
BlackHole Game profile


May 20th 2024, 23:15:28

Uh... that's a weird question. Doubt you've heard of it, Detmer.

BlackHole Game profile


May 20th 2024, 22:55:21

Originally posted by Lord Milk:
Still living rent free in your head and I havent even been playing really aww love you too buttercup!


BlackHole Game profile


May 20th 2024, 20:54:00

Originally posted by Leto:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
He may not have asked you to, Empy. But you're here doing it nonetheless.

And where is Leto, the head of the alliance. Nowhere to be found except asking questions about longbows and posting Eminem lyrics on discord.

He's the epitome of 'I'll watch the house burn down from the street and do nothing about it' guy.

Again, I don't give a fluff about your opinion. It's tldr.

He's more interested in making friends with the neighbor while the house burns down, then he is in addressing the fact that he left the oven on and his family is trapped inside.

Leto only desires to be loved by everyone. That's why he messages me once every few weeks talking sweet, trying to make me like him again. The moment he realizes I still don't like him, and still call him on his garbage, he turns vile and insults my wife.

Round and round we go, Empy. Leto is like a broken clock, predictable and pathetic.

Leto the Cowardly. Gets his alliance in a war due to a personal grudge, and watches from the sidelines as his alliance crumbles around him.

Again, I don't give a fk about your opinion.

Tldr and don't care.

There he is! The coward finally speaks.

So I think the whole community wants to know. How are you going to stop your alliance from crumbling. You espoused opinions about wanting to bring more players to this game. Then you suicide your whole fluffing alliance into SoL all because of your hatred for me.

How does that help bring new players to the game or your alliance? All you've done is give your players reason to run away by bringing them into your personal grudge match against me.

And let's talk about that for a second. I get it, you're sad I don't like you. You're not used to people not liking you.

But for the love of god, how long are we going to do this for? Are you going to get over it eventually? Look at what it's doing to you man.

You're going to have to deal with the consequences this set. But maybe let's put this behind us. Get over it, for your alliances sake. I've been fighting hard to keep your alliance intact, but you've got to help me out. They aren't going to stick around if you keep letting your hatred for me influence the decisions you make as an alliance leader.

BlackHole Game profile


May 20th 2024, 19:32:05

Ivan - I want to go to your kindergarten class. That sounds AWESOME!

BlackHole Game profile


May 20th 2024, 19:04:29

He may not have asked you to, Empy. But you're here doing it nonetheless.

And where is Leto, the head of the alliance. Nowhere to be found except asking questions about longbows and posting Eminem lyrics on discord.

He's the epitome of 'I'll watch the house burn down from the street and do nothing about it' guy.

He's more interested in making friends with the neighbor while the house burns down, then he is in addressing the fact that he left the oven on and his family is trapped inside.

Leto only desires to be loved by everyone. That's why he messages me once every few weeks talking sweet, trying to make me like him again. The moment he realizes I still don't like him, and still call him on his garbage, he turns vile and insults my wife.

Round and round we go, Empy. Leto is like a broken clock, predictable and pathetic.

Leto the Cowardly. Gets his alliance in a war due to a personal grudge, and watches from the sidelines as his alliance crumbles around him.

BlackHole Game profile


May 20th 2024, 18:56:40

Originally posted by Leto:
Originally posted by Coalie:
I sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of soaring over the oilfields dropping hot sticky loads on disgusting foreigners. People say to me that a person being a helicopter is Impossible and I'm fluffing retarded but I don't care, I'm beautiful. I'm having a plastic surgeon install rotary blades, 30 mm cannons and AMG-114 Hellfire missiles on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me Apache and respect my right to kill from above and kill needlessly. If you can't accept me you're a heli phobe and need to check your vehicle privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.

Longbow or Guardian?

Leto - your alliance is scrambling. Your members are threatening to quit the game. You had FS and you've lost 5 countries, while still falling to kill 1 yet.

Why do you think, as leader for M4D, that you can just avoid all criticism and responsibility for your actions, and that you're going to be allowed to come on these forums and make silly comments that no one actually cares about?

If you didn't want to be an alliance leader, you shouldn't have started an alliance. I think it's really dirty of you to cause all this chaos and grief for your alliance, and then make Empy and SJ and Vic deal with the public backlash.

Be a man, face the music.

BlackHole Game profile


May 20th 2024, 18:36:55

Originally posted by herb:
Lol you call that walling

Well I'm not very good at this game, so perhaps you can help me out.

Here's what happened. M4D got all m4d, and started attacking me. They sent a ton of chems at me, and then started BRing me. I saw this while I was working and I said 'NO!'. Then I bought things and their attacks failed. Then they kept attacking me. So I bought more things, but I was getting low on money since I've been killed by them twice this set already. So my homies in SoL were like "yo BH, I got you!' and they sent me fluff. So then I was able to buy more fluff.

My population was getting low during all this, so I set my tax rate to 0 and ran some turns. Population went up.

This happened for a period of time before M4D went away and then started sending me mean messages on discord.

Maybe I didn't wall them? I dunno, what's that called? Honestly, I expected to die cause, like I said, I was doing an interview with someone while this was all going down. Luckily I had my dual screen action going on so I could multitask.

BlackHole Game profile


May 20th 2024, 18:20:39

Originally posted by SirJouster:
M4D Notice of Intent

With the start of the new reset, it is highly recommended that all player countries, tagged and untagged, proceed with building adequate defense. It is our intention to take advantage of all of your big juicy landfat countries and take those unprotected acres for our own.

We will do so honorably, expecting retaliatory attempts which will be accepted per our retal policy.

For information on our retal policy or to contact leadership please visit You may also find access to our discord channel there.

The following pacted alliances are exempted from this policy:


We wish everyone an exciting and successful reset

M4D Leadership

So M4D stated they planned to take advantage of land fat countries, but they would do so honorably, and accept retaliation.

What ended up actually happening was that they attempted to take advantage of SoL dishonorably, ended up realizing THEY were the land fat countries, and now is whining about the retaliations that they were supposed to accept.

Sir Jouster, you posted this on April 21st of 2024. I don't have my calendar in front of me. Can anyone tell me if that was opposite day?

BlackHole Game profile


May 20th 2024, 16:55:38

Empy - I've been sitting here trying to start netting in SoL.

I've literally been doing nothing since the last time you all killed me in alliance for... whatever reason you had.

What changed? I didn't do anything. SoL didn't do anything. You all attacked SoL, then wrote a war declaration post WITH MY NAME IN THE TITLE.

But I'm the one in the wrong here.... why?

BlackHole Game profile


May 20th 2024, 16:51:21

You're going to leave because of me.... because I made... Leto and M4D... attack... me? So it's... my fault?

Yep. That checks out entirely.

BlackHole Game profile


May 20th 2024, 16:23:30

So Leto and SirJouster attacked all of SoL because I have a big mouth?

And now what, you're leaving the game, and others in M4D I assume, because of Leto's hubris. Because he couldn't just leave me be, and he had to try to get me one more time.

It wasn't enough that you all attacked me in teams three sets in a row, and now in alliance and killed me here twice already. I found some people that wanted to get to know me and give me a chance, and your all's hatred for me caused you to attack them out of spite?

Leto needs to be a better leader than that. That's a really poor reason to get your alliance killed. Don't blame me for his poor choices.

BlackHole Game profile


May 20th 2024, 16:09:42

And what about this set in alliance when ya'll killed me unprovoked? Also not an attack?

BlackHole Game profile


May 20th 2024, 16:09:07

Empy - what about the set before when ya'll hunted me? Is that also not an attack? Requiem got killed because you thought I was him.

BlackHole Game profile


May 20th 2024, 16:08:11

Jokes on you, Empy. I liked it!

BlackHole Game profile


May 20th 2024, 15:27:48

They absolutely did attack me first in teams. Both this round, AND last round when I was with Requiem.

BlackHole Game profile


May 20th 2024, 15:26:33

Look I know it's spamming the forums at this point. We don't REALLY need 3 threads dedicated to the inadequacies of M4D, but I think the world deserves to know.

M4D was just walled by the 2nd smallest country in SoL. And they were walled while I was conducting a video interview with a potential employee.

Come on guys. If you can't kill me while I'm working, you're never going to have a chance against these other guys in SoL who are actually good at the game.

My suggestion? Apologize. Tuck your tail between your legs, and attempt to get SoL leadership to forgive you for your unprovoked attack. You guys aren't in the same league as these guys.

BlackHole Game profile


May 20th 2024, 15:24:31

Vic - do me a favor. Go pull the history of alliance this round.

Look me up, and tell me. Who attacked first. Me, or M4D?

That's what I thought. You can call me a liar all you want, but I have the proof every time.

Also, you should call me the R word. It's really not nice man.

BlackHole Game profile


May 20th 2024, 14:52:08



How in the world are you attempting to claim SoL is in the wrong when you attacked SoL, and your reasoning for doing so was... 'checks the title of the war declaration thread written by SJ', because I was in SoL!!!!

Netters my ass. A 2 year can understand what's happening here. You're just sad at the outcome. LOL.

BlackHole Game profile


May 20th 2024, 14:46:36

M4D - I have an offer for you.

Since Leto and company are failing SO MISERABLY at hurting me in alliance, I would like to provide you with my country numbers on other servers. You might have a little more success at cross-server griefing if you all band together.

Hit me up on discord if you want the info.

BlackHole Game profile


May 20th 2024, 14:34:48

Originally posted by VicRattlehead:
Originally posted by Coalie:
I liked how he said he pacted mercs in good faith like he had some kind of power over mercs and that Mercs should be grateful.

Don’t pact us next time if you want to FS merc’s allies

Don't be salty because we saw it coming and acted first instead of sitting back and getting FSd.

<Earthnews> CM - Suicidal (#28) [SoLxTTM] -> Leto is typing (#246) [M4D] 9C 329B

<Earthnews> GS - eevess (#293) [SoLxTTM] -> Sterlitimak (#38) [M4D] 5C 1483F

<Earthnews> GS - Titanic (#473) [SoLxTTM] -> (#364) [M4D] 4C 84F

I don't think anyone in SoL is salty, Vic. The only thing that happened is your leaders wrote their own obituaries.

This entire post has MY NAME in the title. You all attacked SoL over little old me?

What kind of lunatics are running the ship over there. Do I really get your panties that wound up that you'd commit suicide by attacking SoL unprovoked just because I'm here?

It's really sad because Leto and SJ's hubris and hatred is going to cause all of M4D to get destroyed. How many of them are going to quit the game because Leto couldn't be a man and just apologize to me, and he instead had to chase me from server to server, attempting to bully me.

I almost pity the dude. But then I realize he recruited Turtle Crawler to help him... so... yea, no pity anymore, lol.

BlackHole Game profile


May 20th 2024, 14:09:02

Leto, Sj, Vic....

Your hatred for me will be your downfall.

BlackHole Game profile


May 20th 2024, 14:06:10

Originally posted by VicRattlehead:
Originally posted by EmpyreanMKR:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Very. It's one of my superpowers.

We really need to stop messing with natural selection. Most keyboard warriors should have been eaten by a lion by now.

BH's biggest problem is that he has not been punched in the face enough for his obnoxious behavior.

Big problem in society right now actually, and it's leading to the collective west getting their fluff pushed in by BRICS.

Are you unable to keep this about the game? You have to make it about real life? And you're what... advocating for violence against me IRL? I mean... I guess it's par for the course from your degenerate alliance.

I don't suspect the holy man Leto will have anything to say to you about you advocating for violence. He might just give you my personal info so you can attempt to enact it.

I'd say this to you though......

Grow up, child.

BlackHole Game profile


May 20th 2024, 14:04:06

Originally posted by SirJouster:
Would've, Should've, Cuda

We came as an open book, we didn't hide our agenda, we didn't conceal our goals. Now we will prove that we mean what we say.

Sol, we came without any ill will towards you and we would have gladly spoken with you about pacting, but you chose not to engage. Instead, you decided to give refuge to an an enemy, knowing that we had sworn a blood oath against him and any that allied with him.

You decided to take an offensive stance, You decided no to diplomatically engage. Weezy, YOU DECIDED THIS. That is where you're decisions end.

Effectively, at this moment, we have convened Military Operations to disable and destroy those that have allied with our enemy. We will not negotiate, we will show no quarter, we shall not relent. I find it fitting, that Sol, that once shining star, now about to be devoured by the Black Hole it Harbors.

And Mercs, do not think that your treachery goes unnoticed. We pacted with you in good faith only to have a majority of your members untag and join up with Black Sol. Obviously to provide you with deniability they have held off until 72 hr accountability window has closed. We are not oath breakers, and we will honor our word through the end of set. Do not expect this to be forgotten.

May the games begin, This is the way

Sir Jouster, HFA M4D

I just want to quote this post so I can laugh at it in the future.

BlackHole Game profile


May 20th 2024, 12:18:27

I mean... it's in the post. LOL. Ya'll declared war on SoL. Not the other way around.

BlackHole Game profile


May 20th 2024, 12:17:53

Very. It's one of my superpowers.

BlackHole Game profile


May 20th 2024, 11:52:31

Who attacked who, Empy?

BlackHole Game profile


May 20th 2024, 11:50:30

Oh I don't think that's true.

He's argued with me plenty. Called my wife vicious names. Justified doxxing me. He has argued with me a lot.

He just doesn't seem to want to back up his actions in game publicly. I can't understand why.

BlackHole Game profile


May 20th 2024, 11:42:59

Why do you all come on here to take the fluff that Leto should be facing?

BlackHole Game profile


May 20th 2024, 11:30:27

Leto!!!!! Where are you?!?!?!?

BlackHole Game profile


May 20th 2024, 11:22:17

Originally posted by EmpyreanMKR:
Btw. If you did have an alter ego inside M4D, you'd see plain as day we aren't cheating. So another lie just to fuel your vendetta with Leto.


Empy - You all didn't know (apparently) that you had cheaters in Light. I wasn't even in your alliance and I knew. It seems that maybe I'm privy to more information about your own alliances than you are.

BlackHole Game profile


May 20th 2024, 11:21:15

Originally posted by EmpyreanMKR:
I can field this one at a time.

1. Because none of his people were cheating. One guy on the teams server did.

2. M4D will not bow to mere words. Lights is still 10 strong. MKR didn't LEAVE lights. I just wanted mkr back. Nothing to do with teams or blackhole, Leto, or M4D or paradigm.

3. Milkman paid for his crimes.

4. Leto tries to talk to you, but your too deafened by your own voice to hear it.

Which means you should finally go back to your moms basement.

So let me respond, then.

1. None of his people were cheating.... except the ones that were cheating. Got it. Did Leto ever publicly acknowledge any of his people cheated? Did he ever apologize? Did he ever let anyone know how it would be dealt with? No, he hid in his cave, like a coward.

2. I don't understand. So MKR is a division of Lights?

3. Milkman paid for his crimes? How? Did he ever apologize to the community? Did he ever answer questions? Did he ever admit wrong doing?

I came on here and told everyone what I did, when nobody knew. I then answered questions. Apologized. Sought forgiveness, then answered more questions.

Did Milkman do ANY of that? The only thing I saw was some BS joke post that was quoted up here earlier, about ONE of his multis. When we all know he had many many multis.

4. Leto does a poor job of trying to talk to me. A month ago when we spoke he said 'we can try again next round'. He closed the talks. Mind you, this is after HE opened the aggression this set by unprovoked killing me with his 15 man alliance. Which was after he hunted me and killed me in teams, unprovoked.

He's trying REALLY hard, isn't he?

And now he unprovoked attacked SoL. Let me guess, he tried to talk to them too, before being the aggressor?

Has he considered... Oh I don't know, not attacking people he doesn't want to fight? That might be a strategy he employs.

Here's another question though.

WHERE IS THE COWARD?!?!? Why does he send everyone else to the forums to talk for him. It is absolutely, positively, pathetic. Leto the Coward.

All his other flaws aside, him being a coward is probably the worst piece of his personality.

BlackHole Game profile


May 20th 2024, 10:43:16

I have a question -

If Leto is the leader of M4D, why is he always absent from defending his clan and his people?

Just like when his people were caught cheating, he refuses to acknowledge anything. He refuses to apologize. He refuses to face the music.

Now his clan first strikes another clan (and losses a country in the process, LOL) and he's sending others here to face the music.

Leto - you're an absolutely cowardly leader. You think I don't know what's happening? You're scared of the spotlight, and worse, you're scared to face me in the spotlight. I get sent screenshots from your discord and your private chat all the time. I see the back room dealings you've been attempting. I was aware last set in teams when you were hunting for me, and that's why you hit Req. I knew this set before you were going to attack me unprovoked in alliance. And I was aware that you were planning on attacking SoL before tonight.

I know EVERYTHING you're planning to do. So you mine as well stop sneaking around behind close doors, being duplicitous.

Come out and face the music choir boy. Why don't you explain to the rest of M4D and this community why your hatred for me is going to cause the downfall of all of M4D. 15 other players are going to suffer for your actions.

I've told quite a few of them that they really should splinter off from you. You caused chaos and grief for PDM when you were there, you caused Lights to essentially splinter in half in teams, and now you're causing M4D to get wrecked.

You're worse than turtle crawler. At least he attempts to face me in public, sometimes. You employ the milkman strategy. Just run and hide.



Are... YOU MILKMAN? Is that why you defended his multing and doxxing so hard? Is that why you insulted my wife and told me you'd pray for me when I brought it to your attention?!?! Is that why you hate me so much?!?!

OMFG. It all makes sense. Is Milkman actually one of your multis?!?!?!?!?!

BlackHole Game profile


May 20th 2024, 2:31:53

LOL - they even F'd that up Tan.

BlackHole Game profile


May 20th 2024, 2:25:26

Drow - you see how I am playing clean?

I think we are cool with each other, and have an understanding.

See how Leto isnt? You see how he has never once taken responsibility for the cheating that happened under his watch? You see how the cofounder of M4D has never apologized to the community? You see how they doxxed members of this community? And then after that, they brought in Turtle Crawler, one of the most infamous cheaters of all time.

There is a very clear good guys/bad guys here.

And it's hilarious that the bad guys are trying to use my existence, a reformed person who is being given a second chance by this community, as justification for their actions. Especially when all the skeletons in their closet are MUCH worse than mine, and they keep shoving them back in the closet.

BlackHole Game profile


May 20th 2024, 2:05:31

Drow -

Here's the thing.

Weezy actually is anti-cheating. I've assured him, and the rest of the community, that when I outed the other cheaters as well as myself, that those days were behind me.

Leto defended those other cheaters. And none of them have taken responsibility for their actions yet. I haven't given Leto the opportunity privately to discuss this with me multiple times, and he's attacked me personally, telling me he is going to pray for me, attacked my wife, and then told me that I was in the wrong for being doxxed because I upset people by exposing them as cheaters.

Everyone else here, including yourself, have given me a second chance. Aside from having multiple discord profiles in M4D, PDM, Lights, and other discord channels, I have no multis in the game. I think everyone knows that, and everyone is cool with me now.

Leto is upset with me because I keep showing the community his true colors.

He attacked me in alliance unprovoked. Then his clan attack Stones players unrprovoked. Then his clan attacked SoL unprovoked.

Oh... they've also been planning this attack for awhile. Long before SoL took me in, just for the record. I've got the proof.

BlackHole Game profile


May 20th 2024, 2:00:13

Also - I posted your war declaration before you guys even posted it. So I literally beat you at that too. You can't do anything right, except die.

BlackHole Game profile


May 20th 2024, 1:58:37


Letos obsession with me has lead to 1 of his own alliances countries dying during the first hour of M4D first striking SoL.

Nice fvcking job, losers. I feel bad for anyone in M4D right now, being guided by an idiot who can't admit he harbors cheaters and doxxers (that have never asked for forgiveness or changed their ways).

He is leading you all to death just because he can't get off my fluff. Hilarious.

BlackHole Game profile


May 20th 2024, 1:37:49

Where is the honor?

M4D doesn't even declare war. They just attack on a Sunday night like a bunch of F'n cowards.

Leto - you are a pathetic. Classless.

BlackHole Game profile


May 20th 2024, 1:35:48

No declaration of war. Just cheating, doxxing, and deceit.

Leto has done an amazing job of putting together one of the worst rosters in recent history. 15 total players, with two countries each. Leto only has one, because he wants to have the image of this perfect leader, but the hypocrisy is well known in the community.

Milkman, the co-founder of m4d, has taught all of M4D how to run multis without getting caught.

Turtle Crawler has been the mentor for all the new cheaters, teaching them how he did it a decade ago.

Leto DESPERATELY wants everyone to like him, but doesn't know how to deal with the fact that I've been exposing him for being the biggest hypocrite in the game for 3 months.

This first strike by them has been a total failure. Absolutely pathetic. It's pretty sad that I, someone who has only played this game for a year, can easily recognize how pathetic this first strike by M4D is. I did better first strikes when I was brand new to the game and didn't have bots.

Leto, this is embarrassing bro. You need a better warchat leader.

BlackHole Game profile


May 20th 2024, 0:57:47

Rick where you play?

Edited By: BlackHole on May 20th 2024, 1:00:14
See Original Post

BlackHole Game profile


May 19th 2024, 1:43:58

Can we get the spy ops to save for longer so we don't have to use external tools to keep our spy reports?

BlackHole Game profile


May 18th 2024, 20:57:41

Originally posted by VicRattlehead:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Uh... Vic. You all attacked me first, not the other way around. I don't suicide fluff. I retaliated to your unprovoked aggression.

As for Dark. Ya... no. They are my mortal enemies on team. I'm not working with them.

For someone who likes to chastise others for 'lying' you sure are doing a lot of it yourself here.

Bro, I had to make the rhyme scheme work, I did that in like 40 seconds. And I did it within my country name theme!

But yeah, the way you responded to 1 landgrab is traditionally called "suiciding" in this game. That's not new.

Gotcha. Just wanted to make sure people didnt think I hit MKR first, and knew it was actually the other way around.

BlackHole Game profile


May 18th 2024, 14:59:55

Uh... Vic. You all attacked me first, not the other way around. I don't suicide fluff. I retaliated to your unprovoked aggression.

As for Dark. Ya... no. They are my mortal enemies on team. I'm not working with them.

For someone who likes to chastise others for 'lying' you sure are doing a lot of it yourself here.

BlackHole Game profile


May 17th 2024, 20:15:40

Dagga - I challenge you to 1 v 1 on express server. I won't even use spies.

BlackHole Game profile


May 17th 2024, 14:21:28

I still know what you did last summer!

BlackHole Game profile


May 16th 2024, 15:56:20

Originally posted by Doug:
Originally posted by EmpyreanMKR:
Im glad it's not me in the middle of this....
For a change.

I can put you in it if you’d prefer? lol

I can too!

BlackHole Game profile


May 16th 2024, 15:32:31

Originally posted by Doug:
Oh sweet baby Jesus. Day 142 of cath going after anyone who speaks.

I never mentioned you in this thread. I have politely lest you alone as I feel 20 people pummeling you on a daily basis will throw you into crisis. You mentioned my name after I made a self deprecating joke to calm the nerves.

My training and 204 years in college says don’t engage an impaired person. Matching tone with tone ie: arguing for you in the cheap seats stops communication.

Again when 1 person says your an axxhole it’s just their opinion. When 20 people say you’re an axxhole, you just may be an axxhole.

So. Post hoc ergo propter hoc my “highly intelligent” friend.

oh fluff. I think that means I'm an asshole too :(

BlackHole Game profile


May 16th 2024, 14:27:54

Wait... we can have pajama parties?!??

fluff yea, I'm in.

BlackHole Game profile


May 16th 2024, 11:20:30

Originally posted by Doug:
For the record I made peace with this shmuck during Hanukkah. I won’t be doing this again. So cath… my advice talk to Josey about what I’m really about. We are good. Carry on your fight. BH and I have no issues. So use political capital as you like but we ain’t falling for your shxt. Call a warm line or help line. Love you lots. 😘

Can confirm, Doug is my homie. I went too hard on him, and didn't understand what he had going on in life at that time. He deserves some latitude and grace.

Turtle Crawler on the other hand. F that guy. He deserves nothing but my unwavering assaults on his character, intelligence and integrity.