Apr 26th 2010, 23:44:45
21 minutes ago
A brigade from dagaard keep (#114) has invaded your lands!
Your defenses held against the invaders and forced them away!
You lost 118,533 Troops, 192,516 Turrets and 87,742 Tanks, but killed 374,369 Troops, 39,035 Jets and 45,703 Tanks.
6 minutes ago
A brigade from dagaard keep (#114) has invaded your lands!
Your defenses held against the invaders and forced them away!
You lost 68,465 Troops, 111,086 Turrets and 51,249 Tanks, but killed 258,315 Troops, 26,934 Jets and 25,535 Tanks.
now that my SPAL is at 46 and my defense is rock solid, you should technically have no other reasons to attack me.
i've even dropped land and my SDI is at 95%.
i have not retaled you a single time, even though you know i could.
yet for no reason, you're trying to hit me out of top 10.
this has crossed the line and it's getting way too personal. i don't even know you. i haven't even talked to you.
this is absurd.
i'm out of money and bushels now. NOW3P and other express suicider killers, please finish off that dweeb for me, and kick him out of express set permanently.