
DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Mar 12th 2011, 0:56:40

No, we are not Swords in a new shell.

The majority of Swords players went with Buros to start up Pimps.

Paragon of Duality is a new legacy. It is something I have wanted to do for YEARS. Those who I have asked to join me in this adventure are players that I know well, and I will have fun with. They will also remain active and follow rules. Which seriously was lacking in Swords.

FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Mar 11th 2011, 22:37:38

I am sure there are.

I sure hope nobody from our community has been hurt. Has anyone heard anything from any of our japanese players?
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Mar 11th 2011, 20:14:45


The time has come to make our formal announcement of a new alliance on the FFA Server.

I'd like to be the first to introduce you to Paragon of Duality.

What you can expect from us:

We will use FA contacts for all cases over 1:1 SS/PS attacks.
We will be respectful to everyone on FFAT.
We will not join into any gangbanging voluntarily.
We will never break any signed pact.
We will treat everyone equally. Untags -> Large Clans.
We will not Self Farm.
We will defend our tag by any means neccessary.
We will War.
We will Net.
We will have fun.

Our retal policy will be posted once it is finalised.
I will serve as PoD'S FA contact for now.

You can reach us on, in channel #PoD.

We are accepting applications. But we will screen all applicants. As we are looking for specific characteristics and moral fiber from our members.

We are now accepting pact requests.

FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Mar 11th 2011, 0:57:28


Paragon of Duality can be found...

You can also reach us on IRC.
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Mar 10th 2011, 20:49:47


Its not really my issue any more. I will leave the rest of Swords to deal with this situation themself. I have taken a few members that are active, and follow orders, and we have started a new clan.

Our new clan has already resolved this issue with KeTcHuP and TKO.
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Mar 10th 2011, 15:19:42

Originally posted by Kill4Free:
Neutral person here, from what I heard (100% not from swords, just TKO members and FFAT)

The timeline goes something like this

Swords restarts (After they were tagkilled cause most of their countries werent very good) Were farming TKO countries which decided that since everyone was in a war they did not have to get defense.

TKO farms a few swords countries with defenses unbreakable by swords to teach em a lesson (Fair IMO)

Swords spends a few days FAing to get a big jetter together, and does a grab on the TKO country that farmed swords (Granted a day or two passed retal window, more of a point then a hit).

TKO wants more then 2:1 cause swords has a jetter (Legend has it only 70% jets when TKO said 80%)

Issues went downhill from there and ended up with swords basically lemming'ing themselves at TKO with their restarts.

I may have missed stuff, but can't really blame swords for throwing emselves at yah :P

Incorrect on this K4F. But it is pretty close to accurate.

After our war, One of TKO's strings bottomfed us. 10m NW hitting our 4 biggest countries, which were at 1.3m NW.

In an attempt to make those retals, our member bought up jets to try and break him. He was not able to make it within the retal window, so he Hit a different country within the same string.

TKO enforced L:L on that country, stating that he was an All Jetter.

Our Member bought defense and made a few grabs on that string.

Then a separate member 8 tapped TKO.

TKO and I negotiated 1:1 retal on all hits done by Swords. And setup a 72hr DNH.

When more than 8 retals were done on the 8 tap, our member flipped and with the approval from mob, they started farming/killing TKO countries.

If I were TKO, I would have probably done the same thing in response to that.

I am idling in your IRC room for a bit. I got to head to work soon though. If we can't link up soon, I'll PM you.
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Mar 9th 2011, 1:27:44

FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Mar 8th 2011, 21:02:31

Ohhh, I guess I was wrong :) I guess we were the only ones to do it publicly then.

I'll wait for you in your IRC room.
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Mar 8th 2011, 19:52:22

Its not really anyone's concern besides TKO. I am still Idling in there room waiting for KeTcHuP
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Mar 8th 2011, 17:55:06

Adjusted... Kyle and I posted at almost the same time.

Mine, Kyles and Havocs have been added to this list to get it back to being correct.

Cerevisi +5
IMP -18
NBK +4
TKOwnd +4
Swords -3
FoCuS +4
Xtinct +2
Ares +4
ReVolt +1
KickAss -3
HTM -1
AoDT -2
ESD +1
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Mar 8th 2011, 17:49:06

I agree with that statement Dragon :)

And Swords is the only war alliance to agree with TKO/PANLV regarding All Jetters.

But I also believe that there is a big difference between 70% and 80%. And that is the issue at hand.
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Mar 8th 2011, 17:02:05

I would love too... But I don't know who the Primary Mod is.
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Mar 8th 2011, 16:55:25

All Jetter as defined by TKO and PANLV is 80% jets. Atleast that is what has been posted on FFAT.

What am I missing? I am still Idling in your IRC room.
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Mar 8th 2011, 15:58:44

FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Mar 8th 2011, 15:30:55

+ Swords
- Cerevisi (Your getting too much of a lead)

Cerevisi +5
IMP -17
NBK +4
TKOwnd +4
Swords -3
FoCuS +4
Xtinct +2
Ares +4
ReVolt +1
KickAss -3
HTM -1
AoDT -2
ESD +1
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Mar 8th 2011, 15:29:39

And I stand by my word. You took the attacks cross server. I did not.

You hit Myself, Nightshade and Strikey in 1a.

Then you hit me in Primary as well.

You are being a douchebag, and if you want to continue this, I will be more than happy to make you farm land on any server I see you on.

And I wont start the hits. I'll let you be dumb and do it. But you can expect me to retal it every time. Including the spy ops you just did to me today in Primary.
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Mar 8th 2011, 15:06:11

I am idling in your IRC room.
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Mar 8th 2011, 15:02:32

I am around... I'll stop by your IRC room for a bit.

Otherwise you can find me at
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Mar 7th 2011, 17:54:20

Confirmed ;)

Seriously though, these are both allies of ours. If anyone try's to jump in, we may declare on ya too :)

That goes for both sides...
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Mar 7th 2011, 17:16:07

Can you contact me? I am on Idling.
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Mar 7th 2011, 16:48:54

Mag -4
sof 5
lcn 11
laf -6
evo 5
omega 4
rd 1
sanct 5
icn 4
pdm -13
monsters 5
wof 6
na -2
sol -16
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Mar 6th 2011, 15:35:59

+ Swords
- Cerevisi (Starting to get to high)

Cerevisi +5
IMP -10
TKOwnd +4
Swords -4
FoCuS +3
Xtinct +2
Ares +2
ReVolt +1
KickAss -2
HTM -1
AoDT -1
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Mar 5th 2011, 16:36:55

synoder - Thanks for the heads up :)

He is using the country name TinMan on several other servers though. Just like his 1a country that suicided on Nightshade, dropped all defense and posted on Alliance Talk for everyone to farm him.

I will personally have my fun with him.
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Mar 5th 2011, 16:24:50

So Paulie, you decided to take this to another server as well...

And hit Nightshades country in 1a.

I just talked to pang about it, he said that he won't delete your country. So you can expect me to hit your country, no matter what server, whenever I see ya.

Good Luck TinMan :)
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Mar 4th 2011, 22:46:47

I will fall short of top 10 for sure. 5k more acres and it may have been a different story.

I'm roughly making 1.6b cash per day now. Only 2 days worth stored so far. I don't think that will be enough in the end.

But I have no clue, this is my first time netting... Ever... So I may finish 1st or 200th. I really have no idea. My best guess is, I'll hit top 75 or so.

FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Mar 4th 2011, 21:07:30

So Correct total is...

Cerevisi 2
IMP -8
TKOwnd 4
Swords -3
FoCuS +3
Xtinct +2
Ares 0
ReVolt 1
KickAss -2
HTM -1
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Mar 4th 2011, 20:05:19

Correcting a Mistake by cRaZyDaVe.

His vote was:

- Cerevisi

He added to Both IMP and FoCuS
He Lowered Both Swords and Cerevisi

I have adjusted the list to the correct tally after Pain's vote.

Cerevisi 2
IMP -8
TKOwnd 3
Swords -3
FoCuS +2
Xtinct +2
Ares 0
ReVolt 1
KickAss -2
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Mar 4th 2011, 19:49:51

Unfortunately I restarted, still at war with XTINCT. So I just went with simple farmer strats.

If I would have known, I would have restarted as techers for sure.
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Mar 4th 2011, 19:43:16

These prices are a product of every clan over 50 countries going to war this set. With the exception of TKO.

Tech would normally be sub 3k. I'd guess closer to 2.2k for indy tech at this point.
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Mar 4th 2011, 18:40:37

Put more tech on the market... Its too EXPENSIVE!!!
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Mar 4th 2011, 18:34:14

+ Swords
- FoCuS

Cerevisi 2
IMP -8
TKOwnd 2
Swords -2
FoCuS +2
Xtinct +2
Ares 0
ReVolt 1
KickAss -2
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Mar 4th 2011, 18:26:35

iMag -4
sof 2
lcn 9
laf 0
evo 3
omega 5
rd 0
sanct 5
icn 3
pdm -9
monsters 2
wof 5
na 0
sol -10
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Mar 3rd 2011, 20:44:19

I mentioned this in the other thread as well. But I'll post it here to make sure you understand why your being killed...

3/2/2011 20:23:42 MasterC (#5355) DEAD MasterC (#5239) MasterC SS 20 Acres / + 0 Acres
3/2/2011 20:23:38 MasterC (#5355) DEAD MasterC (#5239) MasterC SS 20 Acres / + 0 Acres
3/2/2011 20:23:34 MasterC (#5355) DEAD MasterC (#5239) MasterC SS 20 Acres / + 0 Acres
3/2/2011 20:23:31 MasterC (#5355) DEAD MasterC (#5239) MasterC SS 20 Acres / + 0 Acres
3/2/2011 20:23:28 MasterC (#5355) DEAD MasterC (#5239) MasterC SS 20 Acres / + 0 Acres
3/2/2011 20:23:23 MasterC (#5355) DEAD MasterC (#5239) MasterC SS 30 Acres / + 3 Acres
3/2/2011 20:14:20 MASTERC (#5131) DEAD MasterC (#5239) MasterC SS 30 Acres / + 3 Acres
3/2/2011 20:14:17 MASTERC (#5131) DEAD MasterC (#5239) MasterC SS 30 Acres / + 3 Acres
3/2/2011 20:14:14 MASTERC (#5131) DEAD MasterC (#5239) MasterC SS 63 Acres / + 18 Acres
3/2/2011 20:14:11 MASTERC (#5131) DEAD MasterC (#5239) MasterC SS 64 Acres / + 18 Acres
3/2/2011 20:14:07 MASTERC (#5131) DEAD MasterC (#5239) MasterC SS 86 Acres / + 40 Acres
3/2/2011 20:08:52 MasterC (#5330) DEAD MasterC (#5239) MasterC SS Attack Failed
3/2/2011 20:08:47 MasterC (#5330) DEAD MasterC (#5239) MasterC SS 286 Acres / + 117 Acres
3/2/2011 20:08:42 MasterC (#5330) DEAD MasterC (#5239) MasterC SS 344 Acres / + 131 Acres
3/2/2011 20:08:36 MasterC (#5330) DEAD MasterC (#5239) MasterC SS 557 Acres / + 233 Acres
3/2/2011 20:08:32 MasterC (#5330) DEAD MasterC (#5239) MasterC SS 829 Acres / + 271 Acres
3/2/2011 20:08:26 MasterC (#5330) DEAD MasterC (#5239) MasterC SS 820 Acres / + 268 Acres
3/2/2011 04:43:09 MASTERC (#5131) DEAD Of Mice And Men (#5467) MasterC PS 169 Acres / + 158 Acres

That is not acceptable. Doesn't matter what your tag is, we will kill you for it. But since you wanted to make it personal, by claiming this is about Nightshade, we decided to kill your whole tag.
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Mar 3rd 2011, 18:33:43


As I told Paulie. If the mods tell me they are multis, I will boot them from Swords. But just because you suspect they are multi's isn't good enough reason for me to boot them.
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Mar 3rd 2011, 18:09:35

And did you really add FOG into your signature, hoping to get support that way?
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Mar 3rd 2011, 18:05:36

Ohhh your right... 1 hit on Nightshades

3/2/2011 04:43:09 MASTERC (#5131) DEAD Of Mice And Men (#5467) MasterC PS 169 Acres / + 158 Acres

What about this?

3/2/2011 20:23:42 MasterC (#5355) DEAD MasterC (#5239) MasterC SS 20 Acres / + 0 Acres
3/2/2011 20:23:38 MasterC (#5355) DEAD MasterC (#5239) MasterC SS 20 Acres / + 0 Acres
3/2/2011 20:23:34 MasterC (#5355) DEAD MasterC (#5239) MasterC SS 20 Acres / + 0 Acres
3/2/2011 20:23:31 MasterC (#5355) DEAD MasterC (#5239) MasterC SS 20 Acres / + 0 Acres
3/2/2011 20:23:28 MasterC (#5355) DEAD MasterC (#5239) MasterC SS 20 Acres / + 0 Acres
3/2/2011 20:23:23 MasterC (#5355) DEAD MasterC (#5239) MasterC SS 30 Acres / + 3 Acres
3/2/2011 20:14:20 MASTERC (#5131) DEAD MasterC (#5239) MasterC SS 30 Acres / + 3 Acres
3/2/2011 20:14:17 MASTERC (#5131) DEAD MasterC (#5239) MasterC SS 30 Acres / + 3 Acres
3/2/2011 20:14:14 MASTERC (#5131) DEAD MasterC (#5239) MasterC SS 63 Acres / + 18 Acres
3/2/2011 20:14:11 MASTERC (#5131) DEAD MasterC (#5239) MasterC SS 64 Acres / + 18 Acres
3/2/2011 20:14:07 MASTERC (#5131) DEAD MasterC (#5239) MasterC SS 86 Acres / + 40 Acres
3/2/2011 20:08:52 MasterC (#5330) DEAD MasterC (#5239) MasterC SS Attack Failed
3/2/2011 20:08:47 MasterC (#5330) DEAD MasterC (#5239) MasterC SS 286 Acres / + 117 Acres
3/2/2011 20:08:42 MasterC (#5330) DEAD MasterC (#5239) MasterC SS 344 Acres / + 131 Acres
3/2/2011 20:08:36 MasterC (#5330) DEAD MasterC (#5239) MasterC SS 557 Acres / + 233 Acres
3/2/2011 20:08:32 MasterC (#5330) DEAD MasterC (#5239) MasterC SS 829 Acres / + 271 Acres
3/2/2011 20:08:26 MasterC (#5330) DEAD MasterC (#5239) MasterC SS 820 Acres / + 268 Acres
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Mar 3rd 2011, 17:58:50

Imag -3
SoF 1
LaF 3
Evo 4
Omega 6
RD -1
Sanct 5
PDM -12
Monsters 2
WoF 4
NA -1
SoL -9
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Mar 3rd 2011, 17:51:28


You are allowed to post 1x per 24hrs
You can give 1 point to any Alliance
You can Remove 1 point from any Alliance

Cerevisi 0
TKOwnd 0
Swords 1
FoCuS 0
Xtinct 0
Ares 0
ReVolt 0
KickAss -1

I have started... If someone posts roughly the same time, try to adjust to the correct totals, if a vote is missed.
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Mar 3rd 2011, 17:42:21

I will defend anyone that fights for the Swords tag.

I have not received any sort of proof showing that anyone in Swords is a multi. Just because you think someone is, doesn't mean its true.

If you were in Swords and were being accused of something, I'd have your back just the same.

And I have talked to Paulie on ICQ. But he is in his own little world right now. If he wants to bring it to FFAT, then so be it. I will put our side on the table. Anyways there is nothing left to explain to him.

If anyone thinks someone is cheating, report it. Its that simple.
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Mar 3rd 2011, 17:03:51

You declared war on Rockman and got your ass kicked. We thought we could teach you how to war better. So we negotiated a peace with Rockman for you. Then we taught you how to kill in under 6hrs ;)

Then out of no where you left Swords. Leaving me a message stating that Nightshade and Purgatori were multi's and that if we left you alone, you would not make it public.

In PM you said that MOB told you they were multi's. This was a lie. MOB never said they were multi's. You can post whatever conversation you had with MOB here. In no place does MOB state that they were multi's.

Swords was then suicided on by 3 seperate untag strings. We killed the 1st string, and almost killed the second string, when the rest tagged into your tag. Then the other untags that suicided, also tagged DEAD.

Shortly after, you Farmed one of Nightshades countrys. Followed by a post on FFAT calling out Nightshade.

This is not acceptable to Swords. You may not like Nightshade or Purgatori, but as I told you in PM, if you think they are multi's, report them. Attacks into our tag will be treated like we would treat anyone else.

With that being said, Swords will be killing off your tag. Since it consists of 2 suiciders that already hit Swords. And You.

If you have a problem with Nightshade and Purgatori, report it. Using login times as an indication they are multi's is a dumb assumption. When my ex-wife played this game with me, she was online the same time I was as well. It was something we did together. So until you either have proof, or a game admin/mod tells me they are multis, I am going to have there side in this matter.

With that said, Swords declares the DEAD will be just that.
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 11:11:27

SoF 0
SoL -8
LaF 4
Evo 5
Omega 6
RD -1
Sanct 7
PDM -14
Monsters 2
WoF 3
NA -1
Imag -3
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Mar 1st 2011, 9:06:45

I won't sugar coat it. I don't believe in Self Farming one bit. And I'd love to see it eliminated at some point.

BUT... (Part 1)

I am a realist, I know that will likely never happen. Ever. So Swords will just stick to our personal views of not Self Farming and not pacting clans that do.

BUT... (Part 2)

I also believe that the current game mechanics completely stack netgaining in the Self Farmers favor.

My current issue, and the reason why I am vocal about this, is that those of us that believe Self Farming is "Not within the Spirit of the Server" are being punished. Because of our personal views on Self Farming, we cannot compete with Self Farmers in NW. That is unfair, and should be fixed.

But... (Part 3)

The Game Admins are not willing to admit there is an issue here. Even after a TON of posts about it. We just want our voice heard, and suggestions taken seriously. Instead of tossed in the trash because certain Game Admins enjoy the current game mechanics and don't have any moral issues with Self Farming.

In Closing...

Make Self Farming balanced with other strategies, so people with moral issues against Self Farming can still compete. Changing the DR Mechanics, Changing the Ghost Acre Mechanics, or Changing the Attack Mechanics, may help balance it out. Instead of being completely BIASED, look at what the community is suggesting.

How many people have said the DR system is completely fluffed? I wouldn't even waste my time trying to figure that number out, since EVERY person I have talked too does not like it the way it is.

How many people have said the DR system is good? I haven't seen 1 yet.

All I ask for is a Game Admin to take suggestions seriously, instead of posting stuff like "Your idea was shot down because it sucked."

How is reducing the length of a FAILED Special Attacks from 24hrs to 6hrs an "Idea that sucks"?

Is there 1 good reason other than to protect Self Farmers, why does the DR length of a FAILED Special Attack would put a country in SS/PS DR for 24hrs? Not any that I can think of...

Just do me a favor and listen to the rest of the community. They have all stated the same issues I have stated. I just go about it in a more aggressive way that most others.

Edited By: DeDLySMuRF on Mar 1st 2011, 9:09:27
See Original Post
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Feb 28th 2011, 19:42:37

Sorry guys... The DR suggestions have already been shot down as well...

And people wonder why I am upset over this. Nobody's suggestions are taken serious because someone in particular has a biased opinion on the subject.
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Feb 28th 2011, 13:31:45

SoF 1
SoL -5
LaF 4
Evo 3
Omega 5
RD- 1
Sanct 6
m0m0 1
PDM -12
Monsters 0
WoF 0
NA 0
Imag -2
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Feb 28th 2011, 13:09:48

Pang/Slagpit/Warster and all other Game Mods/Admins,

I bash Slagpit because every suggestion I have seen ANYONE make that would change the current Self Farming mechanics has been met with hostility about changes by him.

There were REALLY good suggestions in this thread. By players that have/do Self Farm. But even those suggestions get shot down by slagpit with the same line he always uses.

"How is Self farming against the spirit of the rules?"

Does Cripplers suggestion "Eliminate" Self Farming? No, it does not. But its shot down with the same line as every other suggestion. Why can you not take suggestions into consideration? Without first jumping to the "How is Self farming against the spirit of the rules?" card.

I personally am just tired of it. If NOBODY can make a suggestion to a Game Admin about changes that may affect Self Farming, without receiving the same bullfluff line, why shouldn't I get upset?

I didn't create this thread. Someone else did. I just saw the same response ANYONE see's when making a suggestion that could change the current mechanics of Self Farming.

Would it be different if Slagpit didn't Self Farm a country over 500k Acres this set. I dunno, maybe. But him doing that, and then shooting down ANY suggestion that may change those mechanics, looks completely and utterly biased.

You can like my view or not, I really don't care.

You have all done a great job rebuilding the game, and giving me something to do. And for that I give you props.

But regardless, I am not going to be quiet when I feel like a Game Admin is not willing to listen to the community of players.

(And I don't mean the Anti-Self Farming community, I mean anyone that has made a suggestion that has been shot down because it may possibly change the dynamics of Self Farming as it stands now)

Edited By: DeDLySMuRF on Feb 28th 2011, 13:13:23
See Original Post
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Feb 28th 2011, 12:35:18

I guess nobody saw my post...

"All your buckets are belong to us"

No sense trying to recruit him, hes already in Swords with some other iMag players :)
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Feb 28th 2011, 12:30:51

It would unbalance the game.

Everyone would want to run as a Farmer.
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Feb 27th 2011, 15:02:52

All your Buckets are belong to us!!!
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay