
Not a Doctor


Jan 23rd 2017, 2:28:44

Originally posted by m4z:
What's your point fluff?

My point is that you're a huge fluff, and I bet that if you weren't hiding behind the anonymity of the internet (while living in your mom's basement), you wouldn't be saying anything, because you don't have any balls.

Man up. Life may treat you better (and you may get out of that basement!) once you start growing a backbone.

Edited By: Primeval on Jan 23rd 2017, 2:30:17

m4z Game profile


Jan 23rd 2017, 2:39:25

Originally posted by Not a Doctor:
Originally posted by m4z:
What's your point fluff?

My point is that you're a huge fluff, and I bet that if you weren't hiding behind the anonymity of the internet (while living in your mom's basement), you wouldn't be saying anything, because you don't have any balls.

Man up. Life may treat you better (and you may get out of that basement!) once you start growing a backbone.

Got me rockstar! Cause you're so cool in your 4million dollar house while golfing with tiger woods. I hope your super model gf is doing well.

For reals, what do you not understand about people who do not want to war in this game? T10 is the goal. I had 120k acres and 0spies and a fluff ton of stock. You think that's war prepped and I was looking forward to fighting?

Shweezy Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 23rd 2017, 2:41:12

stop crying and get together.. I made a country for this

Edited By: Primeval on Jan 23rd 2017, 14:46:08. Reason: overly offensive content
Catch me on ir c

m4z Game profile


Jan 23rd 2017, 2:47:23

Originally posted by Shweezy:
stop crying and get together.. I made a country for this

We all don't shwing like that bro but I'm not judging your love.

Edited By: elvesrus on Jan 23rd 2017, 15:33:12. Reason: overly offensive content

Shweezy Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 23rd 2017, 3:00:40

Shut up and war.. Avenge your dozens of hours ruined by SoL homie

Edited By: elvesrus on Jan 23rd 2017, 15:33:35. Reason: overly offensive content
Catch me on ir c

Not a Doctor


Jan 23rd 2017, 3:03:20

Originally posted by m4z:
For reals, what do you not understand about people who do not want to war in this game? T10 is the goal. I had 120k acres and 0spies and a fluff ton of stock. You think that's war prepped and I was looking forward to fighting?

Top 10 in this game is a bit of a joke in the current environment. All that is required is some land trading and some minor knowledge of market play. Your desperation to achieve it leads me to believe that you embrace the same mediocrity that you embrace in your real life as well.

Grow some balls. Move out of your mom's basement. You can do it!

m4z Game profile


Jan 23rd 2017, 3:10:58

Originally posted by Not a Doctor:
Originally posted by m4z:
For reals, what do you not understand about people who do not want to war in this game? T10 is the goal. I had 120k acres and 0spies and a fluff ton of stock. You think that's war prepped and I was looking forward to fighting?

Top 10 in this game is a bit of a joke in the current environment. All that is required is some land trading and some minor knowledge of market play. Your desperation to achieve it leads me to believe that you embrace the same mediocrity that you embrace in your real life as well.

Grow some balls. Move out of your mom's basement. You can do it!

Look at stats, no land trading homie. You fixating on basements says more about you than me.

Edited By: elvesrus on Jan 23rd 2017, 15:34:44. Reason: overly offensive content

Not a Doctor


Jan 23rd 2017, 3:20:30

Originally posted by m4z:
Look at stats, no land trading homie. You fixating on basements says more about you than me.

You are clearly butthurt, and it is funny.

When I look at your stats, "homie," I see a garbage country that has as much chance at top 10 while it's dead as it did when it was alive.

The players in this game will be a better match for your mentality. Enjoy!!!

Edited By: elvesrus on Jan 23rd 2017, 15:35:22. Reason: overly offensive content

Savage Game profile


Jan 23rd 2017, 3:25:37

SoF and Elders should CF and hit SoL just to make it a little interesting

Link Game profile


Jan 23rd 2017, 3:39:40


I Am a meat popsicle.


m0bzta Game profile


Jan 23rd 2017, 4:22:04

that be new never done before AZN would be a boss if he did that but i don't see that happening
Originally posted by Savage:
SoF and Elders should CF and hit SoL just to make it a little interesting

that be new never done before AZN would be a boss if he did that but i don't see that happening

Also that mean they would have to care about this game lol
Yeah i am a Big Deal Around EarthEmpires
-Still doing what i do since 2000-mob bot

Shweezy Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 23rd 2017, 4:28:39

Tout u quit mob
Catch me on ir c

The Cloaked Game profile


Jan 23rd 2017, 4:35:02

Lame on SOL.

iScode Game profile


Jan 23rd 2017, 4:38:12

my country is poos and im detagging before end of set with laf (family fluff caused me to miss a bit).

if laf and sol are cool with it and one of you tags are fighting back ill jump over

oh and bonus.
God of War


m4z Game profile


Jan 23rd 2017, 5:08:10

Originally posted by Not a Doctor:
Originally posted by m4z:
Look at stats, no land trading homie. You fixating on basements says more about you than me.

You are clearly butthurt, and it is funny.

When I look at your stats, "homie," I see a garbage country that has as much chance at top 10 while it's dead as it did when it was alive.

The players in this game will be a better match for your mentality. Enjoy!!!

Ok, i have an open account and only have 3 t10s the last three sets but I was never going to achieve that again unlinked person. You got me again. Just keep pew,pew,pewing away. I'm sorry about talking about what got edited. You are a real man of men.

Edited By: elvesrus on Jan 23rd 2017, 15:37:05. Reason: overly offensive content

m4z Game profile


Jan 23rd 2017, 5:16:31

Originally posted by Shweezy:
Shut up and war.. Avenge your dozens of hours ruined by SoL homie

Uh, no thanks. They can feel like tough guys all they want. Hope they had a great time. Again, won't be forced to play in a way I don't want to. How is this concept so hard for some to understand?

Edited By: elvesrus on Jan 23rd 2017, 15:37:35

m4z Game profile


Jan 23rd 2017, 5:45:30

Originally posted by iScode:
my country is poos and im detagging before end of set with laf (family fluff caused me to miss a bit).

if laf and sol are cool with it and one of you tags are fighting back ill jump over

oh and bonus.

Omg! It's to late to join my tag now iscode. Should of done it like 14 years ago :p

Link Game profile


Jan 23rd 2017, 5:47:59

This fluff is priceless

I Am a meat popsicle.


Scott Game profile


Jan 23rd 2017, 5:53:32

Originally posted by iScode:
my country is poos and im detagging before end of set with laf (family fluff caused me to miss a bit).

if laf and sol are cool with it and one of you tags are fighting back ill jump over

oh and bonus.

Join MD again, last time you did was classic!

Duna Game profile


Jan 23rd 2017, 7:43:38

And the idiots crown are back to SoL again.

Taveren Game profile


Jan 23rd 2017, 8:15:17

Originally posted by zerol:
while u guys whine.. why not get together in small room and plan for a revenge.. we are looking forward for it.. see u soon.. dont take too long if not we will tag kill you.. we have tons tree hugger.. we welcome you to kill them haha..

You seriously underestimate the amount of effort it takes to organize an active war presence. Even if the smaller alliances have an active leadership structure (not all alliances do), one large alliance has a significant advantage over multiple smaller alliances that band together. An alliance the blindsides is opponents will have a saved turn advantage and a prep advantage. SOL also has experience and the infrastructure to support kill runs. SOL has a working bot. SOL has people that know how to run warchats. I'm positive that Omega and Monsters have neither. The conditions of this war favor SOL even IF the smaller alliances hadn't been blindsided. That you, a member of SOL is looking forward to this is just sad.

As some have said, this is a war game. There are PvP elements. These alliances didn't pact to protect themselves and they might not be properly maintaining tag protection with the threat of war. It's also not 1998 any more. Bill Clinton isn't President. The Red Socks won a World Series. The Cubs won a World Series. Wake up! It's not the same game.

Bullying smaller alliances is a pretty gray area but it's understandable. Pretending to give small alliances a purpose is a joke. Claiming that this is contributing to a better server is a joke. Claiming that they have a way back into this war is a Carlos Mencia level joke. It's not funny. It's just sad.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Skype: som3thingclassy

Warster Game profile


Jan 23rd 2017, 8:52:18

Monsters has 3 experienced War generals, no bot and we don't even have a perm IRC channel.

the thing that is annoying isn't the fact they declared war its the fact they are claiming we have no purpose and basically the game will be better off with us small netters gone, Monsters has its own purpose , just because certain people cant see it doesn't mean we don't have one.

our purpose for a long time was to play peacefully and avoid wars thru Heavy FA actions, now as said earlier by Getafix we are basically a place holder for old monsters to stop by from time to time.

Sol can do as they please and we will do the same,
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Jan 23rd 2017, 15:49:01

Random interjection here. Please tone down some of the language and overly offensive content. Mods are being kind and just editing posts for now. You should know by now what is typically allowed and what is typically over the top.

Red X Game profile


Jan 23rd 2017, 15:52:57

Originally posted by Primeval:
Random interjection here. Please tone down some of the language and overly offensive content. Mods are being kind and just editing posts for now. You should know by now what is typically allowed and what is typically over the top.

get bent



Edited By: elvesrus on Jan 23rd 2017, 16:01:11. Reason: ;)
See Original Post
Rey Rojo
Disgruntled Killer
Marked 4 Death
Vice President - Foreign Affairs
Forever Coalies Twin

smikke Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 23rd 2017, 16:10:32

Ill probably just be running untaggeds, suiciding on SoL and Elders starting from next set on

porter Game profile


Jan 23rd 2017, 17:02:45

Okey to farm untagged and not warring in a game with warring-possibilities?

Farming untagged countries sounds like something that might scare some people away from the game.

Savage Game profile


Jan 23rd 2017, 18:01:32

Originally posted by porter:
Okey to farm untagged and not warring in a game with warring-possibilities?

Farming untagged countries sounds like something that might scare some people away from the game.

Most alliances who are farming the untagged are only looking for bots. With current country setups it's significantly wiser to avoid actual players. This is likely the safest time to play solo in earth history.

Basil Game profile


Jan 23rd 2017, 18:45:32

I came back to this game because the wars were the best part of it. Alliances making pacts and not warring isn't much fun. There is minimal interaction now. You join a tag and net by yourself every day, what is the point of that? I could find something better to do with the 15min a day it takes to mindlessly run turns....

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 23rd 2017, 19:40:39

Originally posted by LittleItaly:

SOL declares war on Monsters, RR, Oma, and Omega.

The reason: we want to give these shrinking clans some purpose again. They have netted there way to almost non existence numbers wise. Netting there way without pacting us too which is silly. I am doing this for the server! To spice it up, and force them to work with each other. We have given them the numbers advantage. They have large stocks! We hope they put up some resistance, for that is what us SOLers look for.

Good luck to Monsters, RR, OMA, and OMEGA!!

Cut the BS
If you were looking for a challenge you would have announced a FS time 72 or 96 hrs in advance.
I would not have liked warring for no reason, that's BS too but with time to pull together the so-called 'resistance' you claim to seek - I would have participated in that.
But blindsiding netters is chickenfluff. You weren't seeking 'resistance'.
Eff ya.

Savage Game profile


Jan 23rd 2017, 19:41:12

If only there was a spot you could gather with like minded individuals... If only those individuals could seek out other groups looking to do the same thing...

oh wait! That's essentially how the games been running for the last few years. Nope, you just ruin the set for others who enjoy the game differently then you do.

I'm not sure what SoL was trying to get out of this.. Blindsiding an unprepared group of netting alliances does not make for a good war. You could have hit MD/LaF and you still wouldn't have gotten a very good ear out of it.. So hitting that group was just gutless..

Marshal Game profile


Jan 23rd 2017, 20:51:51

littleitaly: numbers (countries) might been same 10 mins before fs but for sure weren't 10 mins after fs, also you idiots were warprepped and loaded with missiles (some still are) and you had quite lilkely full turns in hand and plenty of stored turns, this war will just serve to boost your stats nothing else.

if you want to war then arrange it (with warring alliances or netting alliances) or if you want to do blindside fs then fs laf (that should provide you some thrill unlike fsing bunch of small netting tags).

this serves as bonuspost for my living countries.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

LittleItaly Game profile

Game Moderator
Alliance, FFA, & Cooperation

Jan 23rd 2017, 21:10:01

Originally posted by cyref:
Originally posted by LittleItaly:

SOL declares war on Monsters, RR, Oma, and Omega.

The reason: we want to give these shrinking clans some purpose again. They have netted there way to almost non existence numbers wise. Netting there way without pacting us too which is silly. I am doing this for the server! To spice it up, and force them to work with each other. We have given them the numbers advantage. They have large stocks! We hope they put up some resistance, for that is what us SOLers look for.

Good luck to Monsters, RR, OMA, and OMEGA!!

Cut the BS
If you were looking for a challenge you would have announced a FS time 72 or 96 hrs in advance.
I would not have liked warring for no reason, that's BS too but with time to pull together the so-called 'resistance' you claim to seek - I would have participated in that.
But blindsiding netters is chickenfluff. You weren't seeking 'resistance'.
Eff ya.

So the Aliles should have told Hitler and German command there D-Day operation? Your logic makes no sense.

I surely have triggered lots of peeps :P Too much text, im not reading it all.

It is not my, SOLs or any clans responsibility to make sure other "tags" have:
1. war room
2. active leaders
3. tough members
4. game knowledge
5. preemptive "heads up" of FS
6. baby food
7. diapers

Stats? I know for sure I dont care about stats LoL. Restart those countries Marshal, youll surely be 10m NW...meaning still having the number advantage.

My declaration of war is reasonable, and had good faith... but you all surely are showing you may as well be untagged and let your alliance disappear if you just let it die anyway with no resistance. I am shocked at this response...

At least IMAG puts up resistance and kills.
-Discord: LittleItaly#2905
-IRC: #sol
-Apply today @ for Alliance

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 23rd 2017, 21:28:12

Originally posted by LittleItaly:
Originally posted by cyref:
Originally posted by LittleItaly:

SOL declares war on Monsters, RR, Oma, and Omega.

The reason: we want to give these shrinking clans some purpose again. They have netted there way to almost non existence numbers wise. Netting there way without pacting us too which is silly. I am doing this for the server! To spice it up, and force them to work with each other. We have given them the numbers advantage. They have large stocks! We hope they put up some resistance, for that is what us SOLers look for.

Good luck to Monsters, RR, OMA, and OMEGA!!

Cut the BS
If you were looking for a challenge you would have announced a FS time 72 or 96 hrs in advance.
I would not have liked warring for no reason, that's BS too but with time to pull together the so-called 'resistance' you claim to seek - I would have participated in that.
But blindsiding netters is chickenfluff. You weren't seeking 'resistance'.
Eff ya.

So the Aliles should have told Hitler and German command there D-Day operation? Your logic makes no sense.

cuz the threat to SOL and the wider Earth Empires Alliance community from RR, Oma, and Monsters was Hitlerian in nature, right? Godwin's Law already?

Cut the BS.
Your analogy makes no sense.

Warster Game profile


Jan 23rd 2017, 21:32:19

That's because imag like to war it's all they do.

But congrats on your war win
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332

Savage Game profile


Jan 23rd 2017, 21:48:36

Originally posted by LittleItaly:
Originally posted by cyref:
Originally posted by LittleItaly:

SOL declares war on Monsters, RR, Oma, and Omega.

The reason: we want to give these shrinking clans some purpose again. They have netted there way to almost non existence numbers wise. Netting there way without pacting us too which is silly. I am doing this for the server! To spice it up, and force them to work with each other. We have given them the numbers advantage. They have large stocks! We hope they put up some resistance, for that is what us SOLers look for.

Good luck to Monsters, RR, OMA, and OMEGA!!

Cut the BS
If you were looking for a challenge you would have announced a FS time 72 or 96 hrs in advance.
I would not have liked warring for no reason, that's BS too but with time to pull together the so-called 'resistance' you claim to seek - I would have participated in that.
But blindsiding netters is chickenfluff. You weren't seeking 'resistance'.
Eff ya.

So the Aliles should have told Hitler and German command there D-Day operation? Your logic makes no sense.

I surely have triggered lots of peeps :P Too much text, im not reading it all.

It is not my, SOLs or any clans responsibility to make sure other "tags" have:
1. war room
2. active leaders
3. tough members
4. game knowledge
5. preemptive "heads up" of FS
6. baby food
7. diapers

Stats? I know for sure I dont care about stats LoL. Restart those countries Marshal, youll surely be 10m NW...meaning still having the number advantage.

My declaration of war is reasonable, and had good faith... but you all surely are showing you may as well be untagged and let your alliance disappear if you just let it die anyway with no resistance. I am shocked at this response...

At least IMAG puts up resistance and kills.

1.Your analogy is idiotic.
2.What's reasonable about your war dec? It's also idiotic
3.Good faith in what? Why would you assume that blind sided netters would indulge you 15 days from the end of the set that you just ruined?
4. Expecting anything other then what you got is just a lack of foresight and intelligence

damondusk Game profile


Jan 23rd 2017, 22:55:34

Originally posted by Warster:
That's because imag like to war it's all they do.

But congrats on your war win

About as commendable as beating up a little kid. Congrats indeed, LITTLE italy. We didn't do things this way when I was with SoL....and I was there for years. I saw a lot of leadership come and go in that time and none of them operated like this. Were I still a member of SoL, I would detag out of pure shame. Please quit and bring back Angel, Dragon and/or Appy as reds.

braden Game profile


Jan 23rd 2017, 23:43:55

wait, i'm sorry, but does li think he's doing the earth equivalent of defeating fascism tyranny and oppression in europe?
cyref and getafix are both socialists, anyways.

Ivan Game profile


Jan 24th 2017, 5:35:12

Are you posting alternative facts LI? because it sounds like it :D SOL fluffed up atleast admit it as a man :D

Gamer Game profile


Jan 24th 2017, 5:39:54

Thank you LI for making this game interesting again!
SOL Former Head of Internal Affairs
-IRC: #sol
-Skype: wwegamer18

zerol Game profile


Jan 24th 2017, 6:21:10

Thank you LI.. lol i saw someone hit our enemy lol..

Link Game profile


Jan 24th 2017, 10:51:43

Thank you for keeping us safe sol


I Am a meat popsicle.


Vanderlift Game profile


Jan 24th 2017, 13:41:07

Hahaha we're more like scattered African villages a couple guys have spears but mostly women and children. A few rich dudes with drug money are holed up in fortresses while the rest of us who don't get nuked end up dying from starvation or AIDS.

CGiboney Game profile


Jan 24th 2017, 14:09:15

Welp, in done here.

Unholy Monks

TipDaVampire Game profile


Jan 24th 2017, 16:17:37

Bonus please



Jan 25th 2017, 1:41:29

can you have 266 respond to my in game question? it's very important
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Jan 25th 2017, 2:37:05

Geebuz you stole our assholishness. Lol

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

archaic Game profile


Jan 25th 2017, 2:51:47

Pretty sad LI, this is IX level douchebaggery. Throwing a grenade at a bunch of treehuggers and calling it a fair war "cuz hey numbers, amIright?" is the kind of chickenfluff move I thought this geriatric little game had finally put behind it. Your relationship with monsters goes back a very long time, but I guess respect for the past has never been a Sol strong point.

Sol is still over rated.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

RLenga MD Game profile


Jan 25th 2017, 3:33:58

Originally posted by galleri:
Geebuz you stole our assholishness. Lol

That says it all

WArriOR Game profile


Jan 25th 2017, 3:47:06

Originally posted by archaic:
Pretty sad LI, this is IX level douchebaggery. Throwing a grenade at a bunch of treehuggers and calling it a fair war "cuz hey numbers, amIright?" is the kind of chickenfluff move I thought this geriatric little game had finally put behind it. Your relationship with monsters goes back a very long time, but I guess respect for the past has never been a Sol strong point.

Sol is still over rated.

I take offence to that, this is even a bit below IX tactics![
Ninja Kicked the Dam Rabbit

IgnitionCWG Game profile


Jan 25th 2017, 5:24:03

No kidding, IX wouldnt wait till a couple of weeks before the set is over to ruin someone's day ;-p