
Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 28th 2016, 1:12:50

OK, boys and girls, you've all had your fun at our expense, and now the long national nightmare of rule by the leftist elite is coming to an end. Things are going to change now.

IMO, the priority list for US government should read something like this.

#1. Enforcement of the Law in the US. Prosecuting Hillary and Company for high crimes and misdemeanors is paramount in establishing that NO ONE is above the Law, no matter how much wealth they have, or how many connections they have. This is a part of an over-arching theme of cleaning our own house first.

#2. Withdrawal of the United States from the cesspool of the UN. There is ample evidence that the UN works for more world chaos than any other quasi-governmental organization. It has become a quagmire of anti-American tyrants and dictators that have managed to get themselves appointed to commissions and boards to which they should never have access, for example. Saudi Arabia holding the chair of the Human rights commission. Right? That's completely out of line with the intent and purpose of that commission.

#3. Not one penny in US foreign aid should leave this country unless and until the national debt has been eliminated and there are no more homeless and/or hungry Americans FIRST.
(Which means all you folks out there hating on America and eagerly awaiting the next payment can just hate us for free from now on.)

#4. Make or Force agreements with other "1st world" countries to stop selling weapons to the Islamic States. That's all, no need to invade them or wage war on them, just don't sell them any more weapons. They have no manufacturing capability of their own to rely on, thus they will be much less dangerous to the folks who have to live near them.

#5. Manage the economy to eliminate Federal Government regulations that kill commerce. When a company has to be forced to spend most of it's profits just keeping up with regulations put upon it by the government, it's an economy killer and needs to stop. Companies that intend to make money long term, do NOT deliberately try to put out products or services that harm customers or affiliates of those customers since their long term growth and survival would be much more unlikely.

#6. Consider an amendment to the US Constitution that would put strict term limits on the elected leadership of the house and the senate. The US needs to eliminate the professional politician class of careers which are mostly inhabited by lawyers who's sole focus is on enriching themselves rather than benefitting the nation as a whole.

#7. Invest in the Space Program to hurry up and get off this damned Rock, before the stupid overrun us completely and destroy any ability to do that in the first place.

#8. Stop allowing undocumented immigrants to come into the US. It's not a RIGHT they have. If you don't want to come here, great. If you want to come here, there are requirements that you MUST meet.

#9. Stop allowing the media to blast bullfluff at warp 5 on the TV and Radio about crap that nobody should care about. The list is lengthy so I'll spare you the reading of it.

#10. Stop trying to be the world's policemen. It is no where in the constitution that our democratically elected republican form of government should be exported. If they want a King let them have it, if they prefer a dictator, also, allow them their dictatorship.

Go ahead and cry about it. All the liberal snowflakes are forgetting that Spring comes after the Winter, and melts the snow.
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

mrford Game profile


Dec 28th 2016, 4:05:05

The fluff is up with your signature?
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Dissident Game profile


Dec 28th 2016, 5:27:49


yess... yess... give us your huddled masses but only if they have a doctorate.

ddd Game profile


Dec 28th 2016, 7:27:50

ya ya ya

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 28th 2016, 10:46:58

Originally posted by Dissident:

yess... yess... give us your huddled masses but only if they have a doctorate.

Where is there anything in what I posted where I said only highly educated people? Or for that matter where I excluded, or diminished anyone?
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Dec 28th 2016, 11:11:30

Originally posted by mrford:
The fluff is up with your signature?

I just about died.

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Akula Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 28th 2016, 14:16:24

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by mrford:
The fluff is up with your signature?

I just about died.

"Astra inclinant, sed non obligant"


archaic Game profile


Dec 28th 2016, 15:38:34

#1. Do we really want to live in a country where each time there is an election, the winners start using their prosecutorial powers to eliminate their political rivals? A pretty slippery slope. 0 points

#2. The UN has outlived its usefulness, no real argument here. 1 point

#3. Like most stupid people you think there is a lot more foreign aid than their really is. We spend money and/or position assets in foreign countries because it gives us leverage to compel them to do things we want them to do. 0 points

#4. Spoken like a true free market capitalist. How exactly to propose we 'force' China and Russia to not sell their goods and services to buyers with cash in hand? Your simplistic childlike view of the world is amusing. 0 points

#5. Sure, let's just let companies dump their wastes in the river/ocean/school playground, and fluff workers safety, there are plenty of people who will step up to replace the fallen on the assembly line. Just slap some lead paint on that salmonella and get it out the door. 0 points

#6. +1,000,000,000 1 point

#7. Meh, throwing money at NASA has had mixed results. 0.5 points

#8. Fine, mow your own lawn and pick your own grapes, and put your own shingles on. Instead, we need to let them in but make them pay some sort of an offset tax. Basically, come through gate, get background checks and get registered for the $300/month extra tax to cover services. If they try to dodge the tax prosecute the EMPLOYER, that's where the money trail leads. 0.5 points

#9. Congress shall make no law . . . prohibiting the freedom of speech, the press . . . The First Amendment is kinda long, I spared you the details. 0 points

#10. Pretty much yes. Every military action we've taken since WWII has been an unlawful over use of presidential power. 1 point

4/10, which was probably better than you did in high school.

Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 28th 2016, 16:43:20

It's not about "political rivals or opposition" Archaic it's about the LAW. Plain and simple.

In order for me to believe that Hillary did NOT break the law, I'd have to have my brain removed.

She broke the law for which there are many members of the military serving lengthy prison sentences over and she's walking free, not even going to mention that they still let her run for president.

She MUST be prosecuted or the laws have no value or meaning.
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

Crash Game profile


Dec 28th 2016, 17:18:22

You understand she did less than 3 of his cabinet considerations right ?

ironxxx Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 28th 2016, 17:38:32

america fluff yeah

archaic Game profile


Dec 28th 2016, 18:53:54

Originally posted by Cerberus:
It's not about "political rivals or opposition" Archaic it's about the LAW. Plain and simple.

In order for me to believe that Hillary did NOT break the law, I'd have to have my brain removed.

She broke the law for which there are many members of the military serving lengthy prison sentences over and she's walking free, not even going to mention that they still let her run for president.

She MUST be prosecuted or the laws have no value or meaning.

In order to convince me that G W Bush did not commit war crimes for which he should have been prosecuted, I'd have to have my brain removed. There were thousands calling for his head after Obama was elected.

Bill Clinton absolutely committed pergury under oath and should have been prosecuted once Bush took office.

Instead, the new administration put the past behind them and moved on with the business of governance. In spite of your keen legal mind Cerb, there is little chance Hillary was guilty of anything more than stupidity and carelessness. The greatest punishment you could hand her would be to relegate her to spending her waning years as just another voiceless faceless stay at home granny.

History is filled with the unpunished crimes of high ranking government officials in DC on both sides. What you want is to fulfill your mysogenistic vengeance on the woman that Hannity told you to hate. You won Cerb, the alt-right is in power, act like you know what to do with it.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Akula Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 28th 2016, 19:32:42

Edited By: Akula on Dec 28th 2016, 19:36:33
"Astra inclinant, sed non obligant"


Scott Game profile


Dec 28th 2016, 19:56:20

Originally posted by archaic:
Originally posted by Cerberus:
It's not about "political rivals or opposition" Archaic it's about the LAW. Plain and simple.

In order for me to believe that Hillary did NOT break the law, I'd have to have my brain removed.

She broke the law for which there are many members of the military serving lengthy prison sentences over and she's walking free, not even going to mention that they still let her run for president.

She MUST be prosecuted or the laws have no value or meaning.

In order to convince me that G W Bush did not commit war crimes for which he should have been prosecuted, I'd have to have my brain removed. There were thousands calling for his head after Obama was elected.

Bill Clinton absolutely committed pergury under oath and should have been prosecuted once Bush took office.

Instead, the new administration put the past behind them and moved on with the business of governance. In spite of your keen legal mind Cerb, there is little chance Hillary was guilty of anything more than stupidity and carelessness. The greatest punishment you could hand her would be to relegate her to spending her waning years as just another voiceless faceless stay at home granny.

History is filled with the unpunished crimes of high ranking government officials in DC on both sides. What you want is to fulfill your mysogenistic vengeance on the woman that Hannity told you to hate. You won Cerb, the alt-right is in power, act like you know what to do with it.

Thousands? Out of 100s of millions? Sounds serious!

archaic Game profile


Dec 28th 2016, 21:23:38

Yeah, probably only seriously thousands, about the same as the actual number of your klan buddies hollering for stupid fluff this time. Was that really the best you could come up with Scot?
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov



Dec 28th 2016, 21:36:08

"#1. Enforcement of the Law in the US. Prosecuting Hillary and Company for high crimes and misdemeanors is paramount in establishing that NO ONE is above the Law, no matter how much wealth they have, or how many connections they have. This is a part of an over-arching theme of cleaning our own house first."

I notice you didnt mention Trump here. I would hope the same goes for him, although he would have no white house shield for anything done before he takes the oath of office.
Ragnaroks EEVIL Lady

braden Game profile


Dec 28th 2016, 21:43:49

Oh wow, an expert rockist implied trump wears a white hood snd rides a horse.

braden Game profile


Dec 28th 2016, 21:45:29

Your party created, held onto, and to this day thrives off of white hate.

Scott Game profile


Dec 28th 2016, 22:19:19

Originally posted by archaic:
Yeah, probably only seriously thousands, about the same as the actual number of your klan buddies hollering for stupid fluff this time. Was that really the best you could come up with Scot?

It was your own words. If we should act on the beliefs that GWB was an actual war criminal, because of "thousands" out of approx 310m, I bet you supported apartheid in South Africa too.

In case you missed it, the reason I don't like Braden is because he is a racist. More stupid assumptions on your part (shocking). Based on the fact pattern you have laid out, you suppport apartheid and are the actual racist in this conversation.

Better luck next time fluff head.

archaic Game profile


Dec 28th 2016, 22:33:42

Originally posted by Scott:

Thousands - boy you really keyboard commandoed me there you stud you. Well played.

I thought you hated me because I make a sport out of making you look like a ranting idiot on the internet. Keep trying Scot.

(Lol at you being so fluffing new around here that you don't get Braden. You're that guy that calls in pissed and offended to joke radio shows, aren't you?)
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

braden Game profile


Dec 28th 2016, 23:01:54

i can't remember the last time i said something nice about a stone looker atter, in fact i send archaic picture text messages late at night, the first one a mountain peak and the second one that same exploded mountain. like if somebody is a plumber, they make plumbing work, either by creating or fixing it.. construction workers build roads or houses or buildings, and if they need fixing then they fix it.. rock people watch an entire fluffing mountain explode, look at each other and say wow and call it a hard days work.

can you tell me when the next mountain will explode? no. can you tell me why the last mountain exploded? maybe? you went to school for this? what is the math, one mountain plus one mountain top equals ok, one mountain minus one mountain top is no bueno?

what do you do? there may- and there is an equal chance that there may not- be geologic event. i mean, like, do you need some water, maybe a massage or something? how about far more money than you deserve? can i offer you that?

and he doesn't even share a religion with me, but he still likes me, scott. you're just a marshal esque bully, is all and you have more friends than i do so you get to make me feel less about myself. but jesus still loves you, and i myself tolerate you because i think we could be fast friends.

Scott Game profile


Dec 29th 2016, 1:12:01

Originally posted by archaic:
Originally posted by Scott:

Thousands - boy you really keyboard commandoed me there you stud you. Well played.

I thought you hated me because I make a sport out of making you look like a ranting idiot on the internet. Keep trying Scot.

(Lol at you being so fluffing new around here that you don't get Braden. You're that guy that calls in pissed and offended to joke radio shows, aren't you?)

What kind of retards actually listen to joke rodeo? I am guessing you.

Ha- keep walking kid. You have never made me look like a ranting idiot. The mere fact that you don't understand how 1000's of people could be pissed off, and how insignificant that is in the big picture proves you are a retard.

I get Braden... but when he goes off on racial tyraids and drops the n-bomb, I also get that too.

braden Game profile


Dec 29th 2016, 1:47:09

i'm a far bigger (B) tupac fan than i have any right to be?
so i'm white and canadian and don't know the struggles of the bureau of land managem.. or, sorry, i always get this blm fluff backwards. i can never remember if we manage black lives or determine whether or not cattle get to graze off of public fu.. grounds..

(and now if you honestly can not read that and not see the well defined "humour" then you have no comprehension of the words which you read and you can then call me whatever you want- it'll be a miracle if you can spell or define the word though. i am smarter than you. just because you are too stupid to understand that that doesn't make me a bad person.)

scott and i are friends, he just refuses to admit it public.

Scott Game profile


Dec 29th 2016, 6:29:34

Originally posted by braden:
i'm a far bigger (B) tupac fan than i have any right to be?
so i'm white and canadian and don't know the struggles of the bureau of land managem.. or, sorry, i always get this blm fluff backwards. i can never remember if we manage black lives or determine whether or not cattle get to graze off of public fu.. grounds..

(and now if you honestly can not read that and not see the well defined "humour" then you have no comprehension of the words which you read and you can then call me whatever you want- it'll be a miracle if you can spell or define the word though. i am smarter than you. just because you are too stupid to understand that that doesn't make me a bad person.)

scott and i are friends, he just refuses to admit it public.

I am warming up to you, just anticipating your quarterly meltdown...

Oceana Game profile


Dec 29th 2016, 10:21:17

#1 , I think enough people have already addressed that, though she should have been arrested a few times before like the Foster crime scene, whitewater, the perfect record as a commodities trader but just stop when i win 10 for 10 trades.

#2, We pushed for and created the UN more then any nation, it nothing more then the extension of Wilson's League, and with veto power in the security counsel, and power of the purse strings, anything else it does that we think is screwed up is because of our own inept leadership along with diplomatic failures, which might be because most of our diplomats are appointed to their positions because they have a friend in the White house not because of their foreign affairs experience.

#3 Archaic answered that well

#4 We are the largest arms dealer in the world, how many US jobs you willing to layoff?

#5 yeah lets go back to complete dead rivers, poisoned drinking water, forests dying across numerous states, screw the smog and maybe go even further the hell with worker safety, and child labor laws when we get all done it just might save Social security for us, when we chop 20-30 years off life expectancy.

#6 might have some merit, but it does help having lawyers involved with the writing of laws so that they might survive the first round of contention when argued against in court. Then again some still get written haphazardly and rushed to be voted on that they just move straight from the signing of the law right to the courts, like the Affordable care Act,"lets pass it quick we can read it later"

#7 oops there goes the national debt again. Some commercial outfit will have this covered

#8 If no one hired them they wouldn't come here, And an illegal living and working here is better for our economy the the Temp migrant worker, the one who gets to come just long enough to pick our crops and get on back to mexico, sends mot of his income home, so the propensity of money all happens outside the country not here. With near zero interest rates that is a lot of propensity and more jobs and tax base being created , so have the money growing here or South of the border take your pick. But we can keep listening to the Bullfluff story the politicians wanted to tell each election cycle.

#9 Got a better chance of getting congress and 38 states worth of politicians to pass that term limit constitutional amendment, then to get them to overturn the 1st amendment, and if it happened who would decide what truth we get to hear? perhaps Kim can teach us how only the one truth gets broadcast through out a country.

#10 i can somewhat agree here, we should be smarter on the battles we choose to jump in, but unless you can find enough politicians willing to serious pass finance reform and come up with a supreme court that would allow that law to stand; money from foreigners and the defense and various other industries will continue to buy the votes to say hell yeah lets jump in and get involved.

and with that my bonus points for the week.

Edited By: Oceana on Dec 29th 2016, 10:56:47

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 29th 2016, 11:53:37

Archaic, if you look up my postings about Dubya, you'll see that I was one of those people calling for his head. I believe that I posted that Cheney and He had presided over the biggest heist in American History with Halliburton and Co.

I don't advocate that ANYONE is above the law, and ALL who break it should at least be prosecuted.

As far as foreign aid payments. $1 dollar is too much considering our great debt and the status of our infrastructure.

About the over regulation by the government, how many of those regulations percentage wise do you think apply to safety vs how many for paperwork? Just go ahead and guess. I'll wait.

And as far as the first amendment with the problem with the media, when a lie is exposed, force them to STOP broadcasting it like it's the truth. For example "Hands up, don't shoot" a proven misinformation campaign, and how long did it run in the news after they KNEW it was bullfluff?

I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

farmer Game profile


Dec 29th 2016, 13:56:23

foreign aid was around 35 billion 5 billion or so of that is military aid so we can keep things in turmoil.

farmer Game profile


Dec 29th 2016, 14:03:38

iScode Game profile


Dec 30th 2016, 2:48:08

Im still laughing about it, regardless if its left or right, the majority of the american populace will always be a bunch of ignorant inbred rednecks that are fluffing retarded...

God of War


Ivan Game profile


Dec 30th 2016, 8:56:51


Suicidal Game profile


Dec 30th 2016, 11:39:13

I am a deplorable redneck ... Bonus

Xintros Game profile


Dec 31st 2016, 6:19:49

MERICA !! *bonus
"If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a killrrun" - Xintros



Dec 31st 2016, 6:50:22

Convince me why a sexual predator, who admits of multiple sexual assaults, gets to be the President.

You do that, and you can invade Britain for all I care.
~LaF's Retired Janitor~

Suicidal Game profile


Dec 31st 2016, 12:18:19

Originally posted by Forgotten:
Convince me why a sexual predator, who admits of multiple sexual assaults, gets to be the President.

You do that, and you can invade Britain for all I care.

I agree, I have been wondering about Bill Clinton and how he pulled it off.

Hawkster Game profile


Dec 31st 2016, 13:18:00

#1. Have to agree with archaic

#2. Meh, dont really much care one way or another. But leaving UN is prolly the better choice.

#3. Get back to me when you have compared US poor homeless and hungry. I somehow doubt you have seen real 3rd world starvation. Unlike in those 3rd world countries, US has plenty of charity places where homeless and hungry can go and get food.

#4. Hypocritical. On 2 accounts. US must first stop selling and providing weapons to islamic states in the first place, or stop providing them to countries who in return give them to islamic states before US could even consider other countries actions.
Secondly this is hypocritical because it is in major conflict with your #10. Do you want US to stop policing rest of the world and bullying it around or dont you. Make up your bloody mind.

#5. Have to agree with archaic once again. NO, companies have proven time and time again that they will choose profits over safety. Both for its own employees as well as for its clients.

#6. I am not big fan of more period. Think are way too many laws, etc that are not even being enforced as it is. HOWEVER, this is one more that I can go along with.

#7. I am torn about this. When times are good and the economy is doing well, SURE why not. But currently would have to say No. Put those plans on hold. Sure it can be greatly beneficial to many other industries, but not during time when so many US are homeless and hungry.

#8. Oceana hit the head on the nail. Sure US must spend and attempt to discourage. It is a losing battle, but still US needs to make some efforts. However, the only way to really discourage them from coming or even wanting to come in the first place, is if they have no advantages to do so. In the end if they spend what ever it takes to make in US, only to find out there is no benefit and they cant survive, they will go back home and stop wanting to come in the first place.

#9. NO, NO and NO. There is freedom of press and it should always remain such for any real free society. The answer is not make more laws. The fault lies squarely on society, not its laws. This means you and me. If people would stop listening to all the rubbish, stop believing in all the published BS w/out doing some simple fact checking and using common sense. Guess what, media would find it no longer profitable and would stop. More importantly society needs to step up and start criticizing when they do continously see such BS media around. Simply boycott those media's til they can get their act together.

#10. See my #4 above. You cant have it both ways. Personally I would choose your #10.

Suicidal Game profile


Dec 31st 2016, 17:01:44

If you are not a legal citizen of the USA, or you are and failed to vote, or you spew forth the leftist narrative (we used to call it propaganda) then KMA and give the man a chance......some folks just have tooooo much time on their hands.

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Dec 31st 2016, 18:34:59

I'm not going to weigh in on that weird list thing, but I will say that I'm far more scared of what the Republican congress + right-leaning supreme court will do than Trump. Obviously Trump isn't qualified for the position he will hold, but hopefully his ego will make him step in stop the removal of good programs and the enacting of unbalanced laws.

As an outsider looking in, the US system it looks incredibly dysfunctional and corrupt. I think you'll need a revolution or a bunch of state secessions to actually be able to fix it. Good luck!
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Heston Game profile


Dec 31st 2016, 20:29:57

The Supreme Court will lean right soon and I will be here to direct haters to my lingham of light. Those will be good times.
Perhaps when that happens Canada can take in what they call the best of America and pay their welfare and entitlements. Become more diverse.
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Scott Game profile


Jan 1st 2017, 5:32:50

Pang... we have no plans of having any states leaving the union. We must be doing something right if we are scaring the Canadians.

Oceana Game profile


Jan 1st 2017, 12:15:15

I'll bet Ruth Ginsburg has changed her Living Will to read: Never Disconnect Life Support

Suicidal Game profile


Jan 1st 2017, 15:53:40

If you want to help make our country better, the door is open, step right in.
If you feel the country is hopeless, the door is open, feel free to leave.
If you are not quite sure, or you have no dog in this hunt, stfu and step are blocking the door.
Our country gives you that choice, unlike the countries some wish us to be.



Jan 1st 2017, 16:00:18

Originally posted by Forgotten:
Convince me why a sexual predator, who admits of multiple sexual assaults, gets to be the President.

You do that, and you can invade Britain for all I care.

After you convince me of why a sociopath, who sent more people to death as governor than all other states combined, who used fear tactics to sway public opinion and sent an exponential amount more people to death, gets to be the President.

You do that, and you can *have* Texas for all I care. :P

♦ Retired ♦
Originally posted by macdaddy:
Everyone deep down knows that I am a god around here in the country building department.



Jan 2nd 2017, 6:38:02

Originally posted by archaic:

In order to convince me that G W Bush did not commit war crimes for which he should have been prosecuted, I'd have to have my brain removed. There were thousands calling for his head after Obama was elected.

Thousands? I'm not debating your hyperbole, but thousands? There are thousands calling for Obama's head right now, as they've been doing since day one of his presidency, as some wacko's do for each and every president's time in office.

Meh. #7 was all I cared about.

Dissident Game profile


Jan 2nd 2017, 7:14:16

Obama committed war crimes too. I mean, the war on terror with all those drone strikes... its all borderless. Watch "Dirty Wars" documentary by Jeremy Scahill for a great documentary on that.



Jan 3rd 2017, 11:37:35

~LaF's Retired Janitor~

Heston Game profile


Jan 3rd 2017, 17:59:24

Lol @ everyone that thinks you can declare war on a tactic. It a war against Islam. That's all. fluff ya if you don't like it.
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

braden Game profile


Jan 3rd 2017, 19:17:41

Not against. We mean them no harm. They mean us all harm. It is a war *from* islam. To save all of us.

Akula Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 3rd 2017, 20:14:22

some mean harm, many more like a cold beer, but the vast majority watch the same crap as everyone here on TV, and get on with living life with their families - are we really that innocent or do we mean harm to the vast majority living a normal life in their own homes

bad guys are bad guys wherever you are from in the world

Edited By: Akula on Jan 3rd 2017, 20:33:34
"Astra inclinant, sed non obligant"


braden Game profile


Jan 3rd 2017, 22:50:29

Welcome to a world where the few ruin everything for everybody.

When i was 8 through 15 i was allowed into buffalo free of charge no passport (maybe under the auspices of my fathers passport?) And i got to play in hockey tournaments.

Assholes flew planes into buildinds and they *ruined it for me*. If a white (at the time atheist) canadian born citizen of the commonwealth looses then certainly buddy from syria looses. To suggest hes allowed in but im not? That is racist.

braden Game profile


Jan 3rd 2017, 22:51:42

You ask me for id? I call the aclu. This is.. what, how you want america to work?