
g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 20th 2021, 18:43:09

Originally posted by Darfius:
Is there a place to see the results of last round?
Click on Express at top of page. Select your set. Scroll down. Read results paired with Earl Grey and a touch of honey added.

Edit:There is a checkbox at bottom of country list to include dead (or deleted :(( ) countries.

Edited By: g0nz0 on Sep 20th 2021, 18:45:59
See Original Post

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 20th 2021, 18:12:19

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:

You have constructive input mr. "Welcome back"?
You know I'm right and so does she. That's why the "oh well, I goofed, try again next set" "I totally gave you a warning, except I didn't, but lol anyway" "not my problem".

I'm not qbert, and you (she) didn't warn me of any violations.

galeri nor galleri nor any mod needs to give you a warning. Nor did galeri or galleri tell you that she goofed.
Do you cheat in monopoly and then cry you didn't read the instructions? Or do you feel above everyone else? Asking for a friend.

Your example doesn't work. How would I even know how to play without instructions? Anyway. I never cheated in this game. I've maintained my honor, even fighting against clans who were known to use multis.

You gave no warning. A link to the rules page, with no comment, in a random post in no way related to browsers. Then banned me days later in the last hours of express. That is extreme and unprofessional. I don't expect you to admit to goofing. Just hide behind a title and mental gymnastics.

Edit: I have been using this browser for years, always solving captchas. I wasn't aware until this scenario that it was a bannable offense. I know you are tired of dealing with 40yo in Speedos, but your only option is handing the mod button to someone else who wants to participate more. Don't hate me because I'm beautiful.

Edited By: g0nz0 on Sep 20th 2021, 18:18:07
See Original Post

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 20th 2021, 18:04:20

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:

What's the matter KoH? You seem a little cloudy lately. Bad weather, got the Rona, what's up? We are a community who cares about each other. Talk to me.

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 20th 2021, 14:50:03

Originally posted by Requiem:
What is EOS?

End Of Set Surprise
Technically it would be EOSS.

Suicides, top feeds, etc

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 20th 2021, 10:14:49

A disturbance in the Force. Jedi Masters have returned to Earth Empires. She is in danger. The rulers have grown cold and detatched. Their love for us, after so many years, begins to fade...

It's been 22 years. I won't let her die while my hands are still capable of weilding a saber.

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 20th 2021, 7:06:49

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:

You have constructive input mr. "Welcome back"?
You know I'm right and so does she. That's why the "oh well, I goofed, try again next set" "I totally gave you a warning, except I didn't, but lol anyway" "not my problem".

I'm not qbert, and you (she) didn't warn me of any violations.

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 20th 2021, 6:05:54

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by SuperFly:

Is that collusion, hacking, information sharing or what?

The answer to that, and many other such cases, is why we have activated the Honorable Robert S. Meuller III.
He will determine who shared this classified, often explicit (occasionally erotic) information. The time for truth is now.


Welcome back, can I kill you again?

Ohhhh looky what we have here

This is where Galeri believed she had discovered a banned player (Qbert). After seeing my posts and realising she fudged up, decided to go with "Sorry sweetie, no VPN. I know I didn't warn you, it looks bad for me, but not nearly as much for banning a player on a hunch."

Spin them wheels!!

How long til this thread gets deleted?

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 20th 2021, 4:13:08

Originally posted by mrford:
Prime is a fluff. Galleri is a nub. It is as it always was.

Yeah I notice Galeri either locks or DELETES a thread that looks messy on her end. Shutting players down, abusing power then *tee-hee* "you can try again next set LOLOL #sorrynotsorry stupidhead"

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 19th 2021, 22:02:20

Originally posted by Requiem:
He told me he was Qbert playing on a VPN.

Shut up! I'm rolling with the lame VPN scuse. I didn't come back to get harrassed by Karen. This game belongs to me.

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 19th 2021, 21:19:59

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by g0nz0:
You were here when you "warned" me (not really). You didn't say anything about what rules.

This was bullfluff and you ruined a set for no good reason. If there was a specific violation you address it, not "you know, the thing..."
Now pretend you didn't mess up and shrug it off. It's bon bon Netty time.

Dude. You see the date on there? That is not today....
Now you switch to "what rules" lol 😂

What you claim is a warning doesn't actually say "what rules" does it galeri? It doesn't really seem much like a warning at all. You linked it to a response to another player. I had no idea why, up until you ban my account days later. Still no actual warning.
I'm not qbert

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 19th 2021, 20:04:07

You were here when you "warned" me (not really). You didn't say anything about what rules.

This was bullfluff and you ruined a set for no good reason. If there was a specific violation you address it, not "you know, the thing..."
Now pretend you didn't mess up and shrug it off. It's bon bon Netty time.

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 19th 2021, 19:54:02

You could have given a warning. I would have switched to a regular browser. Why straight to ban?

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 19th 2021, 19:49:23

I didn't see a restriction on TOR/VPN.

Do you think giving me a notice/warning before banning me EOS would be what real honest mod would do? WTF

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 19th 2021, 19:36:11

Well I am in the forums posting all day. Usually mods hang about and handle issues.

I posted within minutes of the ban. That means the mod saw my post and read the replies. Now we have to figure an explanation for banning an innocent player. We won't get that til after the set ends. "Just in case" ;))

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 19th 2021, 19:15:24

Originally posted by Gerdler:
Did they say that? Or are you just making this up?

Honestly, for all the dozens offinishes I've had ruined for me in the interest of some idiot to have their 2 minutes of fun, I think you should appreciate that having a decent finish ruined for something good; someone trying to keep the game clean, is better than for something useless. Now if this is a clerical error it is regrettable that your finish was ruined but you can be sure it won't happen again.

I can't be sure this won't happen because I don't know how it happened. If it was this "qbert" thing, why did it take 3 days? If there was something else, where is the warning?
I sign out for 30 minutes and come back to deleted country.

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 19th 2021, 19:00:05

Originally posted by Gerdler:
I've got no clue who Qbert is. Nor do I about this deletion. Should I?

You should gerdler. If a mod thinks you are "Qbert", they will watch you play out your set, then in the middle of destock lock the account. You would have had an awesome top 5 finish, but instead you watch the round end knowing you wasted 3 days of your life.

It's pretty fluffed. Right in the ear.

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 19th 2021, 18:25:54

Nothing in that post violates rules. Is that what caused this? What the fluff am I missing here?

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 19th 2021, 17:32:02

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
No, he violated rules, you really need to remove your tinfoil hat bro.

What rules? What the fudge are you people talking about? What is this?! Why hours before?

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 19th 2021, 15:37:43

What's the holdup? Unlock my country. You are ruining a personal best set. wt*?

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 19th 2021, 0:15:09

#2 Heavy Metal
#21 Fisherman Bitter (bot)

100 AB attacks #95 ---> #21

Fat fingered his EOS like a silly ass?

Talk amongst yaselves.

Edited By: g0nz0 on Sep 19th 2021, 0:18:53
See Original Post

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 17th 2021, 3:47:23

Originally posted by SuperFly:

Is that collusion, hacking, information sharing or what?

The answer to that, and many other such cases, is why we have activated the Honorable Robert S. Meuller III.
He will determine who shared this classified, often explicit (occasionally erotic) information. The time for truth is now.


g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 16th 2021, 20:33:36

I didn't read any of your blog. Just get back in game and keep the drama in Alliance where it belongs.

Hold my kittens plz

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 16th 2021, 19:19:58

Originally posted by galleri:
I can undelete the threads. You all sitting there with "galleri is team gerdler".
No I am team galleri.
Gerdler's post got deleted.
SF's post got deleted.
Tired of you 40 year old men sitting in speedos, drinking trulys and crying about each other.
Give me a damn headache. So poof. I mean who you gonna call? lol

Y'all be getting on ma last nerve!
I ain't here to be babysittin yo a$s while there's Netflix to be watched!
You need to move along and get along!

Hear now?

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 7th 2021, 13:20:25

Originally posted by cordycsw:
yeah getting boring in here.

someone change it up!

Google translate: I will suicide top 10 next reset.

eat fluff lol sorrynotsorry!

g0nz0 Game profile


Oct 7th 2019, 17:07:37

I'm skipping tournament. Too many "bored" players who start farming, praying for war because express is too short and netting really is boring as fluff. No thanks to 30 days of ops and ab's. I've experienced it doesn't matter which server, tournament is infested. Maybe we could have a net server and war server in tournament? Direct the hooligans and miscreants to the bin!

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 25th 2019, 7:04:30

Originally posted by M59Gar:
Either retal 1:1 within 48 hours, or simply move on. I don't approve of EoSS, but for some its satisfying as a form of revenge.

1: Is within 48 hours some kind of rule?

2: What's EoSS?

1) More of a guideline. If you are spending resources and turns and waiting 4-5 days, chances are you have altered your strat or are losing momentum. If you don't have the troops to hit back, and are buying or building them specific for retal, this is better spent improving your economy, or building more defense.

2) End of Set Surprise. Waiting until the last day, when people are trying for solid finish. You unleash all missiles, spy ops, AB, whatever you got. This happens to top 10's frequently.

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 24th 2019, 15:10:18

Originally posted by M59Gar:
When people say 'just enough defense to keep the land you have', I genuinely don't understand.

I've gone literally all turrets. Maxed it out. 30%+ defense bonus from bonus points, 140% weapons.

And random people can still just Planned Strike me no problem. It makes me feel as if defense is actually impossible in this game, and the only way to excel is to just be enormously larger than your opponents.

How do players 'defend themselves' in a serious manner?

Spies and missiles. I don't buy military until it's time to grab. Most players reconsider when they see your retal could punch a few holes in their country. Military doesn't mean fluff at that point. Warfare and spy tech are best to get early. Remember when using missiles, the order should be: cruise, chems, then nukes. Cruise to weaken SDI, so always first. Nukes make opponents "stronger" in most cases by increasing spal and tech effectiveness.

You still fear being hit. 1 strike will not destroy or cripple you. You can easily rebuild, or just grab another country. You WILL be hit, in every game. That's a good reason to stock. Sitting on piles of cash or food is perfect target. It's important to maintain your cool after being grabbed. A dozen ABs or GS is not going recoup your losses and is a serious waste of turns and resources. Either retal 1:1 within 48 hours, or simply move on. I don't approve of EoSS, but for some its satisfying as a form of revenge.
Don't waste bonus points on defense. Depending on your build it is either booms or extra turns. Expenses bonus can be worth it later(-10% means a lot when you are troop heavy), building costs early. All depends on your strat.

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 23rd 2019, 20:13:25

Originally posted by mac23:
It's the way express was set up in mars2025, with 1 turn per minute. I never really found a way around not having to eventually run some sort of a hybrid/rainbow strat there, because your country had to be completely self sustaining for everything. There was no option to oil destock so EE would be a little different in that aspect. M59Gar, you will always have some form of stockpiling, regardless if there is a public market or not.

Be land fat. Tech start. Heavy spal. Theo or commie best chances. Theo farmer won most I think. The $2 bill cap and no public market made stocking irrelevant. You were a dragon guarding a horde.

There was a 33 day express. Averaged 2-3 hours of sleep. Admin went on vacation (prison), or forgot to restart set. Either way it was the worst experience of my life. I still think it was retal for sanctions.

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 23rd 2019, 2:15:20

Originally posted by Brigg:
Originally posted by g0nz0:
Same for #3 in game A. Bunch of attacks, then dropped all land. #3 had a trashed country though, so his was more a resign than "suicide".

Gee, you make it sound like the attacks from #3 were unprovoked or something.

Perhaps his target was bombing over 1000 of his building each day using spies.

Purely speculation, of course.

3000+ structures per day. #3 kept rebuilding.

Sep 11, 19:21
A brigade from The Marvelous Missing Link (#3) has invaded your lands!
Their forces broke through your defences!
They took:
126 Acres (147 Gained)
131 Buildings (5 Stolen)

Sep 11, 19:21
A brigade from The Marvelous Missing Link (#3) has invaded your lands!
Their forces broke through your defences!
They took:
155 Acres (184 Gained)
160 Buildings (5 Stolen)

Sep 11, 19:21
A brigade from The Marvelous Missing Link (#3) has invaded your lands!
Their forces broke through your defences!
They took:
182 Acres (220 Gained)
187 Buildings (5 Stolen)

Sep 11, 1:09
A brigade from The Marvelous Missing Link (#3) has invaded your lands!
Their forces broke through your defences!
They took:
117 Acres (160 Gained)
116 Buildings (5 Stolen)

Sep 11, 1:09
A brigade from The Marvelous Missing Link (#3) has invaded your lands!
Their forces broke through your defences!
They took:
123 Acres (166 Gained)
121 Buildings (5 Stolen)

Sep 10, 16:30
A brigade from The Marvelous Missing Link (#3) has invaded your lands!
Their forces broke through your defences!
They took:
105 Acres (143 Gained)
100 Buildings (5 Stolen)

Sep 13, 21:19
A brigade from The Marvelous Missing Link (#3) has invaded your lands!
Their forces broke through your defences!
They took:
83 Acres (91 Gained)
119 Buildings (36 Stolen)

Sep 13, 21:18
A brigade from The Marvelous Missing Link (#3) has invaded your lands!
Their forces broke through your defences!
They took:
69 Acres (78 Gained)
100 Buildings (31 Stolen)

Sep 13, 21:18
A brigade from The Marvelous Missing Link (#3) has invaded your lands!
Their forces broke through your defences!
They took:
85 Acres (99 Gained)
125 Buildings (40 Stolen)

Sep 13, 21:18
A brigade from The Marvelous Missing Link (#3) has invaded your lands!
Their forces broke through your defences!
They took:
103 Acres (127 Gained)
152 Buildings (49 Stolen)

Sep 13, 20:46
A brigade from The Marvelous Missing Link (#3) has invaded your lands!
Their forces broke through your defences!
They took:
121 Acres (155 Gained)
176 Buildings (55 Stolen)

I speculate that #3 wanted war. This is how it started. A parking lot is how it finished.
He chose poorly. Better luck next time.

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 22nd 2019, 14:17:22

Same for #3 in game A. Bunch of attacks, then dropped all land. #3 had a trashed country though, so his was more a resign than "suicide".

So either #7 was defeated or maybe even got bored. Who knows.

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 20th 2019, 17:56:22

It's all so tiresome.

Grow balls, admit you are a multitapping skidmark, and enjoy your trashed country.

Why so many players still try that excuse, only Allah knows.


g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 17th 2019, 21:17:25

Originally posted by Brigg:
This colossal D-bag has done nothing but spend all 25 of his spy ops per day bombing my structures for like the last week straight.

This is literally all he has been doing. I sign in with 1500 unused acres and a bunch of my Constructions Zones missing. Every day for the last week straight.

Get a life, petulant scrub.

11 land grabs is 10 too many. What did you expect from them?
It seems you picked a fight with a superior opponent. When used properly, as you have experienced, spies can cause far more damage than a few GS or AB. Plus they only require 1 turn. And the dr is minimal. Build spies and take your meds.

Edited By: Primeval on Sep 18th 2019, 3:05:38

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 15th 2019, 17:36:44

Over the last 6 months, I've bio'd a couple (4-5) countries. Superior spal, as usual. Out of 50+ attempts I either fail or get a "You poisoned your own people dumbass, go call 911". In the past it would say you poisoned them, but also your own. Does this new message mean the same? If not, that means with superior spal I have either failed or botched 100% of bio ops (while getting ~80â„… success on all other op categories). Is this an anomaly, or just voodoo?

Your operatives have accidentally poisoned your own food supply! Only our scientists can save us now!

Note: no pop loss or "cured" notification.

Edited By: g0nz0 on Sep 15th 2019, 17:39:04

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 14th 2019, 2:13:30

Thought so. Any idea on the dr? Like 24 hours?

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 14th 2019, 1:09:36

Does the mil strat tech effect spy ops?

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 4th 2019, 1:01:24

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by 87Fresh:
What's the time between hits that nullifies the first hit? 24 hours?

You mean DR expiration?

When does it no longer count as double tap. What is the acceptable window.

g0nz0 Game profile


Aug 30th 2019, 17:24:11

Originally posted by Marshal:
and maybe use bonuspoints on turns too.

There is a limit to your daily spy ops. Extra turns won't help. The only effective bonus is Luck.

g0nz0 Game profile


Aug 27th 2019, 16:57:02

Originally posted by lrivx:
Hi all,

If someone steals cash or oil from me and I am not a GDI member and he/she is, am I allowed to retaliate with nukes?

Thanks in advance

I wouldn't use nukes. Chems only. Nukes will improve his spal. Increase your spy tech and eventually spy dr will force him to stop due to excessive operative loss.

g0nz0 Game profile


Aug 19th 2019, 2:02:22

The point of bots? Multi taps with no real? That was the design? Not creating greater opportunity for all players? I'm just a easy grab, you greedy fluff. What's all this talk of "bot raping is bullfluff guys. Don't ruin a dead game. Mods should say something. I do it all the time but lie like a fluffing rug about it. "

Is it okay or not?

g0nz0 Game profile


Aug 19th 2019, 1:15:49

What a bunch of greedy fluffholes. They take and they take. Farming my positrons 6 ways to Sunday. fluff em! I get no credit, just random names and a welcome mat.

Seriously guys. What if we go with adopt-a-bot? Equality and fluff.

g0nz0 Game profile


Aug 18th 2019, 6:50:37

Originally posted by Celphi:
2019-08-15 13:35:26 SS ChickenNcheese (#18) Machine Learning (#28) 81A (147A)
2019-08-16 01:16:23 SS 20 Minute Loop (#26) Machine Learning (#28) 69A (123A)
2019-08-16 07:06:39 PS ScopeCreep (#62) Machine Learning (#28) 165A (343A)
2019-08-17 02:57:09 PS Exterminate Annihilate Destroy (#64) Machine Learning (#28) 1830A (2187A)

You like to war & you need a target. Who do you pick?

Obviously #62
If you plan to suicide, make it count.

g0nz0 Game profile


Aug 18th 2019, 2:37:43

Originally posted by farmer:
why sometimes do people get deleted for tag teaming and other times not

It's up to the player to notify moderators. Game A is easy delete for 3-4 countries. But no official complaint, so they will continue. It's an obvious violation, but it would damage the market to kick them now, and he's toast anyway.

g0nz0 Game profile


Aug 17th 2019, 18:23:40

"Thought you were a bot. My bad."

"Your name was confusing. Thought you were a bot."

"Your build looks like a bots. Sorry."

"I'm a greedy multi-tapping Fargo, but not this time. I really thought you were a bot."

"Bot raping ruins the ability of other players to grow. Only top 10 players are exempt."

"What does dr mean?"


g0nz0 Game profile


Aug 14th 2019, 15:27:53

It could relate to you multi tapping, and AB RoRs. You aren't so much a threat, as you are a fluffhole. Which is why nobody wants you playing this round. With luck, your trashed country will make a few hits every couple days rest of set.

If the crew attacking you saved their turns and knew anything about fighting you would be dead tomorrow. But I expect it will be two weeks of popcorn farts and fluffposting.

Enjoy your well earned azzkicking, you greedy bastard.

g0nz0 Game profile


Aug 3rd 2019, 4:00:07

Originally posted by humicroav:
Early in the set because bushels seemed high, but it took a lot out of me converting. Now it seems normal. Smh. I'm here for the bonus.

I'm here for the bonus also.
Here's a few more words. Thoughtful and precise verbosity given. Stunning wisdom conveyed. "Hope this helps". Good luck. Have fun.