
galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Oct 30th 2013, 17:45:31

Originally posted by NukEvil:
I had a single account on Boxcar, but I treated it as a throwaway, and gave it a password that doesn't match anything else I use online. In fact, I just tried to log in to it, and it's probably been disabled, or the password's been changed.

Oh well.

Please tell me you checked your email for the new password that Pang sent out.............;)

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

trumper Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 17:52:43

Originally posted by Heretodie:
Originally posted by trumper:
Originally posted by Mr Jade:
I started as a Monarchy... I switched to Fascist... as I was wanting to netgain before LCN declared war on us. I switched to Theocracy... I had been getting my structures bombed, and I was selling food to rebuild. Where's this fluffing advantage?

As for the IP addresses listed, I've cross referenced them. So, everyone, double-check these against any that have access in your sites. - Moscow, Russia - White Plains, New York, US - Hazlet, New Jersey, US - Mountain View, California, US - Owosso, Michigan, US - Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands - Curtea De Arges, Valcea, Romania - Curtea De Arges, Valcea, Romania - Curtea De Arges, Valcea, Romania - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Interesting rewrite of history given RD declared war and hit LCN first. Not surprising, either, given Pang's post below that you guys had hacked into LCN. I don't speak for us, but I certainly wouldn't be looking to us for sympathy.

Originally posted by Pang:
Ok, here is a snippet of Boxcar login history that positively identifies MrCopper as doing this.

User - Time - IP - Clan

mrcopper - 2013-10-16 01:03:35 - -xRDx
++ hundreds of logins on this IP as Mr Copper before this

<lcn_user1> - 2013-10-16 01:11:29 - - LCNostra
<lcn_user2> -2013-10-16 01:10:12 - - LCNostra


<lcn_user1> -2013-10-16 01:13:36 - - LCNostra

The IP's in that 93.115 range also did the injection attacks.

So you bring forward more accusations and everyone buys into it. This fluffing IP isnt even on the list! So a IP that should be brought forward for shady activities I LCN and its not on the list.... come on now any idiot can string together numbers and make claims presidents and senate do it all the time.

Yes, clearly Pang is the liar. It's not like Gainsboro didn't say RD hit LCN first because the facts were all along LCN was going to hit RD, which of course he would never know from oh, say, hacking LCN. Oh, wait....

"Mr Gainsboro
Posts: 272
Oct 20th 2013, 3:44:15
Servant, try play the AT game all you want. The fact is you were going to FS so all we did was defuse the missiles before you got the chance to use them.

We offered LCN a LDP and tried to make it work for both sides but you refused to sign it. "

I don't even know why the RD crowd is still defending the nonsense. Own it and change it. I mean, geeze, wouldn't any of those folks be worried that their own accounts may also have been hacked by what they're claiming are off-the-reservation members? Apparently not.

Junky Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 18:00:00

Meh, anyone blaming Pang about this need to know which clan he was in most of his career as an Earther.... he was Head of LaF at points, which block alliance is LaF apart of?
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.



Oct 30th 2013, 18:01:19

Originally posted by Heretodie:

So you bring forward more accusations and everyone buys into it. This fluffing IP isnt even on the list! So a IP that should be brought forward for shady activities I LCN and its not on the list.... come on now any idiot can string together numbers and make claims presidents and senate do it all the time.

Any proof they post is going to be a string of numbers and text since that's all it is in the DB. What exactly do you want?

Heretodie Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 18:20:11

Originally posted by Cornfed:
Originally posted by Heretodie:

So you bring forward more accusations and everyone buys into it. This fluffing IP isnt even on the list! So a IP that should be brought forward for shady activities I LCN and its not on the list.... come on now any idiot can string together numbers and make claims presidents and senate do it all the time.

Any proof they post is going to be a string of numbers and text since that's all it is in the DB. What exactly do you want?

Its the point, yes they will all be numbers but why Wasn't a confirmed IP "As Mr.Coppers" on the origanl list? Pang said fto check for the listed IPs but leaves out a major IP? That makes no sense, now I'm not saying what happen was acceptable by any means, nor am I defending it. I just expect more then finger pointing with pitch forks and thorches. Becuase I know whos who in the history of the RD zoo and where other colours and other members are and from what alliance.

martian Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Oct 30th 2013, 18:26:55

just a comment: *never* use a password for an online game that you would use for something important irl.

While I imagine this would never happen relating to earth, there have been online game "scams" that have scooped logins/passwords and then tried them against banks and other places in an efford to commit financial fraud and identity theft.

you are all special in the eyes of fluff
( ._.) -----)-->
(_(' )(' )


qzjul Game profile

Game Development

Oct 30th 2013, 18:42:07

Originally posted by Mr Jade:

Look, I feel bad this happened, I am righteously pissed off at the few in this alliance who had gone out of their way to go ahead and do something this fluffed up. I wasn't involved in any of the actions taken by the few who did perpetrate this, as I rarely even visited the site. But at the same time the Admins know of at least TWO of the people who did this, and instead of taking administrative action against those that they KNOW did this, they've punished the entire alliance. I am not trying to discredit anyone, justify anything or deflect a fluffing thing. I will fully say it: YES THESE fluffERS CHEATED. Reading the original post of this thread was the only way I was made aware of it... and I am still furious.

I will also say that in the years since I have played in Alliance Server, this is the first time I have EVER been deleted, and it wasn't even my fluffing fault. The ONLY reason I am pissed off about being deleted, is the fact that because of this entire "guilty by association" mindset, my country being "deleted for rules violations" because of the actions taken by a few... STILL paints me in a negative light, regardless of having played legitimately since the second set of Alliance Server (for those who would try and twist this, I didn't play the first set).

I can say that there are those in RD who are also righteously pissed off at the actions taken by the few who did perpetrate this, I can say that there are those in RD that are pissed at those responsible, and have demanded that they step down from leadership and/or are removed from the alliance altogether. We still do not know of the third person responsible for this, as of yet no one has come forward. Some have already restarted and have gone on to join other tags, others have began talking about forming an entirely new alliance and just leaving the Reservoir Dogs name behind, as some believe the alliance name has been irrevocably tarnished with these events. So, in saying that you believe we haven't failed to recognize how the rest of everyone feels, is just bullfluff. We're trying to do damage control here, and we have to sift through a mountain of bullfluff in order to root out the guilty parties here so we can move on. Whether or not Reservoir Dogs survives in name after this set is irrelevant, being punished by the admins for the actions of a few is a bit harsh, but also irrelevant in the long run. Having our individual reputations damaged as a result of being unknowingly implicated in something most of us had zero knowledge of... that's what the bulk of us are pissed about. Having everyone, including the trolls and self-righteous, sanctimonious assholes saying we deserved this because those of us legitimate players played in a tag with our friends... that's ten times worse.

I personally feel bad for those who were deleted who were innocent; this was not a decision taken lightly. However it was decided that:

1) This was a considerably more severe incident in terms of the methods used than last time
2) There was significant RL exposure for the victims in this case, both in terms of password availability, and breaches in privacy
3) Like last time, the whole alliance benefited from their leaders actions, from knowledge gained
4) The culture of RD is or has been one to be supportive of this sort of behaviour
5) Past punishments were obviously not enough deterrent to stop this sort of behaviour

I understand some of you don't like being tarred with the same brush. If it would help, I can change the status of deleted countries to Dead rather than Deleted, "cleaning/expunging" the record, so to speak? Would that be better?
Finally did the signature thing.

MauricXe Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 18:49:16

Originally posted by sky3litez:
Your country was destroyed because it was deleted for rules violations.

it's funny cause ur name is sky3litez

GodHead Dibs Game profile

New Member

Oct 30th 2013, 18:52:48

Originally posted by MauricXe:
Originally posted by sky3litez:
Your country was destroyed because it was deleted for rules violations.

it's funny cause ur name is sky3litez

Sky Delitez!
Dibs Ludicrous was here.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 30th 2013, 18:54:15

All i can say is wow.
- Premium Patron Member

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 30th 2013, 19:02:44

You also forgot about this incriminating string of posts to add to proof:

Mr. Copper


Posts: 78 Apr 14th 2013, 22:58:14
wow Pang. Your coding is just epic...

www-data with blank password for your DB calls huh? That's really smart.

Can you point me in the direction of your phpmyadmin login so I can view all of boxcar and possibly more?

Qzjul, get pang to fix this crap before your whole server gets compromised.

Mr. Copper
Posts: 78 Apr 14th 2013, 22:59:02
PS it appears pang learned nothing about security from the TC/hanlong stuff...

Mr. Copper
Posts: 78 Apr 14th 2013, 23:14:40
that can also happen if the DB is down LI. But yes I spoke to QZ and apparently pang's code makes random calls to this user but there is no www-data in the database.

Mr. Copper
Posts: 78 Apr 16th 2013, 2:22:01
lol yep crying wolf. Mysql generates errors about www-data getting access denied when it gets in the mood right?

Pang if you'll sign a hold-harmless I'll show you EVERYTHING wrong with boxcar.

Put up or shutup.

Originally posted by discharged:
Warning: mysql_query() (function.mysql-query): Access denied for user 'www-data'@'localhost' (using password: NO) in /home/pangaea/boxcar/portal/lib/db_fns.php on line 11

As I said, mysql is known for making up fake authentication attempts. That's what I hear at atleast...

I can't believe you do this for a living, no wonder my job security is through the roof ha

PS pang, in case you were wondering the call to www-data@localhost is in the db_fns.php file on line 11...

No, you shutup ;)

PPS Hey Pang since you locked this so you wouldn't look bad I'll write here. I never stated that this was your user, I stated there was a call to this user in your code on line 11. McDonald's actually has quite a good information security department but I don't work there, sorry but good try ;). Your code is likely full of plenty of fun easter eggs like the one found above. That's probably why you don't want it tested...,%2019:50&z=wow-pang

Mr. Copper
Posts: 78 Apr 17th 2013, 1:07:51
Ok so lets clear the air.

1) I have brought issues up NUMEROUS times to pang and volunteered my time on numerous occasions to help make boxcar more secure and have been met with nothing but arrogance from Pang.

2) I have spoken with Qz on number of times and have worked with him to help test and remediate some other findings. These I have no reason to bring to light because Qz was very receptive and appreciate my help and feedback. I have also explained some of the issues with Boxcar to Qz and he shared with me his plans to try and move the application to a VM to mitigate the risks it brings to Earth Empires.

3) ninomachi, since you work in the field I'd be glad to share with you what I found and the areas of risk with in boxcar. Requiem, sorry it appears that I was trying to be a fluff but you don't know the while story. If you are interested in knowing more and want me to prove I'm not "full of fluff" find me on IRC or send me a PM.

Lastly, I did not start that thread, I merely posted in it and maybe I was a bit abrasive. I apologize for that but it is very frustrating that a site that this game relies on is so poorly coded and has an admin that is so arrogant and blindly confident in his application security that he won't even look at evidence that is put right in front of him.

iScode - Thanks man, I was going to let it go but I I completely agree with your statements on how he abused his power by closing a thread that he didn't want to have to answer.

Mr. Copper
Posts: 78 Apr 17th 2013, 1:30:35
I don't know what you're referring to pang. I approached you numerous times as a volunteer.

What do you think I'm "streching"? You really still don't believe there are ANY issues with boxcar whatsoever?

This community in general? That's a pretty unsubstantiated statement.

archaic - shh, no one is talking to you. Go back to trolling requiem :)

Edited By: qzjul on Oct 30th 2013, 19:31:37. Reason: broken quote
See Original Post
- Premium Patron Member


EE Patron

Oct 30th 2013, 19:05:27

Originally posted by Requiem:
You also forgot about this incriminating string of posts to add to proof:

Mr. Copper


Posts: 78 Apr 14th 2013, 22:58:14
wow Pang. Your coding is just epic...

www-data with blank password for your DB calls huh? That's really smart.

Can you point me in the direction of your phpmyadmin login so I can view all of boxcar and possibly more?

Qzjul, get pang to fix this crap before your whole server gets compromised.

Mr. Copper
Posts: 78 Apr 14th 2013, 22:59:02
PS it appears pang learned nothing about security from the TC/hanlong stuff...

Mr. Copper
Posts: 78 Apr 14th 2013, 23:14:40
that can also happen if the DB is down LI. But yes I spoke to QZ and apparently pang's code makes random calls to this user but there is no www-data in the database.

Mr. Copper
Posts: 78 Apr 16th 2013, 2:22:01
lol yep crying wolf. Mysql generates errors about www-data getting access denied when it gets in the mood right?

Pang if you'll sign a hold-harmless I'll show you EVERYTHING wrong with boxcar.

Put up or shutup.


As I said, mysql is known for making up fake authentication attempts. That's what I hear at atleast...

I can't believe you do this for a living, no wonder my job security is through the roof ha

PS pang, in case you were wondering the call to www-data@localhost is in the db_fns.php file on line 11...

No, you shutup ;)

PPS Hey Pang since you locked this so you wouldn't look bad I'll write here. I never stated that this was your user, I stated there was a call to this user in your code on line 11. McDonald's actually has quite a good information security department but I don't work there, sorry but good try ;). Your code is likely full of plenty of fun easter eggs like the one found above. That's probably why you don't want it tested...,%2019:50&z=wow-pang

Mr. Copper
Posts: 78 Apr 17th 2013, 1:07:51
Ok so lets clear the air.

1) I have brought issues up NUMEROUS times to pang and volunteered my time on numerous occasions to help make boxcar more secure and have been met with nothing but arrogance from Pang.

2) I have spoken with Qz on number of times and have worked with him to help test and remediate some other findings. These I have no reason to bring to light because Qz was very receptive and appreciate my help and feedback. I have also explained some of the issues with Boxcar to Qz and he shared with me his plans to try and move the application to a VM to mitigate the risks it brings to Earth Empires.

3) ninomachi, since you work in the field I'd be glad to share with you what I found and the areas of risk with in boxcar. Requiem, sorry it appears that I was trying to be a fluff but you don't know the while story. If you are interested in knowing more and want me to prove I'm not "full of fluff" find me on IRC or send me a PM.

Lastly, I did not start that thread, I merely posted in it and maybe I was a bit abrasive. I apologize for that but it is very frustrating that a site that this game relies on is so poorly coded and has an admin that is so arrogant and blindly confident in his application security that he won't even look at evidence that is put right in front of him.

iScode - Thanks man, I was going to let it go but I I completely agree with your statements on how he abused his power by closing a thread that he didn't want to have to answer.

Mr. Copper
Posts: 78 Apr 17th 2013, 1:30:35
I don't know what you're referring to pang. I approached you numerous times as a volunteer.

What do you think I'm "streching"? You really still don't believe there are ANY issues with boxcar whatsoever?

This community in general? That's a pretty unsubstantiated statement.

archaic - shh, no one is talking to you. Go back to trolling requiem :)
Signed, the genius that hacked boxcar under his own ip
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.


EE Patron

Oct 30th 2013, 19:11:03

lol i remember how bad he was at tournament. everyone farmed him all the time and he got mad once and sent somebody this message:

Message from Mr Copper (#60) sent on Jan 26, 23:49
Report this message
See, that was as bad thing you did there. Maybe you don't know about RD but we don't like being messed with... If you still manage to move up after this set then I'll see you next round and the round after and the round after that until you make a new country name. Moral of the story, don't triple tap an RD Color.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

RavenBF Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 19:22:24

Originally posted by H4xOr WaNgEr:
I was one of the people who's account was logged into compromised.

I had to report it as a potential security threat at work yesterday (used same password).

fluff you guys (those of you who did it, also known as people who claim to be my friends).

I know what you mean.... I have to report this as a security breach at work too for the same reason. Sorry about your situation. How dare you invade my personal information to those involved.
adj: Describing someone as British and homo-sexual.
mint minte mintt gay british person kj
by Master ZEN Aug 28, 2012

GodHead Dibs Game profile

New Member

Oct 30th 2013, 19:36:26

Originally posted by RavenBF:
Originally posted by H4xOr WaNgEr:
I was one of the people who's account was logged into compromised.

I had to report it as a potential security threat at work yesterday (used same password).

fluff you guys (those of you who did it, also known as people who claim to be my friends).

I know what you mean.... I have to report this as a security breach at work too for the same reason. Sorry about your situation. How dare you invade my personal information to those involved.

interesting. that should be two people who are no longer allowed to play because the game interfered with their job security.
Dibs Ludicrous was here.

tulosba Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 19:37:29

Originally posted by Requiem:
You also forgot about this incriminating string of posts to add to proof:

Mr. Copper


Posts: 78 Apr 14th 2013, 22:58:14
wow Pang. Your coding is just epic...

www-data with blank password for your DB calls huh? That's really smart.

Can you point me in the direction of your phpmyadmin login so I can view all of boxcar and possibly more?

Qzjul, get pang to fix this crap before your whole server gets compromised.


Mr Copper was wrong then. Pang just shut the conversation up which is where he **cked up imho. One needs to take criticism and respond to it appropriately.
So let's do Pang a favour and debug this error message:

Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: User 'boxcardb' has exceeded the 'max_user_connections' resource (current value: 10) in /home/pangaea/boxcar/classes/security.php on line 15

Exceeded max user connection

Warning: mysql_query() [function.mysql-query]: Access denied for user 'www-data'@'localhost' (using password: NO) in /home/pangaea/boxcar/portal/lib/db_fns.php on line 11

access denied for www-user.

So let's google www-user first..

first result, theres a result with 7 helpful votes. Let's read it..

"www-data is the Debian user that runs apache and php. If you attempt a query when you don't have a valid connection, php/mysql will attempt to create a connection using <unix-user>@localhost with no password. This is where www-data@localhost (using password:NO) is coming from."

The most likely reason that this has started happening now (though it has been running fine for 2-years prior) is that your db load has increased to the point where some connections are unable to succeed (probably due to max_connections, or max_user_connections; though this can also result from other limits like memory, threads, etc)."

Hey waitta minute!
The first part said max connections exceeded. So boxcar was facing too many concurrent users and not being hacked

Don't even need to know php/debian/mysql to debug this.


New Member

Oct 30th 2013, 20:04:10

so the Bad Guy of the story told the Good Guy that there was a problem.

Offered to help explain it and even how to help solve it, and was told to F*** Off and told that he was trolling?

If I read that those threads correctly and the 'out of thread talks' they seem to reference.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 30th 2013, 20:19:40

All I was trying to point out is that Mr. Copper was talking about how bad Boxcar security was then an IP that is linked to him did just that.

Pang should have took the advice, copper shouldn't have actually done it just because he could.

That's all I was saying. I don't know fluff about all the technical BS that goes along with this database/php/whatever talk. All I know is that no system in the world can keep out a determined person. If our government can be hacked this little crappy game can as well. But just because you have the skills to do so doesn't mean you should.
- Premium Patron Member

DFA Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 20:29:59

All I ask myself is why? At what point do you get to feel epic in hacking a free online text based game to get an advantage on other people, put that effort into a job and make some extra money. Clearly the priorities of these people is a little off.

One thing for me personally, I used the same password for my facebook account, my facebook account has a large number of personal pictures, where I work, where I live etc on. My online banking is different ofc and has the extra security measures.

My point being, its one thing to bend the rules to ensure you have an advantage, an entire other to cause disruption to peoples real life, it shows a distinct lack or respect for anyone other than yourself.

Members of RD are tagged in this due to being in RD, although a limited number of members may have done this, there is no way RD could have continued, as many have hinted, RD would have simply had a target Im sure from alliances who have had members who had details stolen.

Should everyone be deleted, not for me to say thats down to the admin's, they collectivly made the call, not one person alone.

Personally, I'd take no offence to being deleted, I would see the severity of the breach and understand why the action was taken. I would then simply restart and request membership to another alliance that would take me and prove that I was not part or knew nothing of the breach in question.

I hope it doesnt break the genuine players in RD and the game can come together in trying to get rid of the unwanted fluff's who think this kind of thing is acceptable.

Makinso Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 20:30:00

Originally posted by Boltar:
being a former jr and knowing the no outing policy, but I feel those that were confirmed to being the shady ones who did the hacking, should have all their identities outed.. so they aren't allowed or sneak into other alliances

Fully agree boltaRD ;)

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Oct 30th 2013, 20:42:28

Originally posted by Requiem:

Pang should have took the advice, copper shouldn't have actually done it just because he could.

anything copper ever sent to me was the same sort of stuff as his posts re:www-data user -- not even an issue. or it was broad "let me help you... give me access to boxcar and I will help fix security" sortd of requests -- both by him and the spy account he had in PDM. never a laundry list of items to fix, urls, queries, examples or anything of substance that I could action.

tbh, any interaction I've had with him, he's been more concerned about ego stroking than actually doing anything positive to help people.

i closed that old thread because there was one guy (copper) going "the sky is falling!" while I just needed to increase the counter in an ini file. which either qz or I did like an hour after that, if memory serves....
I think we also shut down the market ticker too to cut back on connections.

anyway, the people who have brought me legit bugs do it in private, tell me what the bug is, and I fix it privately. they are mainly from LaF and within that group, mainly from Xin.

Also, keep in mind that my first reaction to any Boxcar bug is "ok, i'll just shut it down and everyone can use GHQ" :p

Edited By: Pang on Oct 30th 2013, 21:01:59
See Original Post
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

RavenBF Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 20:58:10

Originally posted by GodHead Dibs:
Originally posted by RavenBF:
Originally posted by H4xOr WaNgEr:
I was one of the people who's account was logged into compromised.

I had to report it as a potential security threat at work yesterday (used same password).

fluff you guys (those of you who did it, also known as people who claim to be my friends).

I know what you mean.... I have to report this as a security breach at work too for the same reason. Sorry about your situation. How dare you invade my personal information to those involved.

interesting. that should be two people who are no longer allowed to play because the game interfered with their job security.

That is as retarded as saying it is a rape victims fault for getting raped because he/she was in the same time and place as the raper.
adj: Describing someone as British and homo-sexual.
mint minte mintt gay british person kj
by Master ZEN Aug 28, 2012

MrScarlet Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 21:02:44

Yet here you are Pang talking pedantically about yourself, well enjoy yourself and this nearly dead game. CIA could use a good sabotage agent like yourself. Copper sent you stuff to improve the game, you being stubborn decided nah why let those evil RDers show me up as some scrub coder? Funny how you and your friend's greatly benefited from this...oh well...

iScode Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 21:04:35

Originally posted by MrScarlet:
Yet here you are Pang talking pedantically about yourself, well enjoy yourself and this nearly dead game. CIA could use a good sabotage agent like yourself. Copper sent you stuff to improve the game, you being stubborn decided nah why let those evil RDers show me up as some scrub coder? Funny how you and your friend's greatly benefited from this...oh well...

lets all ignore his attitude and complete disrespect for pang at the time, as shown by those comments.

Dont try to fluffing justify coppers actions, thats just fluffing stupid...
God of War




Oct 30th 2013, 21:11:27

Originally posted by MrScarlet:
Yet here you are Pang talking pedantically about yourself, well enjoy yourself and this nearly dead game. CIA could use a good sabotage agent like yourself. Copper sent you stuff to improve the game, you being stubborn decided nah why let those evil RDers show me up as some scrub coder? Funny how you and your friend's greatly benefited from this...oh well...

So...It's Pang's fault that Copper hacked Boxcar? Are you kidding me?

locket Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 21:16:05

Originally posted by trumper:
Originally posted by Heretodie:
Originally posted by trumper:
Originally posted by Mr Jade:
I started as a Monarchy... I switched to Fascist... as I was wanting to netgain before LCN declared war on us. I switched to Theocracy... I had been getting my structures bombed, and I was selling food to rebuild. Where's this fluffing advantage?

As for the IP addresses listed, I've cross referenced them. So, everyone, double-check these against any that have access in your sites. - Moscow, Russia - White Plains, New York, US - Hazlet, New Jersey, US - Mountain View, California, US - Owosso, Michigan, US - Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands - Curtea De Arges, Valcea, Romania - Curtea De Arges, Valcea, Romania - Curtea De Arges, Valcea, Romania - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Interesting rewrite of history given RD declared war and hit LCN first. Not surprising, either, given Pang's post below that you guys had hacked into LCN. I don't speak for us, but I certainly wouldn't be looking to us for sympathy.

Originally posted by Pang:
Ok, here is a snippet of Boxcar login history that positively identifies MrCopper as doing this.

User - Time - IP - Clan

mrcopper - 2013-10-16 01:03:35 - -xRDx
++ hundreds of logins on this IP as Mr Copper before this

<lcn_user1> - 2013-10-16 01:11:29 - - LCNostra
<lcn_user2> -2013-10-16 01:10:12 - - LCNostra


<lcn_user1> -2013-10-16 01:13:36 - - LCNostra

The IP's in that 93.115 range also did the injection attacks.

So you bring forward more accusations and everyone buys into it. This fluffing IP isnt even on the list! So a IP that should be brought forward for shady activities I LCN and its not on the list.... come on now any idiot can string together numbers and make claims presidents and senate do it all the time.

Yes, clearly Pang is the liar. It's not like Gainsboro didn't say RD hit LCN first because the facts were all along LCN was going to hit RD, which of course he would never know from oh, say, hacking LCN. Oh, wait....

"Mr Gainsboro
Posts: 272
Oct 20th 2013, 3:44:15
Servant, try play the AT game all you want. The fact is you were going to FS so all we did was defuse the missiles before you got the chance to use them.

We offered LCN a LDP and tried to make it work for both sides but you refused to sign it. "

I don't even know why the RD crowd is still defending the nonsense. Own it and change it. I mean, geeze, wouldn't any of those folks be worried that their own accounts may also have been hacked by what they're claiming are off-the-reservation members? Apparently not.

So when your side knows an FS date and time how do they figure it out? The fact that we knew LCN was going to FS proves absolutely nothing. Unless IPs or some other method can confirm it then that is some pretty damn retarded thinking there. Take actual proof all you want and connect it to a user in particular and if someone who understands it and is open about how it is proof says so then Ill believe but simply saying that someone knows an FS date is even circumstantial proof is just ridiculous.

Raging Budda Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 21:16:41

Nah don't change my status from deleted to dead. I want some sort of delination between an admin FS by Pang and a legit kill by a rival alliance.
Your base is mine!

GodHead Dibs Game profile

New Member

Oct 30th 2013, 21:36:20

Originally posted by RavenBF:
Originally posted by GodHead Dibs:
Originally posted by RavenBF:
Originally posted by H4xOr WaNgEr:
I was one of the people who's account was logged into compromised.

I had to report it as a potential security threat at work yesterday (used same password).

fluff you guys (those of you who did it, also known as people who claim to be my friends).

I know what you mean.... I have to report this as a security breach at work too for the same reason. Sorry about your situation. How dare you invade my personal information to those involved.

interesting. that should be two people who are no longer allowed to play because the game interfered with their job security.

That is as retarded as saying it is a rape victims fault for getting raped because he/she was in the same time and place as the raper.

good luck with explaining why your voluntary involvement in a web game is going to jeopardize your career. well, you see, sir... it was the evil trolls that are at fault milord. it has absolutely nothing to do with me being an idiot that can't remember more than one password.
Dibs Ludicrous was here.

Xninja Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 21:37:54

This thread is fluff... why is it not closed yet.... just RD bashing and a fluff swinging competition. Real fun stuff to read...

Cheaters will cheat, its what it is.. Killing innocent peoples countries because of their leaders actions is not right. I liked Dunna's example about Germany :P. Despite Scodes bashes :P

Another thing, what if a "member" in a alliance was hacking and then relaying said information to the just 1 leader, kill the whole clan? I would think not....

The only way I could see this as a justified act is if the ENTIRE RD leadership was involved. If the main core of the alliance is cheating and hacking and make this stupid fluff happen then yes the admins are right and RD members need to find a new home or make their own. However you shouldn't delete them for being in the dark, delete those at fault, tell the community like you did and let RD members make their own decisions, I know most of them had no idea what was going on and had no idea they were gaining an edge because of it....

These are my own humble opinions and like in any game these opinions will mean nothing and gain nothing, just like all the ranting that has been happening in this post...

RD, it is what it is, like I said you were bent over and ravaged in the worse way... I hope you don't quit for the sake of the game and my own personal relationships with some of you. However I know if I was in your shoes I would be out the door and never look back :(

Good luck either way, I feel for you and I hope to see you around.
Overlord of Chaos<--CLICK ME; JOIN CHAOS

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 30th 2013, 21:38:04

Originally posted by Pang:
Originally posted by Requiem:

Pang should have took the advice, copper shouldn't have actually done it just because he could.

anything copper ever sent to me was the same sort of stuff as his posts re:www-data user -- not even an issue. or it was broad "let me help you... give me access to boxcar and I will help fix security" sortd of requests -- both by him and the spy account he had in PDM. never a laundry list of items to fix, urls, queries, examples or anything of substance that I could action.

tbh, any interaction I've had with him, he's been more concerned about ego stroking than actually doing anything positive to help people.

i closed that old thread because there was one guy (copper) going "the sky is falling!" while I just needed to increase the counter in an ini file. which either qz or I did like an hour after that, if memory serves....
I think we also shut down the market ticker too to cut back on connections.

anyway, the people who have brought me legit bugs do it in private, tell me what the bug is, and I fix it privately. they are mainly from LaF and within that group, mainly from Xin.

Also, keep in mind that my first reaction to any Boxcar bug is "ok, i'll just shut it down and everyone can use GHQ" :p

Yeah good points.
- Premium Patron Member

Taveren Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 22:12:28

I agree that Pang should have been more active in addressing security threats, like the recent boxcar incident, or at least informed the user base. Could this have been handled better by game admins and staff? Yes.

However, knowing about weaknesses in a system's security does not make it okay to exploit them. The idea that "something wrong has occurred before and will occur again, so it's alright" is complete horse fluff.

Anyone (Heretide) who believes that those responsible for this breach in security aren't members of RD is in denial. Those people also probably believe that OJ Simpson is innocent.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Skype: som3thingclassy

GodHead Dibs Game profile

New Member

Oct 30th 2013, 22:32:55

Originally posted by Taveren:
I agree that Pang should have been more active in addressing security threats, like the recent boxcar incident, or at least informed the user base. Could this have been handled better by game admins and staff? Yes.

However, knowing about weaknesses in a system's security does not make it okay to exploit them. The idea that "something wrong has occurred before and will occur again, so it's alright" is complete horse fluff.

Anyone (Heretide) who believes that those responsible for this breach in security aren't members of RD is in denial. Those people also probably believe that OJ Simpson is innocent.

wouldn't actually surprise me if it was some other cheater posing as an RD member. wasn't there a mention of PDM discussing the use of bots to combat the bots? i have little faith in Earth players and their ability to be honest. pretty much just classify you all as cheating bass turds. some are just stupid enough to get caught.
Dibs Ludicrous was here.

Heretodie Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 22:46:48

Originally posted by Taveren:
I agree that Pang should have been more active in addressing security threats, like the recent boxcar incident, or at least informed the user base. Could this have been handled better by game admins and staff? Yes.

However, knowing about weaknesses in a system's security does not make it okay to exploit them. The idea that "something wrong has occurred before and will occur again, so it's alright" is complete horse fluff.

Anyone (Heretide) who believes that those responsible for this breach in security aren't members of RD is in denial. Those people also probably believe that OJ Simpson is innocent.

The only person in denial is you that Bradens not your dad.

fluff talking aside theres many others who have posted valid arguments and you all fall under Pangs statement like sheep. I myself provide you reasonable doubt and Pang does nothing to explain how a major IP breach wasn't on the inital list. Others have posted stating facts thats theres colors in other alliances and Pang himself was in RD. Yet you all ignore the facts, like Chris Angel with his smoke and mirrors, Pang is walking on water.

Everyone here who hates RD is bashing them for what, all it takes is a for angry EEer's to hack the system and one grude from Pang to make it what it is now.

Facts are facts and I see nothing solid but words from a moderator I no longer trust KNOWING his history in the game

Edited By: Heretodie on Oct 30th 2013, 22:49:48
See Original Post

H4xOr WaNgEr Game profile

Forum Moderator

Oct 30th 2013, 23:23:38

its because none of us agree with you heretodie.

You seem to be implying that the hackers aren't completely to blame, because it is up to the admins to make stuff "hack proof".

Wrong, that is not how things work.

That is like trying to argue that soemone who commits break and enter isn't at fault because, although the door was locked, there was no security system at the house. Thus the home owner could have done more to protect the security of their home.

Sorry but no. How easy it may be to successfully break a rule/law doesn't make it justifiable to do so.

Give it up.

Mr Azure


Oct 30th 2013, 23:26:34

just stop heretodie.

ericownsyou5 Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 23:31:35

Originally posted by Mr Azure:
just stop heretodie.

Suncrusher Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 23:40:41

Originally posted by ericownsyou5:
Originally posted by Mr Azure:
just stop heretodie.



Oct 30th 2013, 23:42:26

Originally posted by Suncrusher:
Originally posted by ericownsyou5:
Originally posted by Mr Azure:
just stop heretodie.

calvin74 Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 23:46:58

Originally posted by RLenga:
Originally posted by Suncrusher:
Originally posted by ericownsyou5:
Originally posted by Mr Azure:
just stop heretodie.

bstrong86 Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 23:48:25

Originally posted by calvin74:
Originally posted by RLenga:
Originally posted by Suncrusher:
Originally posted by ericownsyou5:
Originally posted by Mr Azure:
just stop heretodie.
The Death Knights


Twink Game profile


Oct 31st 2013, 0:05:34

Originally posted by bstrong86:
Originally posted by calvin74:
Originally posted by RLenga:
Originally posted by Suncrusher:
Originally posted by ericownsyou5:
Originally posted by Mr Azure:
just stop heretodie.



Oct 31st 2013, 0:48:21

Originally posted by Twink:
Originally posted by bstrong86:
Originally posted by calvin74:
Originally posted by RLenga:
Originally posted by Suncrusher:
Originally posted by ericownsyou5:
Originally posted by Mr Azure:
just stop heretodie.

Heston Game profile


Oct 31st 2013, 0:50:51

Originally posted by justtaint:
Originally posted by Twink:
Originally posted by bstrong86:
Originally posted by calvin74:
Originally posted by RLenga:
Originally posted by Suncrusher:
Originally posted by ericownsyou5:
Originally posted by Mr Azure:
just stop heretodie.

❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Fuji Game profile


Oct 31st 2013, 0:54:45

Originally posted by Heston:
Originally posted by justtaint:
Originally posted by Twink:
Originally posted by bstrong86:
Originally posted by calvin74:
Originally posted by RLenga:
Originally posted by Suncrusher:
Originally posted by ericownsyou5:
Originally posted by Mr Azure:
just stop heretodie.

KriSatZ Game profile


Oct 31st 2013, 1:06:23

Originally posted by Fuji:
Originally posted by Heston:
Originally posted by justtaint:
Originally posted by Twink:
Originally posted by bstrong86:
Originally posted by calvin74:
Originally posted by RLenga:
Originally posted by Suncrusher:
Originally posted by ericownsyou5:
Originally posted by Mr Azure:
just stop heretodie.

Success is in the mind. You must believe you are the best and then make sure that you are.

LaFamiglia - zKriSatZwpn - LaFamiglia

iScode Game profile


Oct 31st 2013, 1:14:54

Originally posted by Fuji:
Originally posted by Heston:
Originally posted by justtaint:
Originally posted by Twink:
Originally posted by bstrong86:
Originally posted by calvin74:
Originally posted by RLenga:
Originally posted by Suncrusher:
Originally posted by ericownsyou5:
Originally posted by Mr Azure:
just stop heretodie.

God of War


ZIP Game profile


Oct 31st 2013, 1:18:03

mark - i am going to bed soon and i want to have a spot where i left off.
fluff your 300 Spartans fool - i have 32 of the biggest fluffed mother fluffers made of titanium !!
A brigade from Blackstreetboyz (#91) has invaded your lands! Your defenses held against the invaders and forced them away! Your military lost:1 Troops

Speaker Game profile


Oct 31st 2013, 1:33:18

Originally posted by Taveren:
A number of users have questioned the morality of deleting the entire tag. Others have stated that they feel sorry for those who were wrongfully deleted. The users who were victims of this security breach empathize with those in RD who did nothing wrong.

With the exception of Locket who mentioned it in passing, no RD member has expressed any kind of regret toward the other victims. First came the demands of proof, then came the outrage over LaF's inconsistent punishment, then the belief that the availability of the information invalidates the means by which it was gathered. RD seems to have failed to recognize how the rest of the server feels.

LaF expressed regret over it's activities in May 2012 and committed itself to change. All we've seen here is attempts to discredit, attempts at justification, and deflection. Does anyone in RD even believe that members of their alliance have done wrong?

Does RD actually plan to respond as a group? Any updates on what's going on internally? I did feel bad for legitimate players but now it's starting to seem even more so that they deserve this punishment.

farmer Game profile


Oct 31st 2013, 1:39:11

with out cheaters, no mater who they may be this game would be truly dead. So was it more fun in the old days with 17,000 countries or now with 400 or so



Oct 31st 2013, 1:42:48

I wanna learn how to do sql stuff. is rd recruiting?