


Jul 1st 2010, 19:27:03


ok all u little clannies with ur candy ass etiquette

what is the proper response for some guy hitting me seven times oop?

Edited By: starstalker4 on Jul 7th 2010, 14:13:18
See Original Post
if you can win a game without ever fighting a battle; it is not a war game

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Jul 1st 2010, 19:36:27

a thank you message might be nice.
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NOW3P Game profile


Jul 1st 2010, 19:39:06

I'd kill his ass - anything more than 3 is auto-detah.

snawdog Game profile


Jul 1st 2010, 19:40:42

ICQ 364553524

afaik Game profile


Jul 1st 2010, 19:44:00

lol people have been talking about parking lot creation for double taps... i think you can take your steer from that

Dragon Game profile


Jul 2nd 2010, 0:32:26

I'll kill or maim for a double tap. How's THAT for candy ass clanny etiquette?

Fact is, you grab me more than once on this, the Tourney or Primary servers, you better turn it into a kill run.

Edited By: Dragon on Jul 2nd 2010, 0:35:52
See Original Post

Pain Game profile


Jul 2nd 2010, 7:15:01

yep basically. more then a single grab equals you set ruined
Your mother is a nice woman

NOW3P Game profile


Jul 2nd 2010, 7:49:45 guys really don't want this server to last long, do ya? I'm sure when anyone who wants to net has to run an all-x set to avoid getting suicided, they'll come in hordes >.>

Walding Game profile


Jul 2nd 2010, 12:28:58

I like running an all-X but I still get hit in some way.

Dragon Game profile


Jul 2nd 2010, 13:32:26

Originally posted by NOW3P: guys really don't want this server to last long, do ya? I'm sure when anyone who wants to net has to run an all-x set to avoid getting suicided, they'll come in hordes >.>

And I'm sure that when people learn that they too can be the server's landfarms, they'll come in equally huge numbers.

"Coming to net" does not mean "coming to farm people". That's frankly the mark of lazy and inferior netting.

But you know, everyone has their style. Last reset, a guy bounced a grab and rather than just move on, he grabbed me again and broke thru.

His reward for his persistence was a dozen missiles. After thinking about it, I realized I had made a mistake. I didn't start out with any Warfare tech and he only ate 12 missiles instead of 40.

Wanna double, triple, or quad tap? Be my guest. :)

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Jul 2nd 2010, 20:15:35

y'all are just grouchy. just send a nice thank you message, like:

Dear Sir or Madam,
Thank you for demonstrating that I need to improve my gain. If you could provide me with any relevant hints about how to do it, or show me the silly strat that you used to get 8x my Networth in military to bog down your net all set, please feel free to send it. Unfortunately because I currently don't have enough military to afford protection to my little netting country, I won't be able to retal the 7 hits until Sunday when I should be able to grab back 10x what you took from me.
Thanks again for allowing me to have a valid reason to hit your country over and over and over again.
Best Wishes,
The Budweiser Troll King.
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Dragon Game profile


Jul 2nd 2010, 20:24:24

Nobody's arguing about being broke because of poor defenses. The argument is over being multi-tapped because some fluff doesn't have the balls or incentive to spread the love around.

I think I'll maybe run a Zero Defense missile country to drive the point home. Now imagine, if you will, on servers as small as Tourney is if just 10 or 15 guys decided to run some Zero Defense missile countries. Or all tanks or all troops or all cash.

Hit me once because you can break me, it's all good. Multi-tap me or come back to the well day after day, and you'll find yourself in the Obituaries. It's that simple. :)

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Jul 2nd 2010, 20:26:24

why bother? you already did the research and have a confirmed break, why switch to another target before DRs kick in and make it too expensive?
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Dragon Game profile


Jul 2nd 2010, 20:31:54

Why bother? because if it's ME you just farmed, you just got yourself killed.

And honestly, if you can't look at a country and it's Land/NW ratio and figure out a successful SS, you are clueless as to how to play this game.

But ya know Dibs, play how you wanna play. In most cases, you'll maybe even get away with it. There's always the chance that it's not me you just farmed. :)

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Jul 2nd 2010, 20:46:12

how are you going to kill somebody 8x your size?
with prayer?
they had 8x your size when they grabbed you, what you going to do to make up that difference?
pray that they gave you something to AB?

dude, if i grab you multiple times, you'll just sit there huffing and puffing until you blow your monitor over, if you even succeed with that. you ain't going to do jack diddly to get even the reset it happens in. you'd just get stuck with bearing a grudge next reset.

Edited By: Dibs Ludicrous on Jul 2nd 2010, 20:50:20. Reason: i farted.
See Original Post
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Dragon Game profile


Jul 2nd 2010, 20:49:22

How are they gonna be 8x my size?

NOBODY is ever 8x my size on ANY Earth server I play. Are you fluffing stupid or something?

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Jul 2nd 2010, 20:51:40

no, i just troll the stupid.
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Dragon Game profile


Jul 2nd 2010, 20:52:47

And honestly, let's say you ARE 8x my size when you grab me 8 times today.

Most likely, near the end of the reset when you're NOT 8x my size, and I've had time to build up money, oil, weapons, and missiles, I'm gonna pack you lunch for you.

Vengeance is patient.

Dragon Game profile


Jul 2nd 2010, 20:54:18

Yeah. That's what I've gathered, You're really not much of a player but rather one of those guys that talks out his ass a lot.

That's cool though.

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Jul 2nd 2010, 20:56:15

yeah, but it comes under the why bother dealy...
why bother killing somebody for the 500 acres that they grabbed on the first day of the set? just grab 10x back on the 2nd to last day of the set.
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Dragon Game profile


Jul 2nd 2010, 21:02:32

Not really if you think about it. Let's say that Dibs Does Dragon to the tune of 8 hits and (pick how many) acres early on or in mid set or whenever.

Now let's further say that I'm a Rep Casher with money and missiles. And that I waited 6 weeks staying below the radar and cut loose on you because I hold a grudge.

Other than what missiles are worth in terms of NW, what has it cost me to turn you into a parking lot?

If you (or anyone else) farms me, it's not the acres I'll be looking to get back. :)

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Jul 2nd 2010, 21:22:54

you're going to wait 6 resets to do me up? just to toast my 1 set.
meanwhile i get to win 5 resets without your pathetic interference. no problem man.

learn how to net dudette.

what are you exactly looking to get back? some kinda intelligence via osmosis?
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Dragon Game profile


Jul 2nd 2010, 21:42:23

Who said anything about waiting 6 resets? I personally guarantee you that your reset in the one which you farm me will not be a good one for you.

Unlike most drones who just eat LG after LG and serve as fodder for lazy idiots, I extract a price for those 2 or 3 or more LG's. Normally, that will be a poor finish for my target. Killing takes too many turns.

I probably have forgotten more about netting than you know, slick.

My whole point here is simply that you may want to consider the consequences of farming someone before you do it.

NOW3P Game profile


Jul 2nd 2010, 22:05:03

and people wonder why this server continues to shrink set after set....

Dragon Game profile


Jul 2nd 2010, 22:26:18

It's all good. In the best case, there will be enough players come along that understand how not to get farmed in Tourney.

For those who are uninitiated to the server, there are people like me who will explain how to make idiots pay for being lazy and stupid. That and why it's counterproductive to bring your Alliance attitude to Tourney.

And then there are people like me who will bring the pain to the idiots for doing idiotic things. It's all about Darwin.

Pain Game profile


Jul 3rd 2010, 4:59:06

Originally posted by NOW3P:
and people wonder why this server continues to shrink set after set....

because people want to farm the fluff out of you to get ahead?

surely not because we kill the people who do it.
Your mother is a nice woman



Jul 3rd 2010, 5:38:36


the game can not thrive as a netters only fauxtopia
if you can win a game without ever fighting a battle; it is not a war game

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jul 3rd 2010, 5:39:51

The tough guy attitudes displayed in this thread are completely contrary to what's good for the server. To be perfectly frank, many of you are acting like children.

Let's get a few things straight here: turns come at a rate of one every four minutes, the reset lasts a total of five days, and there are around 100 countries on this server. How can you possibly claim that "one hit on me only" is a good standard when it's possible for one country to double tap every single country on the server in a single day? If that happened, should the rest of the server band together to kill him?

The diminishing returns window is still 24 hours. In express, you are awarded more protection from grabs than on other servers. Perhaps you should consider why your country is getting grabbed multiple times. Did you play all of your turns but buy low levels of defense? That is the risk you take. Did you save 600 turns and get grabbed by someone who played all of them? That is the risk you take.

As of right now, the only feedback we're getting is that this server isn't fun to play because many people use it as a suiciding playground. So suicide away, but only if you want express to become a monthly event or to disappear completely.

rpottage Game profile


Jul 3rd 2010, 5:51:48

Well it depends. If you only hit someone twice, you can probably get away with it.

The problem is people like whom I've faced who'll hit you 7 times in a row.

Now why can they hit me? Because I'm a farmer/oiler and they're a commie indy. They have more military than I do to start off with. In a day or two I'll probably be higher than them, but until them I'm vulnerable, like in every other server.

So when I log on and see the same country has used spy ops on me then hit me 7 times, I hit them back. Obviously they're not going to stop unless I do something. So I AB and GS them 10-20 times, depending on how many turns I have at that point. Maybe even throw a missile or two their way.

The result is that they'll leave me alone, and at that point I leave them alone.

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 3rd 2010, 7:21:48

i thought it was 4 hours for DR

Charles Game profile


Jul 3rd 2010, 8:26:40

LMAO, i plan on being hit early, my strats depend on it :P

I profer to loose say 400a after 7 hits, while i'm still getting 24ish acre/turn (sets you back 22ish turns including rebuilding), as apposed to getting hit for 500a when you're getting 14a a turn (alot more turns lost!!!).

Plainly i think starstalker4 should get over it, and retal the guy later. You'll get alot more land when it matters more...

NOW3P Game profile


Jul 3rd 2010, 17:11:48

Thank Jehovah the voice of reason finally chimes in! Y'all would think when the folks who design the game tell ya you're acting like idiots, it might sink in....but I guess we'll see. I'm not getting my hopes up.

One question to ask yourself as you're going through your express sets: Is what I'm doing going to make people want to play this server again, or throw their hands up in disgust/frustration and leave? Keep in mind as you're answering that question that thus far, the style of play on this server has lost it about %40 of its player base in less than 6 months.

In response to rpottage, you're partially correct. The guys who double tap aren't the problem, the guys who hit 5+ times on any country they think can't retal them are. The other problem is the guys who return a double tap with 50+ AB's/missiles/BR's, etc, which is completely disproportionate, and as Slag said, childish. Neither or those will encourage players to return to the server, and will eventually lead to it disappearing....just as it did before under Mehul's rule.

Pain Game profile


Jul 3rd 2010, 18:18:54

if you double tap me for 1K acres and i cant kill you ill give you however many turns worth of exploring it takes me to gain those 1K back in AB's to your country. so if it takes me 60-70 turns to explore back to that, your getting as many AB;s it will take to level enough buildings that you have to spend 60-70 turns rebuilding it. i think thats plenty fair.

usually if someone takes a single hit on me in express and i cant retal it within the next set of turns played ill just let them go. if you wanna double+ tap people, expect to pay the consequences. either people are going to realize this and stop or peoples sets are going to continue to get ruined. if the game is taken down then you can blame the people who wanted to rape peoples countries. you guys say it someones fault if they get multi-tapped due to not enough mil, well, it the other persons fault it they get retalled with missles or AB's cause they had no SDI or tanks.
Your mother is a nice woman

snawdog Game profile


Jul 3rd 2010, 18:36:01

same goes for a gob of spy ops on me..........
How in the heck is it worth 10 -15 ops of stealing tech, knowing what is gunna happen for that?

Edited By: snawdog on Jul 3rd 2010, 18:37:10. Reason: to rant more...
See Original Post
ICQ 364553524

Dragon Game profile


Jul 3rd 2010, 20:28:48

Originally posted by Slagpit:
Let's get a few things straight here: turns come at a rate of one every four minutes, the reset lasts a total of five days, and there are around 100 countries on this server. How can you possibly claim that "one hit on me only" is a good standard when it's possible for one country to double tap every single country on the server in a single day? If that happened, should the rest of the server band together to kill him?

The diminishing returns window is still 24 hours. In express, you are awarded more protection from grabs than on other servers. Perhaps you should consider why your country is getting grabbed multiple times. Did you play all of your turns but buy low levels of defense? That is the risk you take. Did you save 600 turns and get grabbed by someone who played all of them? That is the risk you take.

As of right now, the only feedback we're getting is that this server isn't fun to play because many people use it as a suiciding playground. So suicide away, but only if you want express to become a monthly event or to disappear completely.

While you make fair argument for less than well defended acres and point out that there's a price for that, I point out that there's a price for egregious multi-tapping and that the price is often death.

The feedback you're getting is from the minority of player,s obviously. Sure, it's no fun to expect to take the pain when you rape other players for their land with wanton abandon. It really sucks when someone gets pissed off and turns you into a parking lot.

Boo hoo.

NOW3P Game profile


Jul 3rd 2010, 20:37:49

I would say the server losing %40 of it's player base since it started less than 6 months ago isn't quite indicitive of a minority of players....

Dragon Game profile


Jul 3rd 2010, 20:46:40

DO you have some hard stats about how many of that 40% quit because they were tired of being farmed?

You know, if people play this server because they think it's an all-you-can-eat land buffet and that there's no cost for the meal, they weren't doing this server any good to begin with.

NOW3P Game profile


Jul 3rd 2010, 22:07:43

I've been watching the player levels since the server started. Set one it was over 200, but I think that ought to be ignored as it was still kind of a novelty at that point. However, every set following, there have been about %10 less players every new reset.

I don't have exact analytics, as I can't have access to that info, but I can tell you that 3 resets ago there were 137 original countries, and this set there are only 114 countries total, and that includes at least 3 restarts....which would lead one to conclude that in just 3 resets, the server has lost 26 players...1/6 of it's overall player base.

I don't think it's the all you can eat land buffet thing that's the problem - I watch express news pretty regularly, and it's not too often I see folks farming land too heavily (although there are 2 this set that I'm surprised haven't been suicided yet, but that less than %2 of the player base). For this set, I count 4 individuals who have made more than a double tap on any given country - what there are a HUGELY disproportionate amount of are AB's, Missiles, and BR's. I count 18 people who have done the latter this set (which is %15 of the player base, in comparison to less than %2 who are farming too hard).

Even the mods have chimed in on this issue, which so far I've rarely seen them do on any server. I'm just hoping people will wise up and listen before this server disappears.

Dragon Game profile


Jul 3rd 2010, 22:28:43

I don't like the term "suiciding" being used in such a generic manner.

If you think about it, a double tap gets you 3:2 on a server where there are teams/alliances/clans and anythind worse than that probably gets you killed.

So explain to me (Slagpit too) exactly HOW on a server where there IS no "alliance support" that it's either inappropriate or unexpected to get killed or turned into a parking lot for multi taps?

NOW3P Game profile


Jul 3rd 2010, 23:36:43

I'll try to give an answer to that one, although I hope slag will weigh in as he's much wiser than me, and has more info/experience to base his opinion on.

First of all, let's be very clear in the terminology. If you turn around and AB/GS/BR/Missile someone for something as simple as a double tap because you either can't retal it, or aren't patient enough to grow a bit and then retal it, I conisider you a suicider....whether your country dies or not. Perhaps this is a bit of a generic term, but it's been accepted terminology in this game for nearly two decades, and still seems fitting to me.

Now, I wouldn't go so far as say it's inappropriate to suicide here. This is an individual server, and you get to play as you wish. The mods aren't going to set hit restrictions for obvious reasons, and there is no over-arching group controlling what is and is not appropriate like on the more organized servers.

Where the problem in the suiciding that happens on this server lies, is generally players who like to grab, and end up getting AB'ed/BR'ed/Missiled/Killed for making a double tap are not likely to want to play this server anymore. Additionally, players who like to run all-x strats and keep to themselves are either getting farmed silly, or suicided for no reason at the end of the set because folks think it's fun to lob some missiles at the guy in the top 10 who ran a much better strat than them in an attempt to ruin his finish (I have watched both happen just about every set this server has been open)

Nobody cares what you do to the guy that hits you 4+ times (yeah, I think it's still childish to flip out over a triple tap, but like I said - to each his own). But the guys who are going off the deepend for a simple double tap that they could retal for 2x the land 24 hrs later are the ones that are ensuring that this server dies a quick death. The numbers support the theory, and I can give you a long list of players who no longer play here because they don't see any fun in getting hit 50+ times because they made a simple double tap that just as easily could have been retalled had someone wanted to put their big boy pants on.

In short, "suiciding" isn't necessarily bad - but when it's completely disproportionate to the attacks, or inflicts greater damage than those attacks did (i.e. AB's to level an equivalent amount of land, which you suggested), it is not going to inspire players to continue playing on this server because they are kept from running a legitimate strat due to some folks flying off the handle over something relatively minor, which could have been dealt with with a small amount of patience from the person who decided to suicide.

Edited By: NOW3P on Jul 3rd 2010, 23:37:26
See Original Post



Jul 3rd 2010, 23:37:11

Originally posted by NOW3P:
I'd kill his ass - anything more than 3 is auto-detah.

slagpit has called this attitude
-destructive of the server amen
-childish amen

if you can win a game without ever fighting a battle; it is not a war game

NOW3P Game profile


Jul 3rd 2010, 23:38:21

actually, gregg - I believe slag was referring to those folks who choose the same course of action over 1 or 2 hits. Even in the clan servers, anything more than 3 grabs is usually considered a killable offense.

Edited By: NOW3P on Jul 3rd 2010, 23:38:40
See Original Post



Jul 3rd 2010, 23:48:40

i know u didnt finish college

but read it again slowly with care

"how can u possibly claim its one hit on me only?"

kill wargainers has been your refrain for months and u encouraged jiff on his missile spree that dragon echoed in this thread

if you can win a game without ever fighting a battle; it is not a war game

Dragon Game profile


Jul 3rd 2010, 23:53:36

My point is that it's lazy to win by land rush. It always has been in this game and always will be.

And NOW3P, one thing you said is at the heart of the matter. What constitutes an "appropriate response"?

The point of punishing bad behavior is ostensibly ti prevent future bad behavior of the same nature. Or to separate out the Darwin Award winners.

What I have a problem with is this attitude that players are somehow "entitled" to a specific number of attacks or gains against any opponent without risking having their asses handed to them as the wages of their efforts.

I have to ask exactly why you and others think that it's okay to grab unlimited acres in multiple attacks on another country and also be exempt from whatever retaliation is possible by the target.



Jul 4th 2010, 0:01:04

dragon said

'the point of punishing behavior is..."

that kind of moralizing sounds like gregg

watch out u will be accused of being him
will someone please explain to fordy what ostensibly means
if you can win a game without ever fighting a battle; it is not a war game

Dragon Game profile


Jul 4th 2010, 0:10:29

Dude, I don't give a flying fluff if you or someone else wants to call me gregg. That's kinda funny really.

That's not gonna stop me from offering up my opinion. I really think that people feel entitled to just grab as much land as they can to try and win the reset.

That in and of itself is fine. I can name off an almost endless list of guys who thought they could grab their way to glory and got their asses handed to them along the way.

But those guys for the most part understood the potential cost of their actions and accepted it as a cost of doing business. If guys are coming to this server, raping weaklings for land and then leaving because they can't take the pain, that's certainly not the fault of their "victims".

NOW3P Game profile


Jul 4th 2010, 1:29:38

No Dragon, we're calling starstalker it is gregg. his IP matches gregg's, as does LaE Recruiter's, and I suspect lincoln's as well. He's just so high and mighty, he thinks we're not bright enough to see through his sad little attempts at hiding his identity.

I'm quite happy to have you offer your opinion, as it's things like that that are healthy for the development of the game, just so long as you're doing it in a respectful manner, and not simply attempting to belittle others like gregg does.

I really would like to know how you figure that grabbing is "bad behavior" I always thought it was a very integrated part of game play, and to be expected if you're running a strat on an individual server that can be grabbed by larger countries running early growth strats. That may be a different story in servers where you can get some tag protection, but if you do it here, you're doing it at the risk of being grabbed...presumably in the interest of a much higher finish than those early growth strats anyways.

If you reread my post though, you'll see that I'm very much against "unlimited attacks" - at some point it DOES become appropriate to take matters into your own hand, as the grabber has gone from an effort to gain land to abusive actions (in my mind, this is more than 3, but I know everyone has their own definition). The question folks have to ask themselves is if it's really worth ruining someone's set to get even for 2 grabs that you'll likely be able to retal, and walk away with 2x the land, the next day instead of intentionally setting out to ruin someone's set. THAT is what Slag is referring to as childish, not AB'ing someone who is abusively grabbing you.

Yes gregg, I know you were hit 7x by "Nukevil smells like spring rain", which was formerly "Nukevil smells like a..."well, you know (I see everything that happens in this server so far as hits go)......which is why I suggested you just kill it, as that is overboard in grabbing and IS worthy of a stronger reaction that just retalling. We can sit and debate all day at what point that reaction actually becomes appropriate - but in your case I don't think there's much need for it.

Edited By: NOW3P on Jul 4th 2010, 1:35:37
See Original Post

Pain Game profile


Jul 4th 2010, 4:09:57

1 hit = brush it off if i cant retal it within the next set of played turns

2 hits = depending on the mood might let it go, might send a few attacks, might kill.

3+ hits = your country will be dead by the end of the set one way or another.

if you dont like my rules, keep your jets out of my country.
Your mother is a nice woman

NOW3P Game profile


Jul 4th 2010, 4:44:40

I tend to agree w/ pain, although I'd never suicide for a simple double tap. It's much more lucrative to wait 24 hrs and let my strat grow, then take 2x the land back.

3 or more though, is when I start figuring out other ways to screw w/ folks, as that starts to push the line of abusive vs. beneficial for a strat.

Dragon Game profile


Jul 4th 2010, 14:43:53

Originally posted by NOW3P:
I really would like to know how you figure that grabbing is "bad behavior" though....

Grabbing isn't bad behavior. Multi-tapping is. and I simply just don't accept anything more than a single tap and if someone still does it to me, it's war time.

Yes gregg, I know you were hit 7x by "Nukevil smells like spring rain", which was formerly "Nukevil smells like a..."

Are you psychic or something? A certain summer rain smellin' character did a very bad thing to me. Funny you should bring that up in this thread and some guy with that country name does DSO's on me, too.

Can you maybe give me this week's winning Powerball numbers?

Edited By: Dragon on Jul 4th 2010, 14:44:31
See Original Post