
g0nz0 Game profile


Dec 1st 2021, 16:41:10

Originally posted by DougNorrid:
Originally posted by Mr Gainsboro:
Originally posted by Rasp:
he joined laf.

He have been a member of LaF like forever.

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Lol LaF. They take anyone in now days and here I thought Gerdler hated suiciders lol

No, we would not accept retards like you fluff off.

I remember mr g for years. Still cracks me up. lol coming back after 13 or 15 (off/on) or some fluff and it’s like a drunken family reunion. Glad I came back for a set. Love it.

I hope you stay with us for more than a set Dougie. At first I thought you were a boot licking government enforcer/ tax collector, but your recent confession tells me you're just a big cuddly teddy bear. Out of curiosity, if you arrest me, I'm cuffed, and I tell you there's a gun in my underwear, do you have to reach in and search? And if there's no gun, is lying about it a crime? Also, if it's a female cop does she have to call for male backup like male cops who aren't allowed to "search" women?

g0nz0 Game profile


Dec 1st 2021, 16:28:33

Originally posted by Suicidal:
^^ mine too

Stealing galleri's thunder. Sad.

g0nz0 Game profile


Dec 1st 2021, 16:27:21

Originally posted by galleri:
g0nz0's mom was my best score

Sounds kinda hot, ngl. Was this a Thelma&Louise love affair, or too many Coronas and arreeebaa!! It's taco night!?

Also, serious question. Are you my real mom?

g0nz0 Game profile


Dec 1st 2021, 3:40:31

Originally posted by Syko_Killa:
They know who they are

Do you give them different accents in your head or you say it out loud? I paint figurines and put them on a poster of Earth. Ratski sounds like Erkle, and tmac is Dumbledore. Galleri straight out the ghetto, and KoH is an arrogant Frenchman, only not the good kind.

I forgot, Celphi is The Architect from Matrix 2, and Superfly is Little Finger from Game of Thrones.

Edited By: g0nz0 on Dec 1st 2021, 4:00:47
See Original Post

g0nz0 Game profile


Nov 30th 2021, 17:21:53

Originally posted by Buch:

Sup Bich

g0nz0 Game profile


Nov 29th 2021, 18:02:37

[quote poster=Celphi; 50522; 985628]The certs are easy to fix.
 certbot renew 

If I were a bot, and I had some missiles, how would you program me to launch automatically at a country that hits me? 1 for 1.

g0nz0 Game profile


Nov 29th 2021, 17:59:21

Originally posted by Ratski:
Why the six hour s of dead time on Sundays, It makes no since and kills the fun. Can't even hit bots, But they can keep going up in NW
? Please explain this.

I agree that it does take some fun away, if I battle an opponent the only thing stopping me is 0 turns. But I believe it is meant to prevent griefer/suicides from trashing finishes by launching attacks strictly to lower NW.
I'm not sure why access to bots is restricted. Maybe Celphi could take a look. No reason we can't keep smacking them around, they don't care about rank or fairness.

g0nz0 Game profile


Nov 29th 2021, 17:51:15

Originally posted by Rocky79:
Originally posted by g0nz0:

We aren't allowed to share specifics, but I was genuinely surprised to see the builds in tournament. Most people won't hit you for a basic spy ops. They're just happy you didn't grab too.

1000 industrial
3000 labs
3000 farms
3000 rigs

What finish will I get?

Likely not a very good one, I think you're supposed to specialize and not build all different buildings like you have

With 10,000 acres you should build:

500 industrial, 0 labs, 9500 farms, 0 rigs

or 10,000 industrial with 0 labs, farms, or rigs

or 500 industrial and 9500 labs with 0 farms and 0 rigs

Specialization is something even I remember from over 20 years ago

Ratski!! Read this post! <-------!!

g0nz0 Game profile


Nov 29th 2021, 17:44:12

Originally posted by Suicidal:
Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by En4cer:
i got a covid shot...

Really? Even after all the fluff bags and grifters have been exposed? Doctors, scientists, engineers, history itself, telling you it's a money/power grab. Covering up vax deaths, while simultaneously claiming every death is Covid?

These people put corn syrup in toothpaste, and you still trust them with your life...

P.S. The "new" covid is here. Your vax is worthless now.

gonzo, did you go to school to learn that or did you just read about it?

Both. Remember learning biology in high school? Science?
And have you taken the time to scan through the CDC papers that admit all of this is lockdown/mask/mystery juice is counterproductive and making things worse? 1000's of doctors and scientists ringing alarms all over the world "They are lying, this technology is not safe."
Did you read articles written by Saint Fauci himself that also state everything we're doing would actually suppress our own immune system thereby spreading this fluff artificially?
You notice how we went from 1 shot immunity to 1 shot every 4 months, because Safe and Effective™?
Did you notice everything predicted by conspiracy theorist came true? From vax pass, to "quarantine" camps and on to forced vaccinations (Hi Australia, UK, all federal employees). The Nano bots, 5g chips, alien bacteria were fun attempts by media misinformation to cloud truth, trying to lump it all together. Destroying small business and TRILLIONS in Corona "relief" but only to large corporations and various special interest groups? Open borders still being a thing. I could go on, but it's too late. Rest assured, they won't stop, too much money and power to be had.
P.S. When is your first Safe and Effective™ booster scheduled?

g0nz0 Game profile


Nov 29th 2021, 13:37:44

Originally posted by Celphi:
I spoke with QZ. Ultimately he wanted me to work with the bot code first before working with fixing bugs. It's his game so you have to respect his wishes.

Ultimately I have no desire with messing with the game mechanics (that includes bot code). Let's be frank, this game is built on nostalgia. The more you deviate from the game of old the less desirable it is to play.

What's wrong with the bots? As I understood the crash a few sets back was an expired certificate.

Edit: Reflecting the crashed eestats was the certificate. I didn't read all the posts, but maybe they tied together somehow.

Edited By: g0nz0 on Nov 29th 2021, 13:39:56
See Original Post

g0nz0 Game profile


Nov 29th 2021, 13:17:29

Originally posted by En4cer:
i got a covid shot...

Really? Even after all the fluff bags and grifters have been exposed? Doctors, scientists, engineers, history itself, telling you it's a money/power grab. Covering up vax deaths, while simultaneously claiming every death is Covid?

These people put corn syrup in toothpaste, and you still trust them with your life...

P.S. The "new" covid is here. Your vax is worthless now.

g0nz0 Game profile


Nov 29th 2021, 12:57:36

Originally posted by guochel:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:

Spying is a tool, I don't know why you would be puzzled by people spying to get Intel, that's what it's for.

i haven't spied once this entire set.

We aren't allowed to share specifics, but I was genuinely surprised to see the builds in tournament. Most people won't hit you for a basic spy ops. They're just happy you didn't grab too.

1000 industrial
3000 labs
3000 farms
3000 rigs

What finish will I get?

g0nz0 Game profile


Nov 28th 2021, 18:36:02

Originally posted by guochel:
Originally posted by NitelL:

You sell the food on public. (: Food on market does not get lost to gov switches or decay.

that will never work in tourney. i have 85 million bushels, right now. i can't sell that many on the public market. the buying/demand is not big enough to buy all those bushels from me at 35 dollars per bushel

i guess converting to mbr with stockpiled bushels will never work in tourney

To be fair this set in tournament has been constant warfare. That mixed with cashers/ rainbows who build farms to offset cost. Not nearly the demand. Can't keep military on market more than 30 minutes though, so it's not a total loss.

g0nz0 Game profile


Nov 28th 2021, 18:27:34

Originally posted by Rocky79:
Some of you guys are really funny

I also think Galleri should delete people who land grab my countries

You haven't been around long enough to understand. It's a systemic problem. It's the primary cause for loss of talent. It is demoralizing to build a country, competing for top 10, when suddenly some player walks through the ranks doing 10 grabs each. Then turtle up and wall their country. If nobody kills them this will be repeated until they run out of stock and just start random missile strikes. That player specifically created a country with the intent to landfarm for fun, and trash the set for multiple players. They won't make top 10 and had no interest. Only fluffing with other players. The term griefer or suicide, there is a reason.

When you actually learn this game Rocky and get to a point where you can compete for top rank, you will watch as days of work is obliterated and the others around you, just because. Check back and tell us how funny it was.

g0nz0 Game profile


Nov 28th 2021, 0:15:34

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by DougNorrid:
I had 6 calls myself breaking up fights. No arrests, but hit 1 lady with a ticket. Still wish there was a “because you're an idiot” ordinance I could write for. But a lot of stores hired off duty officers. We have 555 officers, 144 worked 3rd shift. I hate writing tickets and paper work. But the dumbest of the dumb show their axxes this time of year and force me to get out of my warm suv. And interrupt my all 90’s weekend on the radio. But I digress….

Thank you for your service and I truly hope the anti police group start giving you guys and gals the respect you deserve, a few bad apples shouldn't throw all of you in the fluff, I hate the BLM and all the enablers of domestic terrorism.

I think you missed the part during the peaceful riots when police got on their knees and begged forgiveness (including my own). Or when the police abandoned their duty and let peaceful rioters burn down cities (including my own), loot stores, rob, rape, assault innocent citizens. In CHAZ/CHOP the police abandoned their precinct and stood by while BLM marched the streets armed with rifles (scary Assault Rifle 59's). People were murdered ( among the casualties 2 black teens were slaughtered by BLM with 5.56mm while sitting in a parked car), stores were emptied, and businesses got blackmailed for "protection". I listened on scanners and watched the live streams. I don't know how much respect or "thank you for your service" that deserves. But ya gotta put food on the table so whatev. Shelter in place y'all, it's cold outside. Merry Christmas.

g0nz0 Game profile


Nov 27th 2021, 23:51:06

Originally posted by Gerdler:
Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by Gerdler:
I know people who used to do it every turn. I never did more than every couple turns. But you can see there is an issue here that some people invest a lot of time and effort into their countries only to have it destroyed on a Saturday or Sunday by someone who spent a tenth of the time into their country themselves.

You saying that no one cares who wins anyway is probably true now, but it isn't always, just a few months ago we had good competition and people were taking great pride in tweaking their strats to outnet the competition. Granted it was shortly after extensive game changes and that might have made it more interesting.
But still we had those bouts of good competition here before over the years when there wasn't big game changes, there isn't a pattern for how they start, but there damn sure is a pattern for how they end; A couple of griefers play every week with the intent to destroy said competition.

Mods know who the griefer is. Galleri 'Not My Problem™' Supermod won't do anything for some reason. Players get banned on other servers for player abuse, but not this one. He picks and chooses which set to ruin, farms as many countries as possible, then turtles up. I can't tell you how many players have quit this game (many permanently) because of THIS EXACT BEHAVIOR. Do your fluffin job Galleri. Holy fluff what a diversity hire you turned out to be.

Good luck guys. Mars and it's No Mod policy landed on Earth (express/team at least). I do enjoy the challenge, but I witnessed personally as it destroyed Mars2025 and ended that game for all of us. I see the same pattern here, and you guys deserve better. Please retire Galleri Not My Problem™. You are of no use as a mod.

She can only delete after the fact, if there is any rule broken like collusion, multi or similar. The fact is it's never on her plate except that one time one of these guys offered a trade of land in team server for land on express and thereby suggested collusion ingame and was reported for it... Even that set all the damage was already done when she deleted.

This is on admin/dev/mod boss depending on what action you are suggesting and what is on the table. You have to understand that the mod of a server has a limited set of behaviors to punish and a very limited set of available punishments.
Without knowing what information is available to the mods every reset its very difficult to say if they are doing a bad job or everything they can.

What Galleri could do would be to write out a "Spirit of the server"-post that points out behaviours that are unacceptable and then enforce those rules in this server. Last time this happened(in team server), and even tho the playerbase suggested those rules and agreed with them when they were implemented, the mod who correctly enforced those rules got removed.

Galleri can delete players (same couple) who harm the player base and ruin the experience for MULTIPLE players.
If Galleri is too NMP™ then she can inform another admin who can do the job for her.
It will chip away at the player base, but that only matters to players, which she is not. Nothing affects her personally, so fluff off, NMP.

Edit: A spirit of the server doesn't mean anything if the offending players spent days negotiating with mods to twist rules and escape bans. It's technically not bullfluff, so......... NMP.

Edited By: g0nz0 on Nov 27th 2021, 23:55:46
See Original Post

g0nz0 Game profile


Nov 27th 2021, 16:07:59

Originally posted by Gerdler:
I know people who used to do it every turn. I never did more than every couple turns. But you can see there is an issue here that some people invest a lot of time and effort into their countries only to have it destroyed on a Saturday or Sunday by someone who spent a tenth of the time into their country themselves.

You saying that no one cares who wins anyway is probably true now, but it isn't always, just a few months ago we had good competition and people were taking great pride in tweaking their strats to outnet the competition. Granted it was shortly after extensive game changes and that might have made it more interesting.
But still we had those bouts of good competition here before over the years when there wasn't big game changes, there isn't a pattern for how they start, but there damn sure is a pattern for how they end; A couple of griefers play every week with the intent to destroy said competition.

Mods know who the griefer is. Galleri 'Not My Problem™' Supermod won't do anything for some reason. Players get banned on other servers for player abuse, but not this one. He picks and chooses which set to ruin, farms as many countries as possible, then turtles up. I can't tell you how many players have quit this game (many permanently) because of THIS EXACT BEHAVIOR. Do your fluffin job Galleri. Holy fluff what a diversity hire you turned out to be.

Good luck guys. Mars and it's No Mod policy landed on Earth (express/team at least). I do enjoy the challenge, but I witnessed personally as it destroyed Mars2025 and ended that game for all of us. I see the same pattern here, and you guys deserve better. Please retire Galleri Not My Problem™. You are of no use as a mod.

g0nz0 Game profile


Nov 26th 2021, 3:15:08

Originally posted by Oceana:
Happy Thanksgiving, atleast the stores are are staying closed

You forget, they are closed to prepare for slaughter. For retail workers this event is sadly immortalized as The Black Friday. Many have died. Several maimed or robbed of treasure. God be with you. Don't take any fluff. You didn't stand in line for a fluffing 'rain check'.

g0nz0 Game profile


Nov 25th 2021, 17:17:48

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by IrokezX:
Originally posted by Syko_Killa:
Darkling? Whoever you are, why do you feel the need to suicide on people who did nothing to you.

LaF is literally one alliance who has a policy that we don't farm untagged players anymore or the member will be held to 200% L:L I think it's a BS policy but I had to let an untag get back his land plus some of my own several sets back or I was going to be removed from LaF tag. It's people like you that are the reason I don't respect policies such as this.

I apologized, removed the defenses and offered to grabs my country for №27, or kill me offline. He was the most active. I just haven't played for a long time and forgot the restrictions in landgrabs....72 hours for drop grab land. I played 13-14 years ago here, but recently about eight years ago in a parallel game, and beguiled. Actually I'm had a little time wanted topfeed and stounwall, but then I realized how badly I made a mistake and confused in ... restrictions. What I saw... top country farm untagged without any retal, I thought big defens for him,but then I realized that these were bots...
horror. Then, when they started killing me, I regretted all the time lost, I regretted those 18 days that remained until the end) I presented the clan players as grandmo hanging on slow drugs or hash and playing Farm Frenzy Earth, otherwise call it. I wanted to drive but realized that it would not be, removed the defense, apologized and left. Perhaps I don't understand something, let it be an alternative opinion, but restrictions and bots are too much. My favorite kill was at landkill top enemy country, with these rules and formulas it is impossible. MERC had screwed up to obscene Spyop , on my main it did bots too.although maybe the formulas are for someone) my hits brought little harm, whoever lost more break me 27 6 .. and no remember, they lose +- 400k oil and 1kk jets in 1 hit, but this is also a trifle. 200k+ acrs from Farm Frenzy) what U smoky?
With regard to politics Famiglia about untagged it nice. I too have always adhered to peaceful coexistence clan players and untagged, even more, I've always had a division in untaggeds for cheerful game, for provocations and screwed up Spyop) Sorry for my english and good luck)
PS/ Tmac U can say Thank U me)

Explain more about "on my main"....

Main screen I assume. Please don't cause another wall of text...

g0nz0 Game profile


Nov 25th 2021, 17:13:33

Originally posted by Syko_Killa:
IrokezX? sounds similiar to IronX or IlluminatiX


Cousin to the Corvette.

g0nz0 Game profile


Nov 25th 2021, 16:11:08

Few incidents unite Americans other than nation-wide victories or tragedies. The BLM terrorist attack on the Waukesha Christmas parade is a terrible reminder of media propoganda and race-baiting groups that have destroyed any progress or unity our country may have reached. The desperate and pathetic need for social credit or views and upvotes is destroying everything it pretends to care for and fight for.

This wasn't an "incident", "wrong turn", "fleeing", or "no motive at this time". A terror attack by a black supremacist targeting a Christmas parade in a majority white city. Twist some pretzels and burp some excuses, or just read his Facebook/Twitter posts.

God bless. Pray for the survivors and lost lives.
Enjoy every minute you have with family.

g0nz0 Game profile


Nov 23rd 2021, 23:30:23

Originally posted by Ratski:
Originally posted by g0nz0:
Yeah no. You gave him one of the most complex strats. MBR?

Go farmer. Grab, grab, grab. Buy Agri and mil tech. Store food on market. Sell on private to buy military and oil.
Farmer for you. Then try techer/Casher.
My last Theocracy Government, I cashed and At over 3 million and went nuts buying Res/ Indy I bought up to 152.000 on both And I had no labs no oil. I was not selling anything ether, didn't need to my spies could steal up to 7 million from the bots and investing in the tech market started incensing the cash flow and I capped the spies at 500K and destroyed indy's down to 5 buildings and rebuild as Res / enter, and I had 256 MB's, and I still had 2800 farms, and was losing 9.000 bushels,a turn, I was ready to dump all the farms too !
So if I want to do farmer I should run a fascism gov, and sell on the open market oil and bushels ?

If you are ok with grabbing bots use Fascism or Tyr to get more land/less turns. Dictator gets you more shadow acres but the building loss can cost you more turns. If you want all-x there is a theory that Republic is good for exploring bonus.

Food you can sell on public if it gets crazy. If you get high mil tech the food sells for $38 on private market ($39 if Dem). So buying Agri and mil tech will get you more profit (without tax) on the PM. Spend what you need for military and building. Store excess bushels on the market @99+. Keep adding to that "stock". Save as much as you can. When you notice other player double in NW they are usually spending that stock. From here you buy out pm and wait for it to refill. You can sell if there's profit but don't sell more than you can buy back from pm. 500k spies is heavy. It just chews a massive hole in your food and adds to expenses. Buy spy tech if you want a boost.

Edit: Don't mix n match farms/oil rigs, oiler is a separate strat. Build some rigs for attacks or buy oil. Majority of your build is farms.

Second breakfast: Top players will convert to Theo during this destock phase, but food drops to $28 on pm, so you depend on public sales. Careful with this strategy.

Edited By: g0nz0 on Nov 23rd 2021, 23:39:32
See Original Post

g0nz0 Game profile


Nov 23rd 2021, 23:10:18

Originally posted by NitelL:
Originally posted by g0nz0:
Yeah no. You gave him one of the most complex strats. MBR?

Go farmer. Grab, grab, grab. Buy Agri and mil tech. Store food on market. Sell on private to buy military and oil.
Farmer for you. Then try techer/Casher.

All x theo techer, with MB destock.

It shows him the overall arch/blueprint - grow, stock, destock. 3 phases. Step by step.

He is still struggling with building for strategy. To successfully convert from labs to military bases takes lots of cash and careful planning. I'm leaning towards farmer for ratski because it's the easiest strat in express since we have bot farms. He can get 20k+ acres it seems. Shop for AG and mil tech and stash surplus. Baby steps.

g0nz0 Game profile


Nov 23rd 2021, 16:18:24

Yeah no. You gave him one of the most complex strats. MBR?

Go farmer. Grab, grab, grab. Buy Agri and mil tech. Store food on market. Sell on private to buy military and oil.
Farmer for you. Then try techer/Casher.

g0nz0 Game profile


Nov 22nd 2021, 22:02:10

Originally posted by Ratski:
I played cashier on a Theocracy Dropped labs oil rig, and indies after I had 500.000 k spies. and bought bushels and oil. and was making 2 million a turn cashing and used the money to buy military and tech on res and business, and pushed my money up to 3.250000 per turn, cashing. and still dropped the last day to 69th place with 20K worth land. When I first started playing 20.000 acres was enough to make the top ten, not anymore. I made 104 attacks, barely got to 22.000 acres, Theocracy's don't seem to take a lot on land grabs. And no I was not running a rain bow.

When you say "dropped" does that mean you razed captured labs or built them, waited till the end?
Enterprise 10700
Resident 10700
Industrial 350
Construction 250

How close to that build?

g0nz0 Game profile


Nov 21st 2021, 18:36:52

Originally posted by Slagpit:
Your suggestion has been passed along to the appropriate group of people.

Please allow 5-7 weeks for processing and delivery

lol@u guys thinking developers want to cede power to a player who brags about the ability to crash it all if he's on his menses. Maybe leaving out that "I be flexin on yo dumb asses, learn to code ni**@s!"

g0nz0 Game profile


Nov 20th 2021, 4:04:04

Originally posted by KSFRekuyukai:
Question does Mars 2025 still exist lol, i remember i played in GoDs a long while ago....?

The sys admin did not renew the host server domain. One day it was gone.

I'll miss it. There were no mods. Banning wasn't a thing. It was considered patriotic duty to trash players in forum and multis were just part and parcel. The way things should be.

g0nz0 Game profile


Nov 15th 2021, 23:19:20

Originally posted by brujodale:
I am back
wow what a strange and weird wild ride of life these last 6 months. being homeless, having to do open carry to cover our asses. living in our truck basically most the day then had a room in a 1905 trolly car garage, it was kewl lol. but now back in to a real house. never realized how much a homeless person has to go thru now a days. so after all that, our last kitty miss gracie could not handle the heat and strain and died. broke my heart. kinda hard to get back into real life and society now. but in a nice house still on the island and on a real high point and just above quincy mine shaft #6. oh yeah.
missed all of yah and our chats.
this new normal is such a strange normal. so much anger when we just all need to help out each other. I called the local food pantry and told them would be glad to deliver food to those who cannot drive but need the food.
missed yah. so setting up a table of sardine pies and michigan special veg brownies..

Find a job that improves your community if you want to give back or pay it forward. Whatever you hippies call it. Highway cleanup, clean the parks, buy socks and underwear (dollar store)donate to Goodwill/salvation army. support boys+girls club. Volunteer at church events. Give out full size candy bars on Halloween. Your community, your people. Find someone like yourself, help them recover.

We are all one bad choice from ruin. Sometimes that choice is made for you. Good luck and God bless.

g0nz0 Game profile


Nov 15th 2021, 22:57:53

Originally posted by Tmac:
Yeah, he kept spamming that slag was an idiot basically. After a good half dozen times slag stated that he was given a very short forum ban. That's all I know.

I would hope being banned from the game only happens when you break the rules multiple times. Personally, I'd rather play with people playing within the rules.

Sometimes mods really ARE idiots. And sometimes people say that "to their face". Some mods can handle criticism, especially if it is earned. But most will ban you and dress you down for good measure. So, whether they abuse their power and take revenge, well... anyone playing this franchise has witnessed it countless times. Childish and petty. 'Flexing' as the yutes call it. My favorite by far is the "If players are polite, and ask forgiveness, publicly in the forums, we MIGHT remove ban....maybe".

g0nz0 Game profile


Nov 15th 2021, 0:04:49

Originally posted by Rocky79:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Rep Farmer sux lol .. didn't help that I forgot to recall some 8m oil before spending my cash 😆

I'll Do all x Rep Casher or maybe Theo?

Why would you do all explore when there are so many bots who are very easy to attack and don't retaliate?

I got to 50,000 acres and it's only my third reset playing



You a stout lad this set eh?

g0nz0 Game profile


Nov 9th 2021, 21:55:30

Originally posted by Ratski:
Why the six hour dead time on Sunday ?

The strategy forum walks you step by step. Look at the bots. They are built in standard format.
Your strategy determines the build. You can't make money without a specialty. Farms, labs or IC. You can't mix n match. You want easy farming buy Agri and mil tech. Hit bots and build farms. Hit and build, make every turn count. Sell food on market if it's crazy prices $45+, or sell on pm for $38($39 for Dem). Store food on the market so you aren't guarding a hoard. Buy jets when they're cheap. Don't forget oil, or build some rigs. Best of luck.

g0nz0 Game profile


Nov 9th 2021, 4:45:54

Originally posted by Ratski:
Why the six hour dead time on Sunday ?

All attacks are disabled. I thought it was less. I guess to avoid suicides.

g0nz0 Game profile


Nov 8th 2021, 23:19:00

Originally posted by Gerdler:
CI might be easiest 'play' but to do well with it it is the most time consuming by far. Casher and farmer doesnt rely on market sales so they allow you to take however many turns you would like to at once while indy and techer requires sales every few dozen turns, meaning you are forced to do lots of logins in order to spend your turns.

Fast market turn over made it possible. I didn't plan food well, missed some market cycles, over spent on construction, and still had turns, but managed to squeak out 36 mil finish. I try to be helpful and understanding, but I don't get players struggling to break 10 mil finish. The strat forums give turn-by-turn instructions. This is coming from a player who's fav strat used to be Tyr Farmer with lots of warfare. Read the strat guides it means you get top 10, follow the recipe.

g0nz0 Game profile


Nov 8th 2021, 22:52:03

Corporations are the politicians now mi amigo. The largest wealth transfer UPWARD, and we still think it's about a virus, or elections, or Tr*mp, hell we were shoving Nana and Grandpa back in to infected nursing homes. I don't know how long everyone is supposed to play the game, but it's tragic that we let them destroy our children's future.

Turn off your tv
Put down your phone (except to play Earth)
Realise you're being lied to about pretty much everything, and maybe things can get closer to "normal".

Or yell at each other about red hats, skin color, anti racism, covid+ economic migrants, social credit and the latest Netflix original™

g0nz0 Game profile


Nov 8th 2021, 22:38:03

Originally posted by TwoPodRay:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
Don’t forget your turrets! Probably the most essential part of your strat!

If you low D Gonzo will come and take your land!

Depends on how much land you have relative to everyone else. A CI doing a super optimized, turn storing strategy with late land gains can fly under the radar with little-to-no-defense up until the last day. Harder for a farmer who needs land earlier.

There's a reason CI is the easiest strat. It's like building a car, waiting for the green light. Drive it till you hit a wall or run out of gas. Most relaxing version of express. It's also an easy win on tournament.

g0nz0 Game profile


Nov 8th 2021, 22:29:28

Originally posted by TwoPodRay:
There are a LOT of little optimizations that you can do, but one of the most important things in my mind is to pick a land goal from the beginning, then build your Construction Sites early on to optimally match your land goal, making the most efficient use of turns. Also, you can then determine how much tech you will need. Once you hit your land goal, you must stop and start stocking. I tried to exceed my land goal as an experiment last set as a Tyr farmer and only got a 29m finish when I should have been over 50m. I simply didn’t have enough stock, due to starting too late and not having enough tech. Too much land is a thing.

It's down to math at that point. Will the turns and money I spend building return a profit or is this optimal, you're built, move on.
Will this increase in production pay for itself? How much tech to buy/research to keep my balance? You can always grab in the last few ours to increase pm. Trading a turn of tech for 5 turns to hit and build for a 75tpt boost is not worth it. I don't play fatty boom booms so a 40k techer is just gross. 20k works if you get it early and built.

g0nz0 Game profile


Nov 8th 2021, 17:43:25

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Rocky79:
There are a ton of doctors speaking out against the vaccines,

They are causing all kinds of issues and they are already the deadliest vaccines ever administered in the history of mankind

I'm lucky to have a good family doctor who advised me to avoid the vaccine like the plague

Interesting, I'd like to get a link or point me in the direction of that info, I haven't seen it, I'm lucky to have an immune system that protected me 3x from contracting the virus, then again I had bet on it since I never in my life had a flu, people around have, several times in past I took care of my girlfriend while she fought the flu, but like I said before, not everyone has a great flu fighting immune system and COVID-19 happens to be a super flu.

A lot of doctors are pointing to this fake vaccine as a theraputic, instead of the Safe and Effective™
It doesn't do what it's supposed to do, and the side effects makes this absolutely more dangerous than the virus itself. There are established treatments for coronavirus complications. That's what honest doctors tell you and that's the medicine the wealthy get, not the vax. Trump caught covid, they gave him HCQ, Remdesivir(sp?), and Z-pack. He was fine 3 days later. We forgot about that....

But all of you know this by now. For many it's too little too late. There's a reason draconian mandates are a thing now. It's poison but WAAAAY too profitable to EVER stop. And btw, who do you think makes all the equipment for said vaccines. Needles, vials, chemicals, etc...

g0nz0 Game profile


Nov 8th 2021, 17:18:51

Originally posted by NitelL:
TMBR not viable in Express at all. Full Oiler is possible!

I tried running a couple oilers in FFA. They were profitable but slow. Didn't really care for it. I saw we had a #1 oiler few sets back. Oil was expensive and lots of grabbing. Congrats to whoever pulled that off.

g0nz0 Game profile


Nov 8th 2021, 17:13:14

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by NitelL:
Fasc Farmers doing theo destocks.

Ok, I'm pledging to learn this strat, I'll start out by going all X then when I learn how to properly destock I'll start grabbing bots, I totally destroyed my Primary destock and I'm pissed at myself for that, it was super silly mistake that cost me $100m+ NW set 🤷

Grab, build farms. Buy tech. Grab and build. Put all your food, Max mil on market. Try to have little cash so that 14% loss won't hurt as bad. Convert. Take food off market to sell in PM. Or leave on public if good prices. If you calculate turns/time you jump early and can resell for better finish.

g0nz0 Game profile


Nov 8th 2021, 15:36:20

Originally posted by NitelL:
Fasc Farmers doing theo destocks.

Is TMBR still a thing in express? Seems pretty volatile.

g0nz0 Game profile


Nov 8th 2021, 15:12:57

Originally posted by Rocky79:
So, what strategy are those 50k acre theocracy countries running?

I can understand the first place Communist country was an industrialist

But I don't know about 2nd and 3rd place which were both 50k+ acre theocracy countries

Anyone with insight please let me know,



Having massive land gives you a much larger private market. With Max tech Theo you could buy out for like $2-4 billion cash (depending on acreage) and resell your mil to easy top 10.
I wasn't paying close attention but I think a couple were Tyr->Theo converts. You lose 14% of resources, but all your food is on the market so some buildings and small chunk of mil. Tyr gets you more land/less turns, Theo gets you the best deals (Dem with Max tech is next).

As a side note you will notice smaller top 10's go on a landgrab frenzy shortly before destock. This is to maximize private market.

Edit: If you choose to convert Tyranny to Theo usually works best for teching. As a techer you should be using the absolute minimum turns for grabbing and building. You can finish top 10 Tyr techer, but Express server seems to prefer Theo.

Edited By: g0nz0 on Nov 8th 2021, 15:23:40
See Original Post

g0nz0 Game profile


Nov 8th 2021, 3:28:22

Originally posted by SuperFly:
How about I cook you a steak and you can kick me in the leg?

I don't want to burst your bubble galleri but this post was meant for me.

SF, I don't believe violence is required (or an option). I think you see everything makes sense now that I've had time to reflect. If, as a veteran run low defense I am risking a hit, I could get multiple. I would own that. We saw in this set you wanted to net and coast through. That's why it was "prosperous".

You talk about hitting people to teach them a lesson. fluff your arrogance. It's not up to you to tromp through a server trashing mostly inexperienced or mid-build. That's notoriously the cause of lost player base. You know it. And I'm fluffing sick of your kind. But it's not breaking any rules is it? Despite your asshole behavior we are still family, and there's always a black sheep. I hate your lack of honor and poor gamesmanship, but I respect your devotion and skill.

Please note that medium rare is my preference and if there's no A1 someone's sleeping under the porch.

g0nz0 Game profile


Nov 8th 2021, 0:21:56

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Her job? I wasn’t aware of you or I paying her a salary to mod this game.

You ever played tournament or primary gonzo? There is no bots. He who is the lowest defense country is the servers farm target and punching bag.

Same thing here. If I see your fat country sitting on 10k turrets, 200k turrers, 800k turrets or 1.5m turrets you bet your left ass cheek that I am coming for you.

If I hit you once and I don’t “wreck you” that leaves you the ability to retal me right back with a PS. Might as well hamper your ability to retal me by taking away half your land and crippling you; right?

If it bothers you so much fight me back the same set that I farmed you or the next set or come find me in allaince.

For a guy that runs his mouth all day long you sure don’t seem to want to attack my country. It’s not like I am hiding here or in allaince. Got SuperFly in my country name.

Catch me outside

"Fight you"? You mean trade land grabs, lob few rockets and some AB off and on for 3 days? You hit and sit. That's nothing but a war of attrition. And, once again, this isn't about me. You've never farmed me. This is about abusive behavior. You even admit it through all this. But always cap that admission with "mods say I can't be banned for it", as if that's anything but steaming bullfluff. You clear cut countries because it's easy, you know the server schedule, NW ratio, etc. You know the bots will provide more land with no retals. But you Target as many as you can. And then fluff post about how clever and powerful this is.

Remember, you are teaching us players a lesson.
-It's too easy and boring
-Dont farm bots
-You can farm some but don't break 20k acres
-Nevermind, you can't farm bots is lazy and cowardly
-Elite players with low defense should be bullied for their arrogance
-Netgainers, not griefers, ruined this game
-Im not a griefer I just grab a lot
-Just having fun bro
-Why is this server so empty, this game sux y'all
-I thought it was fun, why so serious

g0nz0 Game profile


Nov 7th 2021, 21:43:39

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
Gonzo you tripping. It’s not her problem because it isn’t a problem.

I consulted with the mod’s plural. Not a mod.

Like I said just farm the piss out of me if you feel you been done wrong. I am up on 10m turrets now….

Maybe I can teach you how to buy turrets? Press market. Type in desired quantity of turrets and click purchase.

Or my personal favorite method; place 3 market orders of 4m turrets each at $120 and sit back and watch them fill. But don’t cry if I farm you before you manage to buy up your cheap turrets….

"If you cooked my dinner right I wouldn't be forced to slap you around stupid fluff. Why argue? Just cook the fluffing steak right

Edit The fact that you continue to say you "consulted" the mods is because you know it's bullfluff, but it absolves you of karmic debt. It's not player abuse, bullying and general asshole behavior. Nope, mods said so! Sure countless players have been banned for this EXACT BEHAVIOR, but this is different because my mod friends haven't gotten enough player complaints, so let it go for now.

Still no clue what it is you are going on about it.
SF is doing nothing wrong game wise stance. It might be an issue with the player base, but that is nothing that the game mods nor the admins intervene with.
You have played this game long enough that you should know that.
Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
Gonzo you tripping. It’s not her problem because it isn’t a problem.

I consulted with the mod’s plural. Not a mod.

Like I said just farm the piss out of me if you feel you been done wrong. I am up on 10m turrets now….

Maybe I can teach you how to buy turrets? Press market. Type in desired quantity of turrets and click purchase.

Or my personal favorite method; place 3 market orders of 4m turrets each at $120 and sit back and watch them fill. But don’t cry if I farm you before you manage to buy up your cheap turrets….

"If you cooked my dinner right I wouldn't be forced to slap you around stupid fluff. Why argue? Just cook the fluffing steak right and you keep your teeth! The fluff kind of wife complains? This is YOUR fault. You make me do this Karen...."

So far you only insult and deflect "buy turrets Derp!!" and claim mods "technically can't accuse me, because the wording". Scummy, and typical of your kind.

Edit The fact that you continue to say you "consulted" the mods is because you know it's bullfluff, but it absolves you of karmic debt. It's not player abuse, bullying and general asshole behavior. Nope, mods said so! Sure countless players have been banned for this EXACT BEHAVIOR, but this is different because my mod friends haven't gotten enough player complaints, so let it go for now.

Still no clue what it is you are going on about it.
SF is doing nothing wrong game wise stance. It might be an issue with the player base, but that is nothing that the game mods nor the admins intervene with.
You have played this game long enough that you should know that.

Any issue with the player base is an issue for the mod galleri. Jesus Christ, why do you still come here? You don't play and you don't mod. You get to keep your button, and post directives. But you aren't really modding anymore. This is a player openly stating, with glee, that they will choose which set people get to have fat countries (this set had plenty). Or if he wants to net, it's all good, farming bots is fine. He feels lazy or cute, then build a war machine and walk up and down the ranks. Only 3 million turrets!!? BAH!! You deserve 10 grabs!! Not MY problem. I'm just helping noobs learn defense! *innocent shrug*

Without a player base there is no game. His actions are decreasing the player base. Your job, gifted to you obviously, is to assure a stable gaming environment and holding abusive players accountable. Or just make another ham-handed joke about stinky boys and their stupid treehouses and the trademark NMP y'all