
ingle Game profile


May 8th 2017, 17:47:48

First they came for STONES, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not in STONES.

Then they came for iMagNum, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not in iMagNum.

Then they came for LaF, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not in LaF.

Then they came for LCNostra, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not in LCNostra.

Then they came for OMA, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not in OMA.

Then they came for RAGE, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not in RAGE.

Then they came for me — and there was no one left to speak for me.

We already know that a lot of SoL's original members are now in MD or SoFElders. That's why SOL/SoFElders haven't been attacked by MD100...yet.

That's also why 3 different MD players were caught FA'ing Dragon (#251) from SoFElders to help him stonewall.

With MD's war declaration on the server, SOL and SoFElders need to recognize they are going to die too. All the other netting tags still unscathed like EVO, Monsters, Paradigm, OMEGA - it won't be long.

If not today, then a week or two weeks from now. The chance of fighting back successfully is lowering everyday. Given the networth differential, casual/inactive players across all the tags, SoFElders continuing to hit LaF - it won't be any surprise if MD "wins".

PS. For those of you annoyed by MD's actions - I wonder where MD's players who aren't quitting are going to end up going next set...

ElrondMD Game profile

New Member

May 8th 2017, 17:51:16

This is great thankyou for your fascist/MD analogy!

Karim Game profile


May 8th 2017, 18:41:59


You got it.
-[Panzer Division MD]-

maverickmd Game profile


May 8th 2017, 18:44:35

You're right 3 people gave FA and were asked to stop. As always. And even though we dont have a pact. You're welcome. Alternatively we could have gave REAL FA. And or just killed LaF for running to fight Sof/Elders a much smaller alliance rather than the big boys.

Now you all need to put your big boy pants on.

maverickmd Game profile


May 8th 2017, 18:48:24

Also.... did you just call everyone on the server jews?

Dissident Game profile


May 8th 2017, 18:51:24

Lol... ya MD is gonna waste turns on sofelders? We are all restarts... so ya we died already. Try your guilt trip again. QQ

Buch Game profile


May 8th 2017, 19:33:47

Death to laf



May 8th 2017, 19:39:39

Originally posted by maverickmd:
Also.... did you just call everyone on the server jews?
What do you think bubbles?
There can be no chosen one; only we can save ourselves.

The Cloaked Game profile


May 8th 2017, 20:14:01

Originally posted by maverickmd:
Now you all need to put your big boy pants on.

haha. that's rich. Seriously though, good job FSing LCN, Stones, and OMA. You must be so proud.

Originally posted by Buch:
Death to laf

Death to LaF!

maverickmd Game profile


May 8th 2017, 20:20:18

Originally posted by The Cloaked:
Originally posted by maverickmd:
Now you all need to put your big boy pants on.

haha. that's rich. Seriously though, good job FSing LCN, Stones, and OMA. You must be so proud.

Originally posted by Buch:
Death to laf

Death to LaF!

Combined they are the same size as Sof/elders and we killed them in like a day.

Also we cant help that Laf was too afraid of us and decided to AB SoF/elder 10 days into the round. And only got the tag kill because we let them have it.

Dont fool yourself.

Spaced Game profile


May 8th 2017, 20:22:13

Elders should hit MD. Sol should hit MD.

Makinso Game profile


May 8th 2017, 21:08:43

hmmmm we should FA 251 some more then....


Makinso Game profile


May 8th 2017, 21:10:19

oh fluffe he's dead.

1749 defends though WP 251

iZenebas Game profile


May 8th 2017, 23:05:41

Originally posted by maverickmd:
And or just killed LaF for running to fight Sof/Elders a much smaller alliance rather than the big boys..

lmao you guys waited until the real threats were all dead and then hit the tiniest war capable clans first. Then you started hitting treehuggers who haven't fought a war in years. If you'd hit LaF and SoF/Elders on their own before they'd tagkilled each other, you'd probably have lost. Instead you've decided to kill everyone who wasn't ever actually a threat, many of whom I assume were supposedly your friends at one point or another, and you're patting yourselves on the back because you've managed to beat a bunch of netters who hate each other and never were likely to coordinate in the first place.

At least you'll finally piss off after, good riddance douchebags :)

The Cloaked Game profile


May 8th 2017, 23:14:16

Originally posted by maverickmd:

Combined they are the same size as Sof/elders and we killed them in like a day.

Also we cant help that Laf was too afraid of us and decided to AB SoF/elder 10 days into the round. And only got the tag kill because we let them have it.

Dont fool yourself.

Sure sport, whatever makes you happy. As I said before, congrats on defeating Stones, OMA, and LCN. You must be so proud. What a glorious way for you to end MD's 19-ish year tenure here.

Detmer Game profile


May 8th 2017, 23:37:34

If you were friends with MD you'd know where you are on the death schedule.



May 9th 2017, 0:31:33

ingle, in all fairness, those countries were either previously tagged SOL, or players from Elders who came back to MD for this last reset.

That said, best of luck to you. I've always had respect for you.



May 9th 2017, 1:01:28

Originally posted by ingle:

PS. For those of you annoyed by MD's actions - I wonder where MD's players who aren't quitting are going to end up going next set...

I have gotten several invitations but haven't decided yet :)
Ragnarok's EEVIL Lady

Garry Owen Game profile


May 9th 2017, 4:21:39

I think it was brilliant. Great strategy whoever is MD's last war chief!

They get a huge number of countries and go out in a blaze of hot flaming love for everyone! Sequence the kills since they can concentrate fires and the rest of us are hitting slowly if at all and with no common warroom.

That said I will do what I can to kill as many of the MD bastards as possible for as long as possible!

dittiemd Game profile


May 9th 2017, 5:05:48

Some of ya'll are taking things too seriously.

I can't speak for the heads but it sounded as though they made it very clear we were going to war.

My opinion and some facts (probably more of my opinions tho) on the events:
We were put on notice to save turns early, prepared to take on a FS from LaF in hindsight. Instead, LaF hit SoF and we were told to grow huge. Several players were quick to point out there was no competition left, unless we took on the entire server (I thought we were just preparing to get FSd and figured we'd net, since 2/3 of the tops were alrdy at war). Jumping in at that time and hitting LaF or SoFElders would still have pissed people off.
You're all pretty smart people. Turn off your bias for a second and put yourself in our shoes. Taking on the server is/was the only viable option after LaF hit SoFElders. The heads were smart and brought in some SOL members, as that would make it much closer of a match. Organize and fight if you want, and if you don't want to, go on with netting next set and thereafter. Or hope the rest of the server organizes and fights and kills us all and you go unscathed. Don't be such poor sports. I think the decision by our leadership was bold, and the only play that isn't bullying anyone. The server had more countries, more NW, more activity, so I'm not shocked at all not everyone was dec 24 hours in advance.


dittiemd Game profile


May 9th 2017, 5:07:30

Oh and if anybody wants to rec me for netting, pls pm me.

Zorp Game profile

EE Patron

May 9th 2017, 5:48:59

lol dittie, MD recruiting SOL members was serious overkill. The largest non SOFElder/LaF clan was 15 members large. SOFElder/LaF are shells, unable to even touch even the mid-range MD players. The entire server was never going to band together 100%, we'll be lucky if a few members from each smaller clan join in.

MD probably could have wiped out the server with half the countries they have now.

The Cloaked Game profile


May 9th 2017, 6:30:26

Originally posted by dittiemd:
Some of ya'll are taking things too seriously.

I can't speak for the heads but it sounded as though they made it very clear we were going to war.

My opinion and some facts (probably more of my opinions tho) on the events:
We were put on notice to save turns early, prepared to take on a FS from LaF in hindsight. Instead, LaF hit SoF and we were told to grow huge. Several players were quick to point out there was no competition left, unless we took on the entire server (I thought we were just preparing to get FSd and figured we'd net, since 2/3 of the tops were alrdy at war). Jumping in at that time and hitting LaF or SoFElders would still have pissed people off.
You're all pretty smart people. Turn off your bias for a second and put yourself in our shoes. Taking on the server is/was the only viable option after LaF hit SoFElders. The heads were smart and brought in some SOL members, as that would make it much closer of a match. Organize and fight if you want, and if you don't want to, go on with netting next set and thereafter. Or hope the rest of the server organizes and fights and kills us all and you go unscathed. Don't be such poor sports. I think the decision by our leadership was bold, and the only play that isn't bullying anyone. The server had more countries, more NW, more activity, so I'm not shocked at all not everyone was dec 24 hours in advance.


haha. nope. Taking on a couple of 5-10 person clans isn't 'taking on the server.'

You can fight whoever you want. But you didn't take on the server. You took on OMA, Stones, Imag, and LCN. You outnumbered the four tags you actually hit by what? 30 countries? It's a war game, and you're quitting. So do what you want. But pretending like this is some cool fight is idiotic. You outnumbered them many to one, out netted them, and had the FS.

This is a gang bang of the biggest tag in the game of a couple of little guys.


Kalick Game profile


May 9th 2017, 11:31:20

Originally posted by The Cloaked:
Originally posted by dittiemd:
Some of ya'll are taking things too seriously.

I can't speak for the heads but it sounded as though they made it very clear we were going to war.

My opinion and some facts (probably more of my opinions tho) on the events:
We were put on notice to save turns early, prepared to take on a FS from LaF in hindsight. Instead, LaF hit SoF and we were told to grow huge. Several players were quick to point out there was no competition left, unless we took on the entire server (I thought we were just preparing to get FSd and figured we'd net, since 2/3 of the tops were alrdy at war). Jumping in at that time and hitting LaF or SoFElders would still have pissed people off.
You're all pretty smart people. Turn off your bias for a second and put yourself in our shoes. Taking on the server is/was the only viable option after LaF hit SoFElders. The heads were smart and brought in some SOL members, as that would make it much closer of a match. Organize and fight if you want, and if you don't want to, go on with netting next set and thereafter. Or hope the rest of the server organizes and fights and kills us all and you go unscathed. Don't be such poor sports. I think the decision by our leadership was bold, and the only play that isn't bullying anyone. The server had more countries, more NW, more activity, so I'm not shocked at all not everyone was dec 24 hours in advance.


haha. nope. Taking on a couple of 5-10 person clans isn't 'taking on the server.'

You can fight whoever you want. But you didn't take on the server. You took on OMA, Stones, Imag, and LCN. You outnumbered the four tags you actually hit by what? 30 countries? It's a war game, and you're quitting. So do what you want. But pretending like this is some cool fight is idiotic. You outnumbered them many to one, out netted them, and had the FS.

This is a gang bang of the biggest tag in the game of a couple of little guys.


We only have so many turns. We're getting there =)

dittiemd Game profile


May 9th 2017, 12:03:40

What would you have done, The Cloaked?

zerol Game profile


May 9th 2017, 12:32:34

fluffing is much entertaining than fighting back huhu..

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

May 9th 2017, 13:23:28

Originally posted by dittiemd:
What would you have done, The Cloaked?

Maybe actually fighting them all and not allying up with one of them?

maverickmd Game profile


May 9th 2017, 13:29:38

so just gangbang laf instead?

Hawk Game profile


May 9th 2017, 13:33:47

What a disgraceful way for the rest of us to remember MD.

I'd always thought of MD as the good guys.
The ones who always wore the white hats.

I guess it's kind of like meeting your heroes, and realizing they are mainly dumbasses.

You killed me 4.1 minutes before I logged in this morning.
That'll teach me to value sleep, and a life over a game.

This reminds me of the kind of guy, who says to his ex-girlfriend; "If I can't have you, nobody can have you."

*shakes head at MD's childish mindset*



May 9th 2017, 16:58:22

they are ending things their way

and look how active things have become around here so look as it as a gift :P
Ragnarok's EEVIL Lady

Atryn Game profile


May 9th 2017, 17:14:54

Originally posted by Zorp:
lol dittie, MD recruiting SOL members was serious overkill.

Meh, I don't know if *I'd* call it "recruiting"... but tagging over to MD was a great way to avoid being on the eventual kill list.

Atryn Game profile


May 9th 2017, 17:16:01

Originally posted by The Cloaked:
haha. nope. Taking on a couple of 5-10 person clans isn't 'taking on the server.'

Please re-read the war dec. It is in English.

Cannot FS all countries at once. Order of operations matters. So far, it is working. :)

Atryn Game profile


May 9th 2017, 17:16:27

BTW, love the OP here. Nice post.

ddd Game profile


May 9th 2017, 18:53:03

Ruthie: May 9th 2017, 16:58:22
they are ending things their way

and look how active things have become around here so look as it as a gift :P

another dumb ass heard from-
and another game i can quit forever

Pang Game profile

Game Development

May 9th 2017, 18:57:23

Didn't MD quit another time too? I recall MD and SoF both quitting and then returning
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

pele Game profile


May 9th 2017, 19:05:50


Pang Game profile

Game Development

May 9th 2017, 19:13:48

Yea, they'll be back at some point :p

The 2025 anniversary year is going to be amazing!!
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

May 9th 2017, 19:40:23

A good portion of the MD player base won't quit and will instead just play under another tag, so yeah there's that too :D
- Premium Patron Member

RLenga MD Game profile


May 9th 2017, 20:23:22

Originally posted by Requiem:
A good portion of the MD player base won't quit and will instead just play under another tag, so yeah there's that too :D

maybe 7 players......

Pang Game profile

Game Development

May 9th 2017, 20:38:42

Originally posted by RLenga MD:
Originally posted by Requiem:
A good portion of the MD player base won't quit and will instead just play under another tag, so yeah there's that too :D

maybe 7 players......

Reading between the lines, my takeaway is that MD only has 7 players in their "good portion".

But my comment is more that MD as an entity will be back at some point. This game is an addiction that ebbs and flows, but it's always lurking there below the surface.

Hope you're all having a good time either way! :)
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

May 9th 2017, 21:57:46

Originally posted by RLenga MD:
Originally posted by Requiem:
A good portion of the MD player base won't quit and will instead just play under another tag, so yeah there's that too :D

maybe 7 players......

Well thats a buzz kill haha! How many did you guys have pre-100 set? 20+?
- Premium Patron Member

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

May 9th 2017, 22:03:15

Originally posted by Pang:
Hope you're all having a good time either way! :)

It's not the same as it used to be! You do know you could make a country and help us kill MD :D You're still a LaFer in my books.
- Premium Patron Member

Atryn Game profile


May 10th 2017, 2:03:08

Originally posted by Requiem:
Originally posted by RLenga MD:
Originally posted by Requiem:
A good portion of the MD player base won't quit and will instead just play under another tag, so yeah there's that too :D

maybe 7 players......

Well thats a buzz kill haha! How many did you guys have pre-100 set? 20+?

According to earthgraphs, 28.

Anticimex Game profile


May 10th 2017, 3:08:33

Originally posted by Hawk:
What a disgraceful way for the rest of us to remember MD.

I'd always thought of MD as the good guys.
The ones who always wore the white hats.

I guess it's kind of like meeting your heroes, and realizing they are mainly dumbasses.

You killed me 4.1 minutes before I logged in this morning.
That'll teach me to value sleep, and a life over a game.

This reminds me of the kind of guy, who says to his ex-girlfriend; "If I can't have you, nobody can have you."

*shakes head at MD's childish mindset*

That's good that you value sleep and life over a game. Funny story: an MD:er aborted ongoing sex to stonewall just some days ago. Priorities people, priorities!

K_L Game profile


May 10th 2017, 4:04:11

Originally posted by Anticimex:

That's good that you value sleep and life over a game. Funny story: an MD:er aborted ongoing sex to stonewall just some days ago. Priorities people, priorities!

He was already at computer? Just switch a tab?

Mr Gainsboro Game profile

EE Patron

May 10th 2017, 9:17:13

Ingle here is a proper link:

SoL, sofelders, omega is not going to hit MD, was nowhere near a even war to start with.
Don of LaF

Suicidal Game profile


May 10th 2017, 11:04:29

*From high atop my mountain I say*
Come to me. Hear my words (in this case just read them).
For many sets, LaF sat quietly hugging trees along with many other clans in 1a.
LaF ended the last set in war with sofelder and AT lit up like firecracker.
This set LaF struck back and AT chat lit up like a cruise missile hitting Syria.
And now we find ourselves in the present situation. If you were not able to see that MD was prepping to attack the server, then you couldn't see the forest through all of your trees.
At present, AT is now lit up like a nuclear explosion with activity I haven't seen in a long time.
Yeah, a lot of folks are butt hurt, some are having fun. (BTW, sofelder is only hitting LaF, minus a few snipes).
I have yet to see butt hurt counties running to "Vacation" nor have I seen a lot of butt hurt folks threatening the old "I quit EE" bull fluff.
What I do see is the most activity on AT, and most importantly in the 1a game itself. Hell, since the MD explosion has started, I found folks that I thought left the game along time ago only to find they were hiding behind trees.
Old friendships renewed, New friendships being made. Activity higher than it has been for a long time.
Butt hurt much? Just wait until the bots win high NW.
Until then, whine, cry, laugh, get all serious and stuff. Just remember, it only a game.

Mr Gainsboro Game profile

EE Patron

May 10th 2017, 12:06:54

Would have been fun if the bots took rank 1-10.
Don of LaF

IgnitionCWG Game profile


May 10th 2017, 14:03:04

The bots wont know how to destock ;-p

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

May 10th 2017, 14:05:21

They might not need to... if no one farms them they will get quite big :)