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I never asked you to take responsibility for your detagged members. You were perfectly ok farming them. We simply didn't like your tagged members still farming them, hence the FS reason.
We welcome you to use Gogy as the reason to FS us.
Gogy and his antics are a sideshow. We were planning to FS you because you refused to pact us and were planning to FS us, plain and simple.
The thing that really pisses me off about you guys is your compete and utter hypocrisy. Set after set, Laf pulls some really shady fluff, and then tells everyone else how honorable you are, and how terrible other alliances are. But if any other alliance deigns to pull the same stunt, it's suddenly the height of villainy. And your entire alliance exists to prop up the egos of a small handful at the top, who circle those less fortunate like vultures. Yes, all alliances pick on smaller alliances and untagged players, but you guys take it to an art form.
And the worst part is that those same people at the top of the Laf pyramid couldn't give two fluffs about those beneath them in their own alliance. When Eug and his ilk talk about sticking up for their members, they mean creating an environment where the top 15-20 Laf netters can compete against each other without any form of outside interference. If you aren't in that 'elite' cadre, you're thrown to the wolves. When was the last time someone like eug volunteered to pay reps or offered up land in order to cover his members' mistakes?
And that's why Laf is one of the most hated alliances in the game, all because some of the most intensely competitive and egotistical people somehow gravitated towards each other and continue to propagate the myth that they are the be-all and end-all of netting is this silly game.
But hey, if you don't like it, 'just fs us then' as eug would so eloquently say.