Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 12 - Mar 16
Mar 14 - May 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2460
Currently Logged in: 192

Alliance Clan: The Infernal Elite (INFERNAL)

Twenty-sixth round: Feb 05, 2014 - Apr 06, 2014
Clan Standings
Membership Rank6 of 24
Total Networth Rank6 of 24
Average Networth Rank8 of 24
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
29 TIE Fighter (#32) 54,223$172,314,631 H
30 AzN StyLe RiCe (#322) 52,724$168,075,483 HG
40 Kneel for Santa (#285)  Game profile 46,026$146,368,420 HG
52 whats that smell (#484) 24,918$129,821,644 D
62 UnTIE me (#10) 25,996$120,734,096 HG
71 Pale Horse Riding (#103)  Game profile 22,640$113,823,744 H
82 TIEd up and TwiStEd (#153) 30,180$110,606,042 HG
86 Nevermind Im not drunk enough (#219) 30,813$108,752,689 D
124 Marshal Wears Bunny Ears (#167) 28,599$91,939,910 F
127 Skulls of Dominion (#474) 26,644$91,421,095 RG
130 olympic torch carrier (#504)  Game profile 36,138$90,409,980 F
147 Clowns with Groins (#618) 20,471$83,470,483 RG
163 Fluffy Valentine Owls Tormentor (#4) 21,439$80,611,028 H
176 Can you get your elbow off there (#463) 28,836$76,724,939 H
197 HashtagEarth (#63) 29,214$69,252,017 R
200 That is Huge caboose (#452) 26,961$68,731,692 H
206 I Didnt know you even started (#562) 21,003$67,220,557 H
212 SumLittleGirl (#456)  Game profile 16,789$65,660,732 D
216 AtLeastUrBiggerThanRed (#446) 14,702$64,438,011 RG
217 Not alliance server again (#598) 11,045$64,402,793 D
257 Boom goes the dynamite (#380)  Game profile 21,957$46,198,343 D
279 Sweet Nightmeres (#44) 21,897$37,958,483 R
289 Angry Wolf (#372) 15,951$35,116,463 M
303 Tiocfaidh ar la (#339) 17,992$31,584,251 R
305 Sirdog (#583) 24,161$30,936,611 R
321 Stoner Side (#91) 27,644$26,395,660 R
322 Did you just Fart in my Face (#483) 19,747$26,337,192 R
342 Mxtopia (#468) 22,669$20,347,130 F
345 Purple Trees (#435) 17,436$19,129,978 RG
347 your mouth is like a vacuum (#300) 15,823$19,052,585 DG
409 Are You Done I Want To Watch Tv (#195) 19,308$6,308,685 I
427 DidUFartagain (#188) 8885$4,583,912 RG
439 Dont go chasing waterfalls (#211) 11,427$3,316,767 R
459 ruritania (#132) 7445$2,015,419 H

Total countries: 34

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