
WH Game profile


Oct 28th 2016, 22:51:46

Well not all of you. Just LCN, PDM, and SoL. Has my fame proceeded me or am i to quick for it? I would like to quote 2 very famous and prominent governors. Jesse the body Ventura and Arnold Schwarzenegger. "Bunch of slack jawed fluffs around here this landgrabbing will make you into a god damn sexual tyrannosaurus just like me." Probably best you don't retal. "son of a fluff is dug in like an Alabama tick. (your hit your bleeding man) I ain't got time to bleed."

/Roll Tide
//Movie is the original Predator
///I got your land
////Thank your FA's if I don't have your dirty netgainer land. stupid pacts.

Hellz X Game profile


Oct 28th 2016, 23:31:39

Thems be some brass balls son
Imaginary Numbers

WArriOR Game profile


Oct 28th 2016, 23:38:02

Ninja Kicked the Dam Rabbit

WH Game profile


Oct 29th 2016, 0:18:30

Hey. I'm not saying these dirty net gainers can't kill me. All I'm saying is there land is my land. Which one of these precious net gainers blows there stock to bounce the retal? Look I know the days of the bad guy are gone. You have your bots. You have your bullfluff land trading. Sorry that there are still some of us old guys who now get their fluff wet and come back look at the sorry state of affairs and say hey," I'm bigger, I'm badder, I'm taking that." I'm a bad ass commie indy. I go into every set (well since being back, i'm stirring the pot) I know the early and mid game belong to me. It's mine. Crystal Meth Polar Bear. I'm in imag and they laugh at my win in express. They laugh at my 2 turns per attack.They laugh at my missile count I can't say I blame them. Honestly look at the game. Who needs tag protection? I'm an outdated fossil from a time when tags long since forgotten played the game. TAG, UNC, hell I'm so old I still like Reservoir dogs. Yes that RD those low down dirty cheaters long before they went legit. You never knew what they would do. Hell that guy anthony ciolli or some fluff was like john the revelator when he pieced that together. That was my nice part. It's iMags reunion set I look forward to many restarts. From #1 to #nothing. Love imag or hate us I'm just going to qoute Razor Ramone's hall of fame retirement speech, "hard work pays off. Dreams do come true. Bad times don't last. But bad guys do!"

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Oct 29th 2016, 0:26:19

I see you got wasted after all lol

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

WH Game profile


Oct 29th 2016, 0:36:06

You know what fluff it. L:L retals are bullfluff. top feeding is bullfluff. hands down. build your country and take your hits. have your clan mates retal. I'm not putting on airs and saying that's what drove me from the game. time and life did. Look at these fluffing policies. Those can suck my fluff. Get off my fluffing grass. 1:1 retals back in the day. Kept the game honest now its a bunch of plutocracy. fluff that noise. Y'all wealthy netgainers can get on the train to go fluff yourselves. I would have a field day with this server. I can't be mad at clans making smart alliances it's crucial. how the fluff does a country have 34.6k acres and a break of 908k ss 605 ps. take that shine it up real nice and turn it sideways then shove it up your candy ass. fluffing stupid.

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Oct 29th 2016, 1:30:32

Walt. You are rambling like darling. Stop acting crazy

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Collzaboration Game profile


Oct 29th 2016, 1:48:40

Well you jerks apparently bring out the worst in others.....

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Oct 29th 2016, 1:53:34

Originally posted by Collzaboration:
Well you jerks apparently bring out the worst in others.....

I will let Walt answer ya since he is of us jerks.....but you know that...
Cause you know everything.....

Edited By: galleri on Oct 29th 2016, 3:25:09

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

cwmaki02 Game profile


Oct 29th 2016, 3:19:15

guys got a point tho. I just came back and made the mistake of buying turrets. WTF do I need turrets for? Probably shouldn't have even made IC for spies...

WH Game profile


Oct 29th 2016, 4:35:52

Thanks cwmaki for picking up on what I'm putting down. Last set I kind of came back flirted with it. Used to be turrets where the best way to make solid money. Tried it last set and got burned bad. I haven't sold 500k turrets all set. The bot formula is off for turret price. Or maybe there's no demand. From what I've put together the bots crash turret price. I'm no expert but this set I've sold a massive amount of troops at a steady 128ish and I'm offloading jets on the regular for 170 plus. I've seen turrets for 90 can't imagine how low it would be if I'm selling around 2mil of them a day. I'm not a math guy I will be the first to admit that but who needs turrets until a prearranged war? Supply demand all that noise. For example I know one of the three alliances I hit will retal. But it will take someone blowing stock and according to eestats to break me they will need all the jets on the market for around 12 hours of game time. So I'm transitioning to all turrets with 1.5 mil jets on the market at 185. My break is around 13 mil without allies. I'll have 6 mil more turrets by the time 24 hours goes by since my hit. So my break will be ridiculous 12 million more before the 48 hour retal window shuts. Add some weapons tech in there and you can see why I'm in a position to stir the pot.

iZenebas Game profile


Oct 29th 2016, 5:15:45

walt, you are my hero

WH Game profile


Oct 29th 2016, 6:35:30

SoL gave me a nice retal. Good on you.

Untagged Hunter


Oct 29th 2016, 14:03:04


Hellz X Game profile


Oct 29th 2016, 15:16:23

This was an elaborate scheme to raise the price of jets. It worked. Everyone move along now!
Imaginary Numbers

m4z Game profile


Oct 29th 2016, 15:20:32

Originally posted by WH:
Thanks cwmaki for picking up on what I'm putting down. Last set I kind of came back flirted with it. Used to be turrets where the best way to make solid money. Tried it last set and got burned bad. I haven't sold 500k turrets all set. The bot formula is off for turret price. Or maybe there's no demand. From what I've put together the bots crash turret price. I'm no expert but this set I've sold a massive amount of troops at a steady 128ish and I'm offloading jets on the regular for 170 plus. I've seen turrets for 90 can't imagine how low it would be if I'm selling around 2mil of them a day. I'm not a math guy I will be the first to admit that but who needs turrets until a prearranged war? Supply demand all that noise. For example I know one of the three alliances I hit will retal. But it will take someone blowing stock and according to eestats to break me they will need all the jets on the market for around 12 hours of game time. So I'm transitioning to all turrets with 1.5 mil jets on the market at 185. My break is around 13 mil without allies. I'll have 6 mil more turrets by the time 24 hours goes by since my hit. So my break will be ridiculous 12 million more before the 48 hour retal window shuts. Add some weapons tech in there and you can see why I'm in a position to stir the pot.


m4z Game profile


Oct 29th 2016, 15:23:11

Originally posted by WH:
Thanks cwmaki for picking up on what I'm putting down. Last set I kind of came back flirted with it. Used to be turrets where the best way to make solid money. Tried it last set and got burned bad. I haven't sold 500k turrets all set. The bot formula is off for turret price. Or maybe there's no demand. From what I've put together the bots crash turret price. I'm no expert but this set I've sold a massive amount of troops at a steady 128ish and I'm offloading jets on the regular for 170 plus. I've seen turrets for 90 can't Lol
gine how low it would be if I'm selling around 2mil of them a day. I'm not a math guy I will be the first to admit that but who needs turrets until a prearranged war? Supply demand all that noise. For example I know one of the three alliances I hit will retal. But it will take someone blowing stock and according to eestats to break me they will need all the jets on the market for around 12 hours of game time. So I'm transitioning to all turrets with 1.5 mil jets on the market at 185. My break is around 13 mil without allies. I'll have 6 mil more turrets by the time 24 hours goes by since my hit. So my break will be ridiculous 12 million more before the 48 hour retal window shuts. Add some weapons tech in there and you can see why I'm in a position to stir the pot.

Lol, I like how you seemed to think you have an unbreakable country.


galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Oct 29th 2016, 16:36:26

Originally posted by m4z:
Originally posted by WH:
Thanks cwmaki for picking up on what I'm putting down. Last set I kind of came back flirted with it. Used to be turrets where the best way to make solid money. Tried it last set and got burned bad. I haven't sold 500k turrets all set. The bot formula is off for turret price. Or maybe there's no demand. From what I've put together the bots crash turret price. I'm no expert but this set I've sold a massive amount of troops at a steady 128ish and I'm offloading jets on the regular for 170 plus. I've seen turrets for 90 can't Lol
gine how low it would be if I'm selling around 2mil of them a day. I'm not a math guy I will be the first to admit that but who needs turrets until a prearranged war? Supply demand all that noise. For example I know one of the three alliances I hit will retal. But it will take someone blowing stock and according to eestats to break me they will need all the jets on the market for around 12 hours of game time. So I'm transitioning to all turrets with 1.5 mil jets on the market at 185. My break is around 13 mil without allies. I'll have 6 mil more turrets by the time 24 hours goes by since my hit. So my break will be ridiculous 12 million more before the 48 hour retal window shuts. Add some weapons tech in there and you can see why I'm in a position to stir the pot.

Lol, I like how you seemed to think you have an unbreakable country.


When anyone has been drinking, they seem invisible to themselves :D lol

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.