
st0ny Game profile


Jan 18th 2014, 22:50:52

can anyone point out to me where in this thread was i complaining? the only complaining and whining i see here is from you. correct me if i'm wrong anyone... lol

you said you had more tech and was running a better country. sure, if you were playing in a server with protection from a clan. having close to no units will definitely lower your running cost and give you that additional cash to buy tech but how do you hold on to your land? and if you didnt have more tech, you'll just be more of a noob like gogy. lol

and please... acting like you didnt put in effort so you're not pissed, would your posts be here if that were true? lol

i'll tell you why i chose you first before croatia.

1. you waited till i reach 15k to take your retal on purpose. you could've taken a retal much earlier but you waited on purpose. i would've taken it like i did with the retal earlier if you have took a normal retal.

2. you had 1.6m turrets, 4.5m jets, no weapons tech and no allies when i spied you. not 2.7m turrets and 4.1m jets like you mentioned here. thats not an alljetter then i dont know what is.

continue playing like this and i promise you i'll keep coming at you. just like how i'll go at croatia every time i dont have a chance to get a good finish.

i can be a real prick to pricks. i admit it. :D

anyways... nice ABs. i had 300k tanks and you went through it like nothing. there goes my plan of screwing with croatia later. lol

Edited By: st0ny on Jan 18th 2014, 22:58:22
See Original Post
Originally posted by LATC:
"Don't complain. Assess & adjust."

st0ny Game profile


Jan 18th 2014, 13:52:08

yylim, trude #13 is you?

Originally posted by LATC:
"Don't complain. Assess & adjust."

st0ny Game profile


Jan 18th 2014, 7:54:50

i call it luck! lol
Originally posted by LATC:
"Don't complain. Assess & adjust."

st0ny Game profile


Jan 18th 2014, 7:49:32

the moment i hit him after his 'retal', i've already thrown away my set. now i'm only looking for spoil whatever 'fun' for him and croatia. :D

just play a few more sets of express. you'll understand. unless you play like them, then... :o
Originally posted by LATC:
"Don't complain. Assess & adjust."

st0ny Game profile


Jan 18th 2014, 7:34:26

dude... you'll understand one day...

"Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up"

or perhaps you do but only when it happens to you.
Originally posted by LATC:
"Don't complain. Assess & adjust."

st0ny Game profile


Jan 18th 2014, 7:27:31

i am! :D

i always try to mirror how ppl are :D
Originally posted by LATC:
"Don't complain. Assess & adjust."

st0ny Game profile


Jan 18th 2014, 7:08:25

Croatia next up. :D
Originally posted by LATC:
"Don't complain. Assess & adjust."

st0ny Game profile


Jan 18th 2014, 5:16:34

there goes our set :D
Originally posted by LATC:
"Don't complain. Assess & adjust."

st0ny Game profile


Jan 16th 2014, 23:12:39

is #13 you blid?
Originally posted by LATC:
"Don't complain. Assess & adjust."

st0ny Game profile


Jan 16th 2014, 4:10:10

well... whoever it is... to bad for him... i'll be travelling so i wont be finishing the set anyway. heh.
Originally posted by LATC:
"Don't complain. Assess & adjust."

st0ny Game profile


Jan 16th 2014, 3:43:58

well i know for sure two techers are down, one is my self and the other is #13.

#13 keeps insisting i'm vic for some reason... lol
Originally posted by LATC:
"Don't complain. Assess & adjust."

st0ny Game profile


Jan 14th 2014, 20:31:43

#140 will be farmland soon enough...
Originally posted by LATC:
"Don't complain. Assess & adjust."

st0ny Game profile


Jan 13th 2014, 0:03:14

2 canadian 2 for 1 pizza (#74) 22,699 $28,670,983 CG is me :(
Originally posted by LATC:
"Don't complain. Assess & adjust."

st0ny Game profile


Jan 12th 2014, 23:31:12

i had a fluffed up set... screwed it up bigtime... :(
Originally posted by LATC:
"Don't complain. Assess & adjust."

st0ny Game profile


Jan 12th 2014, 22:30:07

alin you fluff!!! i'm waiting for military tech !!!! lol
Originally posted by LATC:
"Don't complain. Assess & adjust."

st0ny Game profile


Jan 12th 2014, 21:57:46

interesting indeed... 2 hours before set ends and someone is selling a ton of turrets at $119...

i'm guessing its Dont grab me please (#118).
Originally posted by LATC:
"Don't complain. Assess & adjust."

st0ny Game profile


Jan 11th 2014, 16:29:59

Originally posted by Cable:
Hes a little butt hurt because someone top feed him last week but that's karma from months of bullfluff. Garunteed grogy will get warred for another month.

that someone is me. :D

Originally posted by LATC:
"Don't complain. Assess & adjust."

st0ny Game profile


Jan 11th 2014, 2:46:07

if there's any oil at $21 or food at $22, i should be the first in line... i put out SO for those really really really really early in the set... :D
Originally posted by LATC:
"Don't complain. Assess & adjust."

st0ny Game profile


Jan 6th 2014, 12:40:25

Originally posted by Untamed:
I am only playing to smash your country's, i don't care about first or even top 25

is it 'dont care' or can't? if you CAN'T get a top 25 finish atm, ask for advice from the better players and i'm sure there'll be plenty who'd help.

stop being a kid who breaks other's ppl's stuff just because he cant or doesnt know how to get it himself. cant stop you from doing it here but if you carry this habit into real life often enough, you'll eventually meet someone like me who'll just fluffslap you silly.
Originally posted by LATC:
"Don't complain. Assess & adjust."

st0ny Game profile


Jan 5th 2014, 20:01:53

there was a few million at $21 yesterday too...
Originally posted by LATC:
"Don't complain. Assess & adjust."

st0ny Game profile


Jan 5th 2014, 17:50:43

haha... yea... so its not just fun for gogy... he wants to net and got pissed for being topfed i supposed... lol

exactly the type of reaction i would expect from anyone else but him since he always topfeeds and expect to only be retalled once... :D

now he knows how it feels to be topfed on the last day of the set. :D

i still owe him one more set at least. it'll happen the next time i forget to join GDI. :D

damn its fun :D

Edited By: st0ny on Jan 5th 2014, 17:58:48
Originally posted by LATC:
"Don't complain. Assess & adjust."

st0ny Game profile


Jan 5th 2014, 16:28:57

just love it when a well known topfeeder like croatia gets topfed... haha.

but its ok for him cause he's just having fun... at least thats what he told me the last time he topfed me. hoho :D
Originally posted by LATC:
"Don't complain. Assess & adjust."

st0ny Game profile


Jan 4th 2014, 18:40:24

Originally posted by boneSAW:
if someone is teching and have a slot open send it to me #5

wow... and you said you have ppl lined up...
Originally posted by LATC:
"Don't complain. Assess & adjust."

st0ny Game profile


Jan 4th 2014, 7:13:59

heh... i dont know... i suck at maths... i have been playing all this while with just experience.

i had 137% mil strat as a tyr. you do the math... :P
Originally posted by LATC:
"Don't complain. Assess & adjust."

st0ny Game profile


Jan 4th 2014, 6:32:08

he self deleted after sending the msg... couldnt even farm him :(
Originally posted by LATC:
"Don't complain. Assess & adjust."

st0ny Game profile


Jan 4th 2014, 6:03:42

haha... he grabbed me when i was in the top 20 as a techer with very high weapons and mil strat tech.

but my set is ruined now... forgot to join GDI and got this msg from a very angry person... lol

Message from bayou (#23) sent on Jan 04, 5:51
Report this message
LMAO! fluff you loser fag!

EM Jan 4, 05:49 bayou (#23) Cookie Monster (#84) 22,409 MU
EM Jan 4, 05:49 bayou (#23) Cookie Monster (#84) 22,185 MU
EM Jan 4, 05:49 bayou (#23) Cookie Monster (#84) 21,963 MU
CM Jan 4, 05:49 bayou (#23) Cookie Monster (#84) 482 B
18,230 C
CM Jan 4, 05:49 bayou (#23) Cookie Monster (#84) 463 B
16,282 C
CM Jan 4, 05:49 bayou (#23) Cookie Monster (#84) 445 B
14,165 C
CM Jan 4, 05:49 bayou (#23) Cookie Monster (#84) 427 B
12,324 C
CM Jan 4, 05:49 bayou (#23) Cookie Monster (#84) 410 B
10,721 C
CM Jan 4, 05:49 bayou (#23) Cookie Monster (#84) 393 B
9328 C
CM Jan 4, 05:49 bayou (#23) Cookie Monster (#84) 378 B
8115 C
CM Jan 4, 05:49 bayou (#23) Cookie Monster (#84) 363 B
7060 C
CM Jan 4, 05:49 bayou (#23) Cookie Monster (#84) 349 B
6142 C
CM Jan 4, 05:49 bayou (#23) Cookie Monster (#84) 335 B
5344 C
CM Jan 4, 05:49 bayou (#23) Cookie Monster (#84) 321 B
4649 C
CM Jan 4, 05:49 bayou (#23) Cookie Monster (#84) 308 B
4045 C
CM Jan 4, 05:49 bayou (#23) Cookie Monster (#84) 295 B
3519 C
CM Jan 4, 05:49 bayou (#23) Cookie Monster (#84) 284 B
3062 C
CM Jan 4, 05:49 bayou (#23) Cookie Monster (#84) 272 B
2663 C
EM Jan 4, 05:49 bayou (#23) Cookie Monster (#84) 21,743 MU
NM Jan 4, 05:49 bayou (#23) Cookie Monster (#84) 698 A
NM Jan 4, 05:49 bayou (#23) Cookie Monster (#84) 664 A
NM Jan 4, 05:49 bayou (#23) Cookie Monster (#84) 630 A
NM Jan 4, 05:49 bayou (#23) Cookie Monster (#84) 599 A
NM Jan 4, 05:49 bayou (#23) Cookie Monster (#84) 569 A
NM Jan 4, 05:49 bayou (#23) Cookie Monster (#84) 540 A
NM Jan 4, 05:49 bayou (#23) Cookie Monster (#84) 513 A
GS Jan 4, 05:50 bayou (#23) Cookie Monster (#84) 516 C
130 F
GS Jan 4, 05:50 bayou (#23) Cookie Monster (#84) 501 C
130 F
GS Jan 4, 05:50 bayou (#23) Cookie Monster (#84) 487 C
130 F
GS Jan 4, 05:50 bayou (#23) Cookie Monster (#84) 473 C
130 F
GS Jan 4, 05:50 bayou (#23) Cookie Monster (#84) 460 C
130 F
GS Jan 4, 05:50 bayou (#23) Cookie Monster (#84) 447 C
130 F

Edited By: st0ny on Jan 4th 2014, 6:10:15
See Original Post
Originally posted by LATC:
"Don't complain. Assess & adjust."

st0ny Game profile


Jan 3rd 2014, 18:16:35

the prices are stupid this set and there arent really alot of techers. i really dont understand.
Originally posted by LATC:
"Don't complain. Assess & adjust."

st0ny Game profile


Jan 3rd 2014, 14:49:02

that 5b worth of food was a forgotten SO which killed 2m+ nw of mine. :(
Originally posted by LATC:
"Don't complain. Assess & adjust."

st0ny Game profile


Jan 3rd 2014, 0:08:02

Originally posted by LATC:
"Don't complain. Assess & adjust."

st0ny Game profile


Jan 1st 2014, 8:42:00

Originally posted by LATC:
"Don't complain. Assess & adjust."

st0ny Game profile


Dec 31st 2013, 2:05:22

Originally posted by LATC:
"Don't complain. Assess & adjust."

st0ny Game profile


Dec 30th 2013, 0:14:26

but a win is a win... till they decide to implement some changes to tech alliances...
Originally posted by LATC:
"Don't complain. Assess & adjust."

st0ny Game profile


Dec 30th 2013, 0:13:12

Originally posted by LATC:
"Don't complain. Assess & adjust."

st0ny Game profile


Dec 30th 2013, 0:09:02

aint sure but i know the top commy was leeching... :D
Originally posted by LATC:
"Don't complain. Assess & adjust."

st0ny Game profile


Dec 30th 2013, 0:02:31


Edited By: st0ny on Dec 30th 2013, 0:09:26
Originally posted by LATC:
"Don't complain. Assess & adjust."

st0ny Game profile


Dec 28th 2013, 4:40:21

yea... ppl throwing out the oil by the millions like it was some used cooking oil or something.
Originally posted by LATC:
"Don't complain. Assess & adjust."

st0ny Game profile


Dec 27th 2013, 6:46:20

still looking for landtraders, 11k land commy... :)
Originally posted by LATC:
"Don't complain. Assess & adjust."

st0ny Game profile


Dec 27th 2013, 6:45:42

Originally posted by hoop:
Originally posted by st0ny:
9.5k commy looking for landtraders. anyone interested?

can I get a hand job?

there are so many ways to get a handjob, i'm sure you can. pay a whore to do it for you (best bet for someone like you i'm guessing), get a girlfriend/wife/gay partner to do it for you or the most surefire way... do it yourself. :)
Originally posted by LATC:
"Don't complain. Assess & adjust."

st0ny Game profile


Dec 26th 2013, 8:50:40

i guess serpentor has been a good boy all year round... :D
Originally posted by LATC:
"Don't complain. Assess & adjust."

st0ny Game profile


Dec 26th 2013, 8:00:03

skyo, i know... best would be a dict farmer... easiest to find trading partners but everyone is doing that... its not fun anymore... i want to try something different... :D

commy can very easily trade. you just have to keep selling every 12 hours and go all jetter... :D
Originally posted by LATC:
"Don't complain. Assess & adjust."

st0ny Game profile


Dec 26th 2013, 1:22:25

but why? :(

we're just being environmentally friendly... :)
Originally posted by LATC:
"Don't complain. Assess & adjust."

st0ny Game profile


Dec 25th 2013, 1:34:16

damnit... i still need smaller landtrade buddies... CI is possible... but anything else is fine.. just need land.
Originally posted by LATC:
"Don't complain. Assess & adjust."

st0ny Game profile


Dec 24th 2013, 16:34:47

yea, i dont mind... as long as i can get land... :D
Originally posted by LATC:
"Don't complain. Assess & adjust."

st0ny Game profile


Dec 24th 2013, 6:19:50

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by st0ny:
nah... i'd rather not waste a set warring you. i'd rather just play slower than normal and topfeed you if and when i feel like it. thats way more fun for me. i dont really care if its fun for you or not. :)

Aww puss puss, why u gotta be like that? I think it would be fun to war for 72hrs. Plus the only way that you would topfeed me is if I make a bunch of retals as I explore to 9k land and max my techs and cash turns. I only get over 10k land if I make my usual 1200a+ (plus ghost) retals.
So please topfeed me, I triple dog dare you to do it as you are to scared to post your country #. You should post your country # so that I can farm you into the ground giving you the opportunity to AB FS me...

sorry mate... i dont respond to err... dares like these... i just do what i like when i like... :D
Originally posted by LATC:
"Don't complain. Assess & adjust."

st0ny Game profile


Dec 24th 2013, 6:18:38

Originally posted by silentwolf:
lol !

You gotta love Superfly :)

Anyway.. everyone knows st0ny is a fluff !

you got me there silentwolf... :D

Originally posted by LATC:
"Don't complain. Assess & adjust."