
mrford Game profile


Apr 27th 2015, 0:07:50

1 Ecstacy (#28) Game profile 33,703 $45,093,096 CG
2 DeathFromAbove (#10) Game profile 16,421 $32,537,030 HG
3 Hull City (#56) 23,200 $25,958,128 CG
4 im not saying it was deezy but a (#6) 18,650 $25,580,197 CG
5 Cream of the Crop (#81) 22,675 $22,496,101 CG
6 C R O A T I A (#61) Game profile 15,146 $18,344,156 DG
7 dOgMiLk (#34) Game profile 13,014 $18,091,900 DG
8 Rock Lobster (#65) 13,838 $17,704,940 R
9 BiBiGoN (#74) 12,230 $16,418,446 D
10 MakeMyDay (#92) 15,789 $16,305,321 IG

11 Whiny Maggot (#99) Game profile 11,518 $16,037,107 RG
12 BYOB (#86) 15,856 $15,919,889 FG
13 Donny Vickylar (#95) Game profile 17,484 $15,220,952 CG
14 Crimson (#9) 11,789 $14,338,786 HG
15 Where The Shadows Lie (#21) Game profile 13,388 $14,178,941 R
16 landfarm (#1) Game profile 14,807 $13,637,798 DG
17 In A Gadda Da Vida Babay (#76) 15,814 $13,040,216 CG
18 Henri Bloodrayne (#43) 12,632 $12,696,133 R
19 Zutar (#93) 14,443 $12,360,311 R
20 Captain Bill De Belleville (#73) 13,314 $12,289,725 R

21 Dizzle (#111) 8045 $11,994,648 D
22 DaiGunzan (#14) 12,678 $11,852,557 F
23 Leather Flaming (#78) 13,233 $11,477,696 R
24 Hatchet Underground (#29) Game profile 6375 $11,233,767 RG
25 Earth Has Good Grafix (#18) 13,141 $10,639,573 RG
26 T (#24) 11,058 $10,590,383 C
27 Doctor Panda (#71) 13,394 $9,769,952 R
28 Flaptronic (#40) 7628 $9,324,230 D
29 You grab me i WILL grab you (#72) 16,250 $8,929,261 CG
30 Sudnar (#2) 7469 $8,785,722 D
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

mrford Game profile


Apr 27th 2015, 0:09:12

I did my last big 360 turn batch explore this morning with 3k unbuilt acres from my last batch... lol
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

ebert00 Game profile


Apr 27th 2015, 0:10:54

Congrats h20. It wasn't even close. I wish I knew how to play commie lol.

h2orich Game profile


Apr 27th 2015, 0:17:01

I've see you play commi and win before..
I don't play techer because when both of us play.. prices becomes 2000+ on first day and 1000+ on 2nd day. "P

Vic Game profile


Apr 27th 2015, 0:27:48

Nice country name rich you're itching to get back :p

Hammer Game profile


Apr 27th 2015, 0:51:35

Congrats, h2o, and all others in top 10. Good job, Getafix, for the top 10 while getting being nuked, GS'd, and everything else.

I have been indecisive the last two weeks with which strat to play, but plan to get my ass in gear next set. I was going to play Theo techer, but then decided on casher after having teched my money techs first. I have never played theo casher before. blid plays it well.

See you all in a few days!

Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 27th 2015, 1:30:19

Thanks Hammer! I was working on being "most hated player", hitting every casher in the game :) Luckily I spent $500m on SDI. And I must have lost millions of troops to #41. I thought about lowering my troop level to let more of his GS hits get through; that would have improved my DR and avoided all that land loss from "Where the Shadows Lie". But I felt that lowering my troops purposely to take advantage of an idiot in order to get more DR would count as DR abuse.

It is a very different game without GDI. More challenging, more fighting.

silentwolf Game profile


Apr 27th 2015, 1:55:33

weekend full of booze.... set ended already ?



KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 27th 2015, 4:09:15

Good job guys!, congratulations H!!
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up

S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

133tz Game profile


Apr 27th 2015, 4:31:13

I came 13th Vic! You should congratulate me!
I am an EE noob.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 27th 2015, 6:25:20

I miss the original 133tz country ;-)
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up

S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Vic Game profile


Apr 27th 2015, 14:02:23

omg that was l33tz!!! lol :p

133tz Game profile


Apr 27th 2015, 18:06:23

I made top 25 for you :)
I am an EE noob.

Hammer Game profile


Apr 28th 2015, 2:55:08

lol...thanks for claiming that, l33tz..he thought it was me. Like I would play on prank or stir the pot. Speaking of pot....



Apr 28th 2015, 9:30:07

ok, im playing commie this round. screw it. the governments are too skewed.

g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 28th 2015, 17:53:13

Originally posted by Getafix:

It is a very different game without GDI. More challenging, more fighting.

You know, you're right?

No GDI makes this a more creative and dynamic game. You are forced to either build a spy network, and boost spy tech, buy troops and tanks. You cant land grab every player {once} without fear of retribution, so getting 500,000 acres by the end of the set becomes far more difficult. If sassy little girls attack the bots, then you're really up $hit creek. It's not about killing, you see, as there aren't enough spy ops, with spy DR, to actually kill another country, but you can certainly hobble them by reducing troops, jets, cash, oil, civilians, on and on.... It's about using the massive knowledge base you've collected on EE strat to play an effective set where you aren't pulling 60 or 70+ strikes on everyone, cause you know there'll be someone out there who doesn't have 5 mil jets to hit you back, but they do have 500,000 spies to your 0, so game on bicht.

I think it needs to finally be sealed that GDI should NOT offer protection from harmful spy ops, since nobody will approve removing GDI in general from express, at LEAST give other players who don't stock massive military, and have to face off against countries with 2 DA's who are their BFF's and basically make it impossible to hit, since they jump after hitting a half dozen or more countries.

Let me share with you some words of wisdom from a wise old Asian man I found in the alley behind my house:

Slagpit: ....It has also been suggested that players should not be able to steal food, oil, tech, or cash from countries in GDI. I disagree with this suggestion. Removing the threat of random special attacks really doesn't have too large of an effect. For the most part, players can simply skip buying small amounts of troops and tanks. However, players still need make a choice about their spy defense. Removing spy ops would mean that all-X countries could just buy turrets and not worry about anything else. That removes too much from the game.

It's difficult to make an argument that spy ops are not a legitimate means of gaining resources. If a player has lots of turrets but low spies, why shouldn't countries try to do harmful ops? Surely if the situation was reversed: high spies and low turrets, the player would be grabbed and instructed to buy more turrets if he complained about it. If you don't want harmful spy ops done against your country, you have two options: protect your stockpile on the market or get good spy defense.

The UN council does not protect anyone in their charter from inside attacks, rather that of overtly aggressive larger countries who may be attacking a much smaller nation. The UN security council doesn't offer protection to banks, farms, tech labs, spy agents, or any other spec op. Time to give it up, we've got bots to make farming easier for massive NW gain, with little worry, as hitting a country who is all jets is a bad move, but someone with high turrets but low jets can't do ANYTHING to you unless you break GDI.

This is not a fair and equal playing field.

Time for a change.

All my love,


Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 28th 2015, 20:16:31

I agree with this part, g0nz0:

"No GDI makes this a more creative and dynamic game. You are forced to either build a spy network, and boost spy tech, buy troops and tanks. You cant land grab every player {once} without fear of retribution, so getting 500,000 acres by the end of the set becomes far more difficult. If sassy little girls attack the bots, then you're really up $hit creek. It's not about killing, you see, as there aren't enough spy ops, with spy DR, to actually kill another country, but you can certainly hobble them by reducing troops, jets, cash, oil, civilians, on and on.... It's about using the massive knowledge base you've collected on EE strat to play an effective set where you aren't pulling 60 or 70+ strikes on everyone, cause you know there'll be someone out there who doesn't have 5 mil jets to hit you back, but they do have 500,000 spies to your 0, so game on bicht."

The reason there is GDI was the suiciders who could run poorly built countries and use them to destroy well built countries with very little effort. They still can, and the two times I've played without GDI recently I've been attacked by would-be suiciders both times. I survived and both times I took advantage of the massive DR I accumulated to make outrageous PS strikes and build back up. It was fun.

Right now, there are some advantages to going without GDI because of the bots. One is that its advantageous to start early to get the bots while they are fresh, and that's when GDI is expensive, in the early game. (And admittedly, when you are most likely to forget to join GDI before hitting a bot). Another advantage of going without GDI is the ability to attack bots in the last 6 hours.

I don't really care about tweaking the GDI rules in terms of what spyops can be made etc. Thats been pretty much beaten to death over the years. The question to me is whether the bots will make it better for me to go without GDI. Can I go without GDI, risking suicider attacks, and yet still have a chance to beat the weak GDI-joining bottom feeders? I suggest that attacking the bots be made even more advantageous to non-GDI players.

So, GDI players who want to run low spies and low defense should gain less from bots than those players who decline GDI. The non-GDI players need to get more, because they need to buy SDI, tanks and troops, etc. ; In fact, all the resources that make the game interesting.

mrford Game profile


Apr 28th 2015, 21:11:38

G0nz0 is just mad that this isn't Mars and he is trying to change it to be more similar.

News flash, Mars died faster than this game. Making them more alike probably isn't smart.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 29th 2015, 4:13:49

Originally posted by mrford:
G0nz0 is just mad that this isn't Mars and he is trying to change it to be more similar.

News flash, Mars died faster than this game. Making them more alike probably isn't smart.

Mars is Good vs Evil, fight for your life and, at times, heart wrenching. It is pure hell on wheels, and is not for everyone, I admit that. EE has breathtaking graphics, user friendly formulas, bonuses, a vast archive of info, strats, gems of intel, almost all of which is written in English, it's all I've ever wanted in my Earth-based warchat. Mars is lopsided, segregated, aggressive, demanding, and ultimately a thankless job. You have no idea whats really going to happen, since no free translatorz ever work, like a god dam cryptogram.

While I have longed for a Martian invasion, I fear the Apocalyptic showdown may well alter the universe, and have decided to put those plans on hold...for now.

Keep GDI, toss it, alter it, whatever. Safety Netting feels good, it's a marathon, it's challenging, but like most finely groomed tracks, predictable and may lead to sterility. Some of these proposals are appealing in various ways, many players see a chance for improved dynamics, and strategic play, while others, like KoH or earf see a way to exploit the new changes to demonstrate it's vulnerabilities. Just like the bots, it's a few lines of code, and can be flushed as clear as Fords bowels during his morning Fleet.

Right now we're seeing players learning how to abuse and exploit the bots, sooner than later our dialogues will include how to "protect" the bots from KoH, that way the only value they have is for land and nothing else. More restrictions, less dynamic. benefits the rich.

Be Brave. Be Strong. Be Free.

Audlady7 Game profile

New Member

Apr 29th 2015, 9:08:19


yylim80sss Game profile


Apr 29th 2015, 10:40:09


KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 29th 2015, 17:23:00

Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by mrford:
G0nz0 is just mad that this isn't Mars and he is trying to change it to be more similar.

News flash, Mars died faster than this game. Making them more alike probably isn't smart.

Right now we're seeing players learning how to abuse and exploit the bots, sooner than later our dialogues will include how to "protect" the bots from KoH, that way the only value they have is for land and nothing else. More restrictions, less dynamic. benefits the rich.

Be Brave. Be Strong. Be Free.

WTF!!!! I protected them from the farming into oblivion!!!, look at the finishes from the bots I kept in DR last set compared to previous ones!, abusing....f u c k o f f!
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up

S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 29th 2015, 17:40:05

The bots already are more advantageous towards non-gdi. You can steal tech, you avoid the -10% attacks gains, you can do bomb banks/steal bushels during last 6hrs of game.

If you're referring to the period AFTER they are made to GDI protection, then, it still stands non-gdi avoid the -10% attack gains that GDI-members get. Maybe if they made GDI-members -20% attack gains on EXPRESS, more ppl would go non-GDI.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 29th 2015, 18:15:32

Thanks Celphi, I didn't even know about the -10% attack gains with GDI. Thats a good review of the non-GDI advantages.