
Leto Game profile

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Apr 25th 2024, 13:44:00

Thanks TAN
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Leto Game profile

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Apr 24th 2024, 2:39:01

Originally posted by m0bzta:
Does anyone still try and bring people to this game

just need to ask

Yup. We all should reach out to our old friends and clanmates who played and try something different. Keep reaching out, set after set and nurture your friendships. I've thought about doing Facebook ads.

I love the reddit idea.
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Apr 23rd 2024, 18:44:19

I did not think to boost the server that makes a lot of sense.
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Apr 23rd 2024, 14:08:18

Originally posted by santti:
Only 14 years has gone ;)

But it still deserves to be answered :)
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Apr 23rd 2024, 1:40:16

Yes sir. I'll share on our boards.
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Apr 22nd 2024, 20:14:39

Paradigm is definitely the correct tag. I was in it for close to 20 years. Let me know which one we need to kill to sort this out
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Apr 22nd 2024, 19:54:36

Originally posted by Acheron:

A Knight Sighting!!
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Apr 22nd 2024, 17:41:34

My recommendation will always be to treat your spouse with kindness and respect while loving them. It's very important to put other people first in a relationship. It's a Monday, it's a great day to bring them flowers. You can just pick a wildflower, it's the thought that counts.
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Apr 22nd 2024, 17:03:15

Empy do you have this?
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Apr 22nd 2024, 16:57:31

We need to keep reaching out to our older players and get them involved.
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Apr 22nd 2024, 16:51:56

Originally posted by Requiem:
It's probably to add some variability to the game. It also requires you to incorporate some strategy in navigating GDI bots from a grabbing perspective.

I want bots to be marked by the game so as not to enable people _trying_ to hide as a bot for whatever reason(s) they may have.

What rationale was there to mark them on express? I would imagine that would be valid on all servers.

Agreed they should all be labeled.
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Leto Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 22nd 2024, 16:51:56

Originally posted by Requiem:
It's probably to add some variability to the game. It also requires you to incorporate some strategy in navigating GDI bots from a grabbing perspective.

I want bots to be marked by the game so as not to enable people _trying_ to hide as a bot for whatever reason(s) they may have.

What rationale was there to mark them on express? I would imagine that would be valid on all servers.

Agreed they should all be labeled.
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Leto Game profile

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Apr 22nd 2024, 14:11:12

The game moderators did their job; please show us all the purples from last round for Paradigm.
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Leto Game profile

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Apr 22nd 2024, 13:55:47

You have an interesting perspective but we know better than to argue with fools, most of the time that is. I especially like when we can click next to your name to see your previous countries in the abundance of white red and purples..
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Leto Game profile

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Apr 22nd 2024, 5:15:47

Thank you for the update
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Apr 22nd 2024, 2:32:39

*Eats popcorn
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Apr 21st 2024, 13:32:38

Maybe we need to be able to sell nukes to get around the drop in land dropping :)
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Apr 20th 2024, 2:57:44

I reached out earlier this round he was looking for some of his old pinoy friends
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Apr 17th 2024, 23:54:37

Having the restart bonus should come out of your Earth Empire's credits. Make it a premium service where you need to use more credits per 30 days and you get that benefit. That would draw some revenue that could be used for advertising or game development.
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Apr 17th 2024, 17:32:51

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Apr 16th 2024, 12:23:09

Man that sounds like a blast, great idea Mob!
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Apr 15th 2024, 22:07:23

Thanks Sov
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Apr 11th 2024, 4:19:47

Good evening all, there seems to be a bug is with emails not being sent for password recovery. I have seen a several returning guys have the same issues at this point.
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Leto Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 11th 2024, 3:01:12

Originally posted by Primeval:
Originally posted by Leto:
There's a huge block of players that are boycotting the game due to clan GDI being removed. I don't know how we get them back ...

Not as many as you might think. And for the small handful that might be, it's only been one round so far.

10 4

Originally posted by Slagpit:
I got rid of the UNAP stuff because I don't care that much about it, but I don't plan on budging on the easier recruitment. Players create new accounts every day on this site but most don't stick around for very long. I am hoping that automatically throwing them into friendly clans improves our conversion rate.

That does make sense too
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Apr 11th 2024, 2:58:20

We can try it, I like the idea of a raffle of all the warring players with team captains like a lotto where they pick their teams, one at a time.
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Leto Game profile

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Apr 10th 2024, 23:23:42

We should have more players next round on Alliance Server than this round due to the active recruiting that has been taking place. People do want to play this game, but we got to teach them how. Time is a big factor. We need more leaders that are able to help or we need to give the alliances and the players the tools they need so they can be more successful.

Imo what would grow membership is doing advertising, creating some buzz and synergy. Utilizing Facebook Ads would be a good start. There are so many people that would enjoy this game but are unfamiliar with it.

There are other things that could be done too, and this is something some of the other players have mentioned about not having access to the same tools. Having a page with strategies wouldn't be hard. Having a direct link to some of the other sites is easy. Even embedding a chat into the HTML so they can in real time talk to other players is really easy, we put one of those on our new clan site in no time.

People want the community aspect of it and some want the PVP/suiciders aspect of it. A lot of the changes proposed address a lot of these things. There's a huge block of players that are boycotting the game due to clan GDI being removed. I don't know how we get them back because there was a huge group of people that was against clan gdi too. Clan gdi had made suiciders obsolete.
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Leto Game profile

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Apr 10th 2024, 4:00:48

There is strategy on when to take your 8 hours window. For many vets, it's likely going to be the time clans are most likely to fs; as we can get alerted instantaneous when we are hit already. It would make sense for an entire alliance to black out a certain time range as a group to gain a tactical advantage. That would cause its own challenges and pivots, where clan A is zoned out from 00:00 to 08:00 by. Clan b is zoned out 08 to 16:00 gt. Making where you can only really fight from 16:00 to 24:00.

I think 2 days out of the week would be more beneficial to gameplau, but they can not be consecutive days. This would allow for more robust counterstrikes.
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Leto Game profile

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Apr 10th 2024, 2:53:08

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Leto Game profile

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Apr 10th 2024, 2:52:50

1. I would like to see the return of missiles being able to be sold.

2. Oiler tech. This would encourage different varieties of strats and change up the market.

3. Foreign Aid Frequency of 22 hrs per country, but no limit on how many you can send in a day. If you have a country with 30 turns, let them be able to send aid to 10 separate countries.

4. Eliminate end of game humanitarians, if someone hits your tag at the end of the round, you should be able to kill them.

5. Retaliation Bots. Have bots retal anyone who hits them 3 of more times in a 12 hr window.
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Leto Game profile

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Apr 9th 2024, 23:35:59

I know it's not a goodbye but a until we meet again.

Great job and excellent post!
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Leto Game profile

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Apr 9th 2024, 3:10:37

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Leto Game profile

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Apr 8th 2024, 20:38:06

Slag, If you guys just put the bots as yellow in-game then we would know who is a person and who isn't.

There is a lot of growth right now, clans and leaders are actively nurturing and growing by giving the players something they want. There's no secret sauce to it, its just doing and networking. The heavy lifting is on the clans to do it and us getting older isnt an excuse. We either want to do it or we do not.

There's a huge block of players that is not playing right now and we need to do everything we can to get them back playing. A lot of the things you had proposed definitely goes in the right direction. Thank you for investing the time into it
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Leto Game profile

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Apr 8th 2024, 0:00:52

Req please check your dm
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Leto Game profile

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Apr 4th 2024, 0:54:32

Originally posted by Slagpit:
I know that it didn't happen in the way that some people are claiming because I've known qz for over 15 years. If I had concerns that something improper happened (which is the "narrative" that is getting pushed by some people) then I would ask qz about it directly. My objection is that people are spreading propaganda that the admins are deliberately biased towards one clan. It's pure poison to the health of the community.

If clan GDI is a bad idea then it should be directly criticized on its own without regard to its supposed origins, like what Requiem did. I have no issues at all with Requiem's post. It's constructive and it's focused on the merits of the idea and possible solutions instead of focusing on goofy conspiracy theories about the origin of the idea.

As someone who does have access to all of the data and understands how development works on this site, I can confidently tell you that people have lied in this thread dozens of times. In terms of getting feedback, I would love to get useful feedback from this community. Unfortunately, attempts at doing so either end up with not a lot being said or they turn into a complete clusterfluff like this thread.

We just need advertising and less ads.
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Leto Game profile

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Apr 3rd 2024, 4:04:57

Originally posted by Symbolic:
We should go back to what this post was originally about. Trying to fourm so sort of trust and try to bury some of the hate for each other.

"We must acknowledge once and for all that the purpose of diplomacy is to prolong crisis." Mr. Spock

Peace ftw
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Leto Game profile

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Apr 2nd 2024, 13:23:36

Good morning everyone,

Effective immediately there will be an end to hostilities and there will be Peace between all clans linked to the Light and all clans linked to the Darkness.

We appreciate the fun and it was great to meet all these good people.

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Leto Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 1st 2024, 19:25:43

Originally posted by ZEN:
To anyone who actually cares.

1. Slag did reach out to me to see if I wanted to say anything on Chevs' behalf. And I told him no. I would rather Chevs quit playing this game. It is a waste of his time and as I actually care about his well being and his growing family, I will not do anything to assist in the continuation of him playing this game, but if he wants to waste his time on it that is his choice.

2. Slag gets a lot of heat on things, but it is because he is the only one that makes a definitive decision. The rest of the developers are checked out and non-committal. I don't blame them. This aggression towards Slag, in my opinion, isn't warranted. Whatever your opinions of the guy, he at least cares enough to engage with us a-holes.

3. To Slag - I consider the conversations you and I had as private and will not reveal the things we spoke about. Just as I consider my relationship with the very few people I was close with in this game as also private. I personally do NOT think Chevs deserves to be permabanned (with a caveat as shared below) as it stands. Do I think he is difficult to deal with? Yes. Do I think he did some of the things mentioned? Yes. I was there with him. Do I think that he did anything that is worth a life time ban? Depends. It is up to the staff to make that decision, but if he did then so did MULTIPLE people who are still playing this game. MYSELF included. I just think that it should be fair, and people who have done the same or WORSE things should have also been perma-banned. The fact that Chevs doesn't actually lie to anyone is a detriment to him and why I think he is being singled out. He might debate a rule, he might exploit a loose definition of that rule, but he doesn't lie. It is one of the things I actually respect about the man. That and he is a good father, husband, and human. Which can't be said about most of the people who play this game.

4. Lastly. There is one person who is involved in this game that above all else, is a cancer. This person has continuously been in the middle of most of these issues. This person lies. This person defends you on the forums (SLAG) but lies and talks fluff behind your back. At first I respected the way this person played the game, but once I found out that it actually affected people's lives and well wasn't acceptable to me anymore. I refused to talk to this person. I refuse to engage with this person. I have refused to acknowledge this person's existence until now. Slag, this person is the only reason anything was ever said about you. This person is the only reason why Chevs lost his cool and said things he shouldn't have (and I agree with his reasons). This person is the only reason why I don't feel this game is worth participating in. I will not name this person as I feel it makes me just as bad as this person. But for the people who know, they know.

I'd like to see EVERYONE who has violated rules of this nature to also receive perma-bans. It doesn't seem right to pick and choose just because you don't like the person. I am willing to put my status here in jeopardy to see equal actions if that is what it takes. I also understand if the admin group (Slag) can't go back on this decision for whatever reason. In that instance, I think I understand how things are going to work and I feel that this game is no longer in line with how I want to spend my time.

Thank you Zen, I appreciate your time in crafting this message.

I would like to personally see a some form of amnesty for everyone who is banned or an action plan for them to come back depending on the issue. People make mistakes and being held accountable is part of it. Accountability looks different to everyone and long term ban doesn't make sense in the 2024 version of the game. For many people, we have developed close knit friendships from people in this game. Many peoples spouses have come from this game. Bans gets personal and it indirectly hurts a lot of good people.

We all see this game differently too. Some people are here for the game and some are for the community. We need to do everything we can to grow the game and all options should be on the table.

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Leto Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 1st 2024, 3:43:38

That's a good song, I forgot about that one Req
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Leto Game profile

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Mar 31st 2024, 20:17:48

Thanks Jouster
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Leto Game profile

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Mar 30th 2024, 21:23:27

We the players of M4D, in dedication to the true spirit of Earth 2025 and now Earth Empires, do hereby declare our independence from the currently accepted etiquette on the alliance server. We further declare, the alliance server to no longer be a safe space and that all countries, bots and players, tagged and untagged alike, shall be subject to land expansion offensive actions. In the spirt of fairness, we are posting our retaliation policy:

M4D Retal Policy:

Landgrab (LG) is defined as either a SS or PS offensive operation.
Harmful Spy OP (HSO) is defined as any operation with spies with the exception of a Regular Spy Op (RSO)

SS/PS 1x= 1:1
SS/PS 2x= 2:1
SS/PS 3x= 4:1

AB/BR/GS/HSO/Missile Attack= KILL

We will be accepting a limited number of pacts, visit or our Discord Channel for additional information.

Also, please welcome our incredibly talented Head FA, Sir Jouster!!
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Leto Game profile

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Mar 27th 2024, 2:37:09

Come have some fun with us brother, I'll send you a message on fb. We have some ai image generators and sweet games on our server
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Leto Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 26th 2024, 21:24:33

I agree with Coalie, and we need to go back to basics where relationships are the building blocks of the alliance server. We also need to nurture these new players and figure out a way to help integrate them so they can be good members of the community.

That requires all of us to do our part, not just the game mods. Every person that places game is unique and special with different needs. There are some great people who play this game that are able to take people under their wings and we need to best utilize a talent we have.

If the goal is to grow membership, utilizing everyone's email addresses when they create a game account. We could send out emails every round. Whenever we signed up for EE we all agreed to them. If you guys can do that, we can do the heavy lifting of making the game fun for them. We have a shared responsibility here, it's not just on the mods to make it happen.

I'll keep on sending out emails and messages to all the people I know, but if it's a numbers game and we're trying to canvas the largest amount possible. I know that single one act would generate the best return on the time investment.
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Leto Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 25th 2024, 13:25:18

Thanks y'all, we are excited!

I appreciate our whole team for coming together and laying a very solid foundation for what we are building. We are having a lot of fun getting prepared for next round, everyday we are coming up with something new and exciting for our discord and website site.

It is important to have fun while pushing innovation; we will not let the newness wear off.
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Leto Game profile

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Mar 24th 2024, 3:20:11

Enjoy your 72 virgins in heaven. Rip
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Leto Game profile

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Mar 22nd 2024, 21:00:49

Here is a link to our discord chat, drop by and say hello!
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Leto Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 22nd 2024, 2:54:45

When is the stuff going to be updated and implemented? There was a solid plan in place but the execution wasn't there.
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Leto Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 21st 2024, 23:14:28

The goal isn't to be a griever, but to get and understand different perspectives.

The biggest challenge I see is that we have is that we have a numbers issue. We need more players and when we get many of the old players come back, we need to make sure that they have fun. When we get new players, we need to try to be more welcoming and nurturing to them. Thats tough because integrating different people requires work, time and compromise.

The networking and communication that you have with your friends allies and adversaries has always been the driver of the game. There's a political aspect of it in many ways, we are all part of the same community and we all have relationships all over the place.

Farming bots is boring and I agree with the outside tools where people are hitting without even doing spy ops. I don't know how several hundred thousand acre country runs with zero spies.. For a lot of people, It is difficult to have fun when there's suiciders; but that is something that has always been in the game. You just got to run defense and make it difficult for someone to hit you if you can. Clans have run kill teams to isolate and kill the threats for as long as a game has been going. Last round I spent 80 million net worth in the last 4 hours of the round because a suicider hit my clan. We needed to kill him, it's principle. I don't care so much about my finish, but I'm glad we were able to kill him. That was fun.

War has been pretty non-existent on the server in comparison to in the past. That is where we have
been hemorrhaging the most amount of people. There are hardcore players out, and it's a pain in the butt when the IRC highlight enables them to get online within seconds of being hit. That just means we have to target them at a different time and try again. The really well organized groups can do a kill in less than 10 seconds. First of all kudos to them for being that disciplined. We all have lives, families and jobs; constantly warring is a pain in the butt. It's also a choice to wall and commit yourself to that. For many people there's a huge thrill to wall, even if they die.

Edited By: Leto on Mar 21st 2024, 23:17:17. Reason: Driving
See Original Post
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Leto Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 21st 2024, 15:53:21

Originally posted by EmpyreanMKR:
Don't forget music bot and AI Image maker thing for a lonely friday night....

That image maker is sick
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Leto Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 21st 2024, 14:09:20

Marked 4 Death returns next round and we are now recruiting!

We are a fun, casually hardcore cut up crew of Tiesto jamming folks looking for like minded and contrarian individuals to build something new. You must be a outspoken warm body to bolster our numbers and more importantly, our conversations to be a part of this elite team.

Participation is a mandatory expectation, yet optionally mandated. To further entice y'all, we have the same exact clan features — IRC, Webpage, Old School Vets, Spam Boards, Cowbell— that everyone else does, except we got a team of ballers that are continuously upgrading our systems with six sigma.

You can track Myself, Llaar or Empy down on Discord for more details.

Apply at

M4D Re-Cofounder
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