
sinistril Game profile


Aug 5th 2019, 2:30:54

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Originally posted by Red X:
Originally posted by Warster:
So if thats the case all bigger tags should start killing anything that looks threatening and farm and killing all untagged countries who aren't bots, just cos it's not in the rules that we can't.

That seems to be your point.

That would be the safe thing to do, tbh. Unfortunately if it is not tagged it has to be assumed a threat =/
FFA has largely done this for 3 years now and netting has been a dream there. It's the correct choice 100%. Its just easier to justify on ffa when you have so many countries you dont feel like it will detract from your netting as much wheras blasting off 200 turns to kill here can be the difference of a handful of places on the leaderboard, but it did improve netting for us immensely on FFA

To be honest, pre-emptive removal of suiciders based on previous history was such an effective strategy that even after the recent decline of IMP (afaik we were the only impetus behind this.. pardon the pun), netters are still relatively safe despite a enormous amount of suiciders when we started. Unfortunately, I don't think it lasts as ICD/LoC are too passive in this regard, and the threads are already beginning to break. Alliance could easily implement this as there are only like 3-4 suiciders every set and they're almost always obvious but it would require LaF or one of the war clans to enforce as no one else really has the desire or capability to follow through with it
If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

Death Cab For Cuti


Aug 5th 2019, 2:34:31

Originally posted by Warster:
No it's exactly your point,

We shouldn't be mad at you cos you didn't break any rules, but if big tags did whatever they wanted within the rules they would get abused by all those they hit and kill.

You attacked a tag that avoid all this kind of crap, we don't make rules, we just follow along with the server, yet every time people like you want to make a point we get targeted.

That's what we are annoyed about, in the last 14 netting sets we have had I don't recall more then 1 set where someone hasn't come along to make a point about the server.

Like I said we didn't care about the grabs , the missiles were the issue, we can agree to disagree on the term used for your actions, doesn't change the fact it was a fluff move against a tag that never touched you

It doesn't bother me if you're mad - that's between you and your own intellect. Regarding your incessant and ridiculous assertion that I was a big, bad SUICIDER..... did any of you check the news? Did you happen to see the attack progression? The attack strategy went like this: EMs - PS - NM.

1. Would any of you brainiacs care to venture a guess why?

2. Did I think that I would suffer retribution from Drinks. Yes. From The Monsters as a Clan? Yes. How much from both if any? That remained to be seen. I might have lasted a few days and it would have been a fun battle.

3. Did I monitor The Monsters at any point in the set to know or see whether or not they were netting or warring? No. Why would I have? So to accuse me of intentionally ruining a set is intense stupidity. Like I said at the outset... "It's a witch, burn her!"

4. Did I think that another clan was going to come in out of left field and kill me? It didn't cross my mind. Did it bother me? No. It's a wargame. I, did however find it interesting that another clan took it upon itself to provide apron strings.

5. Is it ok for a player in this game to play the game according to his or her own strategy?

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 5th 2019, 2:38:26

Also Ben Raines is a legend. Everyone who is anyone knows him

Death Cab For Cuti


Aug 5th 2019, 2:43:58

Originally posted by Savage:
Originally posted by Death Cab For Cuti:
The larger point is that you'll be punished, in various ways, by over zealous mods, for breaking rules that don't exist.

You weren’t killed by mods. You were killed by community members. Literally the only thing a mod did was say your original username.

Have you noticed the drop down menu, there buddy?

Take a good look and get back to me.

It says: "More Handles" > "New Handle" That would be "More Handles" with an "s" signifying plural. Show me where it says that you can only have one handle. You've got an over-zealous mod who doesn't even know the code, firing off at will, at a player that the mod clearly does not like, as evidence by numerous disparaging posts and outing that player for playing that game and participating in the forums according to how they were constructed.

Warster Game profile


Aug 5th 2019, 2:47:18

Actually you would have been dead about 6-12 hours after did it if we were to do the killing.

Save turns generally started when you grabbed the day earlier.

Never said mad I said annoyed.

Edited By: Warster on Aug 5th 2019, 2:50:04
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332

Red X Game profile


Aug 5th 2019, 2:49:49

Originally posted by Death Cab For Cuti:
Originally posted by Warster:
No it's exactly your point,

We shouldn't be mad at you cos you didn't break any rules, but if big tags did whatever they wanted within the rules they would get abused by all those they hit and kill.

You attacked a tag that avoid all this kind of crap, we don't make rules, we just follow along with the server, yet every time people like you want to make a point we get targeted.

That's what we are annoyed about, in the last 14 netting sets we have had I don't recall more then 1 set where someone hasn't come along to make a point about the server.

Like I said we didn't care about the grabs , the missiles were the issue, we can agree to disagree on the term used for your actions, doesn't change the fact it was a fluff move against a tag that never touched you

It doesn't bother me if you're mad - that's between you and your own intellect. Regarding your incessant and ridiculous assertion that I was a big, bad SUICIDER..... did any of you check the news? Did you happen to see the attack progression? The attack strategy went like this: EMs - PS - NM.

1. Would any of you brainiacs care to venture a guess why?

2. Did I think that I would suffer retribution from Drinks. Yes. From The Monsters as a Clan? Yes. How much from both if any? That remained to be seen. I might have lasted a few days and it would have been a fun battle.

3. Did I monitor The Monsters at any point in the set to know or see whether or not they were netting or warring? No. Why would I have? So to accuse me of intentionally ruining a set is intense stupidity. Like I said at the outset... "It's a witch, burn her!"

4. Did I think that another clan was going to come in out of left field and kill me? It didn't cross my mind. Did it bother me? No. It's a wargame. I, did however find it interesting that another clan took it upon itself to provide apron strings.

5. Is it ok for a player in this game to play the game according to his or her own strategy?

Dont bullfluff a bullfluffter.

You knew they were netting atleast own what you did
Rey Rojo
Disgruntled Killer
Marked 4 Death
Vice President - Foreign Affairs
Forever Coalies Twin

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 5th 2019, 2:51:40

Originally posted by cyref:
Originally posted by Death Cab For Cuti:
In fact, net and let net I say.
Originally posted by Death Cab For Cuti:
I was hunting for land and under-defended countries so that I could increase the NW of my own country.

You lobbed 26 missiles against countries/tags that never attacked you. That's not "net and let net"
Those missiles, unsent, increase the NW of your country. You acted in opposition to your stated goal "so I could increase the NW of my own country"
Josey you are nothing more than a drama seeking liar.
There's no point arguing with a liar.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 5th 2019, 4:04:08

Yeah, either you're completely braindead or you knew they were netting at first glance on their countries.

I guess there is a chance you are braindead tho, as evidenced by your posts here.

I'm sure that you opped them for LGs. If you cant look at a country and tell, you're honestly dumber than Hellrush.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Aug 5th 2019, 4:07:59
See Original Post

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 5th 2019, 4:09:18

It's like the third or fourth time you've just directly lied on this thread.

If you want to make a case for some type of behavior, lying repeatedly is not the way to do it.

KSFRekuyukai Game profile


Aug 5th 2019, 4:11:30

Wow this thread is this long already? Everyone generally knows who i am, they know where i stand on certain things, and that i am always a KSFer above all else.

Yes at one point in my life i was a heavy suicider b/c lets be fair KSF stands for Kamikaze Suicidal Fighters. Answering LGs with missiles or even with "parking lotting" someone has always been an act of suicide. Effective at doing two things, one pissing off everyone in the group you suicided and two rallying the server against you. If that is what you were trying for then good on you. If not and your intent is to fluff and complain about it then perhaps this isnt the right setting for you.

The point of this game is to yes run a country, but its also to learn and adapt from your mistakes within that, if you join a server likely named "Alliance" as a single suicider you are expecting that you will die to an alliance who wont put up with your antics. My recommendation, if you want to suicide, live your best life. But if you actually want to play the game maybe find an alliance for LG protection that wars often? That way you can appease both sides of your play style. Your need for not being LGed and your need for suiciding on someone.

On that note im too old to be consoling people, and im tired. If you want advice feel free to message me, but know this you are not a true suicider. That rank is reserved for some of us who understand the art behind suiciding.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 5th 2019, 9:09:57

I'm with Derrick, time to take out the trash, see done fluffed it up for anyone wanting to play untagged, ponder that.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!