
TAN Game profile


Aug 19th 2014, 23:26:00

So let me get this straight:

It was Brown's fault if the policeman started beating his ass for no reason.

Is that what you are saying? You really can't admit that the policeman might be at fault, can you? It just eats you up inside to think that you could be wrong about this cop, doesn't it?

See, I've backtracked. Where before I thought one thing happened, I now realize I can't be sure that my previous stance was true or not, because the facts aren't clear at this point.

But you, you've already made up your mind. You want your boy to win sooooooo bad, that you will go to ANY length to justify murder to save your bff from probably nothing happening to him anyway even if he killed Brown for lulz.

Edited By: TAN on Aug 19th 2014, 23:30:00
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