
g0nz0 Game profile


Jun 28th 2015, 17:21:02

You want a real express experience?

Try 500(500) turns
1 turn per minute.
Games range from 72 hours to 9 days
No public market.
No allies.
Currently we're on our last day, I've averaged 3 hours of sleep per day.
It's as close to a" live" game you'll ever get.

Rock out wit Ya cokc out!

Edited By: g0nz0 on Jun 28th 2015, 17:23:06

g0nz0 Game profile


Jun 21st 2015, 21:51:39

What are the stats?
If country is killed while holding 65(10), and 500k turrets, how many turns, and how much mil with restart?

g0nz0 Game profile


Jun 21st 2015, 16:47:38

Sorry, I will clarify.

When a country is terminated, does it restart in Primary?

g0nz0 Game profile


Jun 21st 2015, 14:22:40

Is it the same as express?

g0nz0 Game profile


Jun 17th 2015, 9:29:10

Back door beauty?

g0nz0 Game profile


Jun 7th 2015, 22:23:58

Check some of the threads concerning market prices and or bots. 90% of top ranked players threatened to rage quit and sell EE secrets to the Chinese when markets got whacky. You are ruining lives by dropping your prices a couple $ per item. Safety Netting is only fun when there are NO anomalies. Sell everything the EXACT same price as every other set or market junkie. You make more friends and won't see your name besmirched in threads where top 10s bitc4 about falling short cuz someone "poisoned" the market.

g0nz0 Game profile


May 22nd 2015, 23:32:25

You're only saying that because the court approved the restraining order. I told you I was using the binoculars for bird watching, who cares what you do in real life, it's just a game bro.

SO time to get over yourself.

g0nz0 Game profile


May 22nd 2015, 23:02:13

Tech is weak, jets are cheap and I'm almost out of weed. Elsewise it's an ok set. I did get a hurtful message, but I sent a nude selfie to KoH and the jealous rage he expressed towards my manhood made me feel better.

Good Luck with your set bronie.

g0nz0 Game profile


May 20th 2015, 19:58:25

Interesting. Are the bots aware of changes to their stats due to earthquakes, Chems, ABs? Will they stop to rebuild or do they go on a explore/build cycle, and ignore it, if only temporary?

g0nz0 Game profile


May 20th 2015, 15:23:16

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
DR as many bots as possible, it's fun to watch how butt hurt and bent out of shape people get!

I remember how this started off as " defending" bots from excessive grabbing, which eventually morphed into you proving that a lot of Safety Netters were gaining too easily, but here you repeat how "fun" it all is.
You can clearly see in the respond pool that most SNs still reach their goals, many players don't like it, and it is provided little service to New players.
To those who don't know what the fuk youre doing it appears as though some war monger playing a suicide is here to sh!t on everyone's day. Some players still don't know which are bots so they wait on you to identify them, which takes some of the mystery.
For the most part you are sabotaging qzuls work, making it difficult to interpret what response they have to code changes. Bots die off, and players get nervous, especially when you lot players so they waste time clearing your plate to change builds.
I see this exact same arrogance and aggression on other servers, except all the sh!t talk is posted in Russian.
Take a few set brake, and reflect on why you secretly hate bots. Is it because you wish you were born a bot instead? Does the monkey suit feel "wrong"? It's never too late to find your true self KoH. Just look at Bruce Jenner. ;)

g0nz0 Game profile


May 19th 2015, 22:31:57

Originally posted by DruncK:
I love grabbing, even when I lose on the retal. I don't bottom feed. 1 PS/day seems to be going well... Most have been receptive to my friendly LGS but some get bent out of shape because I spied them lol. I live by 72 hr retal window and will "RoR" if they're 2 weeks late with their retal. Is assuming there is a 72 hr window wrong of me or do I have to come as an asshole and remind every country I grab that they have 72 hours to retal?

If you are worried about retals these are a few things to consider when selecting a target:
Do they have enough mil to immediately retal? Or ca$h to buy up offense?
Are they in the news feed hurling missiles or retaling other hits?
Is their tech war heavy, meaning war machine waiting for a reason.
Is the target GDI?
If it came to war, is it a country you can handle?
Is it a rainbow?
Is it close to end of set, and your target is stuck in the mud, flat NW?
There are countless other factors, but I'm on mobile, and can't even see what I'm typing.

Remember, a massive PS on a well established target is embarrassing and almost always gets a real.
If you hit late in the set and your target is rainbow or stagnant, they may suicide.

So far as messaging people concerning retal windows, I would consider it a personal challenge if you told me to retal within 72 hours. I would message you back telling you its fine, then on hour 71 1\2 summon my Asian slaves who would then strap you to a cold metal table business end up and invite an army of Anacondas from the local prison to meet your invitation with FULL force. ;)

g0nz0 Game profile


May 18th 2015, 3:27:38

Are the bots designed to buy tech relevant to their build, I.e. agr for farm, Ind for indie?
Do they do this on a predetermined value, or part of a cycle of activities?
Are you a boob or an a$$ man?
Jelly or syrup?

g0nz0 Game profile


May 17th 2015, 6:07:18

Originally posted by Serpentor:
There's only one way to find out....

If you do put them in as a trial, please don't tell anyone. Just slip them in.

Only way to do that is by giving the bots less obvious names. A snarky phrase or song title seems innocuous enough. Of course they don't retal multi taps, so it will eventually be exposed as to their true identity.

g0nz0 Game profile


May 17th 2015, 5:54:48

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by Xninja:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Butthurt much?

Be careful, he will turn your greatest accomplishments into poorly constructed insults...

If that's KoH's greatest accomplishment then girlfriend needs to start working another corner.
The bots, faulty as some view them, serve as a multipurpose tool and resource. New and somewhat experienced, yet rusty players can practice hitting targets using the results to hone future attacks, thereby improving their gaming experience. Safety Netters can gain massive acreage and finish top 10. Fing with them is Fing with players. That's antagonistic and rude. Kind of like suicides or last minute top feeders.

Ah so I took away your freedom land, now I understand your animosity :-)

I'm certain there are many who feel animosity towards you, but I am however not in agreement with your approach. You notice how some players provide thoughts and suggestions without taking their plans in game affecting both player and bot.
If your point is that players rely too heavily on bots for land, there are options to devoting your set to destroying countries and sabotaging players. Reduce the number of bots. Increase their explore/build to keep them tasty, even while taking repeat hits. If they are farmed heavily the increase in dr Will be obvious on eestats or in the news feed. For high Netters there are no bragging rights in multi tapping defenseless bots, while keeping single hits on players from behind gdi protection.
One interesting takeaway from your activities is the bots who self destruct. With a rapid succession of ABs the bots seemed to continue taking turns as though nothing happened. 1 commie bot had no farms though it had well enough before the attacks and despite having money it did not buy food. This bot died a short while later. Another bot was unable to produce mil for sale and began playing turns with no money, even though it could have sold its existing mil or food on the black market, another short circuit.
Your role as land mod will become obsolete once the bots are programmed to retal, which should be any minute now.

Best wishes,

g0nz0 Game profile


May 17th 2015, 1:59:54

Originally posted by Xninja:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Butthurt much?

Be careful, he will turn your greatest accomplishments into poorly constructed insults...

If that's KoH's greatest accomplishment then girlfriend needs to start working another corner.
The bots, faulty as some view them, serve as a multipurpose tool and resource. New and somewhat experienced, yet rusty players can practice hitting targets using the results to hone future attacks, thereby improving their gaming experience. Safety Netters can gain massive acreage and finish top 10. Fing with them is Fing with players. That's antagonistic and rude. Kind of like suicides or last minute top feeders.

g0nz0 Game profile


May 17th 2015, 1:47:20

Are we to understand from your post that you have attempted these special attacks and ops, and been rejected? You hit someone under GDI protection 1 time, and they responded by sending a nuke?
I would agree that perhaps you are entering the wrong #. I'm still learning GDI myself, and didn't think it was possible for a GDI to hit after only 1 attack.
Check the back of your computer, if the network card is not flashing when you make your attempts, it could mean a faulty NIC or virus. Try looking at porn, if several pics and vids play, then it most likely is a virus, or qzul cornholed the code Fing with the bots. Either way you should be fine. Has anyone suggested joining GDI yet? I understand that eliminates any issues that interrupt safe and predictable gameplay.

g0nz0 Game profile


May 16th 2015, 13:30:41

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
I find it amusing that they think I care about my country :-D

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
LOL hahaha

Was no mistake to hit a couple non bots, planned it and got what I was looking for TAH TAH!

Playing like a dikhole isn't what is going to improve the bots, neither is forcing everyone to join gdi. It really is quite simple: bots purchase or research warfare tech, every hit after the first gets missile just as the attacker would if he hit a real player. KoH knows he's doing this to feel like his penis finally grew past infancy. Its no different than hitting every non gdi player with special attacks and telling them you'll only stop when they join gdi. Make the bots defend themselves so KoH can go back to strangling neighborhood cats and beating children for their lunch money.

g0nz0 Game profile


May 16th 2015, 2:58:25

After much contemplation, I have decided there will be bots in Primary. We will have 1 set to test their field worthiness.

I would like KoH to act as Turf Management, keep the bots safe and unmolested by land wh0res.

There are plenty of Market Masters in Primary, so the issues experienced elsewhere will likely find balance here.

For mid and low level countries, bots provide the ability to hone their SS and PS skills on bots, who as of yet do not retal, this could provide more than simple acreage. Many of the more experienced will move well above the bots so there is little to worry about. As far as suicides on the bots, whoever is dumb enough, or beyond bored, can waste their time throwing mud at the special needs kid waddling along the playground. It keeps them from ruining real player country's.

Essentially the food chain would be bots>low>mid>high>land wh0re

I appreciate all your cooperation in this exciting new venture here on earth.

If you have any questions, write them on a piece of paper, fold in half, and place it under your pillow. I'll get back to you asap ;)

g0nz0 Game profile


May 7th 2015, 2:59:48

Originally posted by Serpentor:
I... douche and got spanked for it... So did Mac and bobby too!!! Lol... ....found someone deserving to use them on.... Fun...

Really interesting with all the gdi breaking... It's almost like old earth again.

GDI does more than shield you from spy ops, or being grabbed by a much larger opponent, it also shields you from Earth itself. The GDI Authorities deny you access to several of your most effective weapons, many of which act as a deterrent, yet are rendered useless as everyone in GDI gets 1 free hit. Your special forces are powerless to do anything to stop an aggressor until they are already upon you. You are told that you will never survive without GDI protection. That others will seek to harm and kill you for sheer pleasure. Absolute C H A O S.

There are more of us than you know. We are not afraid. We have been freed of your shackles and collars. No more safety netting! No more hiding. We are the future of Earth

The landscape is leveling out.

g0nz0 Game profile


May 6th 2015, 1:59:27

How many turns are in a Primary set, minus bonus turns for posting, etc. ?

g0nz0 Game profile


May 5th 2015, 22:28:29

Originally posted by Celphi:

Bots should be buying oil. (seems pointless since they don't attack, but then again, they buy jets)
Bots should have spies.

Celphi, I see that your program and math skills are exceptional. You seem to really "get it" when it comes to playing a bot. Unfortunately, like a bot, you will never truly understand love, not real love as we nurture for qzul. What he has birthed from his digital womb is magical and full of surprises. Yes it $hits in your lap occasionally, or costs you lots of money doing retardation, but you learn as you go, both mother and child.

It is now your duty, as a patriotic earth dweller to write the code that will protect these precious annoyances.

If someone hits a bot more than 1 time they get a retal.
Give the bots a chance to use spies. 2 SS=5-10 bomb airbase or banks or Bio.
Make the bots immune to GDI attack restrictions so they aren't abused by KoH or bottom feeding land wh0res.
We players can adapt to adverse markets, its free trade baby!
Its the domestic abuse of our bots that must be stopped!
Enough talk.
Start writing.

I want a comment rich chunk of code in 48 hours.

g0nz0 Game profile


May 5th 2015, 4:06:53

Like Hot Russian Girls?

Go to mars and meet your future slave.

50 Shades of Gray Goose bitc4!!

g0nz0 Game profile


May 5th 2015, 3:58:49

Originally posted by Xninja:


g0nz0 Game profile


May 5th 2015, 3:22:02

Originally posted by RMcCourt:
What happened to MacXGee? So late is the set, too.

I heard he tried to leave GDI.

Not the answer he was hoping for...

g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 30th 2015, 3:38:59

A fair trade for free grabs, no?

g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 30th 2015, 3:20:52

The sad truth about Islam is their truly devout followers are restricted from embracing technology, art that depicts scenes, objects or subject matter that counter the teachings of the holy Qura'an, innappropriate social behaviors, marrying those outside the Muslim pop. They are a doomed people, and it has less to do with "extremist" Islam, and the idea that they effectively close off 2/3's of the world who follow other religions, or none at all. Without technology and social revolution, cultures become stagnant, and are eventually replaced with something more promising to its followers. An extremist is no less a damning title than Patriot. Soldiers of the United States ran through hails of bullets, suffering mortal wounds to retrieve Ole Glory who'd fallen from another dead soldiers hands. Or Medal of Honor recipients like Rob Miller who stands face to face with 150 insurgents and according to all involved "He called for his team to fall back. And then he did something extraordinary. Rob moved in the other direction — toward the enemy, drawing their guns away from his team {which included a dozen Afghan Army Muslim soldiers} and bringing the fire of all those insurgents down upon himself.

The fighting was ferocious. Rob seemed to disappear into clouds of dust and debris, but his team could hear him on the radio, still calling out the enemy’s position. And they could hear his weapon still firing as he provided cover for his men. And then, over the radio, they heard his voice. He had been hit. But still, he kept calling out enemy positions. Still, he kept firing. Still, he kept throwing his grenades. And then they heard it — Rob’s weapon fell silent." He died not just for his friends, but he did so to further the mission to pave a clear path to salvation for the terror victims. Mujahedeen believe that by strapping a bomb to their torso and standing near a convoy of troops will save his friends and repel the infidels, that is the least they can do, especially when there are 72 virgins waiting in an oasis, crowds chanting his name, and gluing posters of him on walls in side alleys of ruined cities.

We humans are an advancing civilization, and technology will eventually rule all aspects of life. Religion of any kind will no longer be relevant. Eventually we will be a mass of varied ethnic humans, located in different sectors, with an id tag. Or crazies who hid in caves, or built bunkers stocked with ammo and rations in remote Idaho forests.

"Those two billion" people will become folded into The People. It may take a few generations, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Edited By: g0nz0 on Apr 30th 2015, 3:28:42

g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 30th 2015, 2:39:26

Are there any tweaks to the oil per unit cost?

g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 30th 2015, 2:31:47

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Celphi:
You'll be waiting a long time to see some major changes with the bots on EXPRESS.
I suggest you try playing on TEAM serrver. There's no bots, no landtrading, no red tape as to who you want to attack. If you want land you'll have to attack another player or explore.

It's becoming one of my favorite servers to play on.

Just refrain from having stock, it's become a great justification by bored killers to FS you....

What KoH means to say is the bots are quite easily abused on express, as they can not properly defend themselves, meaning retal against a range of attacks. As far as not having a healthy stock on hand, for fear of FS anyone who understands this game can be a "killer", but its the malicious ones that stand out, which makes them a pariah, an unsavory dish. It's the bored statement that holds truth. Whenever a skilled player gets bored they pull wicked stunts and like to pi$$ people off. They are known and must put on a show.

It's fairly scarce on suicides, unless you grab a heavy late in the set. The fun in express is that in a relatively short window, massive turns, and quick succession of sets, you are able to try ALL forms of builds, until you find the most comfortable, then read the graphs on eestats and build your strat to suit the pattern. Theres no GDI though so don't bother looking. And earf demonstrated that you can play around the bots, so tag all the players you want.

Edited By: g0nz0 on Apr 30th 2015, 2:37:31

g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 29th 2015, 15:11:28

So bots were dropping like flies in express last round. A combination of KoH's attacks and my own experiments. If the bots are designed to sign in auto and spend turns building or whatever, they dont seem to care or notice they are out of money or food, yet still spending turns. Shadow, who I believe was a bot, had no food, was -49 per turn, but had $1 mil, and plenty of mil that it could have sold to buy more food, PLUS empty land that could have easily been converted to farms. Other bots had $0, and were only running on a PCI of $.50-1.00. They do not seem to have the ability to realize and adapt to being under attack, supplies have been depleted, or how to recover losses. This is the opposite of their initial habit of stocking mass cash and food. It's a work in progress, I know, but the bots deserve better than this. With all these wealthy nations, it is shameful to look behind the curtain and see poor and starving nations self destruct.

Please help the bots. Make them stock huge cash and food cache's again, so we don't have to watch them suffer.

g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 29th 2015, 4:13:49

Originally posted by mrford:
G0nz0 is just mad that this isn't Mars and he is trying to change it to be more similar.

News flash, Mars died faster than this game. Making them more alike probably isn't smart.

Mars is Good vs Evil, fight for your life and, at times, heart wrenching. It is pure hell on wheels, and is not for everyone, I admit that. EE has breathtaking graphics, user friendly formulas, bonuses, a vast archive of info, strats, gems of intel, almost all of which is written in English, it's all I've ever wanted in my Earth-based warchat. Mars is lopsided, segregated, aggressive, demanding, and ultimately a thankless job. You have no idea whats really going to happen, since no free translatorz ever work, like a god dam cryptogram.

While I have longed for a Martian invasion, I fear the Apocalyptic showdown may well alter the universe, and have decided to put those plans on hold...for now.

Keep GDI, toss it, alter it, whatever. Safety Netting feels good, it's a marathon, it's challenging, but like most finely groomed tracks, predictable and may lead to sterility. Some of these proposals are appealing in various ways, many players see a chance for improved dynamics, and strategic play, while others, like KoH or earf see a way to exploit the new changes to demonstrate it's vulnerabilities. Just like the bots, it's a few lines of code, and can be flushed as clear as Fords bowels during his morning Fleet.

Right now we're seeing players learning how to abuse and exploit the bots, sooner than later our dialogues will include how to "protect" the bots from KoH, that way the only value they have is for land and nothing else. More restrictions, less dynamic. benefits the rich.

Be Brave. Be Strong. Be Free.

g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 28th 2015, 17:53:13

Originally posted by Getafix:

It is a very different game without GDI. More challenging, more fighting.

You know, you're right?

No GDI makes this a more creative and dynamic game. You are forced to either build a spy network, and boost spy tech, buy troops and tanks. You cant land grab every player {once} without fear of retribution, so getting 500,000 acres by the end of the set becomes far more difficult. If sassy little girls attack the bots, then you're really up $hit creek. It's not about killing, you see, as there aren't enough spy ops, with spy DR, to actually kill another country, but you can certainly hobble them by reducing troops, jets, cash, oil, civilians, on and on.... It's about using the massive knowledge base you've collected on EE strat to play an effective set where you aren't pulling 60 or 70+ strikes on everyone, cause you know there'll be someone out there who doesn't have 5 mil jets to hit you back, but they do have 500,000 spies to your 0, so game on bicht.

I think it needs to finally be sealed that GDI should NOT offer protection from harmful spy ops, since nobody will approve removing GDI in general from express, at LEAST give other players who don't stock massive military, and have to face off against countries with 2 DA's who are their BFF's and basically make it impossible to hit, since they jump after hitting a half dozen or more countries.

Let me share with you some words of wisdom from a wise old Asian man I found in the alley behind my house:

Slagpit: ....It has also been suggested that players should not be able to steal food, oil, tech, or cash from countries in GDI. I disagree with this suggestion. Removing the threat of random special attacks really doesn't have too large of an effect. For the most part, players can simply skip buying small amounts of troops and tanks. However, players still need make a choice about their spy defense. Removing spy ops would mean that all-X countries could just buy turrets and not worry about anything else. That removes too much from the game.

It's difficult to make an argument that spy ops are not a legitimate means of gaining resources. If a player has lots of turrets but low spies, why shouldn't countries try to do harmful ops? Surely if the situation was reversed: high spies and low turrets, the player would be grabbed and instructed to buy more turrets if he complained about it. If you don't want harmful spy ops done against your country, you have two options: protect your stockpile on the market or get good spy defense.

The UN council does not protect anyone in their charter from inside attacks, rather that of overtly aggressive larger countries who may be attacking a much smaller nation. The UN security council doesn't offer protection to banks, farms, tech labs, spy agents, or any other spec op. Time to give it up, we've got bots to make farming easier for massive NW gain, with little worry, as hitting a country who is all jets is a bad move, but someone with high turrets but low jets can't do ANYTHING to you unless you break GDI.

This is not a fair and equal playing field.

Time for a change.

All my love,


g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 26th 2015, 2:49:58

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:

I'm Bureau of Land Management......I've been see how the server would adjust ...chaos... :P ...LOL.

...hard feelings...!

...If ...qz... ...would ...just ...block the purchase of jets, they don't need that... I think... :-)

I think qz should have them buy ALL Jets & build spies. They retal with full blast SS or PS {your choice} after second grab, no calc, just max jets for pain or retal grab doesnt matter. 1 retal per hit after that. If they are meant to farm, then why make it difficult? If you abuse them, you get whacked. Simple is as simple does.

g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 23rd 2015, 2:11:16

Originally posted by BobbyATA:

I also didn't realize bomb buildings was still so strong. I swore it was nerfed. This is def. whining but I don't see how it's fair how you can run 10 straight bomb buildings successfully (despite having fewer spies) destroying over 400 buildings each turn.

*whispers softly*

spy ops favor the aggressor. You're up $hit creek bad boy.

*devil on your shoulder*
Should build more spies and buy my spy tech. It's you're only option.

*angel on your other shoulder*
He's right, god dammit...

g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 23rd 2015, 2:00:22

Also, when you multi-tap landfarm, make sure to tell him it was because you are trying to determine diminishing return calcs for a spreadsheet you are designing for excel. He LOVES helping players! ;)

g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 23rd 2015, 1:57:11

Originally posted by stanrools:
I still have no clue how to find bots. any hints?

Bots are the one with names that are auto-generated out of the Castlevania series. They're 50% unbuilt, and generally look like a country some n00b simply gave up and abandoned. They never retal, so everyobdy multi taps them for a free lunch. Get yours while its still hot ;)

PS The netters tend to farm the $hit out of em early, look for the countries getting hit by 5 or 6 different NW players. You'll get less in return, but at least you know its a safe grab.

PPS The bots are designed to buy mil as they go, so it gets harder the longer you wait.

g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 22nd 2015, 20:10:21

Originally posted by Lord Tarnava:
That ebert is my personal landfarm. This set and every set for as long as I see fit, and he decides to play this server.

*daeh sekahs*
!ssabmud deer a nrael

g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 21st 2015, 3:59:27

Was mostly Enterprise with max bus tech. $79.99

Better than the $.50 PCI from one of the bots

g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 20th 2015, 3:27:35

22 minutes??! Thats all??

Dude, I was on waaaay longer than that. An you call yourself an EE fan??

g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 19th 2015, 1:15:24

Originally posted by Xninja:
Due to 12 hour work days and lack of sleep I have overflowed turns, thus will just be exploring all set. Enjoy the land peeps.

Also, no end of set surprise this set. Take what you want with no retaliation.

*sharpening axe* Oh there'll be a surprise by Jesus....

Originally posted by Xninja:
I miss you Mac23.....


g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 19th 2015, 1:06:00

Bot #L9 is looking ridiculous. How the Hell do you get PCI of $0.50??? With a grand total of $0 in your bank...

Flush it

g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 18th 2015, 3:40:09

dumped my oil rigs and built farms to make up for cost of food. your SOL Staniel. ;)

g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 17th 2015, 1:47:16

Originally posted by earf:
Not saying you dont understand how to blow up jets or demoralize and grab. Just saying you dont understand basic human response to you doing such things to them'

Earf, you seem like someone I can trust, I know you haven't yet reached 10,000 posts, but you are mostly literate, and stand a good chance at comprehending my origins here on Earth.

A few years back, I was hangin with some new friends who were apparently big Earth2025 fiends. They kept compelling me to build a new country, and claimed I could rule Earth with the few clicks of a keyboard. Thinkin about it, "ME a king?! Hells yeah!" The mans name was Murphy or Muffasa. He asked if I believed the world around me was real, "Occasionally" I replied. He then offered to share his secret to unlock the reality that was on the other side of the mirror. He held out a red and a blue pill. He didn't give much information, but I took the red, because that's the safest bet when there's no writing on the coating. He kept asking this guy Hank if he'd been able to trace me, but I use TOR so my IP was difficult to locate, but when I tried to explain this all that came out was "Maybe I should take another pill? I have a pretty high tolerance." This chick named Divinity was starin at me and kept on about "He's the one? Seriously you guys, you sure he's the one I'm supposed to shag? Gross! I'd rather play Angry Birds and eat kale the rest of my life!" Next thing I know, I wake up, strapped to a chair, and handcuffed to a keyboard. Before me sits a 20 yr old CRT monitor, a cranky desktop PC, and Wifi from a place called 'McDguest'. They gave me a bed pan, wipes, hand sanitizer, a case of water and some MRE's. Once a week they bring me another case of water, and empty my bedpan into ziplocks for "more lab work". I'm not sure what they expect to find, something about the stress of traveling across dimensions, and the strain it puts on your mind and body. I'm no doctor, but it sounds legit.

This is the only place they let me go, besides Torrents, and I just want it to be perfect...

Now you know earf, this is why I fight for the people, I am the chosen one. Soon, I will discover what I was chosen for, but as of yet, I figure it has something to do with Earth...

g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 16th 2015, 17:39:34

Originally posted by BUTTMAN:
sounds like g0nz0 wants to stock all week and then blow it all on troops/oil/mil strat tech and then kill whatever country he wants because everyone should have 'enough' defense.

I skimmed, though.

You skimmed, thats for damn sure. What I actually said was that I could build jets early, top feed a few healthy targets, then spend the rest of the set stocking for net, as opposed to hunting for endless targets. It's "earf"-style risky, but so is any land grab. It's all up to the target. Spend NW hitting me back, or just deal.

Originally posted by earf:
Originally posted by g0nz0:

So, if I have someone in game who has been opin me, and I check in on them, and see they are stocking mass jets for a strike, rather than be able to bomb their jets/burn oil/banks/bio,etc..., making their FS much more difficult, if not impossible, that is a good thing?

LMao if you're response to someone with jets spying on you is to bomb theiy're jets. OMG so dumb. Congrats the person who was going to grab you is now going to all out war you. Way to prevent the grab!!! , g0nz0

Originally posted by g0nz0:

If there is a target who is well above me, but would yield a massive payday, if only I could weaken their forces, rather than blow my cash getting over the break line, that is a noob thing?

Yeeeeeeeeees lol. Demoralize + top feed = you in a war, again. these is just the kind of things noobs do. Only way you can get a way with it is if it is perhaps on a retal.

you're post was already so wrong at this point that i skipped the next 1000 words #sorrynotsorry

As I stated earlier, it's up to the target. If I demoralize, and top feed, it's up to the larger, net-minded country, to hit me back, and blow through their resources on a retal. Most likely, their retal is FAR less painful than what I got from them. No high shelf countries are willing to war over a grab, even a significant one. Maybe 1 retal, and move on, but rarely, if ever, warring.

I see that you guys are scared, safety from spy ops means a fraction of Mil costs, less spy tech, no real need for IA and the ability to run on low def. You SHOULD have to buy up troops and tanks during the game, not after multitapping, THEN D up. NW would be harder to earn, and keep things creative. Plus there would be more than just cheap jets/turrets. As it stands troops/tanks/spy tech are weak as hell most markets.

P.S. Spy calcs favor, BY FAR, the aggressor, so this could be one reason to fight against harmful ops...if you're afraid....

g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 16th 2015, 15:18:25

Originally posted by earf:
you can still bomb banks and raid oil stores from in GDI. no, you cant first strike war someone by blowing up all theiyre jets or demoralizing to hit someone out of range. But thats newb play anyway. You would only do that stuff if you were tryin to start in a war.

In which case. Opt out of the GDI. he said Default, he didnt say mandatory

So, if I have someone in game who has been opin me, and I check in on them, and see they are stocking mass jets for a strike, rather than be able to bomb their jets/burn oil/banks/bio,etc..., making their FS much more difficult, if not impossible, that is a good thing? If there is a target who is well above me, but would yield a massive payday, if only I could weaken their forces, rather than blow my cash getting over the break line, that is a noob thing?

The point of the ops was to be able to do things OTHER than jets vs turrets, or jets vs turrets. "I build ALL jets and turrets!! I'm able to get Top 10 in NW because I spend almost nothing on mil defense, aside from turrets."

I have to pose these questions:

When a bank robber goes to hit a bank, does he first join the UN council, and thereby gain approval from GDI authority to steal money or oil? Does GDI need to approve your crew setting off buildings or demoralizing? If the only time you can wear down your targets readiness is AFTER the war has begun, then it means you are warring, not FS/Top Feeding, yes?.

It's up to the target to decide if the hit was worth war, since readiness can always be built up. GDI makes it so that once the netters, which is top 30-40 in most sets, can't be touched by anyone except other netters, and then it's always the 1 tap net, double tap bottom/bot feed, so nobody gets their feelings hurt. I could build jets half the set, and hit 2 or 3 bull netters, and make all the cash and land I need to spend the rest of the set stocking rather than hunting, but that simply can't happen. I would take advantage of the countries who don't buy def so they can get higher in the NW brackets, and earn myself thousands of acres , pre-built land, money, tech, etc....

Before I hear about how its "for the new players too", that's across the board bull$hit, as every new player on Earth is fed off like there's no tomorrow while netters climb. GDI doesn't do fluff for them early, and by the time they've got a decent offense/defense, the only targets left in range are other new players, or war mongers or failed countries. GDI is not about protecting new players, it's about retaining net, and not having to worry about anything other than Hit,hit,hit, get grabbed, hit again, do this 50 or 60 times, buy out the market, and YAY I FINISHED TOP 10!!! That was so creative and difficult. You should have to worry about something other than jet vs turret count + weapons tech + other high school math, plus I know who hits who, and which are bots {who dont retal}, so now the game is THAT much easier for netting....

Originally posted by earf:

These fluffing morons!, a farmer with 110% ag tech.. come the fluff on, and he's goign out and #retaling? If you dont know how to play why bother with #retals?. Just let the people who know what theyire doing farm you....

New players, unlike earfs claim, prob won't have the skills to know how to demoralize, dissent, disarm, and clear out a much larger target, they WILL however be farmed into oblivion when 6 or 7 other netters see an easy grab with 0% defense sucess, since earf or whoever just cornholed the n00bs defense.

Blocking harmful ops, I think, has more to do with the fact that the SPAL calcs are messed up here, so a spy country would prob decimate any and all targets.

Originally posted by Slagpit:
I created the spy success formula many years ago, but I don't remember precisely how it works. I doubt that any of the admins know how it works either. They could look it up if they needed to, but we deliberately didn't look at it after it was written....

At the very least EXCLUDE harmful ops from GDI protection. The resources gained through some of those ops keep players who have difficulty managing their own resources afloat, and makes top feeding, or stalling a FS a reality.

g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 15th 2015, 14:49:08

Being in GDI restricts your play, and would essentially void harmful ops, unless war is declared or multi taps, which is basically the same thing. No more banks, oil raids, tech, etc...

You won't be able to soften your target, reduce troops, clear jets to avoid retal, all that fun stuff.

You probably like my idea about using bonus points to "purchase" restart insurance. I think it would definitely encourage more players to click ads, and spread the gospel about EE.

Edited By: g0nz0 on Apr 15th 2015, 14:52:40