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we already knew these logs leaked, it got sent around already.
there's nothing too special that was said anyways
and detmer, this happened before this reset started, hence they were discussing whether we should auto-renew it or contact to terminate.
we did renew you and i confirmed that with pang at the start of this reset, so don't get to worked up :P
don't get too cute anoniem :P
Locket: I don't see how that could have been my posting style, since before that point lulzsec hadn't posted anything that wasn't a log or a quote.
So remember don't try and think above your station. You have no concept of "posting styles" - you are just an idiot that follows along with whatever bully is keeping you safe.
So every single post has to be in an exact format to be the same posting style? Why do you even bother making such ludicrous posts such as this? I know nothing about posting styles? I know as much as any other person who doesn't analyze speach/writing for their job which likely is no one in EE ;)
You are just an angry child who is louder than most other angry children on the internet. It's quite pathetic how you ignore anything that proves you wrong or simply revert to calling people stupid or idiot. You aren't worth having a conversation/debate with either way because you are too arrogant to think that you could ever be wrong or to question anything, particularly what your own "side" does in this game.
Anyways, I am done with you since you are just acting like a 12 year old throwing insults and calling people stupid again.