Dec 26 - Feb 23
Feb 12 - Feb 16
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Feb 2 - Mar 2
Active countries: 2185
Currently Logged in: 201

Alliance Clan: La Cosa Nostra (LCNostra)

Fifth round: Aug 04, 2010 - Oct 04, 2010
Clan Standings
Membership Rank1 of 22
Total Networth Rank2 of 22
Average Networth Rank4 of 22
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
22 Old TIEm Rock and Roll (#349) 16,379$112,421,182 HG
25 Top TIEr NOSTRA Studmuffin (#404) 20,047$107,563,904 HG
47 TIEm to become a mafioso (#356) 27,755$90,679,837 D
48 TIEm 2 hit the NoStra (#102) 23,814$89,128,381 H
51 NO STRAt TIEm (#73) 13,821$85,794,727 HG
59 Wheres my TIE (#407) 25,360$82,920,656 H
62 Sodalis (#263) 23,769$82,007,580 DG
70 PANostra (#224) 27,564$79,479,144 H
74 Forty Two (#28) 13,013$78,210,550 DG
75 TIE dye my NOSTRA (#312) 8714$77,917,063 H
76 Nostra blood TIEs (#150) 23,015$76,347,826 D
88 TImE to Party LCN Style (#172) 31,193$72,686,193 H
90 TIEdtoCementShoes (#447)  Game profile 24,777$71,717,004 HG
91 Homo Homini SantTIE (#145)  Game profile 14,878$71,181,558 HG
92 nostra tiekoon (#376) 8413$71,145,406 D
93 TIE a Pink Nostra (#55) 13,401$70,863,470 H
94 TIEd to LCN (#462) 24,186$70,626,677 D
99 TIE my Nostra in Creamy Lingerie (#192) 20,368$68,743,546 D
101 mystic TIE (#149) 27,225$67,880,435 C
103 NO STRAnger to TIEing up cats (#443)  Game profile 22,372$67,223,362 H
104 VypejJaduScukaTIEstyle (#380) 45,143$66,815,141 RG
106 TIE my Nostra up so I wont Tripp (#51)  Game profile 17,158$66,162,315 H
110 Japri TIEd up my NOSTRA (#80) 14,774$64,189,462 D
111 TIE am NOSTRAnger to farming u (#333)  Game profile 30,904$63,249,700 H
114 C R O A T I A (#161)  Game profile 21,602$61,678,481 F
116 TreeMaker (#303)  Game profile 21,409$60,666,300 D
117 Make7Again (#368) 17,386$60,612,413 H
118 Ghall (#445) 20,722$59,222,577 D
120 TIE Me Up But NOSTRApons (#202)  Game profile 20,738$58,894,989 D
121 This NOSTRA is getting TIEred (#405) 25,416$58,593,731 F
122 Frost (#306) 15,956$57,447,380 D
125 INVINCIBLE IRONMAN (#450)  Game profile 35,797$56,281,934 C
126 TIEd to Intolerance (#47) 22,791$55,566,435 D
133 Farfalle (#278) 21,592$52,070,211 DG
141 TIE me up and FIST LCN (#23)  Game profile 25,131$47,737,853 D
145 brutielcn (#348)  Game profile 20,126$45,981,020 D
148 TIEd to NOSTRA (#505) 15,017$44,900,406 H
153 growing up nostra (#441) 17,656$42,193,744 D
154 TIE my NOSTRA to a Badger (#397) 78,571$41,643,331 D
160 I TIEed up Ravis NOSTRA (#299) 23,525$37,612,403 D
167 OldLineState (#556) 9792$32,202,823 D
168 KillBot (#61)  Game profile 23,158$32,144,647 I
173 LCNTIEdUpUrMOMLastNight (#119) 15,846$30,317,727 D
184 TieNostraTuna (#153) 14,323$26,576,004 D
192 Strike (#160) 12,824$25,685,875 D
194 Pelican Bay (#588) 21,465$24,919,658 F
202 TiE LcNs BrA sTrAp (#421) 22,179$21,929,057 F
208 TIEmeUP (#213) 18,361$20,187,461 D
209 Metropolis X (#575) 22,590$19,905,434 I
214 Nostras TIEm To Shine (#5) 12,321$19,126,824 D
217 Advocate of Light (#294) 28,762$18,444,834 D
223 MyhotdogUrBun (#616) 17,642$17,271,837 D
245 NationOfEpicFail (#260) 14,699$11,988,079 H
260 NOSTRAnger to being TIEd up (#490) 13,254$8,475,591 D
261 TIEyourshoes (#347) 9360$8,469,316 D
321 milo land (#594) 11,672$3,010,330 F
324 one eighty seven (#125)  Game profile 8773$2,918,783 M
364 Fiji (#1058) 7586$1,874,593 C

Total countries: 58

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