
lordkirby208 Game profile


Sep 3rd 2016, 17:47:45

is the only clan offering Google play prizes?
SIN will grow, soon you will be tempted by SIN
SIN is for hire.
SIN will change the future of wars.
Come be Naughty with SIN
SIN will not accept attacks, if we cant have the land SIN explored and cant take it by force SIN will nuke it.
SIN will retal till we tire min 2 for every 1.
SIN will post contracts in FFA forum, but will not say who ordered the contract.
It is up to the clan to act as they deem fit.
SIN will do everything in its power to complete a contract.
SIN will not accept a contract unless sure it can complete.

Edited By: lordkirby208 on Sep 3rd 2016, 17:53:08. Reason: html didnt work
See Original Post

lordkirby208 Game profile


Sep 3rd 2016, 17:54:12

I see you all looking I want feedback!

Marshal Game profile


Sep 3rd 2016, 19:20:28

i remember vaguely some player ~10 years ago offering money to players if they joined to his alliance. didn't have any success.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

lordkirby208 Game profile


Sep 3rd 2016, 19:48:56

no mine is for things like most kills a set survived most attacks a set, most active in forum, etc. im not paying nobody to join i would be broke.
but if someone can pay 20+ on angry birds, well why cant i award my members?
i have 4 5$ gift cards for next set / depending on recruitment.
i will add more a set depending on growth.
im also spamming the net recruiting for earth empires. So instead of farming untagged FR'S do your job and attempt to recruit.
how many noobs have been hammered out of the game because the big clans "police" or farm untagged.
Not one clan invite, last time i played i had 3 invites in 24 hours.

Warlock Game profile


Sep 3rd 2016, 19:58:25

I'll join ! ................... If you can talk ,"Selena Gomez", into sitting on my face?

Heston Game profile


Sep 3rd 2016, 20:13:58

You can post this fluff in every thread in every forum and the only thing you are gonna accomplish is making an ass out of yourself.
Seeing your recruiting message, filled with against the grain bullfluff ideas that were original back in 1998 is similar to watching a turd that wont flush. So take my feedback and change up the thrift store recruiting tactics. Stop reusing old fluff.
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

lordkirby208 Game profile


Sep 3rd 2016, 20:47:18

Hey I like thrift stores :P Goodwill kicks ass!
Talking of turds that don't flush have you looked around the game lately?
Empty threads just because none of you are original enough to post something new once a week.
Ohh you have 160 in your clan! That's 10 people nice circle jerk. Im trying to bring life back to the game.
I did have the idea of $ in 08, sorry had a kid die, so I never got to see it thru. But im back and am going to do everything I can to bring fresh blood to earth including offering $ prizes.
Its free cash why complain?

How is having 1 of 16 of your country's netting for a set not worth 16 country's worth of missile?
or 5 country's from a clan netting a set foe 16+ going to war

Im not here to win im here to have fun. I admit my net is low this set. I started late and had to remember my strat.

Crippler ICD Game profile


Sep 3rd 2016, 23:57:53

cash prizes? lmfao
FoCuS <--MSN

[14:26] <enshula> i cant believe im going to say this
[14:26] <enshula> crippler is giving us correct netting advice

lordkirby208 Game profile


Sep 4th 2016, 0:34:39

well google play... and your telling me none of you other leaders give back to the ones who made you great? anyone can afford 20$ a set to create more competition in the clan. I know 5$ is'nt alot but over time if your the best it adds up...

Xninja Game profile


Sep 4th 2016, 3:37:34

Originally posted by lordkirby208:
well google play... and your telling me none of you other leaders give back to the ones who made you great? anyone can afford 20$ a set to create more competition in the clan. I know 5$ is'nt alot but over time if your the best it adds up...

I hear Donny blows Akulas sheep on the daily... Rewards mother fluffer!
Overlord of Chaos<--CLICK ME; JOIN CHAOS

Heston Game profile


Sep 4th 2016, 5:35:54

Originally posted by lordkirby208:
well google play... and your telling me none of you other leaders give back to the ones who made you great? anyone can afford 20$ a set to create more competition in the clan. I know 5$ is'nt alot but over time if your the best it adds up...

If u want to win friends and influence people here, start by not acting like a socially obtuse flufftard. Stop acting like youre making it rain with some pennies and google play. Get your bus pass and head down to rhe strip club and try it there.
Or take that fluff to a homless shelter and put some use to all those obama phones.
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Akula Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 4th 2016, 14:29:12

Originally posted by Xninja:
I hear Donny blows Akulas sheep on the daily... Rewards mother fluffer!

true story ;o
"Astra inclinant, sed non obligant"


mrford Game profile


Sep 4th 2016, 14:30:15

The only other person dumb enough to try to bribe players was Fazer.

Are you fazer?
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Sep 4th 2016, 16:04:55

Kirby: Please do not continue to spam your recruitment posts... especially off-topic in other threads

smegma Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 4th 2016, 16:09:54

Originally posted by Xninja:
Originally posted by lordkirby208:
well google play... and your telling me none of you other leaders give back to the ones who made you great? anyone can afford 20$ a set to create more competition in the clan. I know 5$ is'nt alot but over time if your the best it adds up...

I hear Donny blows Akulas sheep on the daily... Rewards mother fluffer!

Donny blows me and I am am not even in his clan.

Of course an inch is not much of an inconvenience and it only takes 30 seconds....

lordkirby208 Game profile


Sep 4th 2016, 17:23:17

will do prime, I was just making sure everyone knew SIN constitution. think of sin as north korea anybody who has studied
would know they have a unique government. "gift politics". very interesting government.

I don't need to buy friends, especially trolls.
but look at it this way.
The definition of insanity, is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result.
hmm you have been playing the game the same way for 10+yrs... and fear change.

Now buying friendship... If 5$ can buy your friendship then your the cheapest whore I have ever encountered.
SIN is not trying to be the best, only the best at causing chaos.
In light of the fact that we will be hammered nearly every set. I offer prizes to compete for in my ranks.

You all call it bribes... don't join your obviously happy where you are, but im recruiting to the game, and spend a cpl hours a day spreading ads for the game. I'm optimistically advertising my clan because not a single FR in alliance or FFA are doing their jobs. Someone has to be prepared to accept new players. Not just waiting to farm them.

I have been watching FFA news and some of those country's you farm are real people. Yet never an attempt to recruit.
btw I have not been just recruiting for SIN I sent them links to my clan and NBK, LOC, CC.

Yet again its not a bribe, just an incentive to challenge players to be the best.
sounds to me like a bunch of broke mothfers that cant handle a little competition is 20$ a set to rich for your blood?

Want a bribe I will start offering 100$ gift cards ... I just dropped 75k cash on my property, don't think I cant actually bribe?
I have even been thinking of funding an app for the game (Not set in stone yet, researching.)
Seen many talks about how to save the game and that seems to be the best idea.
Am I the only one trying to bring life back to the game?

I am not rich, I'm considered upper middle class. but I'm well off enough that I'm not afraid to burn a little $ on a dying game.

lordkirby208 Game profile


Sep 4th 2016, 17:39:00

In case any of you wish to learn here is a documentary.
about north Korea. Very interesting watch and most unique government in the world ( not best, nor do I accept the actions of the state.)

Money & Power in North Korea. The Hidden Economy Documentary

Heston Game profile


Sep 4th 2016, 18:09:35

The thing that dominated posting ridiculous fluff about the game has been replaced by the medieval times Renaissance fair, upper middle class $75k (big fluffin deal) home remediation big spending fluff.
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

lordkirby208 Game profile


Sep 4th 2016, 21:04:00

look i don't need negativity, i will not post "fluff" like that any more only because Primeval asked.

As for prize I'm going to keep it just to piss you off.

I will keep recruiting in, and out of game on the net.

Scott Game profile


Sep 5th 2016, 0:25:53

I call dibs on killing this thing...

Heston Game profile


Sep 5th 2016, 3:03:09

Originally posted by lordkirby208:
look i don't need negativity, i will not post "fluff" like that any more only because Primeval asked.

As for prize I'm going to keep it just to piss you off.

I will keep recruiting in, and out of game on the net.

If you dont need negativity then why attempt to piss me off? One doesn't need to be pissed off to call you a complete flufftard. Y not just post with your original $2 handle so we can get back to basics.
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

lordkirby208 Game profile


Sep 5th 2016, 14:52:47

Originally posted by Scott:
I call dibs on killing this thing...

again with the hostilities that run new players out

Your right I can get back to my old handle Kirb Nasty, FR for SnS. But nobody's around anymore... run off by "flufftards" like scott

Its new and different than us hate it...

I shared my country's constitution, I enjoy mine because its not cut and paste like the other clans.

I will defend my land to the best of my ability.

Heston Game profile


Sep 5th 2016, 17:49:34

Originally posted by lordkirby208:
Originally posted by Scott:
I call dibs on killing this thing...

again with the hostilities that run new players out

Your right I can get back to my old handle Kirb Nasty, FR for SnS. But nobody's around anymore... run off by "flufftards" like scott

Its new and different than us hate it...

I shared my country's constitution, I enjoy mine because its not cut and paste like the other clans.

I will defend my land to the best of my ability.

This is an alt handle. Your concealing it. Reveal it. Your country will likely live in peace so long the prize schedule is changed up to 2.5 billion bushels and a promise not to act like a flufftard. That could gain traction.
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Akula Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 5th 2016, 17:53:55

Originally posted by Heston:
That could gain traction.

I skipped through the entire thread, saw the last few words, and an image popped into my mind ...

"Astra inclinant, sed non obligant"


Scott Game profile


Sep 5th 2016, 18:03:22

Originally posted by lordkirby208:
Originally posted by Scott:
I call dibs on killing this thing...

again with the hostilities that run new players out

Your right I can get back to my old handle Kirb Nasty, FR for SnS. But nobody's around anymore... run off by "flufftards" like scott

Its new and different than us hate it...

I shared my country's constitution, I enjoy mine because its not cut and paste like the other clans.

I will defend my land to the best of my ability.

I still call dibs on killing this retarded monstrosity.

Heston Game profile


Sep 5th 2016, 18:29:05

Originally posted by Akula:
Originally posted by Heston:
That could gain traction.

I skipped through the entire thread, saw the last few words, and an image popped into my mind ...


❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯