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Active countries: 2459
Currently Logged in: 193

Top Players - Express

Next Reset 258th round: Nov 03, 2014 - Nov 09, 2014 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 110 countries in the Express server.

1 shittyassman (#46) 27,448$43,758,523 CG
2 Chameleon (#3) 19,370$30,380,090 CG
3 (#56)  Game profile 14,695$29,456,075 HG
4 JiangNan (#20)  Game profile 20,022$26,226,317 CG
5 Enterprise NCC1701D (#72)  Game profile 20,256$25,358,531 CG
6 Sky full of Stars (#75) 19,349$22,278,299 CG
7 Octopussy (#98)  Game profile 16,552$21,251,749 RG
8 MakeMyDay (#64) 13,863$19,361,909 RG
9 Cypselos (#38)  Game profile 15,173$18,056,707 RG
10 Kevnuts (#50)  Game profile 10,061$15,463,039 HG
11 Where The Shadows Lie (#12)  Game profile 12,700$14,966,582 RG
12 Orjuwan (#41)  Game profile 14,843$14,641,559 DG
13 landfarm (#21)  Game profile 7128$14,000,000 RG
14 Land of the little people (#29) 12,697$13,173,455 RG
15 killyourspies (#22) 7918$12,951,141 D
16 BYOB (#34) 13,495$12,830,206 IG
17 BaDonkaDonks (#82)  Game profile 7164$12,824,971 HG
18 Enterprise NX01 (#4)  Game profile 11,664$12,526,031 RG
19 Excuse Me While I Kiss This Guy (#54) 15,142$12,471,215 DG
20 1000s of thumbtacks in my vagina (#88)  Game profile 13,074$12,160,270 RG
21 vroom (#30) 12,456$11,653,847 DG
22 TaliWali (#67)  Game profile 11,314$11,639,912 RG
23 JBM (#80) 11,211$11,155,397 HG
24 Blitzville (#81) 14,024$10,201,868 IG
25 zero (#69)  Game profile 8993$10,097,453 CG
26 Nixons Richard (#6) 11,965$9,686,781 RG
27 Twin Turbo Lexus ISF (#24)  Game profile 16,414$9,598,713 CG
28 Crimson (#1) 11,746$9,415,540 DG
29 Hawk (#23) 12,304$9,116,478 HG
30 droppin bombs (#13) 12,908$9,013,431 RG
31 Celphi (#92) 11,582$8,783,648 DG
32 dOgMiLk (#25)  Game profile 12,575$8,691,255 DG
33 TZT (#28) 10,164$7,602,217 F
34 Pallas (#68) 12,684$7,378,239 FG
35 I WILL grab you back (#83) 13,330$7,281,626 CG
36 badjuju (#36) 8110$7,208,238 DG
37 BLEH (#11) 7438$7,135,822 HG
38 Team Canada (#65) 15,985$7,073,185 CG
39 Goldenrod City (#16) 11,818$6,802,158 RG
40 Old MacDonald (#5) 6276$6,460,014 CG
41 wabbit season Duck season (#43) 16,476$6,434,663 CG
42 Midkemia (#44) 10,819$6,004,785 C
43 Ayatollah of RocknRolla (#90) 13,345$5,896,067 IG
44 clous (#26) 10,688$5,667,480 R
45 The Shylock (#2) 7751$5,602,933 RG
46 frein4prez (#15) 10,269$5,540,992 M
47 BiBiGoN (#51)  Game profile 13,465$5,465,825 R
48 Hatchet Underground (#32)  Game profile 10,449$5,461,349 TG
49 Sudnar (#7) 11,267$4,888,537 RG
50 fuggit (#95) 6518$4,763,805 R
51 SWTOR sith sorcerer (#87) 10,383$4,677,748 R
52 something something retal (#17)  Game profile 10,375$4,631,949 C
53 TVA (#42)  Game profile 9312$4,565,845 D
54 Utes (#39) 4947$4,389,165 R
55 donazee (#37) 7628$4,298,472 DG
56 blagh (#99) 6805$4,090,070 C
57 badgerbadgerbadgerbadger (#97)  Game profile 8034$3,873,096 HG
58 LonelyMind (#33) 8324$3,716,316 R
59 BigTex (#48) 8430$3,673,920 T
60 November 7th at 827am (#101)  Game profile 11,112$3,545,601 RG
61 johnnies bar (#19) 9574$3,517,517 RG
62 XYZDENSITY (#8) 7206$3,513,746 R
63 Kobane (#18) 6245$3,438,091 I
64 mrafdnal (#45) 11,118$3,434,260 I
65 Terran Imperium (#53) 11,320$3,348,761 DG
66 Hello again (#73) 6437$3,168,755 TG
67 easy (#10) 0$2,923,859 C
68 YoUsHoUlDkEePyOuRmOuThShUt (#52) 8615$2,591,200 CG
69 Kenpachi (#35) 7494$2,428,184 R
70 donaldfish (#27) 10,787$2,417,943 I
71 C R O A T I A (#58)  Game profile 7324$2,342,944 TG
72 GottaGottaGetUptToGetDown (#94) 7503$2,325,013 T
73 WWK (#84) 4523$2,202,109 DG
74 Happy Birthday (#76)  Game profile 2950$2,120,049 CG
75 sparkee (#85) 9085$2,091,996 I
76 RussianRoulette (#93)  Game profile 9835$2,035,131 T
77 Yes (#66) 11,859$1,682,767 D
78 Journeyman (#70) 8092$1,613,591 DG
79 ABC (#106) 6101$1,400,045 C
80 Theorin (#100) 7508$1,397,737 IG
81 Ninety Six (#62) 5528$1,382,940 D
82 (#102) 2052$938,553 CG
83 Justin T White University (#79) 3731$895,702 FG
84 Freakshow (#78) 1093$866,039 T
85 Shoop (#89) 6000$647,613 TG
86 Miguel Cabrera (#77) 4992$596,999 RG
87 IncesT and Blow Torch (#9) 5300$522,955 F
88 Baked Vodoo (#31) 2881$513,234 T
89 i see dumb people they are every (#91) 3430$497,528 CG
90 control freak (#71)  Game profile 6311$474,064 DG
91 CSA (#14) 3515$419,886 CG
92 IABYOUFORNOREASON (#96) 2513$419,399 C
93 hurt my penis (#105) 3379$364,442 T
94 Hi Im Mr Meeseeks (#40) 3176$349,059 D
95 Farmers Pacific Union (#108) 3768$275,544 F
96 United Territories of Mordor (#107) 2705$256,520 R
97 Sundoria (#49) 2451$236,507 C
98 Reair (#110) 2561$232,412 M
99 NOMNOMNOM (#86) 1191$133,668 C
100 Reair (#109) 1797$127,573 M

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