
g0nz0 Game profile


May 12th 2022, 18:26:03

On servers that have restart capabilities you get approx 30%. What happened if you are land killed (0 acres). What do you get upon restart? I tried 3 calculators and they keep laughing at me. Any info?

Bug Game profile

EE Patron

May 13th 2022, 8:44:02


Basically it ignores you being killed and looks for your last turns played/some amount of time before you were killed.. and acts on that.. so if you login and are being land killed you may end up with barely any acres on restart (minimum is starting amount of 100a), were as if you had 1k and didn't log in you may end up with 300a.. same deal with population.. if you log in to stonewall and are playing turns as you die, you get little pop in your new country..

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

May 13th 2022, 10:49:45

There is a minimum for acres/cash/CS and maybe some other resources that ticks up during the round.

Originally posted by qzjul:

    ii) Minimum's lowered
        a) minimum land halved to total_turns/2
        b) minimum CS lowered to total_turns*1/50 from total_turns*3/40
        c) minimum reverted to total_turns*3000 from total_turns*4000

This I believe was the original change(note some of the values have been changed considerably since):
Originally posted by martian:
effectively immediately and on all servers we have implemented the following changes live:

When you restart after being killed in battle you get the following

100 acres, $25,000 cash
1 acre + $3,000/turn played
1 cs for every 10 turns played
All stored turns and bonuses your prior country had (stored turns remain as stored turns)
the number of turns that you would have accumulated since dying up to the maximum of normal turns you are allowed on the server
The number of turns played is the total number of turns you played during the reset across all restarts.
maximum population for the land you are given for monarchy at 35% tax rate

This was implemented in a effort to make restarting easier and to encourage people to plan an entire reset and to add another dimension to the game.

This does not apply to self-deleting or being deleted for rules violations.
For FFA the bonus is calculated on a first in first out basis. So the first restart you make will get bonuses based on the first country that was killed.

