
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 4th 2019, 23:01:46

Originally posted by sinistril:
Originally posted by Neil:
DerrickICN there are reasons no one respects you or elders.

Your side threatens outside the game violence (banks), talks smack about dead people (kanarage) and makes homophobic comments (you) then you want to act like we are childish for having fun in games.

What Kanarage has said to me and others goes beyond the game. Whatever alliance he is in will HAVE to fight because of him.

You got a big mouth, good thing LaF has Elders back and won't be netting anytime soon.

Face it, Kanarage ensured a war this set and you are ensuring a war net set.

I love how people who aren't Elders are considered Elders by you. Neil, you're out of your element.

Yeah neither of those people are in elders and I'm bi so......

I can ask politely if you'd like, but you seemed like a power bottom and im tryna get some. Figured a submissive like you might like the more aggressive touch.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Jul 4th 2019, 23:13:39
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