Aug 24 - Oct 22
Sep 18 - Sep 22
Sep 12 - Nov 10
Sep 2 - Sep 30
Active countries: 3740
Currently Logged in: 202

Top Players - Express

Current round: Sep 16, 2024 - N/A Prev Reset

Scores & Ranks are updated every 5 minutes.
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There are currently 101 countries in the Express server.

1 Blasphemer (#97) 12,759$11,950,047 TG
2 Link (#40) 32,190$8,529,583 CG
3 d i p l o m a c y (#80) 28,535$8,088,048 TG
4 Blond Bomber (#11) 11,157$7,241,664 HG
5 Emilia Clarke Kent (#53) 5036$6,969,604 HG
6 Arthos (#10) 22,345$5,879,592 FG
7 Special Circumstances (#82) 13,244$5,862,461 CG
8 half nelson (#24) 24,085$5,457,384 TG
9 The Forgotten (#18) 13,647$5,439,582 HG
10 diditagain (#3) 14,889$4,656,373 FG
11 26 Seconds (#93) 12,884$4,563,792 TG
12 Wasted Land (#13) 32,492$4,549,986 TG
13 12 (#12) 9838$4,545,053 HG
14 Yippee KiYay (#90) 18,201$4,390,962 HG
15 When Sept End (#69) 12,994$4,244,662 FG
16 Blackrock (#35) 11,885$4,178,786 MG
17 Stabbing Westward (#49) 7498$3,946,068 DG
18 difo (#14) 5489$3,759,168 DG
19 Cawfee (#58) 14,113$3,731,284 CG
20 Tonica Rysdan Penduhl (#71) 9212$3,577,200 CG
21 Solar Sanctum (#20) 9246$3,508,024 DG
22 Smack Daddy (#32) 14,812$3,437,006 IG
23 Opossum Tiny (#59) 11,706$3,429,131 R
24 Chinook (#95) 12,145$3,414,206 DG
25 Bloodrayne John De Belleville (#75) 12,458$3,379,401 RG

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