
Pang Game profile

Game Development

Nov 11th 2011, 16:31:08

they will still sell and your dead country will get the money. i've had a lot of folks ask me if we can change that so that if you die, the stuff on the market disappears.

that's more of a B&S thread topic, though.

but anyway, on topic...

for sure, Balin -- the target selection, activity and atmopshere in the war room has been awesome. Since LCN entered the war we've been at a disadvantage on every front (as you mentioned) and we're holding our own quite well. I'm very impressed with PDM regardless of the outcome of the war :)
We accomplished our initial objectives, and since our netting was over anyway, the focus is on finishing the war/round in the most enjoyable way possible. That's exactly how it should be.
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

trumper Game profile


Nov 11th 2011, 16:35:11

Originally posted by Pang:
they will still sell and your dead country will get the money. i've had a lot of folks ask me if we can change that so that if you die, the stuff on the market disappears.

that's more of a B&S thread topic, though.

but anyway, on topic...

for sure, Balin -- the target selection, activity and atmopshere in the war room has been awesome. Since LCN entered the war we've been at a disadvantage on every front (as you mentioned) and we're holding our own quite well. I'm very impressed with PDM regardless of the outcome of the war :)
We accomplished our initial objectives, and since our netting was over anyway, the focus is on finishing the war/round in the most enjoyable way possible. That's exactly how it should be.

Interesting on bushels. I figured they burned up. Alas you guys killed your own money then :).

On other subject, interesting choice of a semi-pass words with since 'LCN entered'. We weren't given the opportunity to enter. It's until you guys hit us ;).

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Nov 11th 2011, 16:37:57

Originally posted by trumper:
Originally posted by Pang:
they will still sell and your dead country will get the money. i've had a lot of folks ask me if we can change that so that if you die, the stuff on the market disappears.

that's more of a B&S thread topic, though.

but anyway, on topic...

for sure, Balin -- the target selection, activity and atmopshere in the war room has been awesome. Since LCN entered the war we've been at a disadvantage on every front (as you mentioned) and we're holding our own quite well. I'm very impressed with PDM regardless of the outcome of the war :)
We accomplished our initial objectives, and since our netting was over anyway, the focus is on finishing the war/round in the most enjoyable way possible. That's exactly how it should be.

Interesting on bushels. I figured they burned up. Alas you guys killed your own money then :).

On other subject, interesting choice of a semi-pass words with since 'LCN entered'. We weren't given the opportunity to enter. It's until you guys hit us ;).

we still expect it to be paid regardless. you have plenty of other countries.

and maybe you guys could have paid for it before you planned your FS on us, which we of course pre-empted by a couple of hours.
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting



Nov 11th 2011, 16:44:45

Wasn't. LCN "CS" a couple of hours after PDM "FS"?

Can't say you got dragged when it is pretty obvious you had plans to hit :/

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Nov 11th 2011, 16:47:39

Originally posted by KingKaosKnows:
Wasn't. LCN "CS" a couple of hours after PDM "FS"?

Can't say you got dragged when it is pretty obvious you had plans to hit :/

i think anyone who is claiming that LCN was drawn in by PDM is just being somewhat disingenuous or maybe a little facetious...

LCN's leaders have already posted here acknowledging that they were planning to hit us and I think everyone is cool with how things are going. :p

although I expect LCN, like us, are disappointed that our battle isn't for TNW.
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

diez Game profile


Nov 11th 2011, 16:54:28

Glad the tagjumpers issue has been resolved without KSF being dragged into a war while their netters has a shot at t10...

Might've drawn a bit of tears over jessie's eyes :(

Goodluck to all sides involved!

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 11th 2011, 16:56:59

Also LCN withdrew its trade pacts with our players who were to receive it before we even hit LCN. That doesn't sound like "We weren't given the opportunity to enter. It's until you guys hit us ;)."

You were going to hit us either way, just admit it :)
I financially support this game; what do you do?

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Nov 11th 2011, 17:02:56

my single tear would be a drop in the ocean compared to you :p

also, diez... if you keep following me around, I will make sure that I'm on every single evo thread, preaching for whoever is evo's enemy du jour.

folks like you really make me want to leave PDM and focus on hurting Evo -- sorry qz.
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

diez Game profile


Nov 11th 2011, 17:03:49

I again got attacked when I said nothing about you whatsoever -_-

Anyway, back to topic... We shouldn't derail topics!

Detmer Game profile


Nov 11th 2011, 17:04:53

LCN already admitted they were going to hit us and it was smart of us to take a few out before their FS. Trumper doesn't speak for LCN so don't worry about him. Don't let the trolls get trolled.

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Nov 11th 2011, 17:07:27

Originally posted by diez:
I again got attacked when I said nothing about you whatsoever -_-

Anyway, back to topic... We shouldn't derail topics!

i'm not an idiot. i'm aware of what your names generally mean and that they're meant to be insults :p
on that topic, i've had enough of your AT bullfluff so let's not derail the thread and I'll deal with you guys ingame next round.
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

BattleKJ Game profile


Nov 11th 2011, 17:21:40

hmm? A threat against Evo ingame as you can't take someone questioning you? Sweet.

EDIT: No idea what either of you have said to each other.

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Nov 11th 2011, 17:25:15

KJ: it's not a threat, it's me being fett up with Evo'ers beaking at me for 2 years+. and ps, that has nothing to do with PDM.
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

BattleKJ Game profile


Nov 11th 2011, 17:29:18

We've had plenty of disagreements before, so I am probably not the best to give you advice. But you feed us with how you reply to us, you bring it on yourself. You (and Slagpit) need to take a leaf out of qz's book and not involve yourselves in any little arguements.

BattleKJ Game profile


Nov 11th 2011, 17:33:59

You can't win really. Unlike me arguing with diez for example, a MOD or Admin comes along and tells us both to shut up/bans us both. We have no arguement against that, as for both of us it was a nuetral decision against both of us and we know to stop.

When you argue with diez, and then diez gets banned. It doesnt end there, as he comes back and instantly questions if you banned him, cue a whole new different arguement.

So sure, maybe we are the kids, goading you and provoking you. But its on you to be the bigger man and not respond. Likewise, for diez, the reason I havent been posting much recently is because Evo has an AT Ban in place, maybe you should remember that :P

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Nov 11th 2011, 17:35:36

why would I take a leaf out of qz's book?
this has nothing to do with admin and everything to do with the collective ill-will that has gone on for years between us -- as players. the only way qz is involved is that I forced LaF to ALWAYS pact Evo while I was there and I've tried to leave evo alone ingame because qz and I are friends. let's start a new thread if you want to continue this discussion, k?
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Detmer Game profile


Nov 11th 2011, 17:36:22

Originally posted by BattleKJ:
You can't win really. Unlike me arguing with diez for example, a MOD or Admin comes along and tells us both to shut up/bans us both. We have no arguement against that, as for both of us it was a nuetral decision against both of us and we know to stop.

When you argue with diez, and then diez gets banned. It doesnt end there, as he comes back and instantly questions if you banned him, cue a whole new different arguement.

So sure, maybe we are the kids, goading you and provoking you. But its on you to be the bigger man and not respond. Likewise, for diez, the reason I havent been posting much recently is because Evo has an AT Ban in place, maybe you should remember that :P

So maybe the solution is forum ban diez from an administrative perspective!

BattleKJ Game profile


Nov 11th 2011, 17:38:16

Maybe :P I don't know. I am just trying to be reasonable!

diez Game profile


Nov 11th 2011, 17:40:27

Hey guys, stay on topic! I don't want anyone getting banned here!

/me humps PDM and LCN

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Nov 11th 2011, 17:45:00

lol at KJ backpeddling for several years of pang-hate :p
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Trife Game profile


Nov 11th 2011, 17:47:17

PDM shot first!

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 11th 2011, 17:58:45

Pang has feelings too, don't crush his heart. Or he will steal your sheep!
I financially support this game; what do you do?

Killa Game profile


Nov 11th 2011, 18:07:29

"A little disappointed KSF didn't take care of their own business right away."

LOL, yes it was so cut and dry.


Pang Game profile

Game Development

Nov 11th 2011, 18:15:29

what's not cut and dry? :|

1) Countries tagged to KSF and said "we are going to net with KSF, not take part in the war" -- sanct echo'ed this.
2) KSF said "yes, these countries will be our responsibility"
3) KSF accepts being PDM's police
4) Countries tag to LCN from KSF after PDM pre-empts LCN
5) KSF goes "uhhh.... we can't kill them anymore because they tagged LCN"

Normally, just being the police would be enough to warrant killing those countries regardless of the pact, or at least encourage KSF to get them detagged. I'm not sure why PDM needed to do the leg work to get LCN to make them self-delete.

Traditionally, just being someone's police makes them responsible for sorting out the issue.
When the countries come from a policer's tag and begin attacking the tag you're policing for -- after the country owners + previous alliance + policing alliance state that they won't re-enter the war -- that makes it pretty cut and dry IMO.

For being jerked around a lot, Detmer has been a class act, since we're talking about class acts a lot on this thread. If my policers failed to do their single most important obligation, I'd be thinking about switching targets to that tag instead -- especially since the countries actually came from the policers tag in the first place.

Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Killa Game profile


Nov 11th 2011, 18:19:41

lol, You know everything pang!

maybe you should leave PDM posts to Detmer and Tan.

As for hitting our tag tough guy, Feel free

Trife Game profile


Nov 11th 2011, 18:24:17

Originally posted by Pang:
Detmer has been a class act

Confirmed. Except on matters that involve ZEN/Tisya.

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Nov 11th 2011, 18:26:00

maybe you should have just killed them in the first place instead of dragging your feet? :p
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 11th 2011, 18:43:32

What pang says is cut and dry killa. I'd venture to say though we wouldn't want to hit KSF, no reason to.

It is sorted out now, but you must understand that when you guys took them on you assumed responsibility for them.

When someone puts their word on something it should mean something. Maybe next time your word is worth less? Who knows, but one thing is for sure you didn't act as you said you would. End of story.

Not that it really matters what I think I normally just set back and enjoy the ride :)
I financially support this game; what do you do?

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Nov 11th 2011, 18:50:05

req sums it up nicely :p
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Detmer Game profile


Nov 11th 2011, 18:51:34

PDM members can post whatever thoughts they want. They do not necessarily (or likely) reflect the views of PDM as an alliance, but everyone is entitled to their opinion.

Pain Game profile


Nov 11th 2011, 18:56:49

it seems maybe some people are lost on what the duty of police is. looks like most people want to reap the benefits (free land) but not take responsibility when it concerns hurting their own countries when something like a tag jumper needs to be taken care of.

traditionally i think police should be someone who is willing to drop whatever plans they have to make sure the policee recieve a fair fight. i suppose though with so many at war its hard to find a police willing to take care of business
Your mother is a nice woman

Pain Game profile


Nov 11th 2011, 18:58:07

ok whos fluffing around with the thread? page 6? there hasnt even been a page 5 lol.
Your mother is a nice woman

Thomas Game profile


Nov 11th 2011, 19:02:39

Originally posted by archaic:
He literally walked out of the conversation with me and I kept chasing him instead of you or Nole.

That was on a previous FA issue, which was resolved after speaking to another PDM FA at the same time. Check your logs.

Originally posted by iScode:
I am sorry Dustfp, if Thomas does not realise what he said was a threat of war he should not be doing FA.

telling people to go "suck a fluff" and walking out on a conversation are also, threats of war. even if you dont like the other alliance you treat FA's with respect and act with diplomacy regardless of the situation. If your FA's act rude, obnoxious and show a complete lack of respect then that will cost your alliance. It would even be a good enough reason for an FS if you ask me!!!

Once again, another bullfluff quote. Please show me the log where I told a PDM FA to suck a fluff?

Originally posted by Pang:
Also, this is an honest question I've brought up to a few LCN'ers in private: are you guys claiming that PDM hit you guys and that LCN wasn't planning to FS PDM in defense of Sanct like an hour and a half later? I haven't really seen any posts which concretely state your reasons for war/opinions either way.

Funny how you brought that up. Not that I didn't know you guys have had a spy in Sanct for several resets, but it just reassures us that's how you have to play. For PDM to know which country belongs to who etc etc. every set was enough for us to know. But thanks for confirming our "suspicions".

Originally posted by Pain:
regarding interpreting what thomas said, unless you are new to the game and have no idea who thomas is or are a sanct member you would have no reason to believe what thomas said was not threatening war. when someone who you know doesnt like your alliance threatens you, you dont assume hes "just joking"

And my dislikes for alliances has never caused me to intentinally cause a war, or decide to FS a tag out of hatred. I haven't liked PDM for a while, because of fluff like this, and that hasn't caused me to ever FS them. Although at this point I do regret not following my heart when it comes to that.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 11th 2011, 19:03:33

Well it's not the police's job to kill any tag jumper who wants to enter a war. Like for instance lets say some SoF members jumped to LCN to fight that wouldn't be the police's issue. What is thier issue in this case was the tag jumping from:

Sanct --> KSF --> LCN

That was really the issue. We could have killed them before they had the chance to go to LCN and fight, but we didn't out of kindness and respect for the players who said they didn't want to war and wanted to net. We showed grace. They showed dishonor.

Our panties got in a ruffle because of the blatant lie and deception they pulled on not only PDM but KSF too. Because I don't believe KSF knew they would do that, I don't hold any ill-will towards KSF just a slight bit of disappointment.

I'd be much happier if they just said "we didn't know they would do that and we don't want to ruin our netgaining this set to kill them" even as selfish as that is the honesty would go a long way with me.
I financially support this game; what do you do?

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Nov 11th 2011, 19:05:00

thomas, we don't need spies when your members have loose lips and don't always like the stuff you do.
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

martian Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Nov 11th 2011, 19:10:48

@Thomas: "And my dislikes for alliances has never caused me to intentinally cause a war,"
Maybe that means you are doing it wrong?:P
you are all special in the eyes of fluff
( ._.) -----)-->
(_(' )(' )


Detmer Game profile


Nov 11th 2011, 19:19:21

Originally posted by Pang:
thomas, we don't need spies when your members have loose lips and don't always like the stuff you do.


Your members flock to us with information. Maybe it is time to purge your members or mode of operation to something they like. Honestly I am surprised they stick around in there considering their grievances.

trumper Game profile


Nov 11th 2011, 19:27:31

For what it's worth, some of us tried being nice. I even offered a landtrade with one PDM player who can confirm I said I wanted to join in (of course without getting my own alliance leadership's permission so who knows if it would have happened).

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 11th 2011, 19:28:05

Pang I'm not in evo and I think you suck as a person. You always make spin and then claim others are the ones doing the spin. KSF has had to deal wih three different alliances to try and take care of the tag-jumpers in a way that makes everyone happy. We started a kill run and then were asked to stop while discussions took place.

I would say KSF is the alliance that most regrets the tag-jumping because it reflects poorly on us. The individual people came to us and said they just wanted to net and we vouched for them, but then they changed their minds and thought by switching to LCN it would absolve us of all responsibility. I'm not in leadership, but it sounds like people have come to some sort of agreement on the matter and that it is taken care of.

However, Pang does a great disservice to all when he speaks his silly opinions about how PDM should hit KSF for the rogue actions of a few Sanct guys. Luckily, I think it's pretty obvious to all that Pang just runs his mouth and so no one really takes him seriously.

On a side note, I think as a community we should think about some rules to allow players to tagjump within 24-36 hours without interference of the police. If a FS occurs for fluffty reasons or is from/against an alliance that someone wants to support, then they should be able to help if they join as soon as possible. I know with all of the wars this set, there were a good number of players in outside alliances who would have joined if it would not have led to problems for their current alliances.

Son Goku Game profile


Nov 11th 2011, 19:31:19


Pang Game profile

Game Development

Nov 11th 2011, 19:35:51

Originally posted by Tertius:
Pang I'm not in evo and I think you suck as a person.

i stopped reading after that.
it proves you're not worth the time to argue with.
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

BattleKJ Game profile


Nov 11th 2011, 19:42:38

You guys need to learn from Evo and LaF and not post on AT while warring. It just leads to trolling.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 11th 2011, 21:16:40

Originally posted by Pang:
Originally posted by Tertius:
Pang I'm not in evo and I think you suck as a person.

i stopped reading after that.
it proves you're not worth the time to argue with.

Fair enough. My point was that you calling diez out for a post that didn't even relate to you and then threatening to suicide Evo was ridiculous, so I wanted to give you something directed at you so you could have something to be angry about. Now I will end with one of your patented emoticons you use to show that even though you are a giant tool, in the end you're "just kidding" and a good guy :p

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 11th 2011, 21:16:44

Who cares? Don't take the game so seriously, that's what causes you more grief than anything.
I financially support this game; what do you do?

Detmer Game profile


Nov 11th 2011, 21:25:47

Originally posted by Requiem:
Who cares? Don't take the game so seriously, that's what causes you more grief than anything.


Stop revealing sensitive PDM secrets!

dryfus Game profile


Nov 11th 2011, 21:42:38

Originally posted by Tertius:
Now I will end with one of your patented emoticons you use to show that even though you are a giant tool, in the end you're "just kidding" and a good guy :p

lol ^that


anoniem Game profile


Nov 11th 2011, 23:05:50

why was my post deleted?

locket Game profile


Nov 11th 2011, 23:33:00

Originally posted by anoniem:
why was my post deleted?

same reason they all are im sure ;)

On the topic of police. It has always been my understanding that police kill any tagjumpers that are within reason to kill(Aka as long as they arent over 100mill nw or something)

locket Game profile


Nov 11th 2011, 23:33:28

Originally posted by Tertius:
Pang I'm not in evo and I think you suck as a person. You always make spin and then claim others are the ones doing the spin. KSF has had to deal wih three different alliances to try and take care of the tag-jumpers in a way that makes everyone happy. We started a kill run and then were asked to stop while discussions took place.

I would say KSF is the alliance that most regrets the tag-jumping because it reflects poorly on us. The individual people came to us and said they just wanted to net and we vouched for them, but then they changed their minds and thought by switching to LCN it would absolve us of all responsibility. I'm not in leadership, but it sounds like people have come to some sort of agreement on the matter and that it is taken care of.

However, Pang does a great disservice to all when he speaks his silly opinions about how PDM should hit KSF for the rogue actions of a few Sanct guys. Luckily, I think it's pretty obvious to all that Pang just runs his mouth and so no one really takes him seriously.

On a side note, I think as a community we should think about some rules to allow players to tagjump within 24-36 hours without interference of the police. If a FS occurs for fluffty reasons or is from/against an alliance that someone wants to support, then they should be able to help if they join as soon as possible. I know with all of the wars this set, there were a good number of players in outside alliances who would have joined if it would not have led to problems for their current alliances.

You suck as an animal. I think you would make a crappy moose.

locket Game profile


Nov 11th 2011, 23:36:15

Originally posted by BattleKJ:
You guys need to learn from Evo and LaF and not post on AT while warring. It just leads to trolling.

lol :P If anyone ever needs to learn from laf or evo on that matter I'm sure they'll be in pretty sad shape...