
Makinso Game profile


Aug 8th 2014, 22:04:01

The Sons of Liberty find it heart tearing that an alliance as old as TIE and who has been a friend to SOL for so long merges away and to see you disappear from the clan listings. We know a lot of you have not agreed to the merger and plans and are looking for other homes as they you do not wish to follow into LAF.

Considering TIE and SOL have been allies since January 2010 SOL we would like to offer those Infernal Elite players who'm are looking for a collective home to join SOL. We will setup an Infernal Elite Team so you can stick together might you ever wish to branch out again and start on your own.

Feel free to contact me or another SOL head for more info. Sending a forum PM will be more then enough to get in touch. A few TIEers have already joined SOL in the past few days. You will be welcomed with open arms.

If you wish to directly apply feel free to do so @

With regards,
-Sons of Liberty Head of Foreign Relations.

Makinso Game profile


Aug 8th 2014, 22:06:39

For all intent this is not a jab to steal members from LAF but taking in a few TIE members we learned that a lot of TIEers are unhappy and do not wish to go to LAF and wish to help them out. No pun intended.

Marshal Game profile


Aug 8th 2014, 22:11:54

you and akula.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

Akula Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 8th 2014, 22:17:06

my multi - Alien hand syndrome at work ! ;)
"Astra inclinant, sed non obligant"


flgatorboy89 Game profile


Aug 8th 2014, 22:18:57

O.o we welcome TIE any time :)

<jon> off to bed fluffbeater :p
<mrford> i dont beat fluffs
<mrford> i eat them
<mrford> gosh
<jon> well, fluffeater
<Kat> oookay....

KriSatZ Game profile


Aug 8th 2014, 22:41:33

Sloppy Seconds.
Success is in the mind. You must believe you are the best and then make sure that you are.

LaFamiglia - zKriSatZwpn - LaFamiglia

njwang Game profile

New Member
EE Patron

Aug 8th 2014, 22:48:16




EE Patron

Aug 8th 2014, 22:48:44

me is njwang

Heston Game profile


Aug 8th 2014, 23:49:31

Tie is dead. Has been for a couple years. Not a single sob has been able to unify tie in that time. Unapologetically recruit old tie members. The ones holding it together dont give more than a merging fluff about its history or political future anyway. Thats saying something when rolling with 20+ members.
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

iScode Game profile


Aug 9th 2014, 4:53:27

Originally posted by Makinso:
The Sons of Liberty find it heart tearing that an alliance as old as TIE and who has been a friend to SOL for so long merges away and to see you disappear from the clan listings.

so heart tearing that rather than help them stay out on there own you try and convince them to join your alliance.

If you really cared you would try them help build tie back up rather than have them come to your alliance, but hey way to show your true colours...
God of War


mdevol Game profile


Aug 9th 2014, 7:50:24

Originally posted by iScode:
Originally posted by Makinso:
The Sons of Liberty find it heart tearing that an alliance as old as TIE and who has been a friend to SOL for so long merges away and to see you disappear from the clan listings.

so heart tearing that rather than help them stay out on there own you try and convince them to join your alliance.

If you really cared you would try them help build tie back up rather than have them come to your alliance, but hey way to show your true colours...

Says the guy that uses Alias' to play in different clans, back to back resets, one of them to avoid a ban he publicly said he would should not be one to talk about showing true colors.
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

Makinso Game profile


Aug 9th 2014, 8:10:56

Oh iscode do shut up and stop being an uninformed idiot.

If TIE would branch out from SOL we would help them to get back on their feet not to mention SOL has mentioned to TIEs commander that we could lend them a leadership hand by sending someone over before this all happened. It was gracefully turned away by TIE. So don't try to make us look bad while you know nothing of how we came to this last resort offer to keep some unhappy TIEers together.

iScode Game profile


Aug 9th 2014, 10:45:51

whatever bro everyone knows your true colours, don't try and act like this isnt some underhanded act to try and push those tie members further apart and therefor ruin any chance of the alliance forming back up.

Everyone knows what your like.
God of War


Cokesplash Game profile


Aug 9th 2014, 11:22:37


Marshal Game profile


Aug 9th 2014, 11:45:04

heston: last set 8 alliances had under 20 members and all of those except pinoys, death knights and danger are old alliances and imag had only 3 members, 4 alliances had 20-30 members and rest (6) alliances had over 30 members.

so tie did alot more better than 8 tags.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

Colonel Chaos Game profile


Aug 9th 2014, 14:01:12

Originally posted by iScode:
so heart tearing that rather than help them stay out on there own you try and convince them to join your alliance.

If you really cared you would try them help build tie back up rather than have them come to your alliance, but hey way to show your true colours...

It was offered to them for us to lend them leaders to help build their numbers and gain activity... whether you believe it or not doesn't matter. The offer was made in an effort to keep the TIE tag independent and alive.
Colonel Chaos
SOL FR Commander -> #solfr
ICQ: 37772272
Skype: colonel.chaos
“Tact is the knack of making a point without making an enemy.”
― Isaac Newton

Kalick Game profile


Aug 9th 2014, 14:06:38

Stop replying to iScode's trolling. Your lives will be better for it.



Aug 9th 2014, 14:42:40

Nobody make any more posts about TIE, it has already been decided. Shhhhhhhh!

Heston Game profile


Aug 9th 2014, 17:13:48

Originally posted by Marshal:
heston: last set 8 alliances had under 20 members and all of those except pinoys, death knights and danger are old alliances and imag had only 3 members, 4 alliances had 20-30 members and rest (6) alliances had over 30 members.

so tie did alot more better than 8 tags.

I have no fluffing clue what your point is. Tie has not done fluff for its growth since leaving lcn. Tie has been as stale as everything you post.

Scode, you should shut your fluffing mouth, i remember you suiciding from tie not too long ago. Exactly in the manner you hit from md. Your perceived benevolent position is a crock of fluff.
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Viceroy Game profile


Aug 9th 2014, 17:19:41

I love how posts like these in opposition to iScode are cited as evidence why the mods need to operate behind a veil of secrecy and not explain their actions when someone is purpled.
And, Monsters, do not forget to specify, when time and place shall serve, that I am an ass.

ingle Game profile


Aug 9th 2014, 17:59:47

Little did you know that TIE already has its own family within LaF as well - with most of the current leaders having a spot to work on their leadership with other members.

You aren't offering much more than what LaF is already offering and instead you are trying to divide them even further. Good job!

prankster Game profile


Aug 9th 2014, 18:06:22

Pretty sure he knew based on his post above.

Marshal Game profile


Aug 9th 2014, 19:29:36

heston: yes we have, at 1 point we had just over 20 members. other alliances aren't doing any better, 2 sets ago md had over 60 members and sol over 50 and last set both lost 10+ members, year ago tie and evo shared tag and had 51 members and last set both tags had bit over 60 members total.

sure tie has lost members (at 1 point we had 35 members) but same applies to other tags too like imag, it has lost ~25 members past 2 years and playerbase has dropped too, 2 years ago 854 countries (sure some of those didn't play a single turn and last set 569 countries (same as previous).
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

ArsenalMD Game profile


Aug 10th 2014, 2:13:57

Originally posted by ingle:
Little did you know that TIE already has its own family within LaF as well - with most of the current leaders having a spot to work on their leadership with other members.

You aren't offering much more than what LaF is already offering and instead you are trying to divide them even further. Good job!

The fight is strong in this one.

iScode Game profile


Aug 10th 2014, 2:15:55

Originally posted by Heston:
Originally posted by Marshal:
heston: last set 8 alliances had under 20 members and all of those except pinoys, death knights and danger are old alliances and imag had only 3 members, 4 alliances had 20-30 members and rest (6) alliances had over 30 members.

so tie did alot more better than 8 tags.

I have no fluffing clue what your point is. Tie has not done fluff for its growth since leaving lcn. Tie has been as stale as everything you post.

Scode, you should shut your fluffing mouth, i remember you suiciding from tie not too long ago. Exactly in the manner you hit from md. Your perceived benevolent position is a crock of fluff.

I should but I wont :)
God of War


Red X Game profile


Aug 10th 2014, 2:49:48

Lol, you got major from me.

One or two? Not sure went to MD. Makinso, lets be real here, how many people read the boards these days that are not FA types, or have played a role in an alliance? While I understand you would like more members in sol the truth of the matter is TIE members are not pro warring every set like SOL does. LaF wars when she must, but she also likes to netgain. Also, the shared boards between TIE and LaF on a leadership and a membership level made this the most ideal merger for us, but thank you for offering to host a place for TIE members that are not happy, you might get someone, but I would not count on many people to come running for SoL. Like I said you are to pro war.

TIE Commander

Honor to TIE
Honor to LaF

Viva la don ingle
Rey Rojo
Disgruntled Killer
Marked 4 Death
Vice President - Foreign Affairs
Forever Coalies Twin

VicRattlehead Game profile


Aug 10th 2014, 3:13:46

I am curious. Has sol *ever* not been publicly a martyr and privately a devil? You guys are predictably great. :)

mdevol Game profile


Aug 10th 2014, 3:48:29

Originally posted by ingle:
Little did you know that TIE already has its own family within LaF as well -

Some didn't agree with the merger and dont want to join LaF, as hard as it is for you to believe that. And for them, SoL is offering a 2nd "home" where they can be together, undivided. That is all.

Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

Red X Game profile


Aug 10th 2014, 4:05:51

Originally posted by mdevol:
Originally posted by ingle:
Little did you know that TIE already has its own family within LaF as well -

Some didn't agree with the merger and dont want to join LaF, as hard as it is for you to believe that. And for them, SoL is offering a 2nd "home" where they can be together, undivided. That is all.

If they want to go somewhere else, then all I want them to do is enjoy the game. It was not too many of them that were not ok with the merger, but these people were not ok with ANY merger. They would feel the same reguardless where it went, but kudos for SOL for coming to AT with this. Hell, had they came to me in private I would have posted something on the member board for them. I hate it when people do stuff that I feel is not ethical, but hey if you want to gain more numbers go for it, right?
Rey Rojo
Disgruntled Killer
Marked 4 Death
Vice President - Foreign Affairs
Forever Coalies Twin

Red X Game profile


Aug 10th 2014, 4:09:12

Also, since you all want to talk about the help you offered. Lets talk, you said you could send colonial choas over for a set or so after this one to help, but the whole conversation was kinda up in the air.

I had a feeling you would do something like this, but I wanted to think I was wrong.
Rey Rojo
Disgruntled Killer
Marked 4 Death
Vice President - Foreign Affairs
Forever Coalies Twin

pele Game profile


Aug 10th 2014, 10:39:44

i think its good that other alliances open its doors for TIE members (i would like tie:ers to stick togehter as much as possible)

and as been pointed out, many didnt wanna merge, but once it was decided we want to do the best for our members. but we want diffrent things. Major for instance is a hardcore fighter so SOL is a good option for him. Laf is a good option for those who wants a mix. And there are other good options aswell. Hopefully as many tie:ers sticktogheter as possible.

heston, not in a position to throw rocks when you done even less for TIE yourself in the time frame your talking about .

lazysnail Game profile


Aug 10th 2014, 10:58:08

No way, TIE is no more? :'(

Untagged Hunter


Aug 10th 2014, 12:37:38


133tz Game profile


Aug 10th 2014, 12:48:40

I am an EE noob.

Cee Game profile


Aug 10th 2014, 14:27:50

Tie has merged before in the past, got stronger then went back to tie. members may not agree but sometimes you have to do what's best for the alliance. Good luck tie. You will be fine.



Aug 10th 2014, 15:07:24

TIE will be back, just like RAGE it may take some time =)

PraetorNLS Game profile


Aug 10th 2014, 15:12:35

Who is (was) TIE leadership now days ?
Praetor - disqualified from the human race for being three laps ahead in the second round.

Home Turf Game profile


Aug 10th 2014, 16:01:50

Cant we all just get along!!!!!!!!!!! Yall putting too much importance on this. The individual members of TIE will determine whom goes to Laf Or Sol or wherever they want. You yahoos screaming at each other like little children that had their ice cream taken away. Cant yall let these members have some peace and tranquility as they move. Im sure they aren't real happy to make those moves ntyway , so why don't yall just quit cackling and shut up and let it go.

Fairly simple hunh?

Red X Game profile


Aug 10th 2014, 16:09:36

Praetor I was commander

Pele and Papasmurf were different kind of VPs
Rey Rojo
Disgruntled Killer
Marked 4 Death
Vice President - Foreign Affairs
Forever Coalies Twin

Heston Game profile


Aug 10th 2014, 16:12:22

Originally posted by pele:
i think its good that other alliances open its doors for TIE members (i would like tie:ers to stick togehter as much as possible)

and as been pointed out, many didnt wanna merge, but once it was decided we want to do the best for our members. but we want diffrent things. Major for instance is a hardcore fighter so SOL is a good option for him. Laf is a good option for those who wants a mix. And there are other good options aswell. Hopefully as many tie:ers sticktogheter as possible.

heston, not in a position to throw rocks when you done even less for TIE yourself in the time frame your talking about .

I guess pele. But i gave my best, pushing what i thought was best for the longevity of tie. I had a platform and a plan that didnt include unaps and dnhs. It included fluff canning members that only netted and threatened ragequitting if a war popped off. See you need to have people willing to fight for theirs to be sucessful. Almost everyone worth a fluff left tie because tie sucks. With the cornucopia of personalities that have tried to turn tie around, you should prolly just stfu. I dont think its a reflection of the tie leaders, just proof how rotton the core of tie is. That rotton core just moved to laf and will start spreading there. When laf is sick of you, where will you try to shuttle your worthless powergrab on the backburner?

Tie is dead.
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯



Aug 10th 2014, 16:12:25

Originally posted by Red X:
Also, since you all want to talk about the help you offered. Lets talk, you said you could send colonial choas over for a set or so after this one to help, but the whole conversation was kinda up in the air.

I had a feeling you would do something like this, but I wanted to think I was wrong.

They know they need members desperately. Really sad way of trying to recruit.

Red X Game profile


Aug 10th 2014, 16:38:16

Heston, most of TIE did not even want to lead in LaF, so powergrab? One person is a DL and 2 ppl are asst's. No one really went for a power grab. Why are you so hostile?
Rey Rojo
Disgruntled Killer
Marked 4 Death
Vice President - Foreign Affairs
Forever Coalies Twin

Heston Game profile


Aug 10th 2014, 16:49:06

Originally posted by Marshal:
heston: yes we have, at 1 point we had just over 20 members. other alliances aren't doing any better, 2 sets ago md had over 60 members and sol over 50 and last set both lost 10+ members, year ago tie and evo shared tag and had 51 members and last set both tags had bit over 60 members total.

sure tie has lost members (at 1 point we had 35 members) but same applies to other tags too like imag, it has lost ~25 members past 2 years and playerbase has dropped too, 2 years ago 854 countries (sure some of those didn't play a single turn and last set 569 countries (same as previous).

Tie growth fluctuated with the war activity of the server. Tie scraped up people from other tags who didn't want to war that set. Just like when crag, major, volt ect wanted to war they quietly went over to sol. Just when red solidified tie staying out if grudge war politics as a legitimate way to grow and be active politically, tie merges. The only thing tie has done to be proud of is a good war with dk and policing for a couple sets. Tie has had every opportunity to get up and be relevant and you all blew it. Cant blame sol or other tags for not doing what you all wont.
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Heston Game profile


Aug 10th 2014, 16:52:07

Originally posted by Red X:
Heston, most of TIE did not even want to lead in LaF, so powergrab? One person is a DL and 2 ppl are asst's. No one really went for a power grab. Why are you so hostile?

Power grabbers are pele and the tie leaders trying to keep tie together. I guess that would include you. Keep the sheep on the backburner. Nobody in tie could grab power in laf, thats a ridiculous line of thought bro.
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Red X Game profile


Aug 10th 2014, 16:56:48

Because we would like to keep TIE together we are power grabbers? That is ridiculous.
Rey Rojo
Disgruntled Killer
Marked 4 Death
Vice President - Foreign Affairs
Forever Coalies Twin

Heston Game profile


Aug 10th 2014, 17:00:08

Originally posted by Red X:
Because we would like to keep TIE together we are power grabbers? That is ridiculous.

Tie is dead bro. Tie being respecfully retired would have been better option.
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

pele Game profile


Aug 10th 2014, 17:28:05

Im a power grabber? Lol you have no idea and once again you dont know what your talking about.

I dont Want any power in this game nor do i have the time for that and its been like this the last years. Ive just stepped up to help lead when noone ells has wanted to. Now in Laf im happy beeing a peon.

My reason for wanting TIE to sticktogehter is because i like the current people playing there and playing with them. And ive had a long history with players like Santtie, Bru, major, red etc

So no i dont stfu you angry little bird.

Atryn Game profile


Aug 10th 2014, 19:50:43

Originally posted by Red X:
I hate it when people do stuff that I feel is not ethical, but hey if you want to gain more numbers go for it, right?

Now this I really don't get... how is inviting people to keep playing and providing a home where they can keep their clan's identity unethical? Was it unethical for LaF to offer this to TIE? For SoF or MD to host RAGE?

FFS, we kept people and the clan name alive in the game long enough for them to re-emerge stronger.

*if* there are TIE ppl who don't want to be in LaF, then I don't see anything "unethical" about extending a hand and giving them another option.

Would you rather they quit, Red_X?

Red X Game profile


Aug 10th 2014, 20:21:29

I don't agree with an FDP doing this, had makinso came to me. I would have posted something on our board, or figured something else out if a few wanted to go there. Like getting a tie division there, with out me being a part of it. I want TIE members to enjoy the game, but I just do.not agree with recruiting this way. Had they not been a DP I would not feel this way.
Rey Rojo
Disgruntled Killer
Marked 4 Death
Vice President - Foreign Affairs
Forever Coalies Twin

Atryn Game profile


Aug 10th 2014, 20:26:27

Originally posted by Red X:
I don't agree with an FDP doing this, had makinso came to me. I would have posted something on our board, or figured something else out if a few wanted to go there. Like getting a tie division there, with out me being a part of it. I want TIE members to enjoy the game, but I just do.not agree with recruiting this way. Had they not been a DP I would not feel this way.

I dunno Red_X... To me you are either over-reacting to a fairly minor thing -or- your reaction has more to do with LaF vs. SOL and less to do with TIE. I would not be surprised if they were reluctant to come to you (as you said, a DP) since you had just told all your members to join their enemy... how is that for a bad DP behavior???