
Shadow1986 Game profile


Apr 26th 2015, 8:21:58

Just questioning what the current alliances standpoints towards landgrabbing untags declaration of war ok? Double taps? Triple taps? Quad taps? Harmful spy ops?

I understand untags don't get to hide behind pacts and retal policies and hence are free targets if they can't defend their land but at what point is there a line drawn to what is landgrabbing and what are acts of aggression which encourage suiciding/acts of aggression which will usually get the same untag killed.

Eager to hear some constructive feedback. Thank you for reading.

Glooms Game profile


Apr 26th 2015, 9:52:04

earth is soft .. if a untag grabs us once in mars we will kill it without hesitation .. sometime we will just kill a untag for no reason whatsoever

133tz Game profile


Apr 26th 2015, 9:54:41

You're playing an "Alliance" server. Enough said.
I am an EE noob.

Glooms Game profile


Apr 26th 2015, 10:00:11

^^^ and this is why earth fails to keep new players
you could probably drop a quick recruitment message about here somewhere >>>>>>>

Shadow1986 Game profile


Apr 26th 2015, 11:11:54

133tz thanks for the constructive reply. So if an untag was to play under the tag of "untagged 1" that would be fine?

Second I mentioned I didn't expect untags to have the same advantages as a tagged country. what I did say is that alliances have retal policies with regards to grabs or harmful attacks (which is usually farm and kill). I'd like to think if they are willing to enforce these policies on others they could do to practice what they preach.

Anyways this thread is just made to gauge the public opinion on the issue.

BladeEWG Game profile


Apr 26th 2015, 11:23:00

Creating a one man tag would protect you from some of those that search for Untagged targets.
But not from all, you may actually become a better target that way since less would find you without effort but your DRs would be gone and as such you would have more gains to offer an attacker.
It's a catch 22
Back in the day I always had the rule of no more than 3 hits on an Untagged, 2 SS and 1 PS, but it's a different game these days and I don't think many players put in the effort to spread targets . If they find an easy mark with decent returns, they farm it.
Not a question of right or wrong, just a simple fact .
This is alliance server for a reason
It's clear you actually care about what goes on here, I hope you find a tag and stick around.

Shadow1986 Game profile


Apr 26th 2015, 11:48:14

Thanks Blade for your reply, I understand that landgrabbing will happen and If you can't protect your land you shouldn't have it. What I'm asking specifically is about harmful ops such as reduce readiness ops or cruise missiles. That isn't going after free land anymore that's creating a target.

And I remember 3 hit rule because I used to abide by it myself and I accepted a retal when I hit an untag as long as it followed the retal policy set by my alliance 72 hours 1:1 2:3 etc...

I guess I'm just checking if the public opinion on that has changed or remained the same, because Glooms is right that's a sure way to lose new players.

Suicidal Game profile


Apr 26th 2015, 12:25:54

I think it's simple....come in to the Alliance server and join an alliance. If you don't, you find out why it is called an Alliance server. :)

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Apr 26th 2015, 14:36:40


This is a server where clans are the expectation. The default thought from most players/clan leaders is that if you're not in a clan, you must be up to something (suiciding, another tag's landfarm, etc). Small tags and solo players have done well on this server ("C R O A T I A" comes to mind) but it's not realistic to expect to play effectively as a new player on the Alliance server. Those who have done well as small/solo tags are typically mature players who also do some level of diplomacy (ingame or out of game) to ensure they don't get farmed and aren't considered a threat. They operate as one-man clans.

Anyway, check out one of the solo servers as that's where we typically like to see new players get their feet wet. This server is about the clan community so coming in as a lone wolf is going to be a major uphill struggle no matter what. We specifically funnel new players to the solo servers to start for that reason, however we don't restrict players playing on any server they want (although we do suggest you look for a clan to get acquainted with this server).

Hope that helps!
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Shadow1986 Game profile


Apr 26th 2015, 14:56:43

Hi Pang,

Thanks for the reply, I appreciate feedback I am not a new player I started earth in 2004 and played on both alliance and ffa, I've played as fa ia even helped found an alliance which is still around. I am not complaining I'm just checking how untags are being dealt with by most alliances. Anyways I think the message is clear. It will be fun to stonewall :)

Hawkster Game profile


Apr 26th 2015, 16:52:55

Originally posted by Shadow1986:
Thanks Blade for your reply, I understand that landgrabbing will happen and If you can't protect your land you shouldn't have it. What I'm asking specifically is about harmful ops such as reduce readiness ops or cruise missiles. That isn't going after free land anymore that's creating a target.

And I remember 3 hit rule because I used to abide by it myself and I accepted a retal when I hit an untag as long as it followed the retal policy set by my alliance 72 hours 1:1 2:3 etc...

I guess I'm just checking if the public opinion on that has changed or remained the same, because Glooms is right that's a sure way to lose new players.
Harmful ops are just asking and begging for war and/or to be killed. That is not really even tolerated from other clans and very well could result in war. So my guess is that it definitely would not be tolerated from an untagged country. I would think even in a best case scenario, there would be retals done for every harmful op. So doing a harmful op to set up an LG is no win situation no matter how you look at it.

They are called harmful ops for a reason, because it is an act of aggression and in essence already declaring war on that clan. So I disagree with your assessment of a sure way to lose new players. If they cant tolerate reciprocation for their own initial actions, than they would not last long no matter what. Now if you are talking about being killed for daring to do a retal or being killed for doing a LG, than yes I would agree, but your statement above wasnt about that.

Shadow1986 Game profile


Apr 26th 2015, 16:55:52

Hawkster you misunderstood I'm talking about harmful ops TO the untagged not from it. What I was asking is if it is so blacklisted from the alliances what is their stance towards doing it to an untag.

Hawkster Game profile


Apr 26th 2015, 17:07:25

ah sorry, I completely misunderstood you.

Well in that case. I really would not know about most clans and their opinions. But from what I have seen and heard, talking to clans FA, most will at least try to work with the untagged to resolve it ... at least to a point. Seems like most will try to follow their own policies, again only up to a point in regards with an untagged.

archaic Game profile


Apr 26th 2015, 17:43:14

Originally posted by Hawkster:
talking to clans FA, most will at least try to work with the untagged to resolve it ... at least to a point

This may have been the case once upon a time, but these days most tags won't even reply to a communication from an untagged.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

mrcuban Game profile


Apr 26th 2015, 20:54:39

The argument "if you cant protect your land you dont deserve it is rubbish".

Even with a 2x rule in effect and many countries running all jetter you cant possibly protect your land. Only pacts will do that.

Your best bet is to join an alliance, which is the purpose of this server. Good luck

Over The Hill Game profile


Apr 27th 2015, 3:49:17

-A large, military laden, high networth country from clan "HAN" named "Farmer Boss # 89" triple taps an untag country named "fluffdisturber#132"

-"fluffdisturber#132" is too small to retal "Farmer Boss #89" so it proceeds to suicide on an innocent, treehugging, all-x country from clan "HAN"

-clan "HAN" kills "fluffdisturber#132"

"fluffditurber#132" restarts another country with 70% of it's resources from the killed country and suicides another innocent "HAN" country

-clan "Han" kills this restart

- and this goes on and on and on

That sums up the relationship between Alliance countries and untags in a nutshell

ronald6abueva Game profile


Apr 27th 2015, 5:10:19

shadow,check your inbox. Blade is thr for sure lol

Player Z


Apr 28th 2015, 5:27:06

Originally posted by archaic:
Originally posted by Hawkster:
talking to clans FA, most will at least try to work with the untagged to resolve it ... at least to a point

This may have been the case once upon a time, but these days most tags won't even reply to a communication from an untagged.

I've been playing untagged for a set and a half now. It's definitely a different experience. I get harmful spy ops performed against me every day by established alliances... and I know that I can't do harmful ops in return, or else I'll be branded a "suicider" and killed.

What I usually try to do is ingame message the player or other players in an alliance to see if I can get the war aggression to stop (landgrabs/excessive farming is fine by me; I'll happily retal what I can and give away land when I can't). The response is mixed. Some alliances have been really good about keeping their members in check (LaF, PDM, Rival). Others sometimes let their members go crazy getting into one-man, one-sided wars against the untagged (Stones has this issue with one of their players). Others just do silly things like spend 20 turns trying to defuse a single missile, despite my best efforts to tell them that, no, I'm not going to use the missile on you, silly (here's looking at you, LCN).

::shrug:: It's pretty entertaining, though. Much more engagement than playing in an alliance, imho.

(Shadow, if you are playing untagged, send me a PM--happy to send off/def alliances your way!)

Shadow1986 Game profile


Apr 28th 2015, 9:28:03

Thanks for all the varied responses, I guess each alliance has a very different approach to untags. For me I don't see the reasoning behind suiciding another country in the same alliance especially since unlike FFA it's definitely being played by someone else.

For my situation I found a way to break through the offending country and deliver whatever "justice" I could. I expected to get killed but alas no kill run so far *sighs* I did get a recruitment message though from that alliance which in its way is kinda funny.

My two cents on the matter is landgrabbing is fair game but when special ops and missiles are used you can't blame anyone but yourself for creating a suicider who could hinder your overall netting goal. I mean getting 500 to 600 land for me isn't worth setting yourself up to be ABED or missiled and trading a lot of resources over the course of a fight, but that's just my opinion.

Azz Kikr Game profile

Wiki Mod

Apr 28th 2015, 13:24:24

Originally posted by BladeEWG:
... and I don't think many players put in the effort to spread targets .

sure they do, but there's not all that many targets to spread around ;)

tellarion Game profile


Apr 28th 2015, 15:06:49

Most people will allow you to retaliate appropriately as long as it stays on the offending country. The moment you start hitting someone else in the tag, you die.

If my members decide to take a risk with an untagged player, they deserve what they get, within reason.

Shadow1986 Game profile


Apr 28th 2015, 16:25:17

Thanks tellarion, that is a position I can respect and which in turn imposed on my members back in the day you make your bed you can sleep in it. Issue is I'm not sure how many alliances are willing to accept or enforce this "justice" when an untag brings no real bargaining chips to the table.

Player Z


Apr 29th 2015, 5:54:23

Originally posted by Shadow1986:
Thanks tellarion, that is a position I can respect and which in turn imposed on my members back in the day you make your bed you can sleep in it. Issue is I'm not sure how many alliances are willing to accept or enforce this "justice" when an untag brings no real bargaining chips to the table.

Sure you do. You have the threat of *becoming* a suicider (even though you aren't one now). And there are benefits to being reasonable. If an alliance is reasonable about allowing retals, I won't gouge them on the retals that I do have. When an alliance is being persnickety, then that's all the more encouragement to PS with matching networths and to take every retal possible, even when that means not retalling other, juicier, countries.

If an alliance is especially good-natured, then there's also a greater likelihood that I'll, at some point, tag up with them, whether it's just for a war or for several sets.

Scorba Game profile


Apr 29th 2015, 10:50:26

Untags are almost always bots, suiciders, or idiots. The few people trying to play that way legitly for whatever reason will be tossed into one of those categories and abused until they eventually get sick of it and are killed for something that would be considered a reasonable response from an alliance.

Player Z


May 2nd 2015, 5:02:44

Originally posted by Scorba:
Untags are almost always bots, suiciders, or idiots. The few people trying to play that way legitly for whatever reason will be tossed into one of those categories and abused until they eventually get sick of it and are killed for something that would be considered a reasonable response from an alliance.

but until that point, it's pretty darn fun to watch the fireworks. ;)