
Sov Game profile


Dec 31st 2012, 1:09:14

Oh Pride, do not act like you were not going to hit RD. Do you think we are stupid? You told Imag you were going to hit RD. Or were you lying to Imag?

So when is it that you were lying Pride? 2 minutes ago when you just posted that you were not going to hit RD because Imag was? Or when you told Imag you were going to hit RD just days before all of this went down.

Sov Game profile


Dec 31st 2012, 1:10:51

Your pact with LAF was breakable if you struck RD, and you knew LAF would hit you if you hit RD. So once again we return to when were you lying Pride? Did you lie on AT just here, or did you lie to Imag?

Pride Game profile


Dec 31st 2012, 1:11:34

I gave Imag a bunch of stories and scenarios. I told Imag I was hitting Sanct when we already had a pact with sanct.

iScode Game profile


Dec 31st 2012, 1:13:46

and yet you wonder why we are dropping you from FDP next set?

communication with allies is key.
God of War


maverickmd Game profile


Dec 31st 2012, 1:15:19

We were not hitting RD. And yes what pride said to imag was more jokingly than serious. It was like less than 1 day before the Imag FS of RD. Our plan this round was to try to pact you and not be FS like the previous round. So we prepped for war and thing never got better. We were worried, and then you and LaF started saving turns so it seemed like a foregone conclusion.

We took a FS last round because we truly did want to pact you. Or to find a way to work together to have more enjoyment. (We understand that you like to war, and we understand that a friendly war with someone around your side would be fun).

We still do.

Pride Game profile


Dec 31st 2012, 1:15:57

Originally posted by iScode:
and yet you wonder why we are dropping you from FDP next set?

communication with allies is key.

We've already spoken about this Iscode. I don't trust you, you don't trust me does it matter? FDP's should have trust. I think this is for the best.

ArsenalMD Game profile


Dec 31st 2012, 1:19:51

Originally posted by Sov:
Oh Pride, do not act like you were not going to hit RD. Do you think we are stupid? You told Imag you were going to hit RD. Or were you lying to Imag?

So when is it that you were lying Pride? 2 minutes ago when you just posted that you were not going to hit RD because Imag was? Or when you told Imag you were going to hit RD just days before all of this went down.

ROFL, because hitting an alliance which has an already arranged friendly is the type of thing MD would do. Sounds alot more like the Sov playbook to me.

iScode Game profile


Dec 31st 2012, 1:20:29

oh well since you are publicly admitting you lied to us...

I know you think i gave all the logs to sov, but i didnt, I didnt leak any thing to SOF at all before you lied to me the day before the FS and that was the below conversation, and I only did that AFTER you lied to me about your plans to show SOF I wanted nothing to do with hurting them

those logs were as follows

[09:27] <@Randy[MD]> and we'll ruin their reunion netting set
[09:27] <@Randy[MD]> WIN WIN baby
[09:27] <@PrideMD> Doesn't matter
[09:27] <@PrideMD> we're ok with it
[09:27] <@iScode> remember i do have a lot of love for sof guys, if your plan here is to do that, i want no part of it

thats the only thing i gave them just an FYI and im happy to admit it.
God of War


Pride Game profile


Dec 31st 2012, 1:22:39

Lol we both know my response was NOT to what Randy said.

Sov Game profile


Dec 31st 2012, 1:24:26

Originally posted by ArsenalMD:

ROFL, because hitting an alliance which has an already arranged friendly is the type of thing MD would do. Sounds alot more like the Sov playbook to me.

What friendly? Imag and RD is certainly not friendly. You are not very informed are you Arsenal.

Oh what is that Pride? A log depicting MD's intentions before any of this went down and you try to lie on here IN FRONT OF EVERYONE ON AT and make it as if MD's intentions this set were only peaceful?

MD has clearly shown this set that it cannot be trusted, that it will manipulate in every way it can to achieve it's own goals and is not a dependable ally.

iScode Game profile


Dec 31st 2012, 1:24:42

oh yes, i said that to him, i wasnt going to give him anything else though.

i just wanted to show i was not ok with ruining the netting set.
God of War


maverickmd Game profile


Dec 31st 2012, 1:25:15

We are all aware of Randy's sense of humour :) We were FDP'ed with your this round iScode out of respect plain and simple. We respect you as a leader and we respect Imag as an alliance. We are happy to see you doing so well in membership and having a great war performance. Our FDP with you was meant as a starting point for friendship. We are sorry that we were not able to share all of our details with you, but we continue to respect you and are happy to express this respect in whichever manner you choose.

Pride Game profile


Dec 31st 2012, 1:31:00

As Iscode just said that was one dumb thing Randy said.


I have Logs of a Sof leader saying "he wanted to run MD out of the game" I went to you with these comments and you said "you were leading sof and it was your words that counted"

So I am telling you. I and Havoc are leading MD! no one else.

Fuji Game profile


Dec 31st 2012, 1:31:30

I like how you left out the part where Pride told Randy to shut up and Tav clarified that what was said was a joke and our true intentions at the time.

At the end of the day, we had a pact on the table with SoF for 3 weeks that included one signed and agreed to by both MD and RD. We signed a pact with LaF and offered one to Rival. If you honestly think our master plan was to hit SoF or RD you're just not using your head and ignoring FACTS.

iScode Game profile


Dec 31st 2012, 1:31:41

Maverick i appreciate that, but I dont appreciate being lied to when I had not leaked a THING up until that point.

It was only after i was lied to that i though fluff this, im not being treated this way.

I understand why you did, you thought i was the leak, and can see your reasoning behind it, but i still cant forgive MD for doing it.
God of War


Taveren Game profile


Dec 31st 2012, 1:37:21

So I guess we know who the real leak was, don't we Scode?
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Skype: som3thingclassy

Sov Game profile


Dec 31st 2012, 1:41:41

Unfortunately Fuji and others in MD keep bringing things back to the pacting out part and using that as a basis of us not wanting to pact. The fact is Rival REFUSED to sign a pact with MD. I cannot make Rival sign a pact if they do not want to, that therefore nullified the ability for everyone to sign pacts. We therefore pursued other pacting options.

The fact is that I approached MD on the 18th of December to finalize a pacting deal between SoF and MD. My only condition was that we were not signing a pact of convenience and that we were actually going to try and build trust and work together in a constructive manner. MD then decided to impose new conditions and clauses on us which made it impossible for us to sign.

You are trying to manipulate public opinion here to depict yourselves as being this peaceful and innocent party being bullied by big bad SoF, well sorry but you are not fooling anyone.

iScode did not leak me the logs of what was going on, he was just honest with me when I came to him concerned with regards to what other MD allies had told me. There were 3 Alliances beforehand who had approached me with logs and concern regarding MD's intentions prior to this set. That makes it 4 MD allies not trusting MD and believing MD to not be peaceful. 4 of your OWN ALLIES not trusting you? Raises eyebrows doesn't it.

iScode Game profile


Dec 31st 2012, 1:41:46

i do not hide the fact i called a meeting to conspire against rival and RD (I see you didnt say rival, but im happy to chuck that out there)

Why do you think i was so pissy when everyone was saying MD was plotting against sof, i got no credit for my evil scheme which never went ahead cause certain alliances kept changing plans and not talking to anyone

just if we are gonna lay everything out on the table lets look at the whole time scale

i asked for a meeting to try and isolate rd and rival because i considered they were getting to big for their boots and coasting on laf/sofs coat tails, thinking they could do what ever they like with impunity.

plans changed with no communication to us, some alliances missed the second meeting and we were left hanging by a couple of alliances in those conversations, imag was forced to make our own plans and go our own way cause we were left out in the dry by nearly everyone involved.

We know our plans were leaked, i have a fair idea by who now btw, so we had to make other plans which didnt rely on anyone but ourselves, which we did.

God of War


Pride Game profile


Dec 31st 2012, 1:49:47

4 of our allies? lol.

Sol/Imag/MD/Omega. Where called to a meeting by (sof's) ally Imag.

*wonders where the 4 came from* I guess MD went to you concerned as well?

Pride Game profile


Dec 31st 2012, 1:53:35

Originally posted by iScode:
i do not hide the fact i called a meeting to conspire against rival and RD (I see you didnt say rival, but im happy to chuck that out there)

Why do you think i was so pissy when everyone was saying MD was plotting against sof, i got no credit for my evil scheme which never went ahead cause certain alliances kept changing plans and not talking to anyone

just if we are gonna lay everything out on the table lets look at the whole time scale

i asked for a meeting to try and isolate rd and rival because i considered they were getting to big for their boots and coasting on laf/sofs coat tails, thinking they could do what ever they like with impunity.

plans changed with no communication to us, some alliances missed the second meeting and we were left hanging by a couple of alliances in those conversations, imag was forced to make our own plans and go our own way cause we were left out in the dry by nearly everyone involved.

We know our plans were leaked, i have a fair idea by who now btw, so we had to make other plans which didnt rely on anyone but ourselves, which we did.

Funny thing is I told you the truth. I never wanted to hit Sof. I would have never hit RD if Sov gave us the pact with no outs. We were already pacted with RD in the case that Sov pacted us. You can ask Pain. Tav and Pain had already written out a pact just waiting on Sov. You never needed out clauses Sov. Your allies were protected from MD. Only alliance we could have hit would have been Rival but we've never had any problems with Rival. They just didn't want a pact with us.

iScode Game profile


Dec 31st 2012, 1:54:27

well now im hearing you were making completely different plans outside of this chat anyway, everyone seems to be being honest in this thread but MD, and you have also just admited you lied to us, so i guess we all can see who the liars are!
God of War


diez Game profile


Dec 31st 2012, 1:59:56

when RIVAL doesn't want to pact you, you need to watch your ass.

Last time around, they FSed an unpacted netting tag without any reason whatsoever late in the set, and everybody seems to have forgotten about it the set after.

Yes, unpacted, so they can do whatever they want.


Taveren Game profile


Dec 31st 2012, 2:38:53

The concepts of honesty and morality in this server are such a fluffing joke.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Skype: som3thingclassy

Helmet Game profile


Dec 31st 2012, 2:55:44

Originally posted by Pride:
As Iscode just said that was one dumb thing Randy said.


I have Logs of a Sof leader saying "he wanted to run MD out of the game" I went to you with these comments and you said "you were leading sof and it was your words that counted"

So I am telling you. I and Havoc are leading MD! no one else.

I'd like to see those logs.

matti Game profile


Dec 31st 2012, 3:16:58

SoF Henchman

Sov Game profile


Dec 31st 2012, 3:27:02

Originally posted by Pride:
I would have never hit RD if Sov gave us the pact with no outs. We were already pacted with RD in the case that Sov pacted us. You can ask Pain. Tav and Pain had already written out a pact just waiting on Sov. You never needed out clauses Sov. Your allies were protected from MD. Only alliance we could have hit would have been Rival but we've never had any problems with Rival. They just didn't want a pact with us.

So if you were already about to sign a pact with RD then:-

1) Why did you not mention this during the final discussion regarding a pact
2) Why did you then state in your own words that you cannot promise you won't hit RD

If you were going to sign a pact with RD, then why could you not promise you will not hit RD? Doesn't a pact mean you are basically promising RD that you will not hit them?

Then you take into account that within 24 hours of our discussion you also told Imag that you were going to FS RD.

Sorry but none of it adds up. If you are such an honest and trustworthy Alliance you should not need to be deceiptful and you would not be contradicting yourselves depending on who your discussions are with. There is no consistency between your words and the events as they happened.

Pain Game profile


Dec 31st 2012, 3:34:29

yea im kinda scratching my head wondering what this part meant myself

Originally posted by Pride:

Really? I told you lets pact but I couldn't guarantee we wouldn't hit RD. Imag is your FDP you should have known they were going to hit RD, yet you still wouldn't pact us.

if the pact that me and taveren discussed was contingent on SoF pacting you and they pacted you how could you not have guaranteed you wouldnt hit us? also i was told that SoF was offered the same pact (with outs). i feel like i got played now.
Your mother is a nice woman

Sov Game profile


Dec 31st 2012, 3:47:14

Yes Pain, it is pretty evident that they have been saying different things to different Alliances.

So then we have to wonder who are they lying to and who are they being honest with? How can you trust an Alliance that is so inconsistant like that?

Pride Game profile


Dec 31st 2012, 4:01:40


MD = Bullies :(

Sov Game profile


Dec 31st 2012, 4:07:15

I wouldn't say bullies. I would say though that any Alliance should have reservations trusting you in the future.

Pride Game profile


Dec 31st 2012, 4:13:17

The problem has always been trusting you. ;)

I have given to reason to not be trusted. Every time I have said I would do something I have done it. Example: staying out of the tie/sof war but you know where that got us.



Dec 31st 2012, 4:46:28

Wow, I never knew I was that deceptive. I think you all give us a hell of a lot more credit than we deserve. I can't even follow all of this, but somehow Pride and me were the masterminds behind all of this?

Eh, enough of time, it's not worth my time.

Pride Game profile


Dec 31st 2012, 5:49:47

The truth will set you free. Thanks for posting all the needed info Scode. Of course Sov would only like the altered version anyways.

[15:27] <@iScode> yes but you just said you would like to ruin their reunion set, i can not condone this sorry Sad
[15:27] <@Randy[MD]> lol no...I didn't mean that
[15:27] <@iScode> sov has done ALOT or me
[15:27] <@Randy[MD]> I meant if they hit us....
[15:27] <@PrideMD> yeah....
[15:27] <@Randy[MD]> with all their folks..that's their fault..not ours
[15:27] <@PrideMD> lol
[15:27] <@iScode> fair call randy, thanks for clarifying Smiley

Sov Game profile


Dec 31st 2012, 5:52:34

That still doesn't answer the questions regarding you lying and proves nothing. You have selected one area of discussion to clarify without answering the bigger questions.

Originally posted by Sov:

So if you were already about to sign a pact with RD then:-

1) Why did you not mention this during the final discussion regarding a pact
2) Why did you then state in your own words that you cannot promise you won't hit RD

If you were going to sign a pact with RD, then why could you not promise you will not hit RD? Doesn't a pact mean you are basically promising RD that you will not hit them?

Then you take into account that within 24 hours of our discussion you also told Imag that you were going to FS RD.

Sorry but none of it adds up. If you are such an honest and trustworthy Alliance you should not need to be deceiptful and you would not be contradicting yourselves depending on who your discussions are with. There is no consistency between your words and the events as they happened.

Pride Game profile


Dec 31st 2012, 6:01:53

The pact was to be about MD/SOF, if you had signed the pact it would have showed you were in fact changing and beginning to work for a better future. If you trusted us enough to give us a pact with no outs I would NOT have turned around and spit in your face.

Laf and Sof both asked us not to hit RD even close allies asked us, we were not going to hit RD, the fact is you would not let us make that decision on our own. This has always been about the power you think you hold in this game. You want to dictate what every alliance does.

Sov Game profile


Dec 31st 2012, 6:39:21

Once again I believe you are now being deceitful and twisting the situation to save face. You forget what else you said in our last pact conversation about how 1 set of pain will not be bad for RD.

I think it is abundantly clear your intentions were to indeed hit RD. Who else would you have hit only 2 days after our pacting discussion had SoF signed your pact.

The real problem here is that you believe you can lie and twist your way out of anything and you think other Alliance leaders are stupid enough to believe it. You are not fooling anyone.

Sov Game profile


Dec 31st 2012, 6:43:57

Oh and there is a good section in between those 2 logs you have posted that you have carefully omitted which also shows your intent regarding RD.

tellarion Game profile


Dec 31st 2012, 8:48:20

Honestly, the lame thing about pacting as a block is when the members of that block don't communicate properly. Do you know how many hoops I had to jump through and how many different people I had to talk to to get pacts signed this set? It took me like 2 straight weeks of talking to at least one alliance head per night to finally get all the fluff straightened out, lol...

Taveren Game profile


Dec 31st 2012, 21:06:45

Want to buy accurate timeline of events and full logs...
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Skype: som3thingclassy

martian Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Dec 31st 2012, 22:31:59

(couldn't resist)
you are all special in the eyes of fluff
( ._.) -----)-->
(_(' )(' )


Kumander Otbol


Dec 31st 2012, 23:19:57

Originally posted by cypress:
no reason to start slacking just because they are getting FA

fluff them....we'll steamroll them even with the FA they are getting

Taveren Game profile


Dec 31st 2012, 23:44:09

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Skype: som3thingclassy

dex Game profile


Jan 1st 2013, 1:44:48

Originally posted by Syko_Killa:
Originally posted by Taveren:
SoF threatened MD with a gangbang if it tried to rally allies against SoF or it's interests so we didn't rally allies. We went into it alone.

Despite SoF's split tag declaration. MD was under the impression that SoF would develop a way to hit MD at a later day in the set when conditions were increasingly in their favor. SoF never showed a netting tag. SoF did offer us friendly war options and pact options but each offer was pulled from the table after MD drew up pacts with SoF's allies. MD felt it was being led in circles and being stalled the same way it was last set.

As you may have seen, when u spied SoF countries for your FS, many were being built to net. SoF was just about to tag split when MD made the FS. Where did MD get all their new recruits?

@Tav Let me wade into this since Pride called SoF 'paranoid' in your wardec.

As a SoF member who don't really get myself involved in this stuff, I can tell you 100% tag split was happening and there was no secret plot to turn the netting tag into a stealth war tag for 'later'.

The minority of SoFers who chose to War this set were promised a war, and heavily hinted at it being pre-arranged and we were told to explore lots and war wasn't in the cards early in the set.

The political events that led to this war happened very quickly. In a span of a weekend, we were put on red alert with many of our war countries not ready for war and our netters obviously not ready.

Now who is paranoid?

To me it seems obvious MD spotted an opportunity for a nice FS and took it. Knowing it can play the victim card later because of the existing political alliances in place.

That is about as legit as Serbia crying about being gangbanged by NATO focusing solely on the power imbalance while ignoring all the scheming and plotting that led them there.

Edited By: dex on Jan 1st 2013, 1:52:53
See Original Post

Helmet Game profile


Jan 1st 2013, 1:47:21

Nobody cares about the truth on this forum dex. It's just all bullfluff and politics.

pintfro Game profile


Jan 1st 2013, 1:52:33

oh wow, I only read the second page. Bonus!! :D

I dropped my tag


ahh, there it is :P

Karim Game profile


Jan 1st 2013, 8:14:40

The truth here is MD will be hit whatever we do since we'll always be a threat with our numbers, and existing pacts will always be void due to some convenient technicism.

We have just a couple of historic friends on this server and we should honor them and only them.

To all the other tags, go lick Laf/Sof shoes hoping they decide not to conveniently turn on you for your land: maybe time will come for a real leader to step out from your ranks and drive your tags into the right directions.
-[Panzer Division MD]-

Unsympathetic Game profile


Jan 1st 2013, 9:02:08



pintfro Game profile


Jan 1st 2013, 16:55:08

lol @ unsympathetic.

*hands karim a tissue*

Why dont you cry some more about it?

I'd hit you just because you guys dont shut up. Be a man, build a bridge to get over these stupid delusions of morality and grandeur that you've impressed upon yourselves, and play the fluffing game.

Atryn Game profile


Jan 1st 2013, 19:06:47

Pretty sure the lessons from prior sets were...

1. If someone doesn't pact you, assume they plan to hit you.
2. If someone is planning to hit you, get the FS.

If the above are combined as primary lessons, this means:

3. FS anyone who doesn't pact you.


Karim Game profile


Jan 1st 2013, 19:15:06

Originally posted by pintfro:
*hands karim a tissue*

Why dont you cry some more about it?

Learn to read: i don't cry.

-[Panzer Division MD]-