
euglaf Game profile


Jun 16th 2013, 4:42:42

Last set you guys detagged a bunch of countries and had the same few people farm them into oblivion. Those countries made t10 by basically intrafarming land from evo. Those countries that were detagged even kept playing the rest of the set by exploring and doing enemy hits. They were effectively evo-only land farms all set.

I told you that you were being douchebags for it. You guys said you didn't care, but Tella claimed that #59 would not make t10 to try to placate me. He made t10 anyways.

If you think we at LaF will sit back as you take t10 spots from our members (we had the rank 11 country), well then...

Pay the iron price.

euglaf Game profile


Jun 16th 2013, 4:43:57

TIE - I have no ill will against you. I asked RedX not to merge with evo and even told him that this would likely happen.

ericownsyou5 Game profile


Jun 16th 2013, 4:44:07


tellarion Game profile


Jun 16th 2013, 4:46:00

Last set was a ridiculously low bar for a netting set. If you hadn't picked on PDM, perhaps it would have been a real competition.

I'll repeat what I said to you in private: Quit getting your panties in a bunch when we do the exact same thing that every single alliance does every set.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 16th 2013, 4:48:39

133tz Game profile


Jun 16th 2013, 4:48:51

I am an EE noob.

Vamps Game profile


Jun 16th 2013, 4:49:30

Yay for killing!



Jun 16th 2013, 4:49:34

I dare you to find me ONE example of an untag HELPING the alliance that farms them to kill.

Oh wait, we have many of those, all of the farming alliance is EVO.

~LaF's Retired Janitor~

Vic Game profile


Jun 16th 2013, 4:49:55

Edit **updating tomorrow ** Dai tormy !

Edited By: Vic on Jun 16th 2013, 4:57:29
See Original Post

Spoonman Game profile


Jun 16th 2013, 4:53:02

eugene is a moron

tellarion Game profile


Jun 16th 2013, 5:00:22

Originally posted by Forgotten:
I dare you to find me ONE example of an untag HELPING the alliance that farms them to kill.

Oh wait, we have many of those, all of the farming alliance is EVO.


If you really want to insinuate fluff like that, how about the confirmed suiciders we had that came from Laf?

Or shall I really get started and list all the shady fluff you guys do EVERY SET? Intratag trading? Look to 2 sets ago before Eug got mad and put a stop to it. Untagged landfarms? I seem to recall a number of cases where Laf countries would farm the hell out of untagged landfarms moments after they explore/grab, regardless of what time of day it is.

If you really want to talk about shady fluff, you guys are the masters. We're just trying to follow your illustrious example.

tellarion Game profile


Jun 16th 2013, 5:00:32

PS: Just shut up and war, whiners

Unsympathetic Game profile


Jun 16th 2013, 5:01:50

Glad to see you're admitting publically that eugene's post is 100% true, tellarion.

tellarion Game profile


Jun 16th 2013, 5:04:29

Yup, we did indeed detag people that quit last set. One guy just wanted to play untagged and told us not to hit him again after the detag. Another guy made a single retal against laf and was killed for it. The rest did nothing to Laf and legitimately quit.

At least we detag our inactives well before the end of the set, unlike other alliances I could point out.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 16th 2013, 5:08:16

Tell you're just making yourself look bad here. Might edit some of your posts!



Jun 16th 2013, 5:08:56


confirmed suiciders from LaF? I have read nothing of such on AT, and if you have anything other than qzjul reading database to you, you would probably have posted it already.

LaF have members that don't sleep, and stay on for land at all times.

we have this thing called newscamping.
~LaF's Retired Janitor~

Boltar Game profile


Jun 16th 2013, 5:12:48

just give it up, its only a game.. kill each other and be done with it

de1i Game profile


Jun 16th 2013, 5:16:21

How does newscamping DR times correlate to suiciders?

euglaf Game profile


Jun 16th 2013, 5:18:59

so after our FS i was reminded about how tella spent like 30 minutes harassing me over some minor FR issue while i was at the niners playoff game against the packers back in january.

yea, this FS is also for that, you fluff.

tellarion Game profile


Jun 16th 2013, 5:24:32

Originally posted by Forgotten:

confirmed suiciders from LaF? I have read nothing of such on AT, and if you have anything other than qzjul reading database to you, you would probably have posted it already.

LaF have members that don't sleep, and stay on for land at all times.

we have this thing called newscamping.

heat is already aware of the suiciders I've confirmed. I respect him enough to deal with it in private instead of airing the dirty laundry on AT.

And news camping? Yeah, we have guys that do that too. The same ones who showed up for scheduled detags of people that quit, and thus reaped the benefits.

Eug, I appreciate the joke, although it definitely wasn't a 'minor fr issue'. If you're busy in the future, don't fluffing answer. Simple enough.



Jun 16th 2013, 5:27:10

If he's busy and doesn't answer FR calls, then he is just another tier 5 nub that leads tier 5 alliances.

eug is a tier 1 nub that leads tier 1 alliances
~LaF's Retired Janitor~

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 16th 2013, 5:29:51

Originally posted by euglaf:
so after our FS i was reminded about how tella spent like 30 minutes harassing me over some minor FR issue while i was at the niners playoff game against the packers back in january.

yea, this FS is also for that, you fluff.

Niners suck! We git j00 qb! <3 chiefs

tellarion Game profile


Jun 16th 2013, 5:29:55

And then fluffes about it later, just like all FRs do :P Being an FR is pretty much the worst job in any alliance, haha



Jun 16th 2013, 5:32:10


American Football is too easy, 4 downs! that's like making the basketball hoop 5 feet tall
~LaF's Retired Janitor~



Jun 16th 2013, 5:32:58

gl hf evo.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 16th 2013, 5:34:47

Originally posted by Forgotten:

American Football is too easy, 4 downs! that's like making the basketball hoop 5 feet tall

Get outta here with that. We'll send you tebow!

grimjoww Game profile


Jun 16th 2013, 5:47:01


BobOnThis Game profile


Jun 16th 2013, 5:50:13

Originally posted by euglaf:
so after our FS i was reminded about how tella spent like 30 minutes harassing me over some minor FR issue while i was at the niners playoff game against the packers back in january.

yea, this FS is also for that, you fluff.

Boo laf.

But if/when there's another playoff game (or reg season even) you make it too, I'll have a bloody mary for you :)

Sov Game profile


Jun 16th 2013, 5:59:25

I really rate Tella as a FA... Everytime I want to kill Evo I talk to Tella and he makes me want to FDP them -_-

Good luck to both sides.



Jun 16th 2013, 6:07:43

Sov, that just means you suck at FA!

~LaF's Retired Janitor~

tellarion Game profile


Jun 16th 2013, 6:17:50

That Tella guy is a fluff :(

Iamminghui Game profile


Jun 16th 2013, 6:42:20

Haha.. I find this a lame declaration but well.. Good luck getting ur self-claimed 'top 10' spots that you think you always deserved for this set..

mdemon Game profile


Jun 16th 2013, 6:46:10

Ahhhh, so this is what it's all about,...

since I don't like Laf as much, I wish Evo the best of luck. Go Evo!!!

Kill them lafers, give them hell !!!!i

Iamminghui Game profile


Jun 16th 2013, 6:48:43

For any reason it is, be it a lame reason or a good one, it's a legit reason.. Just that it really shows how small laf is despite being big in numbers..

133tz Game profile


Jun 16th 2013, 6:50:36


Originally posted by mdemon:
Ahhhh, so this is what it's all about,...

since I don't like Laf as much, I wish Evo the best of luck. Go Evo!!!

Kill them lafers, give them hell !!!!i

I am an EE noob.

KriSatZ Game profile


Jun 16th 2013, 6:53:19

Tell actually comes across quite well as an FA.

Anyways, the amount of spy ops I had on you guys, something was up, you guys looked awfully close to FS'ing someone (us) anyway, so lets make this a good war and have both sides enjoy it.
Success is in the mind. You must believe you are the best and then make sure that you are.

LaFamiglia - zKriSatZwpn - LaFamiglia

TheORKINMan Game profile


Jun 16th 2013, 7:01:51

This is the gayest reason I've ever heard of to declare war. You may as well have FSed them over their fashion sense.
Smarter than your average bear.

tellarion Game profile


Jun 16th 2013, 7:41:55

I'm just really upset I couldn't post my war dec :(

"Good Luck EDge!

PS: Suck it, Eug"

It would have been glorious!

KriSatZ Game profile


Jun 16th 2013, 7:46:20

If Eug had your way with words/dec posting ability LaF would be a better place :(
Success is in the mind. You must believe you are the best and then make sure that you are.

LaFamiglia - zKriSatZwpn - LaFamiglia

Loc Game profile


Jun 16th 2013, 7:46:59

Summer warfest commences

keivisuaL Game profile


Jun 16th 2013, 7:58:25

We kill!
Innocence is something we all forget. I haven't quite, I'm naive.

locket Game profile


Jun 16th 2013, 8:06:01

How is land taken off of PDM any more legit than anything else in this game? Don't pretend that the free land in an easy war that Laf picked had no help for the top Laf players.Jesus. Everyones fluff stinks. Stop trying to pretend it is just one side -_-

Xinhuan Game profile


Jun 16th 2013, 8:56:59

@locket Land obtained in a war is not risk-free. You can get bombed buildings, missiled, etc,

However, land farmed from detagging your own member is risk-free.

That's the main difference - it sets a precedent by allowing it to go unchecked - like how Landtrading turned out. LaF still does not approve Landtrading (which is also relatively risk-free), we only did it one reset to prove it was broken (The SPERM war prevented us from carrying out our original agenda to stop widespread landtrading.)

Edited By: Xinhuan on Jun 16th 2013, 9:00:58
See Original Post

locket Game profile


Jun 16th 2013, 9:15:01

What I find funny about your post there is that Laf farmed the hell out of our untagged players when I was there. We didnt stop until it simply wasnt worth it anymore. So why call someone else at it? Hell I and everyone else, including the top netters in Laf did it quite often. The only times you didnt was when you wanted to compete among eachother in some competition or other. Should Evo avoid it? If the country is going untagged and two stepping land back to Evo then that is another matter but simply farming an untagged is done by EVERY netting alliance who cares about their finish.

On the topic of risk from a war with PDM. Land obtained from big ass Laf against small and not very good at war PDM isnt overly risky for players of your skill. 90% of the people like you should have been able to get over the whole AB FS within a week or two and be profiting for the rest of the set. I have seen you guys do some pretty crazy grabbing and pass people who had a huge advantage over you. Eugene did it in one of our netting competitions after losing about 500 turns to ABs. Not saying it doesnt hurt some people in Laf though because it obviously did with the Laf ANW, but some people clearly had an easy source of land with no risk after the first few countries were killed.

And landtrading? The funny thing about land trading is that it isnt even overpowered anymore. The changes have made it MUCH worse than before and everyone in Laf and elsewhere knows it. Trading might carry some lower risks to it but why bother outlawing it or trying to do so? Why not just grab the traders you arent pacted to and just make it tough for them to be efficient. Traders arent going to compete with a Laf techer for retalling. Hell they wont even beat a Laf techer if they are left alone!

Do you want everyone to only bottomfeed? There are only 5 or so countries who can do that each set with this limited amount of untaggeds. Do you want them all to WR farm? That wont work out for more than a couple with the rest failing and fluffing up. Topfeed? Laf sure doesnt want that. A good techer or a well played non trading Laf country can EASILY beat a land trader with these changes. Stop being scared of having a small challenge and take it on!

Other benefits of trading I and others noticed when Laf did it was that our activity went up and we had players who were just running half assed all explores who will quit at some point in the near future actually caring about their country and enjoying the game. What is wrong with that?



Jun 16th 2013, 9:15:06

Originally posted by Requiem:
Originally posted by euglaf:
so after our FS i was reminded about how tella spent like 30 minutes harassing me over some minor FR issue while i was at the niners playoff game against the packers back in january.

yea, this FS is also for that, you fluff.

Niners suck! We git j00 qb! <3 chiefs

go ahead, take him... been trying to replace him for years now.

don't forget how great the last qb to show up in kc from sf was...
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

tellarion Game profile


Jun 16th 2013, 9:19:58

Originally posted by Xinhuan:
@locket Land obtained in a war is not risk-free. You can get bombed buildings, missiled, etc,

However, land farmed from detagging your own member is risk-free.

That's the main difference - it sets a precedent by allowing it to go unchecked - like how Landtrading turned out. LaF still does not approve Landtrading (which is also relatively risk-free), we only did it one reset to prove it was broken (The SPERM war prevented us from carrying out our original agenda to stop widespread landtrading.)

Answer me honestly. If we didn't farm the members we dropped, Laf would have. Do you disagree?

Secondly, if you have members quitting midset and asking to be detagged, would you just detag them and let whatever happens happen, or would you farm them as well?

I will absolutely agree that having a member give up and detag and then half-assed play while selectively retalling is pretty messed up, and we told him to knock it off. Aside from him and kingme, nobody so much as touched you guys, and many of your members received hundreds(if not thousands) of acres from them. I'm really hard pressed to see why this is so outrageous? In my mind, it simply doesn't measure up to blatant intratag landtrading(which you did 2 sets ago), using spyops to make an out of game point at the end of the set, and knocking someone out of rank one via missiles and harmful spyops. Or how about having gogy randomly topfeed a potential 1st place country, only to conveniently rejoin your ranks the following set.

I can keep this up all day.

locket Game profile


Jun 16th 2013, 9:22:17

Tella I dont think Gogy did anything for Laf when he wasnt in it... he didnt seem to show up in IRC or post much insite when he was. I think he just kind of did his own thing so I strongly suspect Laf had nothing to do with him topfeeding someone when he wasnt with them.

Xinhuan Game profile


Jun 16th 2013, 9:22:30

@locket I'll concede that you make some convincing points:

- That landtrading isn't as powerful anymore (due to our actions), and hence we aren't quite as strongly against it as we used to be.

- That activity went up. That is a good plus.

- That there are more varied methods of gaining land that isn't bottomfeeding.

However, you totally missed the point about risk-free land gains. In order for our top players to farm PDM for land, we also had to sacrifice our bottom players which were ankle-bitten for the entirety of 2 months, we also obviously wasn't going to be anywhere near the top ANW as such. That's the risk I'm talking about, the gains were not without sacrifices, unlike Evo farming their own untags - which both increased their individual finishes AND increased their TNW.

tellarion Game profile


Jun 16th 2013, 9:26:19

Originally posted by locket:
What I find funny about your post there is that Laf farmed the hell out of our untagged players when I was there. We didnt stop until it simply wasnt worth it anymore. So why call someone else at it? Hell I and everyone else, including the top netters in Laf did it quite often. The only times you didnt was when you wanted to compete among eachother in some competition or other. Should Evo avoid it? If the country is going untagged and two stepping land back to Evo then that is another matter but simply farming an untagged is done by EVERY netting alliance who cares about their finish.

On the topic of risk from a war with PDM. Land obtained from big ass Laf against small and not very good at war PDM isnt overly risky for players of your skill. 90% of the people like you should have been able to get over the whole AB FS within a week or two and be profiting for the rest of the set. I have seen you guys do some pretty crazy grabbing and pass people who had a huge advantage over you. Eugene did it in one of our netting competitions after losing about 500 turns to ABs. Not saying it doesnt hurt some people in Laf though because it obviously did with the Laf ANW, but some people clearly had an easy source of land with no risk after the first few countries were killed.

And landtrading? The funny thing about land trading is that it isnt even overpowered anymore. The changes have made it MUCH worse than before and everyone in Laf and elsewhere knows it. Trading might carry some lower risks to it but why bother outlawing it or trying to do so? Why not just grab the traders you arent pacted to and just make it tough for them to be efficient. Traders arent going to compete with a Laf techer for retalling. Hell they wont even beat a Laf techer if they are left alone!

Do you want everyone to only bottomfeed? There are only 5 or so countries who can do that each set with this limited amount of untaggeds. Do you want them all to WR farm? That wont work out for more than a couple with the rest failing and fluffing up. Topfeed? Laf sure doesnt want that. A good techer or a well played non trading Laf country can EASILY beat a land trader with these changes. Stop being scared of having a small challenge and take it on!

Other benefits of trading I and others noticed when Laf did it was that our activity went up and we had players who were just running half assed all explores who will quit at some point in the near future actually caring about their country and enjoying the game. What is wrong with that?

Agreed on every single point.

Honestly, I just think that the powers that be in Laf are simply afraid of honest competition, despite consistent internal circle-jerking about how amazing you all are. I am amazed that you guys were able to resist the temptation to attack us before now as we have 'stolen' many anw crowns from you time and again. If not for the more rational people like heat and SG, I'm sure that's exactly what would have happened before this set. But I am happy to have worked with them to avoid pointless and destructive warring that really serves no purpose. I used to hope that we could somehow move past all the bullfluff from previous years, but it's become increasingly apparent that certain people in Laf have no desire to do so.

tellarion Game profile


Jun 16th 2013, 9:27:40

Originally posted by locket:
Tella I dont think Gogy did anything for Laf when he wasnt in it... he didnt seem to show up in IRC or post much insite when he was. I think he just kind of did his own thing so I strongly suspect Laf had nothing to do with him topfeeding someone when he wasnt with them.

Possibly, but I don't believe it. He had pacts with Laf countries and is tagged up again this set. Maybe I'm wrong, but it's certainly not a stretch to imagine someone in Laf feeding him the break and saying 'hey, hit this guy'