
Boltar Game profile


Jul 1st 2019, 20:08:04

Originally posted by Gerdler:
well not now... but last set they could have, sof was what, 1.3m acres? They would totally have been able to pay it in a few days if they wanted to, and I'm sure Monsters would have agreed to reps that only payed back a third of what was lost, just to see that SoF is serious about not condoning what Bayrock did.

It would not have been a popular decision within the SoF camp tho, and since Xyle is a weak leader he doesn't dare to do that or create a fun mutually agreed war that would be even and all sides enjoyed.

So in conclusion Xyle has messed with Monsters, LaF, Omega and PS. Dunno if Evo is next or is spared for some reason. But he has messed with those and he has stated that he hates netters and his members has said as much as well. They just want that part of the game to end. The scoresheet is netters 2 - SoF 0.

Not that it's anyone's business but monsters said don't worry about the reps owed so once again a moot point. Only tag that is maybe owed is Omega and as far as I know. No one contacted us

Karnage XZ


Jul 1st 2019, 20:15:33

Originally posted by Boltar:
Originally posted by Gerdler:
well not now... but last set they could have, sof was what, 1.3m acres? They would totally have been able to pay it in a few days if they wanted to, and I'm sure Monsters would have agreed to reps that only payed back a third of what was lost, just to see that SoF is serious about not condoning what Bayrock did.

It would not have been a popular decision within the SoF camp tho, and since Xyle is a weak leader he doesn't dare to do that or create a fun mutually agreed war that would be even and all sides enjoyed.

So in conclusion Xyle has messed with Monsters, LaF, Omega and PS. Dunno if Evo is next or is spared for some reason. But he has messed with those and he has stated that he hates netters and his members has said as much as well. They just want that part of the game to end. The scoresheet is netters 2 - SoF 0.

Not that it's anyone's business but monsters said don't worry about the reps owed so once again a moot point. Only tag that is maybe owed is Omega and as far as I know. No one contacted us
When somebody says it's okay, it' usually not. They just don't desire to push the subject and perhaps have their own chances of netting in peace every reset destroyed.
Do as I say, not as I do.

Boltar Game profile


Jul 1st 2019, 20:19:43

So ur saying people need to read their minds? And quite frankly ur opinion doesn't matter. I have nothing against u but this isnt your business go back to joining alliances under aliases masking or changing ur ip to bounce around

Jayr Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 1st 2019, 20:22:52

Edited By: Jayr on Jul 2nd 2019, 0:23:05
wasn't me...

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 1st 2019, 20:36:20

Originally posted by Jayr:
Originally posted by Boltar:
So ur saying people need to read their minds? And quite frankly ur opinion doesn't matter. I have nothing against u but this isnt your business go back to joining alliances under aliases masking or changing ur ip to bounce around

Lol it does seem pretty extra but sof was doing the same thing to laf last set. Kinda funny to watch these old cheats hit each other with the same old dirty tricks lol.

Request players to open their profiles so you can see who they are, or know them personally before you accept them. Problem solved.

Karnage XZ


Jul 1st 2019, 20:53:32

Originally posted by Boltar:
So ur saying people need to read their minds? And quite frankly ur opinion doesn't matter. I have nothing against u but this isnt your business go back to joining alliances under aliases masking or changing ur ip to bounce around
you posted your business on my war declaration thread. I was scanning for anything relevant to my war dec and all I see are more good reasons why I do what I do, I am justified.
Do as I say, not as I do.

Boltar Game profile


Jul 1st 2019, 21:35:45

i didnt post this business, i responded to someone else bringing it up. they let it go, u havent, and they have more of a cause then u. they are in a real tag not in a 1 country tag after ur kicked for sneaking into an alliance just to start stuff that was gunna happen anyway

Karnage XZ


Jul 1st 2019, 22:08:33

Originally posted by Boltar:
i didnt post this business, i responded to someone else bringing it up. they let it go, u havent, and they have more of a cause then u. they are in a real tag not in a 1 country tag after ur kicked for sneaking into an alliance just to start stuff that was gunna happen anyway
U Mad Bro?
Do as I say, not as I do.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jul 1st 2019, 22:40:07

Originally posted by Boltar:
i didnt post this business, i responded to someone else bringing it up. they let it go, u havent, and they have more of a cause then u. they are in a real tag not in a 1 country tag after ur kicked for sneaking into an alliance just to start stuff that was gunna happen anyway

The later the war is the stronger LaF is. Xyle knows this, everyone knows this.

Boltar Game profile


Jul 1st 2019, 22:40:53

not at all, just dont like pointless conversations, and or wrong posts, also not a fan of people who will piss and moan about someone doing the spy thing, then they turn around and do it themselves. 2 wrongs dont make a right. its not well hey they did it. so i will to.. if ur going claim being a better person. act to that standard

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jul 1st 2019, 23:23:31

That was never our problem with SoF/Xyle.

Being spied on by Xyle and his lackeys is our mistake and we bear the responsibility for that alone. We deal with spies and imposters all the time from different places. Any large alliance deals with that I would think.
That said I still had no idea that Karny was in SoF when the set started or what the purpose of it was.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 1st 2019, 23:48:34

Originally posted by Gerdler:
That was never our problem with SoF/Xyle.

Being spied on by Xyle and his lackeys is our mistake and we bear the responsibility for that alone. We deal with spies and imposters all the time from different places. Any large alliance deals with that I would think.
That said I still had no idea that Karny was in SoF when the set started or what the purpose of it was.

We've all put pressure on each other for a long time to know exactly who is in your tag. All of us. And we've all dealt with it recently.

During spooge, osloos tried to sneak into elders under the name xozo. Ugi was able to infiltrate laf and the onus was on laf about that. Skywise was able to get into stones and stones had to deal. Obviously since elders is a private club, his app was denied before we ever learned who he was. But we put pressure on both laf and stones to button it up at the time.

Laf was apparently infiltrated again and again by LEADERS of sof so I'm having a hard time understanding pushing a netting tag out of the game over it. If you didnt want the battle to go like that, you shouldn't have started it. You know others would cop your leaders moves.

You guys were the ones who came here with the intentions publicly of ruining netters sets, and running players out of the game. Of creating endless wars, using fake aliases, and destroying people's will to play. And now, you're further pushing players out by being obtuse to your police. Like good lord man.

Why not just quit being assholes for a while and see how that goes? Perhaps the community isn't that bad.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Jul 1st 2019, 23:59:10
See Original Post

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 1st 2019, 23:51:49

Honestly, Boltar, you dont sound like anyone else in sof. I don't know why they chose you to represent them, as your intentions appear to be more in the interest of fun.

That has not been sof's objective at all and im unsure why they would choose you to represent them, given the fact that you don't seem to share that sof is just here to ruin the game for other people, as has been stated by xyle and many other momos

Karnage XZ


Jul 2nd 2019, 0:25:35

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Honestly, Boltar, you dont sound like anyone else in sof. I don't know why they chose you to represent them, as your intentions appear to be more in the interest of fun.

That has not been sof's objective at all and im unsure why they would choose you to represent them, given the fact that you don't seem to share that sof is just here to ruin the game for other people, as has been stated by xyle and many other momos
Yeah Boltars always been a cool dude, I mean I understand why he's lightly agitated with me. He loves his mates in SoF, but he never really belonged there. I remember LaF really wanting to pick boltar up when he returned to the game. Anyways, yeah return to the game, blast a netting tag and cry next reset when things are not going as easy as you had planned it for your first two resets back. I would be agitated and ticked off as well, but for the people who have been here and netting peacefully for a while, you can imagine how angry you would make them as well. Especially people who have been putting up 400+ million net worth countries for many resets and of course have not lost their skill as players. Come back learn the game by netting and country building so you can ease your way back into the game, sof budged there way back in and it's not going unnoticed but for all the wrong reasons.
Do as I say, not as I do.

Boltar Game profile


Jul 2nd 2019, 1:13:12

im not crying cause things didnt go our way, i was pointing out you doing your actions u cant complain if ur tag isnt treated like a real alliance. thats all i was saying. and unless u suddenly learned how to netgain, ill compare my finishes against yours for highest ranked.. see who has a higher one on this server or team, i dont play ffa to netgain. i usually only kill oops suiciders if i play at all

Karnage XZ


Jul 2nd 2019, 1:20:19

I have 259m nw as my highest, But I've ruined better and had better ruined by others.
Do as I say, not as I do.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 2nd 2019, 1:23:22

Originally posted by Boltar:
im not crying cause things didnt go our way, i was pointing out you doing your actions u cant complain if ur tag isnt treated like a real alliance. thats all i was saying. and unless u suddenly learned how to netgain, ill compare my finishes against yours for highest ranked.. see who has a higher one on this server or team, i dont play ffa to netgain. i usually only kill oops suiciders if i play at all

No one treated them with respect in the first place and used shady tactics instantly. He's not the first to fight fire with fire.

Boltar Game profile


Jul 2nd 2019, 1:42:34

Originally posted by Karnage XZ:
I have 259m nw as my highest, But I've ruined better and had better ruined by others.

i said rank, not nw. nw finishes vary set by set.

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Originally posted by Boltar:
im not crying cause things didnt go our way, i was pointing out you doing your actions u cant complain if ur tag isnt treated like a real alliance. thats all i was saying. and unless u suddenly learned how to netgain, ill compare my finishes against yours for highest ranked.. see who has a higher one on this server or team, i dont play ffa to netgain. i usually only kill oops suiciders if i play at all

No one treated them with respect in the first place and used shady tactics instantly. He's not the first to fight fire with fire.

how many have came on here to claim to be a legit tag and actually be one, and not someone who purposely caused fluff and stirred up things?

DonSean Game profile


Jul 2nd 2019, 1:44:37


DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 2nd 2019, 1:53:18

Look dude you dont get it.

Who came here FIRST and purposely caused fluff and stirred up things? Hmm? None of us, bro. You should easily see that. You guys came here and did that. Not syko, not me, not laf. YOU

Try to understand for a second.

Karnage XZ


Jul 2nd 2019, 1:57:30

Yeah, I never act without a reason Boltar. Rank 11 is my highest in 1a. Nope, I only have a top ten in express and that's it.
Do as I say, not as I do.

Boltar Game profile


Jul 2nd 2019, 4:06:34

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Look dude you dont get it.

Who came here FIRST and purposely caused fluff and stirred up things? Hmm? None of us, bro. You should easily see that. You guys came here and did that. Not syko, not me, not laf. YOU

Try to understand for a second.

no ur not getting it.. i said 1 man tags who cause a problem in the previous alliance.. not sof as a whole or laf or elders, im talking about 1 man tags with a record or history of that player whether its recent or past history doing shady stuff.. thats why its not deserved respect for his tag

Warster Game profile


Jul 2nd 2019, 5:23:00

I will just confirm that monsters did ask for reps for bayrock, with no reply, after the unap was signed for this set, I said that we wouldn't chase the reps as it was pointless and a waste of our time in chasing sof for them.

We at monsters accept fluff happens and we move on to the next set without worrying too much.
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 2nd 2019, 6:57:15

Boltar you old tag whore! You owe me ! Before you went away you said you would play a set in Monsters..

Let's declare next set a server-wide arranged netting set and bring chevs with you for a deep look into the OTHER competition in this game, that lasts from turn 1 to end of set

Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ ヽ(´ー`)人(´∇`)人(`Д´)ノ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

Kumbaya mudder fluffers!

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 2nd 2019, 14:50:17

Originally posted by Boltar:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Look dude you dont get it.

Who came here FIRST and purposely caused fluff and stirred up things? Hmm? None of us, bro. You should easily see that. You guys came here and did that. Not syko, not me, not laf. YOU

Try to understand for a second.

no ur not getting it.. i said 1 man tags who cause a problem in the previous alliance.. not sof as a whole or laf or elders, im talking about 1 man tags with a record or history of that player whether its recent or past history doing shady stuff.. thats why its not deserved respect for his tag

So its not ok for players to do that but it is ok for whole tags? And sof players infiltrating laf website? Is that ok? Classy? Deserving of respect?

What about threatening to run tags out of the game. Classy? Deserving of respect?

No. In fact it is very much worse when it is condoned by an entire tag and not limited to a single player. Far far worse.

You guys have acted like assholes since you walked in tbe door and you absolutely deserve this to happen to you after what xyle and his cronies did on the laf website last set.

Karny may not deserve respect for what he did either, but the problem is widespead in your tag, and you have no clout speaking on it, because you DEFINITELY allow cheaters like this into your upper ranks. Syko appears to be fighting with methods that were absent from the game for 5 years before YOU came back. Syko acted as an individual. You guys cheated as a tag.

Cool idea: quit being cheating fluffheads and maybe it will stop. Im thinking about using a fake alias just to fluff with you next set because you haven't stopped acting like fluffheads, and haven't acted the least bit remorseful about the methods of your cheating leadership. You just cry when people use the same tactics back.

WAHH WAHH you worms

Edited By: DerrickICN on Jul 2nd 2019, 15:19:34
See Original Post

Boltar Game profile


Jul 2nd 2019, 16:00:21

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Originally posted by Boltar:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Look dude you dont get it.

Who came here FIRST and purposely caused fluff and stirred up things? Hmm? None of us, bro. You should easily see that. You guys came here and did that. Not syko, not me, not laf. YOU

Try to understand for a second.

no ur not getting it.. i said 1 man tags who cause a problem in the previous alliance.. not sof as a whole or laf or elders, im talking about 1 man tags with a record or history of that player whether its recent or past history doing shady stuff.. thats why its not deserved respect for his tag

So its not ok for players to do that but it is ok for whole tags? And sof players infiltrating laf website? Is that ok? Classy? Deserving of respect?

What about threatening to run tags out of the game. Classy? Deserving of respect?

No. In fact it is very much worse when it is condoned by an entire tag and not limited to a single player. Far far worse.

You guys have acted like assholes since you walked in tbe door and you absolutely deserve this to happen to you after what xyle and his cronies did on the laf website last set.

Karny may not deserve respect for what he did either, but the problem is widespead in your tag, and you have no clout speaking on it, because you DEFINITELY allow cheaters like this into your upper ranks. Syko appears to be fighting with methods that were absent from the game for 5 years before YOU came back. Syko acted as an individual. You guys cheated as a tag.

Cool idea: quit being cheating fluffheads and maybe it will stop. Im thinking about using a fake alias just to fluff with you next set because you haven't stopped acting like fluffheads, and haven't acted the least bit remorseful about the methods of your cheating leadership. You just cry when people use the same tactics back.

WAHH WAHH you worms

since i be back, im yet to SEE anything u speak of SoF doing. besides warring laf of course. i dont need clout, i know who am i, where i play and what i do or dont have a say on. im not like u, i dont think everything runs through me

King_Cobra1 Game profile


Jul 2nd 2019, 16:57:18

Originally posted by Boltar:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Originally posted by Boltar:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Look dude you dont get it.

Who came here FIRST and purposely caused fluff and stirred up things? Hmm? None of us, bro. You should easily see that. You guys came here and did that. Not syko, not me, not laf. YOU

Try to understand for a second.

no ur not getting it.. i said 1 man tags who cause a problem in the previous alliance.. not sof as a whole or laf or elders, im talking about 1 man tags with a record or history of that player whether its recent or past history doing shady stuff.. thats why its not deserved respect for his tag

So its not ok for players to do that but it is ok for whole tags? And sof players infiltrating laf website? Is that ok? Classy? Deserving of respect?

What about threatening to run tags out of the game. Classy? Deserving of respect?

No. In fact it is very much worse when it is condoned by an entire tag and not limited to a single player. Far far worse.

You guys have acted like assholes since you walked in tbe door and you absolutely deserve this to happen to you after what xyle and his cronies did on the laf website last set.

Karny may not deserve respect for what he did either, but the problem is widespead in your tag, and you have no clout speaking on it, because you DEFINITELY allow cheaters like this into your upper ranks. Syko appears to be fighting with methods that were absent from the game for 5 years before YOU came back. Syko acted as an individual. You guys cheated as a tag.

Cool idea: quit being cheating fluffheads and maybe it will stop. Im thinking about using a fake alias just to fluff with you next set because you haven't stopped acting like fluffheads, and haven't acted the least bit remorseful about the methods of your cheating leadership. You just cry when people use the same tactics back.

WAHH WAHH you worms

since i be back, im yet to SEE anything u speak of SoF doing. besides warring laf of course. i dont need clout, i know who am i, where i play and what i do or dont have a say on. im not like u, i dont think everything runs through me

LoL Boltar that would require Derrick to think past 2 or 3 sets.... SoF has been on the right and the wrong side of multiple conflicts depending who you ask. No Comment about all the this you cheated hear or they cheated there... Lets be realistic, most alliances look for a competitive advantage where ever they can find it. Some hate it and some love it. Either way to much drama over spilled milk...

Also, boltar much respect you have always been a good guy who we all know where stands on most issues.. To much drama in this thread over spilled milk...

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 2nd 2019, 17:33:29

That's exactly it tho KC. Drama boys acting like this is a big deal when both sides are doing it. When this was happening to laf, laf took responsibility for their oversight. When it happened to sof, sof threw a fit.

Honestly sof should just take responsibility for not properly vetting their members, and spend a set paying back the reps and damages to netting tags here.

I have respect for Boltar too, but he's in an unenviable position of trying to do FA for a tag that doesn't appear to fall in line with his wishes. I don't think boltar wants any part of warring laf for 8 months and trying to run them off the server and used fake names to get info and stuff. Thats very non-boltar.

I'd be interested to see what sort of suicide action we'd get if boltar declared peace with laf and payed reps to monsters etc. Xyle would be too weak to go against the popular opinion of his members of attempting to trash netters for no reason. Boltar on the other hand.......hmm.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Jul 2nd 2019, 17:39:47
See Original Post

Neil Game profile


Jul 2nd 2019, 17:41:43

You never acted without a reason ? So why did you use a different name to join sof ? Why ?

Derrick has spoken for sof, laf, omega, monsters, boltar, and canarage in this thread ? Lol. Probably missed a few.

Karnage XZ


Jul 2nd 2019, 17:45:00

Originally posted by Neil:
You never acted without a reason ? So why did you use a different name to join sof ? Why ?

Derrick has spoken for sof, laf, omega, monsters, boltar, and canarage in this thread ? Lol. Probably missed a few.
I already gave you an answer to that question. You just prefer something different. I swear if you don't read and comprehend one more time, I'm going to buy you some hooked on phonics lessons.
Do as I say, not as I do.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 2nd 2019, 17:54:57

I'm not speaking for anyone. I'm musing about what is and what is not the right thing to do. Scroll up 4 posts and read what monsters said. They spoke for themselves. I'm just taking what they said as factual.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 2nd 2019, 17:56:01

Originally posted by Neil:
You never acted without a reason ? So why did you use a different name to join sof ? Why ?

Derrick has spoken for sof, laf, omega, monsters, boltar, and canarage in this thread ? Lol. Probably missed a few.

Why does it matter if xyle and his cronies have done the same thing to laf? It's mutual. I don't understand how anyone is somehow worse than anyone else. You're all acting like children.

King_Cobra1 Game profile


Jul 2nd 2019, 17:56:20

LoL But, Derrick you have to also, have to take into account the size and power of the tag because you know the biggest guys do make the rules. Remember the coalition days (we can go way farther but, why) when SoF LaF RD Rival did push our way around with MD SoL and pretty much every other tag there is.... Then LaF and MD made peace under Eugene and someone in MD I believe Slash which changed the balance but, still was server war. Those were a lot bigger wars and far more damning things were done then. Being FA is not always easy and sometimes being the hardass is needed. Can't take it all personal lets just enjoy the war and see how things turn out. One thing that i haven learned playing this game is just because the sides look stagnant one minute, they could very easily change in a blink of an eye. Hell before the RD deletion that set SoF RD Rival had one heck of a force and SoF took it on the chin after wood's when the entire server went after for backing RD. This is just one instance of both the good and the bad from alliances and the baggage created over decades.

Hell personally I know I have a fan base in each and every alliance that is glad to see me and others that are not. Even in LaF I bet there is at least 20% that really dislike me their but, we fight side by side anyway.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 2nd 2019, 18:00:14

Yeah i know that's right. I have friends everywhere too. That's the main reason i find this sof so dumb. They apparently see no value in that and no honor. It actually would stand to make perfect sense that sof and laf would be employing the same dirty tricks because they've been doing it together to clans for decades lol. No wonder they made such good allies lol

King_Cobra1 Game profile


Jul 2nd 2019, 18:09:12

Actually LaF and SoF have been doing it together and against each other in there own ways. Most alliances are more complicated than just one or two leaders....

Xyle decided he wanted to bring back the old tough wars were they weren't arranged... Numbers weren't always even and truthfully it could of gone anybody way. It was about getting the crew together and adding every number you could possible even if some weren't as good. Getting them to come on daily and then adapting to the enemy. Staying 1 step ahead of the enemy.

One of the toughest wars ever fault was SoF vs MD which I believe SoF won but, barely could of been anybody game for over 3 to 4 weeks when SoF and MD were both 75+. Big set no allies involved (RD/Rival was fighting sol and company). Anything over 20 seconds was a stonewall. Think that was one of the most epic brute fights ever so, mocking greatest war clans ever, honestly they could throw some punches. (There not the only one)....

Personally, I consider Xyle a really good friend in this game. We get along pretty good overall though we do have disagreements from time to time especially different chat styles but, respect because he goes for what he wants. He is a little hard headed but, ask anybody around here especially boltar ;) I don't listen well myself. Sometimes I think their are better moves but, he has to do what he thinks is best for his tag. He did get 50 players back together.

Personally I think all this animosity is just plain stupid...

Karnage XZ


Jul 2nd 2019, 18:18:52

Well, LaF recruited heavy as well for this war. I don't think you give enough credit here, but since SoF merged with elders and most left, LaF was the prime target for every alliance on the server and it still hasn't folded. Talk about a tough alliance that has taken a beating and dished them out as well. There have been many good wars and Rival wasn't really that great, in fact during the block wars TIE fought them a few times and won pretty easily. Back in E2025 Rival was a bit larger so they could swing their weight around.

We're having a debate, I didn't intend for this to turn into a bashing thread, but some people will read it this way. I just hope that sof is prepared for endless wars and ruthless tactics because they've awoken a sleeping giant who would have preferred rest.
Do as I say, not as I do.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 2nd 2019, 18:19:27

Fires don't start without a spark.

I think the animosity is stupid too, but xyle's angle to recruit has certainly benefited from telling his members they will hit laf for multiple sets until they quit. I've used that as a recruiting tool as well. When we did it, we had well over 60 so it's plainly a good tool to, as you say, recruit "anyone" over quality. Hell, even serpenter was an elder for a set lol. It totally works.

I don't truthfully think he is doing it from a bad place. He probably honestly harbors little to no animosity toward laf after decades of lapdogging but was just trying to appeal to whatever he could to get a higher membership number. Hitting laf for eternity always seems to make a giant ass war. Hahaha. Unfortunately when you do that you get a bunch of wild rogue members. Largely non-sof types. Such was the case when elders did the same. But you lose all credibility and just become a toxic personality with an uncontrollable membership.

That's why I'm interested to see what happens going forward. After this assbeating it might be time to lick some wounds and clean up some messes.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Jul 2nd 2019, 18:22:18
See Original Post

King_Cobra1 Game profile


Jul 2nd 2019, 18:31:04

I completely agree LaF is a sleeping giant which is often under estimated. Karnage while Rival might not of been like the old Rival, it was a nice match when they merged with RD for the RD/Rival. Rival offered a lot of russian players which played at off times which matched up nicely with the RD breakers. It was a combination effort including adding the numbers needed to make those wars better. I truthfully think most of the great war machines can be sleeping giants with the right pressure put on old members. its kinda of like the fantasy football league that started back in undergrad way back in the day and still play yearly even though we just speak through texts. Its hard to get away from the commodery. Also, sol was actively recruiting people to defend against the SoF FS just like old skool. LaF recruited by reminding people to come defend the family from the outside hordes.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 2nd 2019, 18:37:46

Yeah. Sol did a great job of attempting to make what would have just been a grudge war between laf and sof into a big war all warclans got to play in. Honestly kudos. I prefer them a little later, but sol showed up and saved this war from being completely ugly.

Karnage XZ


Jul 2nd 2019, 18:49:06

Yeah surprised to see that many tagged in the beginning. However, restart rate is okay, but for 40 days out, kinda not the greatest this early on. I hope people like long wars, because it's going to be like this for some time. I think if we're going to have pacts in this game we should have it where if another alliance overtly violates the rules of the pact the game moderator can delete the alliance. That's the only kind of pact I would trust from sof at this point. I don't blame sol for joining sof since they love war and wanted very badly to beat laf, when we recently gave them a good spanking like the naughty little children they are ;) Overall in that one vs one, sol had good war builds but laf has such a better economies that's what scared xyle about laf and I think he believed because we allowed him to lead some war chats that he had won us the war. He's a legend in his own mind. But yeah, I just would have preferred if he had come back and arranged some wars instead of pulling the same old stuff you can expect from sof/ix, I guess we shouldn't have expected anything different.
Do as I say, not as I do.

Karnage XZ


Jul 2nd 2019, 18:52:53

The Golden rule is: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

So now that everybody has been taken back to kindergarten's number one rule. Don't play dirty games with others if you don't want them played with you. Now let's just get back to our war and enjoy it in dead silence for a little while. Let's come back and talk in 7 days from today.
Do as I say, not as I do.

King_Cobra1 Game profile


Jul 2nd 2019, 19:14:44

lol Karnage: When was the last time the Golden Rule was really used in this game?

The Golden Rule is who ever has the biggest stick and uses it freely makes the rules.... A few particular players that don't need to be named pretty much made that a fact.

Neil Game profile


Jul 4th 2019, 21:41:15

Originally posted by Karnage XZ:
Now let's just get back to our war and enjoy it in dead silence for a little while. Let's come back and talk in 7 days from today.

That was like 13 straight posts of people from your side talking to each other.... so yeah....

Originally posted by Karnage XZ:
it was my pleasure seeing what it was like to be in the "greatest warring alliance in earth" again.

That is why you joined SoF? You are lying mate, it don't make sense. Why do this

PS Die with memories (#436) SoF Anchor Man (#405) xLaFx 1530A (2077A)


Why do 60 odd attacks against your boys in LaF and Elders?

Why tag as Wolf and not LaF?


1) you were a spy
2) you wanted to cause fluff and start the war
3) you really wanted back into SoF
4) got me

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 4th 2019, 21:44:10

I take option two where you topfed laf and RoR'd them.

Oh wait. We weren't talking about you.

Are you a spy for laf? Is this projection? You definitely caused more fluff than him lol

Edited By: DerrickICN on Jul 4th 2019, 21:46:17
See Original Post

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 4th 2019, 21:47:41

Is this where you ask me what my evidence was that that was you? Lawl.

Neil down. Bob on it. Phil your mouth.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Jul 4th 2019, 22:05:16
See Original Post

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jul 4th 2019, 22:14:22

I was never worried about the hit from #436 and that came way later than the RoRs from your other guys. It was obvious you wanted early war and so we tried to be ready before you.
It was also obvious that SOL were running higher BPTs and different strats than SOL that would kick into gear later in the reset so I was really baffled by the choice to go in early without even having a breaker advantage to LaF. I have to assume that the reason for that is that Xyle begged really hard and didn't want the humiliation to continue 1vs1.
Not sure what would have happened if other choices were made, but we played straight into your trap on purpose even tho we saw an easier way to win, just because we saw the weakness in SoFs countries and figured it would be enough to win the war for us no matter the choices made after. :)

Edited By: Gerdler on Jul 4th 2019, 22:18:15

Hardy Game profile


Jul 4th 2019, 22:20:12

Originally posted by ChEEsEMaN_OG:
Lol just so you know it wasn't a land trade the fellow apologized after making the wrong hit so i just left it alone! I used to play in SoF once upon a time in history and after all, it's Earth 2025. A game. :)

Originally posted by Boltar:
Originally posted by Gerdler:
^^Well said and we should remember that the GS run and the missile run by SoF on Omega and PS respectively was prior to the war between LaF and SoF. It was just a SoF head who picked two netters either at random or targeted them for some reason and messed with them just like bayrock did last set. It's what they are fighting for, to suicide people at random and not pay up.

those countries he hit, was team server targets and he hit the wrong server, hes still hearing crap about it

Originally posted by ZoSo:
just putting this here

2019-06-18 05:18:29 SS All Eyez On Me (#253) STiNKy ChEEsE LaND (#6) TheOmega 99A (129A)
2019-06-18 05:18:23 SS All Eyez On Me (#253) STiNKy ChEEsE LaND (#6) TheOmega 125A (172A)
2019-06-18 05:18:19 SS All Eyez On Me (#253) STiNKy ChEEsE LaND (#6) TheOmega 163A (233A)
2019-06-18 05:18:15 SS All Eyez On Me (#253) STiNKy ChEEsE LaND (#6) TheOmega 223A (331A)
2019-06-18 05:18:05 SS All Eyez On Me (#253) STiNKy ChEEsE LaND (#6) TheOmega DH
2019-06-18 05:17:43 SS All Eyez On Me (#253) STiNKy ChEEsE LaND (#6) TheOmega 295A (418A)


2019-06-18 06:28:59 PS SoFt Boiled Eggs (#139) SoF All Eyez On Me (#253) 192A (248A)
2019-06-18 06:21:45 SS SoFt Boiled Eggs (#139) SoF All Eyez On Me (#253) 185A (248A)
2019-06-18 06:20:53 SS SoFt Boiled Eggs (#139) SoF All Eyez On Me (#253) 225A (312A)
2019-06-18 06:19:53 SS SoFt Boiled Eggs (#139) SoF All Eyez On Me (#253) 280A (401A)


2019-06-18 12:45:18 PS All Eyez On Me (#253) SoFt Boiled Eggs (#139) SoF 485A (683A)


2019-06-18 13:07:17 PS SoFt Boiled Eggs (#139) SoF All Eyez On Me (#253) 363A (437A)

then on 2019-06-20 01:58:01
All Eyez On Me (#253)
Clan: SoF

Could be some hella friendly recruitment, i'm sure that's the story
Could also be a planned two-step with a followup crappy landtrade for show

Sucks for Omega

hes a recruit, dont know how or why he would join after being farmed, but he chose to

The fellow who CMed PS and GSed Omega was me. You could do a news search to see that the same country numbers were being attacked on team server at the same time as my hits. I logged into the wrong server. Weed is my excuse.

I paid back the reps to PS and Cheese was nice enough to disregard me dozen of GSes at a 20k GS break - he also had no food on hand.. I’m a noob perhaps, but if I really was trying to start fluff, I would of aimed to GS a county with a few million bushels on hand :)

Don’t care enough to see the answers, just thought I’d speak up and own up to my mistake.

Neil Game profile


Jul 4th 2019, 22:37:33

DerrickICN there are reasons no one respects you or elders.

Your side threatens outside the game violence (banks), talks smack about dead people (kanarage) and makes homophobic comments (you) then you want to act like we are childish for having fun in games.

What Kanarage has said to me and others goes beyond the game. Whatever alliance he is in will HAVE to fight because of him.

You got a big mouth, good thing LaF has Elders back and won't be netting anytime soon.

Face it, Kanarage ensured a war this set and you are ensuring a war net set.

Neil Game profile


Jul 4th 2019, 22:38:29

Originally posted by DerrickICN:

Oh wait. We weren't talking about you.

Yeah trust you to try and stay on topic for more than 2 seconds...

sinistril Game profile


Jul 4th 2019, 22:40:26

Originally posted by Neil:
DerrickICN there are reasons no one respects you or elders.

Your side threatens outside the game violence (banks), talks smack about dead people (kanarage) and makes homophobic comments (you) then you want to act like we are childish for having fun in games.

What Kanarage has said to me and others goes beyond the game. Whatever alliance he is in will HAVE to fight because of him.

You got a big mouth, good thing LaF has Elders back and won't be netting anytime soon.

Face it, Kanarage ensured a war this set and you are ensuring a war net set.

I love how people who aren't Elders are considered Elders by you. Neil, you're out of your element.
If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.