Jan 5th 2017, 14:17:59
Two issues I see here is my 800 dollar smart phone is for all purposes ultimately a throw away device. A sealed case who's battery cannot be changed means that after about 2 years of normal use the battery is compromised to the point you would want to get a new battery, but you can't beca use it is sealed. Time to trade it in. Won't they recycle it? Well not really. The new lithium batteries catch fire easily so often recyclers won't even recycle it.
So we are stuck in a cycle of expensive devices filling landfills and putting out a lot of wast producing these devices.
I think consumers should demand more devices that can be used more than 2 years and have changeable batteries.
Two benefits I see here:
1. It's better for the consumer to be able to use devices longer and just buy a new battery.
2. It's better for the planet overall to have lest waste and pollution producing.
Just some random thought.
- Premium Patron Member