You guys sure don't read announcements, it's been about 3 months:
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4) Ghost acres cap based on units sent
- In each attack, you will be limited to a maximum 1 Ghost Acre (type I) per (your_land/20) units sent.
- Example I: You are 20k Acres; Land/20 = 1000; thus, for every 1000 units sent, you can get 1 Ghost acre.
You attack somebody who is 20kA with 200k units, get 2000A + 200A ghosts (because 200k/1000 = 200)
- Example II: You are 20k Acres; Land/20 = 1000; thus, for every 1000 units sent, you can get 1 Ghost acre.
You attack somebody who is 20kA with 2M units, get 2000A + normal ghosts (because 2M/1000 = 2000 ghosts, and you can't get 2000A ghosts from this grab)
- Example III: You are 100 Acres; Land/20 = 5; thus, for every 5 units sent, you can get 1 Ghost acre.
You attack somebody who is 400A with 50 units, get 40A + 10A ghosts (because 50/5 = 10)
- Example IV: You are 100 Acres; Land/20 = 5; thus, for every 5 units sent, you can get 1 Ghost acre.
You attack somebody who is 400A with 500 units, get 40A + normal ghosts (because 500/5 = 100, and you can't get 100A ghosts from this grab)
- Example V: You are 80k Acres; Land/20 = 4000; thus, for every 4000 units sent, you can get 1 Ghost acre.
You attack somebody who is 80k with 100k units, get 8000A + 25A ghosts (because 100000/4000 = 25)
- Example VI: You are 80k Acres; Land/20 = 4000; thus, for every 4000 units sent, you can get 1 Ghost acre.
You attack somebody who is 80k with 12M units, get 8000A + 3000A ghosts (because 12000000/4000 = 3000)
- Example VII: You are 80k Acres; Land/20 = 4000; thus, for every 4000 units sent, you can get 1 Ghost acre.
You attack somebody who is 80k with 20M units, get 8000A + normal ghosts (because 20000000/4000 = 5000 and you can't get that many ghosts from this grab)
- Reasoning for this change: Makes land trading slightly more expensive, cracks down on obvious abuse; should boost military kept on hand, thus reducing suiciders; may boost troop market slightly.
For the most purposes, your amount of ghosts acres obtained will not be any different from usual, unless your target is an all-jetter.