
DruncK Game profile


Aug 31st 2020, 0:41:57

Not trying to pat my own back here fellas, but the only way I see a war only server working is with oddball.
Random teams+war=dead server
organized teams+war(+/-)spirit rules=dead server

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 31st 2020, 2:44:35

/me pats DruncK's back

Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

SuperFly Game profile


Aug 31st 2020, 4:18:02

Here is a suggestion. Why dont we play the game like the creator and owner of the game intended it to be played?

Please read the game descripcion on the home page:

Welcome to Earth Empires!
Earth Empires is a free browser based strategy game where you take control of your nation's military and economy. Command your country's military to attack and defend against your enemies. Execute attack strategies to relieve opponents of their resources and land. Strategically invest in technology to outpace the economies of other countries. Ally with your friends or make new friendships by joining a clan. Conduct military operations, govern your country and build your empire.


Or if you dont want to play the game like it was originally designed than delete the war room and the spy room entirely so that you can abolish suiciding once and for all.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Aug 31st 2020, 11:17:13

Thats like saying guns should be forbidden because one idiot can't handle them responsibly...

SuperFly Game profile


Aug 31st 2020, 14:05:26

Well who are the idiots that can’t handle one land grab?

Guns through ideologies have some sort of rules. Give me the earth 2025 land grabbing rules Gerdler were it says that land grabs are forbidding after day 15 of 30 day set.
Show me where it says land grabs are not allowed against netters. Because if you show me were it is written that one shall not PS than I will stop fighting you on this.

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Aug 31st 2020, 14:16:45

The first and last paragraph of that main topic could be used to imply the netting part.


Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 31st 2020, 14:57:51

As long as you're not cheating or otherwise breaking the rules, anything is fair play. Whether or not the community views it as bad is an entirely different topic. SF, you are well within your rights as a player to do what you did; however, the community may not approve.
I financially support this game; what do you do?

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Aug 31st 2020, 19:30:24

Originally posted by Requiem:
As long as you're not cheating or otherwise breaking the rules, anything is fair play. Whether or not the community views it as bad is an entirely different topic. SF, you are well within your rights as a player to do what you did; however, the community may not approve.

All in all.....
This statement right here.

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.



Aug 31st 2020, 20:17:27

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Here is a suggestion. Why dont we play the game like the creator and owner of the game intended it to be played?

Please read the game descripcion on the home page:

Welcome to Earth Empires!
Earth Empires is a free browser based strategy game where you take control of your nation's military and economy. Command your country's military to attack and defend against your enemies. Execute attack strategies to relieve opponents of their resources and land. Strategically invest in technology to outpace the economies of other countries. Ally with your friends or make new friendships by joining a clan. Conduct military operations, govern your country and build your empire.


Or if you dont want to play the game like it was originally designed than delete the war room and the spy room entirely so that you can abolish suiciding once and for all.

SOF Head Of Poop
2019-04-03 21:40:26 PS the stinky deyicks (#599) Beryl Houston (#360) LaF 30638A (43783A)
En4cer: Chevs... u would have beaten me by more than 100m

archaic Game profile


Sep 1st 2020, 3:14:59

Originally posted by Gerdler:
Thats like saying guns should be forbidden because one idiot can't handle them responsibly...

You really are an insufferable fluff aren't you?

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Here is a suggestion. Why dont we play the game like the creator and owner of the game intended it to be played?

Or if you dont want to play the game like it was originally designed than delete the war room and the spy room entirely so that you can abolish suiciding once and for all.

You are such a drama queen. You realize this is a completely different game with completely different developers that is only loosely based on the original game.

Right now the way the game is coded, if you grab on Team you lose. Not maybe, not kinda sorta, you lose, grabbing is an easy way to guarantee that you will not finish in the top 5. This mythological game that you and Cerb want to play is gone, it died with the Tyr-techers and TMBRs years ago. The game you want is a game where everybody finishes with a $14M NW and is doing 4-5 retals every day. Skill doesn't matter, only activity - which is I guess why Cerb and DrunK get so excited about it.

That game already exists, its called Primary and its as boring in its own way as running an All-X Fascist Farmer is here. Constantly getting wacked by moron rainbows that want to start a 1 v 1 with anybody that will acknowledge their pitiful existence. This game isn't good enough for me to spend that kind of time on.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 1st 2020, 3:48:45

The solution = add bots.

Bots saved 1a.
I financially support this game; what do you do?

DruncK Game profile


Sep 1st 2020, 7:27:30

Originally posted by archaic:
Originally posted by Gerdler:
Thats like saying guns should be forbidden because one idiot can't handle them responsibly...

You really are an insufferable fluff aren't you?

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Here is a suggestion. Why dont we play the game like the creator and owner of the game intended it to be played?

Or if you dont want to play the game like it was originally designed than delete the war room and the spy room entirely so that you can abolish suiciding once and for all.

You are such a drama queen. You realize this is a completely different game with completely different developers that is only loosely based on the original game.

Right now the way the game is coded, if you grab on Team you lose. Not maybe, not kinda sorta, you lose, grabbing is an easy way to guarantee that you will not finish in the top 5.

And for the record pang and QZ made grabbing even more lucrative than mehul ever intended. They did screw it up by only allowing mutually beneficial grabs between countries with the same builds.

In all total honesty it was the community that effectively ruined the game by getting rid of politics completely. People, like you, cried and cried and cried because they completely fluffed people over with politics and were suicided/friended by those same players.

Earth Empires has been ruined by the "1337" players that think their way of playing is the only way to play.

Red X Game profile


Sep 1st 2020, 10:16:58

DruncK, the old saying I was told when I first started playing years ago. Might makes right. If you do not like something recruit and war over it.
Originally posted by Leto:
I thought it was a Strategy based war game.

I am playing chinese checkers while y'all are playing chess, so i'm not sure.

SuperFly Game profile


Sep 1st 2020, 15:00:06

I personally welcome the idea Sim style play we Requiem put it. I also welcome the random 5 man team scenario as well.

Anything is better than the current broken system or things that gets everyone suicided at the start of the set

SuperFly Game profile


Sep 1st 2020, 15:12:14

Originally posted by DruncK:

Earth Empires has been ruined by the "1337" players that think their way of playing is the only way to play.

Man DruncK that was a great set. The 1337 players like Gerdler would say that grabbing 40k land was stupid and inefficient for my win as I hampered 10 other netters sets...

DruncK Game profile


Sep 1st 2020, 16:46:11

Originally posted by Red X:
DruncK, the old saying I was told when I first started playing years ago. Might makes right. If you do not like something recruit and war over it.

They didn't win in game tho, they won by having the admin change the game code lol

tellarion Game profile


Feb 9th 2021, 0:37:46

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Requiem:
The other thread is cluttered with a bunch of fluff... But I'd like an open dialogue about this.

Originally posted by Red X:
Originally posted by Requiem:
Originally posted by archaic:

This server needs to be deleted and all memory of its existence scrubbed from the earth, preferably before somebody knocks me out of the top 10.

I agree because this server has never lived up to its theme: 5v5 tags.

We tried to enforce that, remember?

I do remember, and I think that the game admins wouldn't have a problem with the spirit of the server again. The only problem is it's a mess to manage. Are you willing to put in the time to make it someway equitable and useful?

IYR and IIR:
I tried to bring this up ... last yearish? I guess I should find the thread to link. I also brought it up with the admin team and mods.... and we brought it up with the community here. The community didn't want it. So it was dropped.
Honestly, I babysit enough. And this mess made mods quit before. Or they got pushed out.

I remember.....

Red X Game profile


Feb 9th 2021, 0:44:40

Hey tella!
Originally posted by Leto:
I thought it was a Strategy based war game.

I am playing chinese checkers while y'all are playing chess, so i'm not sure.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 9th 2021, 0:58:55

ella ella ella ella eh eh eh
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!