Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 12 - Mar 16
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2488
Currently Logged in: 175

Alliance Clan: Survival of the Fittest (SoF)

Thirty-eighth round: Feb 07, 2016 - Apr 07, 2016
Clan Standings
Membership Rank3 of 23
Total Networth Rank2 of 23
Average Networth Rank5 of 23
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
1 White River (#16) 20$423,067,396 HG
13 aynata RevXwarlord cheatcode FTW (#15) 43,652$183,656,748 HG
18 PunyHumanNr1 (#190) 23,673$161,090,811 I
30 Frosty Return (#275) 31,394$133,555,134 RG
44 Xergalica (#36)  Game profile 35,207$109,965,490 F
51 Bo Knows m0m0 (#241)  Game profile 352$105,615,879 H
57 dandan (#78) 20,866$101,707,509 H
60 m0 money m0 problems (#77) 31,939$97,890,745 H
62 Insane Multi Posse FFA (#282) 33,822$96,385,418 H
72 TipDaVampire (#195)  Game profile 54,610$91,348,972 H
79 Duncan MacLeod The Highlander (#213) 20,992$84,738,616 F
90 Arrowtopknot (#40)  Game profile 16,907$76,511,127 H
93 Dub Nation Decimation (#102) 53,737$75,000,000 R
97 Azdaja (#109) 21,179$73,393,158 R
105 ROMANIAN 3RD World Shithole (#342) 12,104$66,323,073 D
114 CrisCallForDuty (#127) 15,079$60,800,547 H
116 Madalyn (#313)  Game profile 100$59,269,859 H
119 ForgottenRealms 4 Cheater Aynata (#67) 13,263$56,642,930 R
128 Once A Cheater Always A Aynata (#238) 11,418$47,416,538 T
142 M E T A L L I C A (#157) 29,950$40,756,416 F
144 EEVIL CORP (#198) 15,144$38,825,213 T
152 SOF WARHORSE (#120)  Game profile 16,210$32,800,409 F
153 Zalophus (#2) 21,959$32,619,506 T
160 Mecha Mattzilla (#387) 16,841$29,019,483 M
166 Ridsect of SOF (#255)  Game profile 26,142$24,849,934 I
168 Pudgy cat (#66) 10,796$23,809,551 T
172 AgainReally (#191) 12,740$20,643,483 R
195 Aynata cheats to WARLORD (#276) 12,392$12,365,317 T
209 Rising (#361) 10,544$9,056,705 M
226 Infidels (#467) 10,822$6,707,499 CG
278 Angy (#338) 9939$2,123,923 F
283 Adam Jones (#345) 10,209$1,676,263 T

Total countries: 32

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