
Hawkster Game profile


Feb 4th 2015, 15:07:30

Originally posted by Raging Budda:
Are idiots. Putting kids with otherwise weak immune system at risk all due to citing widely debunked scientific studies and listening to a couple people looking to capitalize on the weak-minded.

People who blindly get or have their kids get any and all vaccinations are also idiots.

Do the research first, do not just simply take or inject any medications until you know the pro's and con's, the side affects, what it is actually supposed to do, etc.

I agree that a lot of vaccines are good and should be done, but do NOT just simply get vaccinated because everyone else is. Dr's love to prescribe medication and imho they do this far too often and readily. They also love to jump on the band-wagon with any new known disease and have far too often commonly mis-diagnosed as well. Pharmaceuticals who make these vaccines and medications are guess what, there to make money selling this crap, so dont blindly trust them either.

So do NOT be an idiot, instead make an informed and well researched choice prior to just blindly following along. Trust me, everyone is not looking out for YOUR best interests, only YOU can do that.

Edited By: Hawkster on Feb 4th 2015, 15:22:50
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