
AndrewMose Game profile


Sep 29th 2011, 23:33:20

I do but it hasn't sold yet...and I hope it doesn't because I am about to take off on a flight :). I would hate to mess up this record for everyone.

AndrewMose Game profile


Sep 29th 2011, 11:12:58

I think your right, I only played 1 country without landtrading and it couldn't keep up. My commie got to 50k acres and 180M NW all by itself. My other 15 were landtrading and they averaged 265...that could just be because they weren't indy's, but I suspect it's because of the landtrading.

AndrewMose Game profile


Sep 29th 2011, 3:48:40

...I think we are off looks like Newworld put up a ANW of around 270 last set...I don't think anyone will beat that this set...I think the skillset that puts someone on top of other servers is different than what is needed to be on top in FFA...not that the same person can't have or acquire both, just they are different.

Thats all...

And I hope to break 270 ANW next set (I just did the math and I think I would have had 270 this set if I wasn't suicided on, but what-ifs don't count)

AndrewMose Game profile


Sep 29th 2011, 3:44:36

wow...I live in Atlanta but I'm not a braves fan...but I hurt for the whole city tonight. Ouch

AndrewMose Game profile


Sep 28th 2011, 21:04:04

I can't make 271 this set unless I can resell like crazy this last day. I would have been close without the suicider.

AndrewMose Game profile


Sep 28th 2011, 17:16:41

What's the individual TNW record? I mean 16 country, not single country.

AndrewMose Game profile


Sep 24th 2011, 11:44:39

------  Basic Info   ------
Government Republic
Turns Left 206
Turns Taken 885
Turns Stored 176
Rank 73
Networth $2,394,863
Land 10,105
Money $119,923
Population 220,319

---- Land Distribution ----
Enterprise Zones 4,941
Residences 4,480
Industrial Complexes 423
Military Bases 0
Research Labs 0
Farms 24
Oil Rigs 0
Construction Sites 220
Unused Lands 17

------ Technology ------
Military 21
Medical 0
Business 66,660
Residential 65,574
Agricultural 0
Warfare 0
Military Strategy 0
Weapons 0
Industrial 423
Spy 0

------ Economics ------
Tax Revenues $4,019,676
Tax Rate 36
Per Capita Income $50
Expenses $543,146
Military Expenses $430,123
Alliance/GDI $11,973
Land Expenses $101,050
Net Income $3,476,530

------ Production ------
Food 15,597
Production 134
Consumption 8,237
Net Change -8,103
Oil 39,859

AndrewMose Game profile


Sep 24th 2011, 11:17:20

------  Basic Info   ------
Government Republic
Turns Left 296
Turns Taken 783
Turns Stored 182
Rank 103
Networth $1,459,025
Land 8,170
Money $8,216
Population 181,704

---- Land Distribution ----
Enterprise Zones 4,007
Residences 3,656
Industrial Complexes 287
Military Bases 0
Research Labs 0
Farms 0
Oil Rigs 0
Construction Sites 220
Unused Lands 0

------ Technology ------
Military 21
Medical 0
Business 55,295
Residential 54,971
Agricultural 0
Warfare 0
Military Strategy 0
Weapons 0
Industrial 287
Spy 0

------ Economics ------
Tax Revenues $3,359,634
Tax Rate 36
Per Capita Income $51
Expenses $321,169
Net Income $3,038,465

------ Production ------
Food 57,813
Production 0
Consumption 6,725
Net Change -6,725
Oil 208

AndrewMose Game profile


Sep 24th 2011, 11:11:05

Originally posted by blid:
He's trying a cash start repper again.
Andrew, if you had the opportunity, you should have played turns as soon as you saw how low tech prices were... no point storing turns for low tech when tech is already low right? Weird thing is, there's not a lot of big techers either, it doesn't seem to me. But still prices are through the floor.

I was at work and couldn't play :( I stole a few looks at the forum and eestats in between spreadsheets. Yeah I should be able to get back to a good place considering tech prices now...I lost about 1k acres, we'll see if I can get some retals.

AndrewMose Game profile


Sep 24th 2011, 11:07:12

47m NW should win it :)

AndrewMose Game profile


Sep 23rd 2011, 21:57:40

cant get to 25k quick exploring...

AndrewMose Game profile


Sep 23rd 2011, 21:51:40

I wont be competing for the top this round, picked the worste time of the market to play the most important turns. Had to buy tech for 3300

AndrewMose Game profile


Sep 23rd 2011, 21:48:08

So this is not something to brag about at all :( I got was thrilled to play considering the average tech prices I had seen. I thought it could be one of my best sets.

-I batch explored from 1900-3800 acres and there was no tech on the marekt...I would normally by about 3.5k of both bus and res at that point...

-Because there was nothing left I did another batch explore for 60 turns after building to 3800. I normally would not do this and would explore and buy tech every 2 turns, building every time I can.

-Tech came on the market after the 2nd batch explore for 3300 and 3500 per point...and that's what I bought at.

-I was getting frustrated and decided to buy some jets and make a landgrab and got a good return out of it.

-Sometime during this, I got grabbed and lost acreage. Now turrets are 160+ Im not teched, and full of land :(

-I'll have to show a better cash strategy another time...or better yet, a more skilled player can show it.

AndrewMose Game profile


Sep 23rd 2011, 21:42:51

------  Basic Info   ------
Government Republic
Turns Left 14
Turns Taken 709
Turns Stored 331
Rank 102
Networth $1,367,908
Land 8,062
Money $6,428,923
Population 153,902

---- Land Distribution ----
Enterprise Zones 3,937
Residences 3,578
Industrial Complexes 320
Military Bases 0
Research Labs 0
Farms 0
Oil Rigs 0
Construction Sites 220
Unused Lands 7

------ Technology ------
Military 21
Medical 0
Business 22,526
Residential 22,373
Agricultural 0
Warfare 0
Military Strategy 0
Weapons 0
Industrial 320
Spy 0

------ Economics ------
Tax Revenues $2,374,400
Tax Rate 35
Per Capita Income $44
Expenses $366,526
Military Expenses $238,759
Alliance/GDI $47,147
Land Expenses $80,620
Net Income $2,007,874

------ Production ------
Food 32,521
Production 3
Consumption 5,687
Net Change -5,684
Oil 208

AndrewMose Game profile


Sep 23rd 2011, 17:19:54

Looks like a well played country. Before you stock it would be benneficial to increase bus/res to 150 and military to 85. But now you should just focus on getting as big as possible

AndrewMose Game profile


Sep 23rd 2011, 17:08:33

At this point there isn't much benefit to a batch explore, so it is more effective to build and buy tech after every few turns.

AndrewMose Game profile


Sep 23rd 2011, 16:58:24

I will play my next 366 turns when I get off work tonight

AndrewMose Game profile


Sep 23rd 2011, 16:39:24

Who from TKO will have the top individual ANW?

AndrewMose Game profile


Sep 23rd 2011, 10:46:53

oh yeah...I'm the other swamp guardians this set...somebody took my name :)

AndrewMose Game profile


Sep 23rd 2011, 10:46:18

I'll be playing 720 turns in the next 12 hours. Looks like a good set to be a casher so far. Send me a DA or IA if you have a spot open.

AndrewMose Game profile


Sep 22nd 2011, 19:57:01

The optimal tax rate is 35 unless food increases above 48 or something high. It is only a good idea to raise it when your max pop and/or max PCI is much greater than where they currently are

AndrewMose Game profile


Sep 22nd 2011, 19:49:40

Originally posted by blid:
Are you the other Swamp Guardians aka Go Gators?

Yes, I wanted to make sure I could clearly show my innocence :). Not sure who wanted to take it though

AndrewMose Game profile


Sep 22nd 2011, 17:55:32

Someone took my name this set... That wasn't me

AndrewMose Game profile


Sep 22nd 2011, 17:43:20

I don't believe that the tech you purchase increases max population and max PCI enough to warrant a different tax rate from 35. Changing your tax rate is only optimal early in the set when 25 new buildings or $1M of tech makes a big change.

Also, I think you would be better off exploring with most of your turns yhan cashing. You acquire tech slower, but the ROI for land is greater than tech at 5k acres.

AndrewMose Game profile


Sep 22nd 2011, 11:07:02

------    Basic Info     ------
Government Republic
Networth $200,000
Land 2,000
Money $300,000

------ Land Distribution ------
Enterprise Zones 700
Residences 700
Industrial Complexes 300
Military Bases 0
Research Labs 0
Farms 0
Oil Rigs 0
Construction Sites 84
Unused Lands 100

------ Technology ------
Military 0
Medical 0
Business 400
Residential 400
Agricultural 0
Warfare 0
Military Strategy 0
Weapons 0
Industrial 300
Spy 0

------ Economics ------
Tax Revenues $200,000
Tax Rate 35
Per Capita Income $31
Expenses $20,000
Military Expenses $4,000
Alliance/GDI $200
Land Expenses $20,000
Net Income $200,000

------ Production ------
Food 2,000
Production 48
Consumption 700
Net Change -600
Oil 0

AndrewMose Game profile


Sep 20th 2011, 23:44:02

Military prices aren't what hurts or helps a casher. Cashers depend primarly on tech...and then secondarily on food. When I played turns 720 to 1080 I was buying tech above $3k and buying food around $60...if you compare that to previous sets when tech was below $2k and food around $40

AndrewMose Game profile


Sep 19th 2011, 2:13:00

Lowest networth I have had in a while. Horrible set for cashers. Congrats the Mischiefdemons, there are very few 30M + finishes.

AndrewMose Game profile


Sep 18th 2011, 19:40:48

It looks like you've done well for your first time. This is a horrible set to be a casher. My only additional comments would be get tech as soon as possible (tech provides 2/3 of your cash production) and but troops, tanks or jets to don't need turrets for defense at this point and they are normally the highest NW/Cost item, especially when you factor in cost/turn upkeep.

AndrewMose Game profile


Sep 18th 2011, 19:27:33

in the last 6 hours you cannot make any attacks while in GDI

AndrewMose Game profile


Sep 18th 2011, 17:24:27

The past few sets prices have climbed at the end. Does nobody stock food on this server? I would expect the supply to climb at the end.

AndrewMose Game profile


Sep 18th 2011, 0:30:57

I think he's Alabama Crimson Tide... I'm guessing the change now that it's football season...Go Gators!

AndrewMose Game profile


Sep 17th 2011, 18:58:31

agree with diez 100%, grabbing is the reason why this game is just as much art as science.

AndrewMose Game profile


Sep 17th 2011, 18:32:46

Last time I won express (the only time, who am I kidding) I had to decide not to retal the 2nd attack by a guy just so I didn't compromise the GDI protection. I have seen Shaney make the same choice. In fact I would guess many people have chosen to not take the 2nd retal.

GDI shouldn't be full proof, if it were than you would eliminate much of the demand for tanks and troops.

On a separate note, I have been suicided on early in the set while under GDI protection and without having made a single attack. GDI doesn't protect against landkills (not that I know a better solution though).

AndrewMose Game profile


Sep 17th 2011, 11:55:17

I too am not doing well, twice I have failed to break because I forgot I was a Republic, and this is the longest it has taken me to get fully teched. I almost want to just self delete.

AndrewMose Game profile


Sep 16th 2011, 16:32:44

I waited as long as I could and had to play turns buying $55 food and $3600 tech.

AndrewMose Game profile


Sep 15th 2011, 22:20:08

Don't hear too many complaints anymore, there isn't even residential tech on the market, and I am paying more the past 2 days than I did a week ago.

AndrewMose Game profile


Sep 14th 2011, 23:45:09

No changes since then, but there isn't a lot of incentive to grow that large with 1800 turns. I didn't realize 2 people got above 40, I thought Rockman was the only one. And even then he only put up $17M NW. I'm sure he would have done better if he had stopped at 30k acres.

If land is what your after than yes its possible to get past 40k still (though I'm sure difficult). I've never tried and I think most people just try to maximize NW and not land.

AndrewMose Game profile


Sep 13th 2011, 12:02:57

I'm trying to help you techers out. I wish I got that $1.8K tech though...apparently I bought the expensive stuff this time :(

AndrewMose Game profile


Sep 12th 2011, 0:15:17

I didn't stock very well either, and someone spied away $100M or so as well.

I think Rob cashed, although I never spied him. 22K acres wouldn't do very well as a techer, and judging by his late jump he wouldn't have taken advantage of the best tech market either.

AndrewMose Game profile


Sep 11th 2011, 23:53:02

I can't jump past Rob from here. Not sure if anyone else has stock left to do it. I should have made some late grabs to at least win the land challenge.

AndrewMose Game profile


Sep 11th 2011, 19:23:24

Looks like "Everyday I'm Shuffling" will win this challenge...he may win the set too.

AndrewMose Game profile


Sep 11th 2011, 19:10:33

I've been buying plenty of cheap tech :)

AndrewMose Game profile


Sep 10th 2011, 3:26:18

If food and tech get a bit higher I may abandon netting and take that challenge. Although not sure I can compete with a strong indy.

AndrewMose Game profile


Sep 10th 2011, 2:05:57

We need to always consider what this will do to the non-tag servers. For those on primary that can make it to 50k+ acres they have earned it and deserve to reap the full reward. I believe you would be encouraging all explore in these servers more so than it is now.

AndrewMose Game profile


Sep 10th 2011, 1:15:27

Tech is too expensive still. At this point it should be hovering around 2k or lower.

AndrewMose Game profile


Sep 9th 2011, 12:17:27

Still have 1 spot open...

AndrewMose Game profile


Sep 7th 2011, 22:53:10

DA needed.

AndrewMose Game profile


Sep 6th 2011, 23:41:40

I believe he won a couple recently.

AndrewMose Game profile


Sep 5th 2011, 16:08:16

Swamp Guardians #142. Send me a forum message if you are interested.

AndrewMose Game profile


Sep 5th 2011, 11:43:54

Would have been a nice set for me to try out the farmer strategy :) Congrats to everyone.