Apr 1st 2013, 22:49:23
lol, there is no ass-kissing going on here pal. I spent 2 secs to see where the top 10/100 cutoffs would be and saw it's going to be very possibly the worst netting set in FFA history.
I think what everyone learned from this set is who is in control of how the game will be played. IF the warring alliances decide noone will net, they will make it so and vice versa.
If a netting tag decides to war, warrers get what the want. If a netting tag decides to net, it is 100% up to the aggressive alliances as to who will be allowed to net.
This set was a reminder, not only to ESD but to everyone who takes the ability to net peacefully for granted.
I would never air ESD's dirty laundry of FFAT even though I no longer plan on playing for ESD. You had everything Dragon, and you threw it away over fluff that should never have been brought into this server. You took the game WAAAAY to seriously and ruined your members chances at playing in an alliance that was 99.99999% guarenteed to netgain. This was NOT due to anything else other then the fact that ESD(the laziest, most badass tree huggers the game has to offer) was somehow blessed with a Full Defensive Pact to the best warrers EE has to offer. Suiciders could have killed ESD off, NBK took care of those too.
Anyone who looked to ESD for a possible war realized this and that is why we weren't demolished earlier. Had I been with NBK at the time this all went down I would have killed ESD last set and not gave us the satisfaction of one more netting set.
You need to learn when to stfu on the boards, this being a case in point.
I will always value the friendship we have, and the ability to net peacefully for the first time in my Earth career, but pissing you off has always been my favorite drug.
/start Dragon's over the top insults and ranting/whining