Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 12 - Mar 16
Mar 14 - May 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2460
Currently Logged in: 192

Alliance Clan: TIExHS (TIExHS)

Nineteenth round: Dec 05, 2012 - Feb 03, 2013
Clan Standings
Membership Rank6 of 29
Total Networth Rank6 of 29
Average Networth Rank6 of 29
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
34 Lil AzN That Could (#368) 66,499$151,627,593 HG
74 Sir John A (#101) 36,126$117,921,211 I
91 Jefferson Davis was in HS (#112) 29,925$105,553,936 HG
92 Robert Menzies (#249) 20,665$104,703,950 HG
99 George Washington was invincible (#334) 21,535$101,420,961 HG
115 Churchill will still be drunk (#259)  Game profile 25,977$93,208,402 HG
122 Santa Tiem (#238)  Game profile 42,134$89,176,112 H
126 Winston Churchill of TIE (#105) 18,354$88,614,659 HG
134 i dont know what im doing (#506) 18,884$84,967,359 HG
137 SkellefteaAIK (#567) 17,789$84,379,672 HG
157 Doin the Harold Halt (#256) 23,006$76,902,083 H
159 Nekkid Polly Under Xmas Tree (#253) 18,235$75,814,197 H
167 George Washingtons Finest (#264) 25,208$71,558,417 H
170 Robert Menzies of TIE (#146) 24,193$70,701,009 H
172 MrFord no not him Gerald (#603)  Game profile 27,830$70,165,087 HG
178 TIEm to DIE (#710) 26,982$66,027,847 D
184 Calvin Coolidge (#95) 22,802$63,255,228 H
201 Ronald Reagan (#442)  Game profile 19,987$50,500,479 H
209 Angrywolf and JFK (#86) 28,956$45,872,901 R
215 Lincolns Star Destroyer (#528) 23,753$42,896,261 R
224 Happiness to me is killin things (#1026)  Game profile 18,428$36,939,482 R
225 HunterThompson (#647) 14,935$36,614,185 F
248 Beez Goze Buzz (#174) 22,222$26,396,852 H
251 Washingtonwasa hemphead (#570)  Game profile 38,189$25,645,485 R
252 Started A Month Late (#1153) 18,036$25,496,847 RG
263 Push Harder I said Push Hard (#689) 16,377$24,416,391 T
269 MargaretThatcherHasSexyHair (#724) 13,678$22,600,447 H
359 Ulysses S Grant (#164) 14,971$8,561,557 T
366 TIEs JACKET (#50) 16,015$7,334,995 F
399 Bungalow (#1029) 15,962$4,631,175 R
413 Skulls of Dominion (#36) 12,543$3,853,556 R
481 Sleeper Service (#642) 8769$1,694,966 H
547 Edmond Barton (#177) 6945$874,965 R
686 Confederation of Naboo (#374) 1484$151,802 R

Total countries: 34

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