
g0nz0 Game profile


Jun 10th 2024, 0:59:43

Originally posted by Josey Wales:
Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by Josey Wales:
Originally posted by Coalie:
Yeah I’m sure trade pacts with sol’s enemy during war and spying on sol while they’re at war had nothing to do with it.

Cath stop playing the victim.

100%. Guilty as charged.

Explain your reason for declaration of war.
You were exposed as having built and prepped for war.
You formed a trade pact with M4D during their war vs SoL.
JW was executed for violating their peace agreement.
Same thing would have happened to any other clan violating rules of war.

Ah… Bananas, for some reason I thought you were on vacation.

What declaration of war are you talking about?


“You were exposed as having built and prepped for war.”

Thanks for confirming my statement that their are the rules

Your handle is banned until 3 days from now!

The declaration of eternal war against Evo. And now you're apparently declared against Mercs, SoL as well.

You begged for mercy. Promised to behave. Then proceeded to build and stock war countries.
If that wasn't indicative of you planning a FS...
You r*tards form a FA pact with M4D mid war.

Its EoS now. You can be honest.
Was your plan to join M4D after their FS against SoL? Get some revenge?
You saw a couple Mercs jump. Did it seem like good timing to FS Mercs? You had 2 untags ready to join. 7 vs 8
Suicide Evo?
It looks like you ran out of options.
M4D got their teeth kicked in. So joining that fight was no go.
Mercs managed a kr against one of your untags.
You settled on FA for the only ally you have any hope of attracting.

g0nz0 Game profile


Jun 9th 2024, 19:35:22

Originally posted by Josey Wales:
Originally posted by Coalie:
Yeah I’m sure trade pacts with sol’s enemy during war and spying on sol while they’re at war had nothing to do with it.

Cath stop playing the victim.

100%. Guilty as charged.

Explain your reason for declaration of war.
You were exposed as having built and prepped for war.
You formed a trade pact with M4D during their war vs SoL.
JW was executed for violating their peace agreement.
Same thing would have happened to any other clan violating rules of war.

g0nz0 Game profile


Jun 5th 2024, 23:51:20

Originally posted by Josey Wales:
Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by Josey Wales:
Originally posted by Coalie:
I just don’t get it.. of all the m4d guys he could’ve FAed, he picked the worst 2 guys.

If I was to FA m4d from the sidelines I’d look for the real killers like Vic, Llarr or Leto.

Just don’t make sense to me but then again cath is a certified idiot so it doesn’t surprise me there.

You’re assuming FA was sent.

Just to clarify.
You are acknowledging that a trade pact betwixt Jwalesco leadership and M4D was formed?
This occurred during a war with SoL vs M4D?
When this pact was formed you had agreed to peaceful terms with SoL.

You are assuming that. Like you assumed that FA was sent. Like you assumed that we were going to attack Evo. Like you assumed that we were a threat because we had 70 missiles each. Like you assumed that we were going to use those missiles. Like you assumed that because we did Non-Harmful Spy Ops, that that somehow meant we were going to attack. You are the ones that said non-harmful spy ops were ok. So we tested that theory. I non-harmful spy opped Suicidal. He asked me if I was out of my mind. Clearly he had an issue with NH-spy ops. Spied Evo to tease them a little bit. Then you kill us.

Turns out, non-harmful spy ops are only ok when you guys do them. So your word is garbage.

You fell for the bait and couldn’t control your emotions. Your sincerity is about as thin as pi$$ on a rock.

Let’s not even mention 426. We’ll find out who he is in a couple of weeks. We’ll find out who his associates are.

No problem though and nothing personal Gonzo.

Total War.

So you believe, as the leader of your clan, that you were executed for nonharmful spy ops, and not the FA pact with M4D during a war?

Who violated the peace agreement between SoL and Jwalesco?

g0nz0 Game profile


Jun 5th 2024, 22:23:47

Originally posted by Josey Wales:
Originally posted by Coalie:
I just don’t get it.. of all the m4d guys he could’ve FAed, he picked the worst 2 guys.

If I was to FA m4d from the sidelines I’d look for the real killers like Vic, Llarr or Leto.

Just don’t make sense to me but then again cath is a certified idiot so it doesn’t surprise me there.

You’re assuming FA was sent.

Just to clarify.
You are acknowledging that a trade pact betwixt Jwalesco leadership and M4D was formed?
This occurred during a war with SoL vs M4D?
When this pact was formed you had agreed to peaceful terms with SoL.

g0nz0 Game profile


Jun 4th 2024, 16:35:24

Originally posted by Josey Wales:
Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by Josey Wales:
Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Coalie:
Originally posted by Josey Wales:
You’ve got the money.

Josey, war is over bud. Take your peace and go enjoy it.

we havent messed with anyone since you and Josey cut whatever deal you came to. The issue isn’t our side. It’s shady business to cut a deal and then still send your guys to backdoor us.

Jousters Quest (#550)

kammerjaeger (#555)

Defamation of Character.

Stomping around screaming at the sky about betrayal of a peace treaty and being peaceful netters. All during a war when you are allied and providing aid to their enemy?
You word is garbage. Nobody trusted you. And rightly so.


Forum moderators delete or edit posts that contains in-game stats.
An earlier post was removed for violation.
Removing the details and only listing names seems to have passed the mod standards.
If the information was fabrication there would be no deletion.

g0nz0 Game profile


Jun 4th 2024, 14:23:23

Originally posted by Josey Wales:
Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Coalie:
Originally posted by Josey Wales:
You’ve got the money.

Josey, war is over bud. Take your peace and go enjoy it.

we havent messed with anyone since you and Josey cut whatever deal you came to. The issue isn’t our side. It’s shady business to cut a deal and then still send your guys to backdoor us.

Jousters Quest (#550)

kammerjaeger (#555)

Defamation of Character.

Stomping around screaming at the sky about betrayal of a peace treaty and being peaceful netters. All during a war when you are allied and providing aid to their enemy?
You word is garbage. Nobody trusted you. And rightly so.

g0nz0 Game profile


Jun 4th 2024, 13:41:29

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Coalie:
Originally posted by Josey Wales:
You’ve got the money.

Josey, war is over bud. Take your peace and go enjoy it.

we havent messed with anyone since you and Josey cut whatever deal you came to. The issue isn’t our side. It’s shady business to cut a deal and then still send your guys to backdoor us.

Jousters Quest (#550)

kammerjaeger (#555)

g0nz0 Game profile


Jun 3rd 2024, 18:28:28

Originally posted by HRH Princess Tisya:
Originally posted by Tertius:
Originally posted by Slagpit:
Many of you need to learn how to speak in the presence of a princess =(

Yeah, learn malay newbs!

It might actually be one of the most prevalent spoken languages in this community, other than english and the sub-dialect of troll (apparently).

Listen to Tertius. Honestly, the easiest way to get in my pants...I mean on my good side >_>

Tertius is a wise old sage.

Kami sangat gembira atas kepulangan anda.
Anda membawa banyak tenaga positif.
Adakah pasport anda terkini?

g0nz0 Game profile


Jun 2nd 2024, 16:05:24

Originally posted by Drow:
Originally posted by Devo:
I'm supremely smart and extraordinarily handsome. Just wanted everyone to know. In fact, I wish these forums had avatars so I could show off my handsomeness more readily. My handsomeness is clearly demonstrated by my country building ability and my masterful political navigation. It has nothing to do with my ability to be a reasonable negotiator and to respect other alliances and the societal norms that we've constructed. It's all in the combover.

You have a combover? I totally couldn't tell!
it is so gloriously subtle!

Extra conditioner, a little teasing, then light spritz of hairspray. Hes too cheap to fly to Turkey for the transplants so he became a stylist. Whatever, keep paying for strange.

g0nz0 Game profile


Jun 2nd 2024, 15:12:23

Originally posted by HRH Princess Tisya:
Got my name back, that is all lol

And hello to all who knew me! I've missed you guys. Come by and say hi! <3

Princess of Paradigm
currently Princess of M4D

Jangan lupa hantar gambar kaki.
Ia adalah untuk tujuan keselamatan.

Saya boleh majukan kepada moderator. Hantar kepada saya.

g0nz0 Game profile


Jun 2nd 2024, 14:57:42

Originally posted by Cathankins:

Interesting how the rules are suddenly a problem.

When I first came here I was told trolling behavior was cool and everyone defended it and told me to **** off with my concerns about bullying, Now everyone is mad about it and did a 180.

This is actually crazy man.

Trolling players about their rank and skill level is expected. Occasionally tormenting liberal betas and test fueled ex-wives is fun.

Trust me Im surprised as you are by how many Asians we got crawling around the game. Did we relocate the servers to Thailand or what? Charlie has us fluffin surrounded man. I can deal with blacks(superfly) and Mexicans (KoH), but these cats got me nervous. However, scolding them for chatting in gibberish qualifies as bullying mostly because hypersensitivity and colonialism.

You cried bully when I called you out. Here we are watching you complain about not being able to express your racism and xenophobia. You managed to get a cheerful Welcome Home thread locked. Perma-bans are a thing. Just ask Ch*vs

Tlrd: 1 week bans aren't incentive enough

g0nz0 Game profile


May 26th 2024, 1:08:28

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Josey FFS stop being a fkn Karen, hot damn bro!

Josey slipped into her little black dress. Tryna seduce Ugo to joining the suicide squad over in alliance. Hope they aren't planning anything nefarious with a team of war built countries.

Originally posted by Josey Wales:

You should come play with us in Alliance, unless you’re already there.

g0nz0 Game profile


May 14th 2024, 17:51:42

Originally posted by Cathankins:
That’s kind of my point player skill doesn’t matter when discussing myself and drow but it suddenly does matter again when discussing evo. This midwit hypocrite can’t even keep his own story straight. He literally plays for NPC: the clan.

Your skill doesn't matter as you chose to become a suicide/griefer. A fluffty one as well. One of the most unwelcome players in the community currently. Nobody wants you in their clan and very few choose to interact whatsoever. Why would old netting stats mean anything to us when you've become target practice for dogs of war? Its fun kicking you around. Its only been 2 rounds and your eternal war is over with you and your grooming victim Josey kneeling begging for mercy.

Cathys response: Cope,seethe,dial8. Boomer npc. Npc!! 1vs1 bro!! Come at me bro!! Death to murica!! Y'all be npcs!!!

Originally posted by Cathankins:

>using pol
>exposing yourself

g0nz0 Game profile


May 11th 2024, 17:14:59


g0nz0 Game profile


May 11th 2024, 5:59:31

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Gonz0 seethes from his hut again

There she is!
Finally slithered out of your hole?
Chief of your clan is begging for mercy.
He(Josey) relies on you not attacking Superfly or Evo.
Harness your hate cathy.
Peace involving your clan is not reality without a pledge from you.
Hopefully you choose violence, the goy wont herd themselves.

g0nz0 Game profile


May 11th 2024, 3:04:20

Originally posted by SuperFly:
So what peace deal has been reached? Post the details to be transparent and hold everyone accountable.

It’s not like some peoples words around here have an ounce of truth behind them…

You obviously haven't been paying attention SF.
Josey&Cath declare eternal war against Mercs/Evo.
Josey&Cath get steamrolled by Evo/Mercs.
Cathy cries hate crime after ban expires.
Josey offers a truce to the warlords handing him his own ass.
Leadership doing what they do "negotiate".
Josey claims victory against the oppression.
Cathy lurks.
Josey pretends to be neutral rest of set while Cathy continues their Jihad.
You are here.
Random unknown new accounts suicide Evo next set.
Who me?
Gerdler randomly starts posting about clangdi.
Josey gets moist.
Cathy adjusts the strapon.
Slag adds 'Common Sense' code to protect against suicides.
Multiple Orgasms.
Segern är min!
Biden/Yahoo 24!!

Y'all bueno hermano?

g0nz0 Game profile


May 10th 2024, 19:41:33

Originally posted by Josey Wales:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by Josey Wales:

Why are you commenting in this thread?

Obvious answer; cuz yet again you make a thread about me and you keep posting my name on it.....

So let me get this straight; now you are afraid to get suicided on after you have been suiciding Evo for no reason. Now you hope to netgain in peace after waging war on the netters for 3 sets and claiming an eternal war until the end of time.

Can I ask why the change of heart Josey? Are you parting ways with Cath or is he having a change of heart as well and quitting your losing war?

I personally offered you peace multiple times on previous locked threads but you ignored my olive branch and kept insulting me instead. Which is why I dont trust you as far as I can throw you.

Don’t worry about it man.

This thread doesn't mean fluff without the other member of & Co
Where is Cathy to confirm?
You asking personally for mercy so you get to net again is not the same as &Co halting all suicide/griefs. Pants on head bullfluff

g0nz0 Game profile


May 7th 2024, 17:57:34

Originally posted by Josey Wales:
Gone Bananas. That’s a good name. Maybe Gonzo Bananas. I’ll get back to you shortly with your new moniker.

Ill give you a banana ya fluffin schizo, but you're not gonna like where I put it. Stop fluffing around. You want out of this spectacular fail or what? You were groomed to suicide by a demon who wanted revenge but couldn't achieve this independently. Cut him loose and join your friends again. 15% off your next Amizon purchase if you act in the next 24 hours.

g0nz0 Game profile


May 7th 2024, 15:05:41

Originally posted by Josey Wales:
Originally posted by Buch:
Originally posted by Josey Wales:
I looked at this.

So he excessively attacked you. So what? Attack him back and get your land back.

No offense, but why are coming here for help? You think any of these people will genuinely help you?

And what does M4D have to do with it? “lets see how M4D plays this.” Lol. The guy detagged and went on his own and attacked another player. WOW.

Now all the little old ladies in the knitting club are up in arms.

If some old crazy boys from the elders days are around I'll get help lol

I have no doubt you’ll get help Buch. You’ve got standing and the juice to call in some dogs of war. I just think that an old War Horse like you could make short order of this situation. I say that as a compliment.

You whacked the guy for 2,800 Acres. Those types of hits don’t come from somebody young and stupid. That type of thrashing is meted out by somebody old and wise.

You can handle this guy, whoever he may be.

Kissin Buchs' Pen15 is not going to save your ass Joseph. You have to cut all ties with Cathy and go solo next couple sets. Make a tag if you wish, just be sure to identify yourself. Nice split personality post btw. Hopefully Im talking to the right guy. Save turns and calculate food/oil.

g0nz0 Game profile


May 5th 2024, 17:18:44

Originally posted by Josey Wales:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
yup i accused Cathankins of grooming you into a suicider which is the truth as you played in PDM peacefully like a noob for years.

either way general sentiment of the community on the boards is that you liars are unwanted here anyways....

go away and stfu already. I have 0 ties to Evo so you hitting them is as stupid as suiciding with a republic 3 times ffs.

Nah little buddy.

Now you’re just trying to deflect.

You called me a racist, bigot, and a groomer.

Don’t try and run and hide now. You wrote what you wrote.

Now just waiting on Slagpit to see if he upholds his own rules about personal attacks.

Take a seat and control yourself.

We’ll see if you are reprimanded, given a time out with the dunce cap, or maybe even banned from the game for making outrageous, baseless, wholesale, and malicious personal attacks.

Or we’ll see if it is acceptable in EE to personally attack others players in the game an libel them as being racists, bigots, and/ or groomers.

Either way, no problem. I’ll accept any decision. We’ll all find out what kind of platform this really is.

Slagpit may be busy and may not see this thread.

Your suicide pact with Cathy and vows to chase off dozens of players is why the community consider you lepers and outcasts. No way are you being welcomed in any established self respecting clan. People dont want to read your threats, cries of bullying, who me's, or whataboutisms. You advocate and defend Catharines consistent hate speech and harassment of a majority of the player base. You are hand in hand with an unabashed racist, bigoted, homophobic, xenophobic, islamaphobic, hate preacher. You have never distanced yourself from Cathy's hate sermons. One can safely assume that if you dont share Cathys hateful worldview, you are willing to overlook those disturbing traits for some extra turns or as an ally in your quest to bully players you dont like out of the game.

Publicly disavow all of Cathy's hateful posts and sever all ties. The community might be willing to forgive you and accept the excuse that you were, in fact, groomed to suicide, in the same fashion Gerdler duped BHole against Evo previously.

This is your only way out Josey. Choose wisely.

g0nz0 Game profile


May 1st 2024, 15:52:01

Originally posted by Doug:
Originally posted by Coalie:
Originally posted by Doug:
Originally posted by Coalie:
Sleepy Drow stole the election! Voter fraud

Sir please step out of the vehicle. What are all these blank ballots in your truck. You got junk in the trunk, I have to frisk you now.

Just kno my daily carry is a s&w 500. In case you first frisk me in the wrong place and tried to grab the hard thing. It’s not my phallus

You’d never shoot me and you know it lol

No, but Doug "Big Tug" would be the one wearing handcuffs and driven to a nice cold basement where he'll spend some time thinking he should have listened to Mason and become a hairdresser instead. Whats in YOUR prison wallet?

g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 28th 2024, 0:22:59

Originally posted by JoseyWales:
This is going terribly for us.

You have a team of 2 with a meat shield player who logs in once a day. I cant get high enough to understand your thought process in this equation. 5 dabs later and you still havent won a war against 50 players who all knew you were hitting turn 100. There must still be a soft spot on your skull, nothing else I have sympathy that you may be mentally ill. and being given all this attention causes both stimulating and affirmations. Keep at it though. Practice makes perfect.

g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 21:11:01

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Coalie:
The whole point of guerilla warfare is to live and fight another day.

Doesn’t apply for your situation.

Anytime you pop up, we will just steamroll you. We can do this set after set. Thanks for bringing activity into our private irc and discord channels.

We never had a chance to win but we can make this so painful that you guys back off.

Or we can just do this forever. I enjoy playing like this so that’s cool with me too. War is eternal anyways. It never truly has an end.

Your stated objective is to suicide Evo until they execute Superfly. Once they kill him you declare peace. Im not sure where the victim complex is sourced from but this is an entirely volunteer suicide squad. You challenged all the war clans but focus your attacks on peaceful and casual teams.
You are correct that this the nature of the server. Eternal war. You, Josey&his imaginary crew and BHole are permanent land farm status and, much like the disgraced pariah Gerdler, have no chance at playing a successful set and heretofore can only pray and scheme for changes to game mechanics.
Remember, everyone you attacked and blackmail are bullies. What this REALLY boils down to is their disagreement with your religious and political beliefs. They want to shut you down man. Its not about a game, this is about righting the wrongs. You are fulfilling a destiny.

Tlrd; consequences are racisemiticalistprivilagematicalsystemriarchy.

g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 23rd 2024, 19:24:58

Choose which items. Leave it a challenge by cant specify quantity.

Just a few lines of html. 2 redbulls 1 large pizza with hamburg+bacon. Maybe some coke after for a refreshing experience.

Edited By: Slagpit on May 15th 2024, 1:58:30

g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 23rd 2024, 2:33:52

Originally posted by Slagpit:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
It's basic forums rules, doesn't need to be repeated, enforce it.

I did delete and edit a few posts already, but yes, I agree that we've been historically too lax on this.

I still got my bonus points

g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 21st 2024, 20:26:45

Originally posted by BlackHole:

So all you're going to do is pick on small alliances. You've pacted the big 3, and you're going to hit alliances with 2-3 people cause you're too scared to tango with an equally sized foe?

Come on, Cult Leader Leto can do better than that. I thought ya'll were out for blood! You're just gonna bully people smaller than you!

Forget what anyone else does BHole. Your task is to kill Josey and his crew of Cathy and a bottle of whiskey (or several).

Aside from that M4D has <10 players which puts them against SoF, stones a could face a prolonged war with Monsters who are active enough for KR. They are playing smart politics, something rare these last few decades.

g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 20th 2024, 5:12:54

Its now or never on the code changes. Is there an argument against this? Check box would suffice. One to confirm, the others highlight the goods.

g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 12th 2024, 1:04:17

Recall Goods

Which ones?

Some but not all.

g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 10th 2024, 19:40:08

The FFO community will not stand for this tyranny!
You WILL NOT diminish the ability of 10 players to win every set. If you cant spen 60 days farming bots till 500k acres you simply dont want, nor deserve, a top 10 finish. Simple as. FFO players will be along shortly to "and thats a good thing".

g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 10th 2024, 0:53:53

Originally posted by Slagpit:
I changed the restart bonus part. That acceptable?

fluff this sideline bullfluff

Go slap together the CoOp netting server. Xtra bots (that retal)

Nothing else matters alliance will become a warzone for anyone and everyone. You want to net risk free? Slags (t)werkin on it!!

g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 5th 2024, 21:21:12

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Also gonz0 the only reason I asked if you were Hispanic is you bring up race a lot and complain about certain groups and I was wondering if you are simply racists. You brought that up. How would I even know that?

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Honestly between people sayin mean things and people trying to do the old Soviet Union tactic of re-education for wrong-think I think the power tripping authoritarians are the larger threat.

Fortunately the odds of coming to a freemasonic nation and taking our right to be free men is zero. It will never happen.

Having said that I can be fairly racist (I think everyone is to a degree) but the Asians that have come to America have conducted Themselves very respectfully and have earned my respect hands down. Same goes for all the India immigrants, very nice people and have caused zero trouble here.

There is a group I won’t talk about that I think OP should be worried about. They go around in large packs beating the **** out of asian people on a regularly basis and seem to think is a game or funny.

I’m literally Jewish too so I could very easily say “ban everything that hurts my feelings”

g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 5th 2024, 20:50:23

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by EmpyreanMKR:
Originally posted by Cathankins:

You quite literally attacked me because of my beliefs.

And if I defend them I get banned and deleted lol

Very fair

I never did any such thing. I did yell at you for shoving your beliefs down my throat, however, I did not attack you for having your beliefs. What you are, and practice is FINE with me, my best friend is a jewish man, but he doesnt shove it down my throat for walking into the room, you shoving them up my a** is not cool, so kiss it pal, you started this between the two of us and you can't figure out a way out. If you stop and use that empty lump 3 feet above you a**, you would know I wasnt there when the attack on your religion took place. I wasnt in EE chat that night. I wasnt on forums that night. I came into the forums telling you not to listen to the people insulting you THE NEXT DAY, because you said PDM was attacking you, when we weren't, it was just a couple of people being jerks, and to reassure you that PDM had nothing against you, just a member or two might have acted out.

You then turned on me and called me nazi, snowflake, lefty, liberal, trumper, now peasent, WHEN I NEVER SAID A GOD DAMN THING ABOUT YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE....

So, get your story straight before you claim people can't be trusted when it's you lying to everyone about your interactions with ME.


I never in 20 years of playing earth ever posted a single thing about my private beliefs on the forum. That was the guy that I supposedly hate for being gay. (I’ve never had a beef with gay people by the way, a total lie by gonz0)

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Rocky79:
This game is so transphobic

What does everyone have against rainbows?

The rainbow is a historically Jewish symbol, it is cultural appropriation and anti-semetic to use it as a symbol for gay sex when that is forbidden under the law of Hashem the holy one of Israel.

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Rocky79:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Rocky79:
This game is so transphobic

What does everyone have against rainbows?

The rainbow is a historically Jewish symbol, it is cultural appropriation and anti-semetic to use it as a symbol for gay sex when that is forbidden under the law of Hashem the holy one of Israel.

What about trannys?

Ahhh yes let me direct you to Isaiah 56:4

“For so says the Lord to the eunuchs who will keep My Sabbaths and will choose what I desire and hold fast to My covenant”

Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by EmpyreanMKR:
Originally posted by Cathankins:

You quite literally attacked me because of my beliefs.

And if I defend them I get banned and deleted lol

Very fair

I never did any such thing. I did yell at you for shoving your beliefs down my throat, however, I did not attack you for having your beliefs. What you are, and practice is FINE with me, my best friend is a jewish man, but he doesnt shove it down my throat for walking into the room, you shoving them up my a** is not cool, so kiss it pal, you started this between the two of us and you can't figure out a way out. If you stop and use that empty lump 3 feet above you a**, you would know I wasnt there when the attack on your religion took place. I wasnt in EE chat that night. I wasnt on forums that night. I came into the forums telling you not to listen to the people insulting you THE NEXT DAY, because you said PDM was attacking you, when we weren't, it was just a couple of people being jerks, and to reassure you that PDM had nothing against you, just a member or two might have acted out.

You then turned on me and called me nazi, snowflake, lefty, liberal, trumper, now peasent, WHEN I NEVER SAID A GOD DAMN THING ABOUT YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE....

So, get your story straight before you claim people can't be trusted when it's you lying to everyone about your interactions with ME.


I never in 20 years of playing earth ever posted a single thing about my private beliefs on the forum. That was the guy that I supposedly hate for being gay. (I’ve never had a beef with gay people by the way, a total lie by gonz0)

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Rocky79:
This game is so transphobic

What does everyone have against rainbows?

The rainbow is a historically Jewish symbol, it is cultural appropriation and anti-semetic to use it as a symbol for gay sex when that is forbidden under the law of Hashem the holy one of Israel.

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Rocky79:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Rocky79:
This game is so transphobic

What does everyone have against rainbows?

The rainbow is a historically Jewish symbol, it is cultural appropriation and anti-semetic to use it as a symbol for gay sex when that is forbidden under the law of Hashem the holy one of Israel.

What about trannys?

Ahhh yes let me direct you to Isaiah 56:4

“For so says the Lord to the eunuchs who will keep My Sabbaths and will choose what I desire and hold fast to My covenant”

I didn’t say a single thing about my personal beliefs here or try to force them upon everyone. I was making a joke and pretending to be super offended over everything like certain people do and making light of it.

The fact that you are now still upset this long after is pretty hilarious though. You really are a hater aren’t you g0nz0 haha

You didn't mention your personal beliefs?

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:

Serious man, I’ve spent my entire life watching boomers and American gentiles thank the boot on their neck. I have zero respect for these cattle. They have zero respect for themselves. Drug laws are the main bs reason used to harass them and abuse them, “pull over mam I need to inspect your car for a lortab”

Then off to the systemic torture dungeons where they lock you in the cage to be torture by “them”.

I won’t say who they are but we all know, we just aren’t allowed to say, aren’t allowed to talk about the violence by them. Welcome to America, the land of the free.

This is why you lost visitation rights with the kids. You wasted our Disney World fund on fertilizer, a CNC machine, bullets and MRE's. There are containment zones for "you people". Back to court ordered therapy Rufus.

For the record I don’t believe any of they redneck America crap about “much freedom” and all bs. It’s clear Americans themselves don’t care about it freedom as it’s been stripped and they still defend the people who turns their country into a police state.

You would think They would at least stand up for the founding laws of the country but no then don’t even do that.

Now besides the fact that obviously Americans have no problems with their constitution being trampled, the founding idea of the country itself goes against my religion, Judaism.

I believe in following Gods laws when it comes to women’s rights, when it comes to race and multiculturalism, I believe in the torah.

Americans obviously do not, they take great pride in the fact that their country is built on defying Gods laws and freedom from God.

Built on equality, lucifers dream of us all being equal. But that’s not what the torah says is it?

But these America’s you compare me to, they don’t even respect their own satanic laws, you certainly can’t expect me to.

Their ruling clsss I watch abuse them and break all of the laws the founding fathers set, the courts don’t follow any of the founding laws whatsoever. then I watch the citizens not even care.

I geniunekly believe Americans are the ultimate shabbos goyim, no man with self respect or a love of God would be a part of a nation such as that. Truly a godless bunch of Satanists.

g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 5th 2024, 20:42:19

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:

Serious man, I’ve spent my entire life watching boomers and American gentiles thank the boot on their neck. I have zero respect for these cattle. They have zero respect for themselves. Drug laws are the main bs reason used to harass them and abuse them, “pull over mam I need to inspect your car for a lortab”

Then off to the systemic torture dungeons where they lock you in the cage to be torture by “them”.

I won’t say who they are but we all know, we just aren’t allowed to say, aren’t allowed to talk about the violence by them. Welcome to America, the land of the free.

This is why you lost visitation rights with the kids. You wasted our Disney World fund on fertilizer, a CNC machine, bullets and MRE's. There are containment zones for "you people". Back to court ordered therapy Rufus.

I’m a zionist Jew, I want to enslave the gentiles. No idea why you would compare me to Christian cattle. I respect my bloodlines and race, Christians obviously do not care about their own people nor do Americans. No idea why you think I would want to associate with either one of those groups.

Yes I do agree your courts are corrupt and abuse their citizens though, I agree this is a likely scenario for speaking out against corruption. It’s very obvious the ruling class in America have betrayed their constituents and Ethnic people.

These are all from April/may 2022 btw

g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 5th 2024, 20:34:56

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by EmpyreanMKR:
Originally posted by Cathankins:

You quite literally attacked me because of my beliefs.

And if I defend them I get banned and deleted lol

Very fair

I never did any such thing. I did yell at you for shoving your beliefs down my throat, however, I did not attack you for having your beliefs. What you are, and practice is FINE with me, my best friend is a jewish man, but he doesnt shove it down my throat for walking into the room, you shoving them up my a** is not cool, so kiss it pal, you started this between the two of us and you can't figure out a way out. If you stop and use that empty lump 3 feet above you a**, you would know I wasnt there when the attack on your religion took place. I wasnt in EE chat that night. I wasnt on forums that night. I came into the forums telling you not to listen to the people insulting you THE NEXT DAY, because you said PDM was attacking you, when we weren't, it was just a couple of people being jerks, and to reassure you that PDM had nothing against you, just a member or two might have acted out.

You then turned on me and called me nazi, snowflake, lefty, liberal, trumper, now peasent, WHEN I NEVER SAID A GOD DAMN THING ABOUT YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE....

So, get your story straight before you claim people can't be trusted when it's you lying to everyone about your interactions with ME.


I never in 20 years of playing earth ever posted a single thing about my private beliefs on the forum. That was the guy that I supposedly hate for being gay. (I’ve never had a beef with gay people by the way, a total lie by gonz0)

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Rocky79:
This game is so transphobic

What does everyone have against rainbows?

The rainbow is a historically Jewish symbol, it is cultural appropriation and anti-semetic to use it as a symbol for gay sex when that is forbidden under the law of Hashem the holy one of Israel.

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Rocky79:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Rocky79:
This game is so transphobic

What does everyone have against rainbows?

The rainbow is a historically Jewish symbol, it is cultural appropriation and anti-semetic to use it as a symbol for gay sex when that is forbidden under the law of Hashem the holy one of Israel.

What about trannys?

Ahhh yes let me direct you to Isaiah 56:4

“For so says the Lord to the eunuchs who will keep My Sabbaths and will choose what I desire and hold fast to My covenant”

g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 5th 2024, 18:21:22

Originally posted by Cathankins:
All I ask is that you quit attacking my religion and I will quit bringing it up.

You guys keep bringing it up (I never posted my beliefs here in decades Of playing)

Now every time I’m here you say these little subtle attacks against my religious beliefs and if I respond in any way I was banned from the forums.

How is this fair?

Maybe you should quit bringing it up?

I mean it’s obvious that you are upset you cannot force your religion of equality upon me

That’s why you and gonzo have a chip on your shoulder. I have done nothing to either of you and don’t even know who you are

You absolutely do force your beliefs on the community. And the lies about "subtle attacks" is in reality what YOU have been doing. Talking about America being destroyed and the ushering of your ruling over the slaves/ peasants. Insulting anyone and everyone, including Jewish players for "not being a true Jew" or shaming them for not joining your hate sermons. "Isnt g0nz0 Hispanic"? "Doug will suffer eternal torment for being gay". You received a ban because you were attacking the entire community. Primeval gave a stern warning but you just couldn't walk away. Nobody asked you fluff except "Whats a goyim and why do you keep calling us that"?
Now enjoy your remaining time here as this retirement communities bedpan.

ps Im open for discussion over in GT if you need a place to milk your red cow and draw up plans for global domination and a location for the slave stable. I dont have a chip on my shoulder but truth is on my side.

g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 4th 2024, 13:29:37

Originally posted by Josey Wales:
Really looking forward to next set.

We’ll all be reminiscing… remember those good ole’ netting days…

They're not going anywhere bullseye. You and Cathy can smack your heads against a wall all you want. There are 30+ players who want nothing more than warfare and turning you inside out. You guys can get 1 suicide each, then its restart and spending 2 months as target practice. If you're lucky the multi creating cheaters BHole and Milky will join and give some comic relief when BHole starts posting about your suicide targets being bullies and griefers. If the Russians have a moment of sobriety between bottles and beating their wife, they will tag M4D, but I expect they will go untag and join your reject revolution. Next set will end with you begging for pacts and praying Gerdler is still skulking around behind the curtain pimping for clangdi immunity.

g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 3rd 2024, 20:17:13

Originally posted by Turtle Crawler:
Gonzo you are gaslighting. Your putting your desired perception in place of reality because reality doesn't yield desirable results. Everyone else sees the truth, lying to yourself is pointless.

Whats that TC? Which part?
Secret discord chats.
LaF leadership working directly with a developer to provide immunity from attacks.
The code being implemented the same set it is announced.
The ultimatums.
Hotfixes to provide immunity from spy ops.
More ultimatums.
A post written by an unbanned permabanned "i wuz drunk when it happened" honest and unbiased player. Which clan do you play in?

g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 3rd 2024, 19:16:46

Originally posted by Slagpit:
Originally posted by Tertius:
Originally posted by Slagpit:
g0nz0, clan GDI currently is not in the game and Gerdler is not playing this game. How is this evidence of special treatment? The admins didn't do the gameplay change that he wanted and he quit.

Just to touch on this - that's the current state, but during the time, it seemed like Gerdler pushed for the implementation of ClanGDI directly to qz on discord (it may have also included others from LaF); there was no discussion on the forums that it would be coming or asking for input until after it was decided and ready to go. It was a complete surprise to everyone except LaF that it was coming.

So admins did do the gameplay change Gerdler wanted, and then the rest of the server revolted because it was too extreme (and while you can never please everyone, you can see in the comments that removing the politics and clan interactions for this server removed the whole point of it). That lasted for several months, until it was further discussed in the forums to be rolled back and implemented with changes in a future version. At that point, given that LaF had made a number of diplomatic missteps, even longer ago leading to the war, and now unilaterally pushing for this change that fundamentally altered the game (even after they had been given longterm pacts from their enemies), they did not return (as they reasonably expected those unhappy folks to further continue the multi-set wars once the artificial protection was removed).

You used speculative language such as "it seemed like Gerdler pushed" and "it may have also included others from LaF" but from that concluded "So admins did do the gameplay change Gerdler wanted". It's only improper if qz implemented the change to benefit a clan or as quid pro quo for someone to moderate the forums. Neither one of those happened. Pang started the development in 2019:

I used to play with you on the team server and I remember it being fun. Can you do me a favor and stop pushing narratives like this? What is the actual, concrete problem here? What is it that the admin team could have done better?

You said that the changes came as a surprise. I don't know what the exact timing was, but maybe there wasn't enough advance notice of the changes. Sure, I can take that feedback. In a ideal world, for Alliance I think that we would give players at least a month of notice for major changes. I don't know what happened specifically in terms of the clan GDI rollout. Maybe qz ran into technical or other obstacles that resulted in him not being able to give as much notice as he would have liked.

Is there a demand that all game feedback to admins needs to be made publicly on these forums? I'm never going to agree with that. People on these forums are way too toxic. Some of the posters in this thread are practically unhinged. I'm not going to require that someone engage on these forums and to put up with that abuse just because they have an idea to improve the game.

What else?

You honestly have no idea what happens here anymore. These years long breaks, then pop in and talk about "My Property!"

Read through the HUNDREDS of posts regarding clangdi. You seem determined to deny anything and everything.

"You used speculative language such as "it seemed like Gerdler pushed" and "it may have also included others from LaF" but from that concluded "So admins did do the gameplay change Gerdler wanted". It's only improper if qz implemented the change to benefit a clan..."

Thats exactly what happened.

Gerdler abused his access to development. He did this in secret discord chats with qz, brogain and probably other LaF.
The scheme, as you noted, was to present it as "Well, we're just following up on some old projects..."
For a change that fundamentally altered the Alliance server in major ways, YES the community should be included BEFORE, not after the code is uploaded. Everyone knew why it was being forced down our throats. Its why it went from "this solves suicides" to "implement this or LaF leaves forever".
Other schemes Gerdler has tried:
Remove anonymous spy ops.
List all FA sent/received in post set stats. (from "determine fa aided finishes" to admitting "if clans send aid during war aka proxy warfare)
Gaining access to game dbase after server crash then deny taking action in-game based on what he saw.

You've offered up some creative updates, as I said before thats all welcome and nifty. So lets start coding. Discussion on topics you have had nothing to do with for years and throwing "my way or highway" is not helpful or a useful employment of the extremely limited time you will be here.

g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 3rd 2024, 18:08:11

Originally posted by Turtle Crawler:
Originally posted by Slagpit:

How do you negotiate with a group of players who doesn't care about TNW and thinks that it's fun to kill you?

Let's suppose that all clans cared about their TNW. In that case, we could consider war to be the last resort when diplomacy fails because both involved clans will ultimately lose NW from their war. War could be a tool for smaller clans to stop larger clans from bullying them: "if you landgrab us too much then we'll make sure that both of us lose".

Let's again suppose that all clans cared about TNW. We could also consider war to be a risky strategy that some clans use in an attempt to gain TNW. Consider a larger clan doing a landgrab FS of sorts against a small clan. Perhaps the smaller clan could ruin a few of the attacking countries, but maybe the larger clan gains overall. In this case, we would say that the smaller clan needs to recruit more members or they need to form defensive alliances with other clans.

Now let's suppose that all clans do not care about TNW. What is the purpose of war? Well, there is no purpose. War is fought for the sake of fighting war. Isn't the problem with this environment obvious?

Yes it's quite obvious, and clan GDI remains the only real answer for those who only want to net and not deal with those who just want to kill them for fun. Just let people play how they want. People's only real opposition to it was that it stops them from griefing whoever they want and it has no other negative side effects. IMO admins need to decide if they want to have organized griefing or not and act on it. Also most of the server supports it and finds the current setup to be stressful and not fun.

Solving the griefer/ suicide infestation was simple. No tag no attack. You can hit bots. A tag can only attack another tag with equal numbers. No harmful spy ops. The rest is up to leadership and diplomacy. The entire community came to this conclusion back when it was revealed gerdler and brogaine were having secret meetings with development and finally decided to ask for our input.
You wanna fight join a clan.

g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 2nd 2024, 7:03:41

Originally posted by Slagpit:

1.) There are three game admins right now. Two of them are available under the right circumstances but aren't active. We could decide to shut the game down tomorrow if we wanted to. That event would be effectively a permanent ban of every single player here. Just like any other website on the internet, this site is our private property. None of you have any guaranteed right to use our services.

2.) The game admins have absolute power due to the nature of how websites work. We can see and edit the data in the database. We can see and edit the game code. If you believe that the game admins are biased, corrupt, or engaging in other nefarious activity then I suggest that you find a different game that has admins that you feel that you can trust. It simply does not make sense for a player to participate in a rigged game.

3.) The game admins do not currently play on any clan-based servers. Even if they did so in the future, gameplay changes are not made to benefit or hurt any specific clan. Game and forum moderators do not have any special influence over gameplay changes. For better or worse, the attempted process for gameplay changes is a meritocracy: we try to take the best ideas from players and our own minds. If you have an idea for a gameplay change or even just a complaint, post it in the right place and an admin will read it.

4.) We do not make gameplay changes in response to players threatening to quit. The reason for this is simple: players often want different things. Player A could say that he will quit unless Clan GDI is enabled and player B could say that he will quit unless Clan GDI is disabled. It is impossible to satisfy both players.

5.) I am appreciative of the players who help keep this website through patron and premium running but it does not entitle you to have your demands met. Requests and suggestions from all players are treated equally. Patron status is a way to show support for the game and to get access to the Patron forum. That is all. It is not something that you can use to get a player banned, unbanned, or to get any kind of gameplay change made on your behalf.

6.) I have always been honest with this community. I have, by far, the most to lose by lying out of anyone here. I have no idea why some of you are so eager to believe every bad rumor, conspiracy theory, or piece of propaganda that you come across. I will give you a very direct hint: the players who deliberately stir up trouble against the game staff are lying to you. They have lied to you in the past and will lie to you in the future. They have nothing to lose by lying. Tricking you is a fun little game to them.

7.) The game on offer here is a text-based game where you play turns to grow your country. There is no other game on offer here. This includes activities such as harassing players or staff until they quit, working to expose "corruption", or any other conflict with the game staff. Moderators and administrators are neutral parties and are not in conflict with players. To be frank, think about how little sense that makes in the first place. If players are in conflict with the people who own the game then what is the winning condition for the players?

8.) My goal here is to create a fun gameplay experience for players. The game is here if you want to play it. If you don't want to play it, that's fine too. I don't view every player as a precious resource that must be protected at any costs. Some players do an extreme amount of harm to the community and game compared to the benefit provided by one additional active user.

9.) We've had the same rules posted since 2010: . Some players have the idea that running multies is the worst possible offense and the only thing that they are not permitted to do. That is not true. I would also like to direct your attention to this line: "In extreme cases, such as hacking or breaking other laws, players may find themselves banned from all game related areas."

1.) You arent "active" though. You are sporadic with years in between posts. You are "active" right now, in a few days you will vanish for years while the server mods "actively" run the game. The server mods are the ones who actually know and handle the 24/7 gameplay, whether it is community or continuity of server access. You get updates and bored enough to participate in "your private property". I gotta say this is the first time since Mars 2025 where I have witnessed the site admin threatening to "pull the plug". Disconcerting considering thats ultimately what shut Mars down.

2.) Thats tyrannical and equally disconcerting as threatening to shut down the game. This is a "shut up or gtfo".

3. And 4.) Gerdler is a forum moderator and did absolutely abuse his level of influence and access to developers and did so with the overt "threat" that if his demands were not met then the entire LaF roster would permanently abandon the game in protest.

5.) Agreed. I get the concept, but the monetary contribution earns specific entitlements, like alpha and bonus turns.

6.) There are most certainly behind the scenes drama and conspiring. Again your sporadic activity leaves you out of the loop. Unless you spend every day reading every post the details revealed lead to everything from bans to dissolving of decade old clans. Leadership corruption, double agents, multis, suicide pacts, irl grievance.

7.) Confirmation bias: The Post.

8.) 100%

9.) Turtle Crawler. Gerdler. Players threatening to kill people who dont align with their religion or political affiliations. Some get banned, some dont. Others get unbanned based on moderaters deeming the offender "learned their lesson".

Thank you for taking time to consider updating or creating entirely new servers. As always if it adds a new challenge or balance it is most welcomed. The elderly and institutionalized folk get nervous when big changes or disruptive policies are enacted and tend to lash out. Offer 2 cups of tapioca or double bread pudding, maybe +30 minutes for Bingo night.

Have a Swirvey new year.

g0nz0 Game profile


Mar 28th 2024, 3:46:26

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by BigP:

Yes. That is long dealt with :)
Now I have ran over another bunny :(

Shes got a taste for blood its stray cats and the neighbors dog. Do you stop to examine your kill? Take pics for later. I would. Its cool Gal. No judgement (except hell where you're going for murdered bunnies and a dog).

"Pluck". jfc

g0nz0 Game profile


Mar 26th 2024, 2:46:48

1 young rabbit (cut into serving pieces)
2 c buttermilk
4 clove garlic (minced)
1 tsp oregano, dried
1 tspb thyme, dried
1 tsp rosemary, dried
1 tsp paprika
3 tsp cayenne pepper
1 onion (sliced)
2 c flour
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp onion powder
salt and pepper

Place the rabbit in a zip-lock bag with the buttermilk, onion, garlic (minced), oregano, thyme, rosemary, paprika, and 1 tsp of cayenne. Marinate overnight in fridge.

In another zip-lock bag mix the flour, garlic powder, onion powder, 2 tsp cayenne pepper, and season well with salt and pepper. Heat 2-3 cups of oil in a large skillet over medium heat.

Drain the rabbit from the buttermilk. Toss pieces into the flour mixture and shake until well coated. Add the rabbit to the skillet and fry for 10 minutes until golden brown on each side. Be careful to keep the oil hot enough to fry the rabbit, but not so that it burns. When done place on wire rack to drain excess oil.

g0nz0 Game profile


Mar 24th 2024, 7:32:35

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Gonzo - I'm sorry friend, but you're wrong about quite a few things.

I do play solo servers. I do not know milk personally. And I'm a reformed cheater, hence why I posted here and admitted to my sins!

Im never wrong. My answers may not always fit the question but horseshoes and hand grenades.
You play solo? Nobody noticed without the suicide or forum novella's.
You know Milk well enough to talk to him outside the game and have explicit details about his cheating methods and the high he got from avoiding detection by mods tracking cheating fluffs like you.

Speaking of sausage smoking cheaters, there is NO such thing as "reformed" cheaters. You will forever hold the title. Nothing you post here or whatever fantasy world you frolick through will change reality.
Nobody wants you in team, alliance or any other community server. You want express? Tournament? Sit in your corner and stroke.
Find a clan or team who wants you and witness the entire server point and laugh.

So, cheating lying multi-running back door beauty. Take the walk of shame over to Josey and his punching bag. Suicide, griefer or target practice. Thats your legacy.

g0nz0 Game profile


Mar 23rd 2024, 20:46:38

Originally posted by Slagpit:
We plan to create a new netgaining clan-based server tentatively named the Cooperation server. On this server, it is not possible to attack or to perform harmful spy ops on player countries. Countries will start with 99 turns, will gain 1 turn every 24 minutes, and can hold a maximum of 240 (480) turns.

Clans will use team-style restrictions with a maximum of 100 countries per tag. Players cannot spend turns if they are untagged. Players cannot drop their tag, self delete, or drop acres. Clan admins will have a configuration option that allows open access to the tag. New players could join a random tag which allows for clan joins without the tag password. NPC countries would use the latest code ("express style") and would not be able to get allies.

This game server will have a number of special rules:

* A tech point is worth 4 NW instead of 2 NW.

* Only SS attacks are permitted.
* Attacking military losses increase by 1% for every 2 attacks that have been performed over the full round. For example, if a country has performed 200 attacks then they could lose 100% of what they sent on an attack.
* Medical tech reduces attack military losses. The loss reduction is applied after the SS penalty is applied.
* Attacks do not provide ghost acres.
* The minimum acres per grab is 1 instead of 10.
* One barrel of oil will support 15 jets or tanks. Troops do not use oil.
* There are no humanitarians range restrictions.

* Research allies provide double the typical benefit to allied countries that have less than 10% of the TPT of the techer.
* Offensive ally military losses are impacted by their govt modifier, weapons tech, and medical tech.
* Offensive ally military losses are not impacted by the SS penalty for either country.
* FA packages cannot be sent.

* The daily spy op limit per country is 5.
* All information ops are allowed against other players.
* All types of ops are allowed against NPC countries.

The rule customizations attempt to drive late set public market demand, make landgrabbing an NPC country a meaningful and strategic choice, and to encourage players to tag up with like-minded players. A player could create their own tag and play by themself but they would be playing at a disadvantage. I'm not fully satisfied with the extra military loss mechanic and expect to replace it one day with a different system, but the loss mechanic system is relatively easy to create.

Please share any feedback or ideas that you have for the Cooperation server.

*Players cant drop acres.

* A tech point is worth 4 NW instead of 2 NW.

* Attacks do not provide ghost acres.

*Troops do not use oil.

Would this lead to all troop grabbing and a shift in markets from jet to troop monopoly? Loss of oil market.

* The daily spy op limit per country is 5.

g0nz0 Game profile


Mar 23rd 2024, 20:31:13

Originally posted by Requiem:

* Attacking military losses increase by 1% for every 2 attacks that have been performed over the full round. For example, if a country has performed 200 attacks then they could lose 100% of what they sent on an attack.
--> I don't know how I feel about this kind of limit. For example, in 1a, I've already done 200 attacks. Does this mean that after let's say, 25-30 days, I am basically done grabbing?

Not if you buy Med tech.
* Medical tech reduces attack military losses. The loss reduction is applied after the SS penalty is applied.

g0nz0 Game profile


Mar 23rd 2024, 19:41:05

Originally posted by BlackHole:

Wow. I'm so dumb.

Wow, can't believe it took me this long to figure that out.

You admit to cheating by playing multis and aiding others to do the same.
You are a liar by pretending to join a clan or chat only to post screenshot and private convos.
You are a liability to any clan outside of Suicide Squad.
You dont play solo servers.

Why are you still here? To dunk it in Milk? You know him personally. Call or text. Taunt him with short stories and insights. Send Bhole pics. Stand outside his window with a boom box. Its time to go man. Take your cheating no talent target practice boy toy with you.

Both you and Milk are Cheaters! Liars! Griefers! Poisoning our community.
Or sit here in the forums talking to yourself and ruin other players gaming experience by suicidal tendencies. Stupid is as stupid does i guess.

g0nz0 Game profile


Mar 19th 2024, 23:11:46

Originally posted by BROmanceNZ:
Anyone got reckons on this?

Poking the bear and suckling the US MIC tit. Maybe a sense of relevance? Sweden was already an Ehanced Opportunity Partner, so this doesn't change anything. Just looks good during election season.

g0nz0 Game profile


Mar 19th 2024, 22:55:13

Originally posted by Marc:
Sorry, how does Evo fit into all this?

Cathy played in Evo for a short while. LaF executed the Evo crew in the last couple weeks of a set last year because they were warring Mercs and couldn't net. He held that grudge (justified) and last set discovered a former LaF player had joined Evo and trashed him. He has since been banned and stripped of titles in Evolution. He wants back in but that door is locked. The other reason being Evo is a netting clan and this new suicide squad wants easy targets.