Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 12 - Mar 16
Mar 14 - May 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2460
Currently Logged in: 192

Alliance Clan: La Famiglia (LaF)

Twentieth round: Feb 04, 2013 - Apr 06, 2013
Clan Standings
Membership Rank1 of 24
Total Networth Rank1 of 24
Average Networth Rank1 of 24
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
1 LET THE BOY WATCH (#288) 95,419$436,873,090 HG
2 dINGLEberries (#163)  Game profile 96,289$395,250,882 HG
8 dont jiggle your ingle (#25) 99,471$355,638,251 HG
9 Ingle got my AIDs (#72)  Game profile 91,870$345,331,004 HG
10 Google (#688)  Game profile 92,251$344,903,741 HG
12 ingle berry (#524) 90,626$316,665,924 HG
15 Twingle Twingle Little Stars (#164) 97,591$283,665,434 HG
16 A sIngle tear (#232)  Game profile 83,644$280,307,558 HG
20 SkyFall (#259) 88,234$272,979,005 DG
21 Why do I play (#565) 50,558$271,594,975 HG
23 No more Moss (#429) 69,000$267,157,044 HG
24 wasaba (#38) 58,606$265,761,532 HG
26 Justpickupgirlsdotcom (#509) 85,393$249,699,329 HG
28 En4cer is my sINGLE hero (#385) 75,747$242,980,842 HG
30 Maxwell (#576) 63,346$235,278,086 HG
32 QZjul sINGLEy abused power (#357) 75,610$230,470,559 DG
34 ingle for don (#236) 37,182$227,144,036 H
35 Ravens over 49ers eat it SG (#137) 26,347$221,940,898 DG
37 QzChangingCdCodesNxtSet (#373) 76,033$213,534,183 D
42 There is no cow level (#531) 55,265$191,922,993 H
43 Pringles Pop Cant Stop (#283)  Game profile 24,854$191,866,283 D
46 Look at me im 1 (#105) 55,510$183,632,995 H
60 sINGLE plurality (#284)  Game profile 19,851$168,046,352 H
62 Keyser Soze (#339)  Game profile 38,634$164,756,325 H
63 Timeless (#162)  Game profile 67,552$162,878,577 C
68 PG is STILL MY QUEEN (#528) 39,971$158,255,931 HG
71 TreeMaker (#248)  Game profile 31,614$153,574,346 H
72 The Cloaked since 1998 (#336)  Game profile 24,296$152,508,866 D
78 C R O A T I A (#11)  Game profile 55,400$147,645,214 TG
79 Ace Ji Hyo (#145) 25,793$145,000,000 HG
86 DK (#692) 25,236$138,142,617 H
88 Elizabeth (#86) 23,254$137,700,725 D
94 IDrinkYourMilkshake (#455)  Game profile 32,968$134,420,027 H
101 I Refuse to Acknowledge Ingle (#486) 12,920$132,784,473 DG
105 Fatally Emo (#480) 31,958$129,530,225 HG
111 qz lied people died wait what (#451) 43,018$126,014,485 HG
114 Darkstar (#456) 30,516$125,266,341 H
115 Django (#585) 26,066$125,152,523 H
118 Pringles For Ingle (#286) 25,645$124,145,693 HG
122 Wanna spread my AIDs (#664) 42,622$123,128,999 HG
126 LaF upon a time (#383) 31,257$120,561,521 HG
130 Hangar18 (#313) 30,177$118,742,572 H
132 Bertrand Russell (#57)  Game profile 12,600$118,209,793 DG
136 MicroteK (#430) 13,335$116,888,042 HG
139 Trogdor (#747)  Game profile 12,483$116,630,526 HG
145 Lafing all the way (#711) 29,891$114,866,615 H
148 fat sINGLE rdy to mINGLE (#584) 13,782$113,393,816 H
151 Crop Farmer (#309) 33,498$112,501,649 H
153 sINGLE dudes Retreat (#217) 32,282$111,942,840 H
155 Single Stage Lunar Lander (#332)  Game profile 19,372$111,505,847 HG
157 My country ises big suck (#272)  Game profile 25,902$109,992,363 H
158 Ingle for you (#380) 12,851$109,533,801 HG
160 Eugene Badger Dont Care (#108)  Game profile 12,967$109,408,368 D
162 Tomorrow Never Dies (#169) 24,581$109,071,982 HG
163 J ingle all the way (#478)  Game profile 12,599$108,696,815 HG
164 Enterprise NX01 (#94)  Game profile 13,069$108,404,241 DG
167 Runnin Out of Air (#678) 24,635$107,877,991 H
168 food clearer (#538)  Game profile 28,459$105,996,291 H
171 Ingle is my hero (#292) 23,562$104,296,530 H
174 The Parallax Effect (#492) 19,193$102,137,191 HG
179 La Famiglia (#337) 31,784$100,757,416 H
180 Ghost of MDemon Empires (#499) 39,588$100,591,599 D
181 Neal (#23) 24,233$100,258,003 H
189 133tz (#208)  Game profile 55,962$97,625,691 D
199 Seminole Uprising (#15)  Game profile 24,352$92,961,551 H
207 Inglebloodygoodfridge (#181) 29,960$89,155,652 H
208 Spoonfed Sheep (#622) 11,377$89,039,819 HG
214 sprINGLEontop (#637) 25,541$87,382,465 H
216 Master Chief (#493)  Game profile 20,588$86,156,465 H
233 Savage Towers (#1049)  Game profile 39,079$77,380,215 C
237 Grinchville (#488) 22,196$76,345,661 H
243 Wrath of God (#647) 12,617$74,960,759 H
258 Xipamide (#554) 18,015$69,438,071 H
265 Twinkle Ingle (#102) 33,260$66,140,878 H
279 Santa Maria (#883) 19,243$60,796,810 H
303 Mustang Country (#809) 26,544$51,644,852 H
305 Believe the Hype (#638) 12,874$50,000,000 D
322 KSFforever (#334) 22,169$41,707,577 R
336 Giancana (#941) 20,166$37,298,942 H
340 Troian (#1092) 27,631$36,249,562 H
347 m0 m0ney m0 problems (#201) 11,538$32,726,804 H
372 OMG theCliff theCliff (#1053) 21,526$28,194,852 F
383 Ugolia (#938) 12,955$21,907,607 R

Total countries: 83

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