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Top Clans - Alliance

Next Reset Sixty-ninth round: Apr 12, 2021 - Jun 11, 2021 Prev Reset
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Top 14 (out of 14) clans ranked by total networth
NameTagMembersTotal WorthAvg WorthGDI
La Famiglia LaF 30 $7,981,186,041 $266,039,535
The MONSTERS MONSTERS 8 $1,831,267,991 $183,126,799
Survival of the Fittest SoF 20 $1,427,867,126 $71,393,356
OMEGA OMEGA 3 $1,364,866,187 $136,486,619
mercenaries For Hire Mercs 14 $606,501,737 $43,321,553
Evolution EVOguess 6 $579,744,323 $57,974,432
HERO HERO 3 $534,132,436 $53,413,244
RAGE RAGE 5 $136,438,555 $13,643,856
Sons of Liberty xSOLx 13 $108,576,656 $8,352,050
Stones Stones 10 $33,708,978 $3,370,898
Legions of Hell LOH 1 $20,679,931 $2,067,993
Lords of Chaos LoC 1 $5,699,630 $569,963
Swords of Justice SWORDS 2 $3,057,827 $305,783
The Elders Elders 5 $2,000,769 $200,077

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