
crest23 Game profile


Oct 31st 2013, 1:49:06

Mr Copper has gone silent. Silver you chump, where art thou? More guilty by the hour.

Edited By: crest23 on Oct 31st 2013, 2:00:19
See Original Post
The Nigerian Nightmare.

Suncrusher Game profile


Oct 31st 2013, 1:54:42

way to go zip, you wrecked the this thread's awesome it's just fluff

Originally posted by ZIP:
mark - i am going to bed soon and i want to have a spot where i left off.

farmer Game profile


Oct 31st 2013, 2:05:28

this seems fair punish the whole clan for what 2 or 3 "might have done" it is interesting that there was a war going on and an easy way to win is have your opponent deleted. just saying

Xinhuan Game profile


Oct 31st 2013, 2:42:45

Originally posted by farmer:
this seems fair punish the whole clan for what 2 or 3 "might have done" it is interesting that there was a war going on and an easy way to win is have your opponent deleted. just saying

1. It wasn't "might have done". IP logs don't lie. Leaked documents, passwords, country ownerships don't lie.

2. The war wasn't fair to begin with if RD knew country ownerships, FS timings, and could even login to see uploaded self-ops to determine breaks without spying. Etc.

Just saying.

locket Game profile


Oct 31st 2013, 3:59:55

Xin how about you dont try to make this sound worse than it was? I can assure you that our warchats not even once used any info that we did not get from an ingame spyop. You are basically sitting here and trying to make it seem like a whole bunch of RD members were in on that when there is no evidence of anything of the sort. That's bullfluff.

You might also remember all the times that Laf or Evo had country lists and ownership lists etc for the other clan. The chances that RD got that from "hacking" is pretty damn slim.

Perhaps other clans have been hacking all this time then if they have this same info?

Xinhuan Game profile


Oct 31st 2013, 4:07:23

Except this time, there is proof.

crest23 Game profile


Oct 31st 2013, 4:14:04

The Nigerian Nightmare.

Raging Budda Game profile


Oct 31st 2013, 4:34:32

Done with this game, alliance and FFA...oddly it feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Maybe this was the nudge that I needed to move on my life.
Your base is mine!

Boltar Game profile


Oct 31st 2013, 5:05:06

who knows maybe there was a loop hole on purpose to intrigue cheaters and unsavory people from being the type of person they really are.. on a side note.. didnt heretodie be told last set as well to stfu on these forums as well? maybe even my retarded ass knows when to stop most of the time

Drow Game profile


Oct 31st 2013, 6:54:52

Glad to see nothing has changed on EE.
people get caught out, pang gets blamed (even though it seems other admins double checked the data etc.
as for the harshness of the punishment? I suspect if it had been the other way around, and RD that had cheated first instead of LaF, then yes, we would have seen the deletion of the entire LaF tag.

To the innocent guys in RD: Yes, you got caught out by the actions of a few bad apples. Yes, it was harsh. No, you may not have known about it. Well, now you DO know, you have the chance to either a) form your own tag, and keep playing legit, b) join another tag and keep playing legit, c) remain in/restart in the RD tag, remove the people at fault, own up and apologise, and make changes, d) continue to blame everyone else and claim it's all a conspiracy because Pang doesn't like you, or e) quit.

(Just for the record, last I checked, Pang was a member of LaF, who are friends with RD. Why would he delete an alliance that his alliance is butt buddies with, unless there was definite proof? further, why would the other admins allow it without the proof?)

Paradigm President of failed speeling

"EE's DILF" - Coalie

locket Game profile


Oct 31st 2013, 7:06:23

Originally posted by Drow:
Glad to see nothing has changed on EE.
people get caught out, pang gets blamed (even though it seems other admins double checked the data etc.
as for the harshness of the punishment? I suspect if it had been the other way around, and RD that had cheated first instead of LaF, then yes, we would have seen the deletion of the entire LaF tag.

To the innocent guys in RD: Yes, you got caught out by the actions of a few bad apples. Yes, it was harsh. No, you may not have known about it. Well, now you DO know, you have the chance to either a) form your own tag, and keep playing legit, b) join another tag and keep playing legit, c) remain in/restart in the RD tag, remove the people at fault, own up and apologise, and make changes, d) continue to blame everyone else and claim it's all a conspiracy because Pang doesn't like you, or e) quit.

(Just for the record, last I checked, Pang was a member of LaF, who are friends with RD. Why would he delete an alliance that his alliance is butt buddies with, unless there was definite proof? further, why would the other admins allow it without the proof?)

Pang absolutely despises RD and has said so on numerous occasions. He also hates Silver and went so far as to once say he was going to stop talking to me simply because I associate with him.

Drow Game profile


Oct 31st 2013, 7:09:08

can't say I blame him about silver. personally, I've found him to be nothing but a fluff too, but hey, I'm an imflammatory bastard and recognise it.

Paradigm President of failed speeling

"EE's DILF" - Coalie

GodHead Dibs Game profile

New Member

Oct 31st 2013, 8:27:02

e) quit. they'll be deleting your country for rules violations done by another player anyway.
Dibs Ludicrous was here.

Taveren Game profile


Oct 31st 2013, 8:32:42

brb, switching to League full time.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Skype: som3thingclassy

Mini Game profile


Oct 31st 2013, 9:08:26

Originally posted by locket:
Originally posted by Drow:
Glad to see nothing has changed on EE.
people get caught out, pang gets blamed (even though it seems other admins double checked the data etc.
as for the harshness of the punishment? I suspect if it had been the other way around, and RD that had cheated first instead of LaF, then yes, we would have seen the deletion of the entire LaF tag.

To the innocent guys in RD: Yes, you got caught out by the actions of a few bad apples. Yes, it was harsh. No, you may not have known about it. Well, now you DO know, you have the chance to either a) form your own tag, and keep playing legit, b) join another tag and keep playing legit, c) remain in/restart in the RD tag, remove the people at fault, own up and apologise, and make changes, d) continue to blame everyone else and claim it's all a conspiracy because Pang doesn't like you, or e) quit.

(Just for the record, last I checked, Pang was a member of LaF, who are friends with RD. Why would he delete an alliance that his alliance is butt buddies with, unless there was definite proof? further, why would the other admins allow it without the proof?)

Pang absolutely despises RD and has said so on numerous occasions. He also hates Silver and went so far as to once say he was going to stop talking to me simply because I associate with him.

So what if pang hates RD? I hate RD and if it were me i would of just booted them for no reason, wouldnt even go to this trouble of saying someone cheated. At the end of the day if your going to fluff and whinge, and back up your whinging by saying this was your excuse to quit. the kindly fluff off, if you really wanted to quit you would have done so long before this took place. However as most old balls mofo's that still play this game you'll whinge the set out, start again next set and whinge some more. get the fluff over it. sh|t happens, maybe you all should go fap and ease some tension.

locket Game profile


Oct 31st 2013, 9:18:48

Oh go fluff an ugly goat

anoniem Game profile


Oct 31st 2013, 10:58:37

locket you're an embarrassment.

locket Game profile


Oct 31st 2013, 11:18:33

At least I'm not you!

ViLSE Game profile


Oct 31st 2013, 13:42:21

Oh my, leave this game for a bit and it all goes kablammo!...

Sounds like the right decision to me though, hope the rest of you all can stick to it and have some fun even after this event.


trumper Game profile


Oct 31st 2013, 13:47:09

Originally posted by locket:
Originally posted by trumper:
Originally posted by Heretodie:
Originally posted by trumper:
Originally posted by Mr Jade:
I started as a Monarchy... I switched to Fascist... as I was wanting to netgain before LCN declared war on us. I switched to Theocracy... I had been getting my structures bombed, and I was selling food to rebuild. Where's this fluffing advantage?

As for the IP addresses listed, I've cross referenced them. So, everyone, double-check these against any that have access in your sites. - Moscow, Russia - White Plains, New York, US - Hazlet, New Jersey, US - Mountain View, California, US - Owosso, Michigan, US - Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands - Curtea De Arges, Valcea, Romania - Curtea De Arges, Valcea, Romania - Curtea De Arges, Valcea, Romania - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Interesting rewrite of history given RD declared war and hit LCN first. Not surprising, either, given Pang's post below that you guys had hacked into LCN. I don't speak for us, but I certainly wouldn't be looking to us for sympathy.

Originally posted by Pang:
Ok, here is a snippet of Boxcar login history that positively identifies MrCopper as doing this.

User - Time - IP - Clan

mrcopper - 2013-10-16 01:03:35 - -xRDx
++ hundreds of logins on this IP as Mr Copper before this

<lcn_user1> - 2013-10-16 01:11:29 - - LCNostra
<lcn_user2> -2013-10-16 01:10:12 - - LCNostra


<lcn_user1> -2013-10-16 01:13:36 - - LCNostra

The IP's in that 93.115 range also did the injection attacks.

So you bring forward more accusations and everyone buys into it. This fluffing IP isnt even on the list! So a IP that should be brought forward for shady activities I LCN and its not on the list.... come on now any idiot can string together numbers and make claims presidents and senate do it all the time.

Yes, clearly Pang is the liar. It's not like Gainsboro didn't say RD hit LCN first because the facts were all along LCN was going to hit RD, which of course he would never know from oh, say, hacking LCN. Oh, wait....

"Mr Gainsboro
Posts: 272
Oct 20th 2013, 3:44:15
Servant, try play the AT game all you want. The fact is you were going to FS so all we did was defuse the missiles before you got the chance to use them.

We offered LCN a LDP and tried to make it work for both sides but you refused to sign it. "

I don't even know why the RD crowd is still defending the nonsense. Own it and change it. I mean, geeze, wouldn't any of those folks be worried that their own accounts may also have been hacked by what they're claiming are off-the-reservation members? Apparently not.

So when your side knows an FS date and time how do they figure it out? The fact that we knew LCN was going to FS proves absolutely nothing. Unless IPs or some other method can confirm it then that is some pretty damn retarded thinking there. Take actual proof all you want and connect it to a user in particular and if someone who understands it and is open about how it is proof says so then Ill believe but simply saying that someone knows an FS date is even circumstantial proof is just ridiculous.

Nothing proves anything to you because you would rather stick your head in the sand. If you actually read my original post, you would see I was chiding another RDer for claiming LCN was the provocateur and made the first hits. RD made the first hits, but was positive of LCN's target, which of course, lends more corroboration (whether you like it or not) to what Pang posted.

But what's really pathetic here is how so many of you are busy still trying to deny everything and pretend that there is some magical court of law here. It's making the rest of us lose the last few ounces of respect we had for any of you and think the better response is "good riddance."

locket Game profile


Oct 31st 2013, 13:55:02

Perhaps you shouldnt make stupid assumptions off of one post in the future Trumper. I am not wandering around and denying everything left right and center but congrats on pretending I am! In fact that entire paragraph does nothing to speculate on the truth of this thread and everything to do with the fact that I thought people believing a list of countries is proof of anything was ridiculous.

NukEvil Game profile


Oct 31st 2013, 14:59:28

Squeal little piggay, squeal some more! SQUEEEEE SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

qzjul Game profile

Game Development

Oct 31st 2013, 17:27:39

I'd also like to point out that, since they had the source code and identified the problem, they could have submitted a patch!

I'm sure pang would have seriously appreciated an actual patch.
Finally did the signature thing.

GDave Game profile


Oct 31st 2013, 17:57:52

I JUST returned to EE... after a LONG time away... And this is the first forum I read... All I can say is JUST WOW lol. Things haven't changed a bit!



Oct 31st 2013, 18:13:40

locket: Come on man
It was funny yesterday, but today it is getting sad.


EE Patron

Oct 31st 2013, 21:00:39

be nice symac........

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 1st 2013, 15:13:27

I don't see what the big deal is here....

I was just about to start killing all of the RD countries. So their days were numbered.

trumper Game profile


Nov 1st 2013, 15:47:08

Originally posted by locket:
Perhaps you shouldnt make stupid assumptions off of one post in the future Trumper. I am not wandering around and denying everything left right and center but congrats on pretending I am! In fact that entire paragraph does nothing to speculate on the truth of this thread and everything to do with the fact that I thought people believing a list of countries is proof of anything was ridiculous.

Clearly, I'm the gullible one.



Nov 1st 2013, 16:44:27

i use the same password on boxcar as everything.

RD, please hack my bank account, cause i'd like to get rid of all my debt.

~LaF's Retired Janitor~

Taveren Game profile


Nov 1st 2013, 22:34:39

Originally posted by Taveren:
I recently came in to possession of a spread sheet containing boxcar member reports for LCN, MD, Paradigm, and Rage. The user that shared the document with me claims that it originated in RD. Here's a redacted copy of the spreadsheet:

Matching members to country numbers can have tactical value but the spreadsheet I recieved also contained the personal email and phone numbers for a number of users. While most users probably accept that information posted on boxcar will be shared, I find it a little unsettling that someone is collecting and recording this information. The exsistence of this spreadsheet became a source of concern for MD's head team and it became pertinent to figure out how this information had been accessed and duplicated.

We started by looking at the most recent 'LastVisit' since the most recent time stamp is likely when the report was copied. In MD's case, the most recent 'LastVisit' on this report was made by Y-NoT on Oct 15/13 6:54 PM. MD's head team found this strange as Y-NoT has been a long time member of MD and sharing this kind of information outside the alliance seemed extremely out of character. After looking in to boxcar's logs we discovered that Y-Not had logged in from the IP address on Oct 15, 2013 5:27 PM. This IP address appeared in no other place in his login history but was also used to log in to a few other MD accounts one time.

Our concerns and the spreadsheet were shared with the other affected alliances so they could also track down their leaks. Using the same process LCN determined that Spitzy's activity was condusive of copying the report while Paradigm came to the same conclusion about Hutch. Their login activity was looked in to and both users appeared to have logged in from Similar to Y-Not, the IP wasn't found anywhere else in their activity.

MD, LCN, and Paradigm have no way to prove that this spreadsheet was put together by RD or that RD used other users' login credentials to obtain information from other alliances but the common IP address - appears on Pang's list and is also very similar to the address associated with Mr. Copper.

Deleting an entire alliance due to the actions of a few leaders is a severe punishment, especially when many members may be innocent, but those members still benefited from immorally obtained information. Those members deserve to be angry but so do the people who had their logins used and their personal information collected and stored. The collection of names, emails, phone numbers, and passwords has the potential to do real harm to real people. I ask that alliances check their logs for and I doubt LCN, MD, PDM, and Rage were the only alliances affected.

Apologies for implicating Mr. Azure. The above IP address is associated with Mr. Copper as per Pang's proof.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Skype: som3thingclassy

snawdog Game profile


Nov 2nd 2013, 0:30:36

Originally posted by MrTan1:
Evo continually gets killed in wars, blames LaF yet again for the huge hlw/tc scandal then goes to the daddy figure RD and starts more trouble. pang, I dont care if you ban me for saying this but BCH coding is pure trash, it wouldnt take a hacker to break into BCH as the code that I saw looked like a copy/paste job from the internet. It was a security nightmare when I read your code. It is your own fault for saying you were going to release a new version over a year ago and never did it. I know we all have real lives but dude... You shouldn't have came out with a gamerstown rip off that had more holes than swiss cheese. You want to say we hacked the website? Go for it, any 8 year old could hack your poorly coded website.


Yea,funniest fluff ever. "well if he did not want me to steal ice,why leave the freezer unlocked"...Dumbass
ICQ 364553524

GodHead Dibs Game profile

New Member

Nov 2nd 2013, 8:51:11

put some cash out by your mailbox and see how long it stays there.
Dibs Ludicrous was here.

One Game profile


Nov 2nd 2013, 9:36:44

RD does not run multi's and never have, there is no proof.

de1i Game profile


Nov 2nd 2013, 22:26:59

As someone who put his name and neck out there to help RD return to the game, let me extend a big fluff you to all parties involved in recent events. While I do not believe a majority of the membership knew what was going on, to those of you who did the above fluff you was for you.

If RD returns next reset in any form that will be a shame. Let it die here and now as it's name has been tarnished enough. This isn't Earth2025 where cheating ran rampant in many forms, this is a different game with a smaller community who we told we would respect their rules. Spying, abusing game mechanics and backstabbing allies I can understand, but hacking a hosting site? To say this is sad and disgusting doesn't quite do it justice but it will have to do.

PS - To those of you who said I couldn't be trusted when I asked to return, because I made RD look bad with a forum post... Here's another one I don't regret. Look at where you are now because you believed the bullfluff coming from the individuals responsible for your current situation, great job and go fluff yourselves with them.

Edited By: de1i on Nov 2nd 2013, 22:32:30. Reason: spelling*
See Original Post

Beans And Taters


Nov 2nd 2013, 22:47:49

Thanks de1i,as much as we have clashed..this is good.
Top Notch mate/

Makinso Game profile


Nov 3rd 2013, 21:15:35

I was waiting for you de1i we've never been on bad terms.

Good post :-)

locket Game profile


Nov 3rd 2013, 21:36:38

Originally posted by de1i:
As someone who put his name and neck out there to help RD return to the game, let me extend a big fluff you to all parties involved in recent events. While I do not believe a majority of the membership knew what was going on, to those of you who did the above fluff you was for you.

If RD returns next reset in any form that will be a shame. Let it die here and now as it's name has been tarnished enough. This isn't Earth2025 where cheating ran rampant in many forms, this is a different game with a smaller community who we told we would respect their rules. Spying, abusing game mechanics and backstabbing allies I can understand, but hacking a hosting site? To say this is sad and disgusting doesn't quite do it justice but it will have to do.

PS - To those of you who said I couldn't be trusted when I asked to return, because I made RD look bad with a forum post... Here's another one I don't regret. Look at where you are now because you believed the bullfluff coming from the individuals responsible for your current situation, great job and go fluff yourselves with them.

Should Laf quit the game too?

de1i Game profile


Nov 3rd 2013, 21:45:28

If they feel so inclined by RD's actions, then yes.

locket Game profile


Nov 3rd 2013, 21:52:45

What about their own actions? TC and Hanlong did similar things. Should they leave the game? Laf also has a history of cheating in Earth 2025. Much of their top leadership was RD.



Nov 3rd 2013, 22:37:44

Originally posted by locket:
What about their own actions? TC and Hanlong did similar things. Should they leave the game? Laf also has a history of cheating in Earth 2025. Much of their top leadership was RD.

Hey hey, and now you are a cheater!

locket Game profile


Nov 3rd 2013, 22:53:08

Then you are too. Cheers!



Nov 3rd 2013, 23:17:18

Originally posted by locket:
Then you are too. Cheers!

Nope, never been deleted.

GodHead Dibs Game profile

New Member

Nov 3rd 2013, 23:21:40

Originally posted by Symac:
Originally posted by locket:
Then you are too. Cheers!

Nope, never been deleted.

that just means that you're very good at cheating.
Dibs Ludicrous was here.

braden Game profile


Nov 3rd 2013, 23:37:09

Originally posted by de1i:
As someone who put his name and neck out there to help RD return to the game, let me extend a big fluff you to all parties involved in recent events. While I do not believe a majority of the membership knew what was going on, to those of you who did the above fluff you was for you.

If RD returns next reset in any form that will be a shame. Let it die here and now as it's name has been tarnished enough. This isn't Earth2025 where cheating ran rampant in many forms, this is a different game with a smaller community who we told we would respect their rules. Spying, abusing game mechanics and backstabbing allies I can understand, but hacking a hosting site? To say this is sad and disgusting doesn't quite do it justice but it will have to do.

PS - To those of you who said I couldn't be trusted when I asked to return, because I made RD look bad with a forum post... Here's another one I don't regret. Look at where you are now because you believed the bullfluff coming from the individuals responsible for your current situation, great job and go fluff yourselves with them.

why do you offer the people responsible to go fluff themselves, and then later invite the people NOT responsible also to go fluff themselves?

some of us to this day try to allow your return, no matter how much you piss on their face in return.

locket Game profile


Nov 4th 2013, 0:08:05

Originally posted by Symac:
Originally posted by locket:
Then you are too. Cheers!

Nope, never been deleted.

And yet you have played in cheating alliances or with people who got caught cheating so you are apparently just as bad as me.

braden Game profile


Nov 4th 2013, 0:19:35

<3 de1i, always

de1i Game profile


Nov 4th 2013, 0:21:09

Right back at you.

braden Game profile


Nov 4th 2013, 0:54:34

best friends, two different coasts.. oh right, i don't live beside an ocean :(

Chadius Game profile


Nov 4th 2013, 1:07:39

Internet gaming peer pressure doesn't work so well. The argument that people keep throwing at RD people, "your whole alliance benefited from info obtained illegally".....doesn't hold up with me. Here's why: When the TC and HLW thing went down, most of AT wanted us burned at the cross for the sins of our leaders. But in reality, unless your a head in an alliance, the other clan members no nothing of what was going on. So I can see why people in RD are livid. Everyone keeps telling them to be mad at so and so. lol Be mad at that person you met virtually, never in real life. lol How the fluff will that get their country back? lmao I feel sorry for people like Locket, archaic, and the "clean" members.

locket Game profile


Nov 4th 2013, 2:49:42

Hey Chadius