ending nw because of this..."

i can't speak to "none" of us, but i can damn sure tell you I fit that bill to a t :( but i didn't understand how ineffective and painful to my soul that it would be for me to build my cs AFTER i started trading- this was my error, hard to build up 9000 acres in one days turns with a 60bpt :P

whoever mentioned rockmans name for having helped them the most, that reset i speak of above, rockman did yoemans work helping me, as well. when he didn't need to at all, he'd still answer my questions and clarify when he'd lost me. a very good guy.

euglaf Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 0:46:32

Originally posted by En4cer:
tella from the lack of NW i saw in his finishes thats what i was thinking too... Eugene i thought HLW only did the early hitting on that 400m nw set ???

Outside that i thought he was amongst our top countries going in and was breaking for us in any of those other war sets.

Locket please point me in the right direction for the Ershow set please too so i can take a look

not quite. he did it on some of the others too.

i also know that two of his wins came when i had the #1 country on the server, but got suicided either for being the top country or because of some lame grudge someone held. either way after taht happened twice in a row for hanlong he made the joke that being the second best country would be the first place finisher for a long time citing both of those resets as the prime examples of that joke.

for a long time finishing a netting set in 1a had more to do with luck/griefers than anything else. once we transitinoed to ee its all been about free land except for a few sets where netting skills were truly put to the test. the netting set where ss got the win is a good example of such a set.

locket Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 1:00:04

Originally posted by Trotsky:
Looking through the past winners and the posts here. It is claimed that Seth and other RD's didn't do well with their landtrading due to the smaller networths prior to the LaF/RD trading set.

I don't believe that's a fair comparison. As RD didn't have bonafide trading partners during that entire time. The reason for the extremely high networths that reset was the combined effort allowing for targets to trade with. It's much more difficult to landtrade if there aren't enough partners to trade with and then after a while no one within the proper range, which looks to be the case in the resets that lead up to that LaF/RD reset.

As for that reset, clicking through earthstats, it looks like there were a few RD countries way ahead in land over the LaF countries at the same time, that would have allowed 2 or so LaF countries a fantastic opportunity later in the reset with them still able to find partners compared to Seth and other RD's chance.

Either way its obvious there's a number of great players all around
If you look at top 10's looks as though, Bakku, Lenshark,Xinhuan,Osso,Florian,Bark,Smlandau84, highrock, Son Goku, Chump have all done extremely well.

If you look at the Best 3 finishes, Son Goku, Bakku, Smlandau84, Chump, Xinhaun, and Osso have a fairly commanding lead in that category, before it drops by a 10m avg, to Wari, and then another 13m to a unlinked account and then again 6m more down to SolidSnake and Locket

Locket is best!

Riddler Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 1:03:58

I had 7 top 10 appearances. Last set in the first 3 weeks.

locket Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 1:10:33

Originally posted by En4cer:
Lol Hebrew hammer!

Also Trot I'm sorry you are so mistaken about the conceptions as to how land trading can work. You don't need countries anywhere near your land size or nw to trade with if you know what you are doing. Even now I could play without any of the things you think a good trader needs and pass those nw's posted. Rd also internally traded hits during that period and hadn't though outside the box as to how to trade efficiently. Also the set your talking about none of the RD countries were built up as they traded and in effect were passed in ending nw because of this...a lot of that big set was actually sub optimal for all of the t10 players and if the game formulars were still the same you would find that there are a number of players (that know how to and could inside LaF) pass 500m nw playing the trader.

I have played in both RD and Laf. I assure you that outside of maybe 1-2 people Laf was not beyond the top couple in RD. After the top 5% in RD though is where the dropoff came and it went fast.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 24th 2014, 1:22:58

Don't worry locket you weren't in this conversation of best.

- Premium Patron Member

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 24th 2014, 1:25:14

I'd also like to say anyone who proclaims to be the best, is really just an ego case.
- Premium Patron Member

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 24th 2014, 1:25:33

I'd also like to say, IM THE BEST fluffES.
- Premium Patron Member

locket Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 1:27:31

Originally posted by Requiem:
Don't worry locket you weren't in this conversation of best.

I never seriously claimed to be dude -_- I was just mentioned as one of the ones in the top 10ish best 3 countries so I took it and ran

bertz Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 1:40:38

Children, please stop arguing.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 24th 2014, 1:41:14

Originally posted by locket:
Originally posted by Requiem:
Don't worry locket you weren't in this conversation of best.

I never seriously claimed to be dude -_- I was just mentioned as one of the ones in the top 10ish best 3 countries so I took it and ran

haha ok :)

you do know I'm just giving you fluff :p
- Premium Patron Member

braden Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 1:42:06

fifteen years later, i think on a whole, we never will, bertz ;)

but, fifteen years later, we all still seem to be children ;p

bertz Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 1:46:41

Yeah I think so. lol
We will be forever children playing this game

locket Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 1:47:52

Originally posted by Requiem:
Originally posted by locket:
Originally posted by Requiem:
Don't worry locket you weren't in this conversation of best.

I never seriously claimed to be dude -_- I was just mentioned as one of the ones in the top 10ish best 3 countries so I took it and ran

haha ok :)

you do know I'm just giving you fluff :p

I thought so after I replied :P I just didnt edit. I agree with you as best player though. No one else has said you arent.

Xinhuan Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 2:46:34

People are arguing about who's the best landtrader... really?

BobbyATA Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 3:00:39

oldman is pretty dominant in primary right now. And it seems like he does VERY well on other servers as well. He has won every non-FFA server. I don't think anyone else has done this. Slagpit perhaps?

Also, I kicked Seth's ass in primary a few sets ago. Just wanted everyone to remember that:P J/k seth!

I'm liking how much love/consideration primary performance is getting on an AT thread btw. Why don't you all come play in primary next set???

smlandau84 Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 3:46:22

Originally posted by Xinhuan:
People are arguing about who's the best landtrader... really?

Come on Xin, I'd run circles over you on any server. You want me to teach you how to tech?

En4cer Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 4:06:28

Hahah Love it... maybe a tournament needs to be run lol

braden Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 4:10:10

" He has won every non-FFA server. I don't think anyone else has done this. Slagpit perhaps?" my bet is ska, if it did, bobby :P

why i don;t play primary is because i end up everybodys farm land. i can't run a decent enough start up rep to make my rep casher defensible early game, mid game where i get raped everyday because there's only so much money to spend on tech or military, and then i give up before stockpiling starts because i lost finishing at all potentially well at turn 400 :P

i guess i should be thankful ya'll don't play team or express ;)

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 24th 2014, 4:13:54

In all honesty I like Rockman as best player because he is willing to think outside the box.

If Rockman could ever be so inclined to actually grab he'd be #1 for sure.
- Premium Patron Member

locket Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 4:31:32

Rockman has never been past 10k acres :P he would get confused when he go to 5 digits

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 24th 2014, 4:37:08

hahaha back in the day man he could grab with the best of em :)
- Premium Patron Member

Xinhuan Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 4:38:34

Originally posted by smlandau84:
Originally posted by Xinhuan:
People are arguing about who's the best landtrader... really?

Come on Xin, I'd run circles over you on any server. You want me to teach you how to tech?

I'm not interested, thank you for the kind offer!

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 24th 2014, 4:41:17

Originally posted by smlandau84:
Originally posted by Xinhuan:
People are arguing about who's the best landtrader... really?

Come on Xin, I'd run circles over you on any server. You want me to teach you how to tech?

#1 Xin is Asian
#2 Xin is a bot
#3 Xin fluffs skittles

No way you teaching him fluff!
- Premium Patron Member



Jan 24th 2014, 5:30:51

Before I read more,

Seriously, Titanium, do you really want to make a claim to best player while getting tech leeches and FA daily?
I have respect for the OLD RDers who manipulated the game through politics, some did cheat, some ran bots, no much respect for those. But I don't believe any of the EE era RD finishes are legit.

Hanlong is my absolutely #1 vote right now in EE era. One of his wins, he decided to convert from Farmer to Casher at like 60k acres, like, seriously, what the hell.

Like En4cer posted, LaF, at any given time, has 10-15 guys who can challenge for the win, another 10-15 guys who can, but are retired. Out of the 10-15 playing, 5 guys could be playing on a phone while travelling for work, 5 could be playing some weird strategy like Commie freaking Indy for giggles, and other 5 could be ABed.

I'm not ignoring the abilities of other players, but if you want to put a claim to be the best netgainer on Alliance, you would have to join LaF to compete against LaF players. Heck I'd say some of our guys still play just to try and beat an old friend just for bragging rights right now.

Anyways, as always, spamalicious.

Edited By: Forgotten on Jan 24th 2014, 5:33:23
~LaF's Retired Janitor~



Jan 24th 2014, 5:41:58

Also, I'd like to add.

I only land traded this set so I could keep up with all the land traders, and guess where that got me, a giant parking lot.

Land Trading in it's current form isn't even the best it can be, why? Because there's LaF land traders, then there's the rest of the land traders who either 1) Don't build up, 2) Don't buy tech so they can leech off other land traders, 3) All of the above.

~LaF's Retired Janitor~

RaTS FYA Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 5:55:05

For the little wannabe creator of land trading....

How many resets was that before you figured it out?
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars


New Member

Jan 24th 2014, 5:59:03


Edited By: Thorne on Jul 26th 2014, 18:58:56. Reason: .



Jan 24th 2014, 7:28:43

Originally posted by Thorne:
Originally posted by Forgotten:
Also, I'd like to add.
Land Trading in it's current form isn't even the best it can be, why? Because there's LaF land traders, then there's the rest of the land traders who either 1) Don't build up, 2) Don't buy tech so they can leech off other land traders, 3) All of the above.

LaF land traders have it easy, 15 times easier. They could trade with the same country 5 times a day, whilst other clans could only trade with the same country once every 72 hours. Doing what LaF does would have gotten the other clans topfeeds from SoF, who used to enforce 1:1 and not L:L on traders.

You obviously have no clue what you are talking about in terms of what land trading requires.
~LaF's Retired Janitor~

Taveren Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 8:16:03

Sov #1
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Skype: som3thingclassy

RandyMD Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 8:16:25

Originally posted by Taveren:
Sov #1

Sov #1
Skype: randybumd

mdevol Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 8:16:44

Originally posted by RandyMD:
Originally posted by Taveren:
Sov #1

Sov #1

Sov #1
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

Warster Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 8:20:09

Originally posted by Forgotten:
Also, I'd like to add.

I only land traded this set so I could keep up with all the land traders, and guess where that got me, a giant parking lot.

Land Trading in it's current form isn't even the best it can be, why? Because there's LaF land traders, then there's the rest of the land traders who either 1) Don't build up, 2) Don't buy tech so they can leech off other land traders, 3) All of the above.

correct and this is why land trading/self farming in ffa is better and where landtrading game style should stay.

also thorne has a point but its easy enough to get around it you want
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332