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Active countries: 2458
Currently Logged in: 194

Top Players - Express

Next Reset 344th round: Jun 27, 2016 - Jul 03, 2016 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 137 countries in the Express server.

1 MakeMyDay (#63) 19,622$47,602,896 HG
2 Preferred Stock (#10) 32,534$44,552,983 CG
3 Sevastopol (#60) 24,170$33,579,083 CG
4 ashe (#16) 19,046$33,435,116 HG
5 Like a boss (#90) 7$31,565,497 HG
6 AngularJS (#15) 18,000$28,670,054 RG
7 Kingdom Slayer (#107) 14,363$26,519,810 T
8 ally (#2)  Game profile 21,178$20,214,256 H
9 BrexitBoffins (#112) 14,951$18,987,621 HG
10 23 (#19)  Game profile 16,178$17,539,042 RG
11 AbisuInpakuto (#18)  Game profile 13,680$17,529,471 HG
12 I R WoG SuperFly (#14)  Game profile 15,451$16,624,841 CG
13 The Starks (#30) 24,468$16,574,060 CG
14 Tydligvis (#106) 10,804$16,482,879 DG
15 Green Jako (#56) 10,117$15,252,258 I
16 LOL U DIED (#96)  Game profile 12,147$14,747,648 RG
17 Sparta (#1) 14,808$14,519,079 CG
18 landfarm (#49)  Game profile 11,125$14,133,425 HG
19 tspaceinvaders (#58) 12,773$14,081,791 RG
20 BaDonkaDonks (#105)  Game profile 6468$12,612,986 HG
21 Hippies Peace Love and Dope (#27) 21,361$12,134,632 HG
22 Shadowrider (#4) 28,246$11,973,648 RG
23 the Temple (#74) 15,068$11,884,986 HG
24 C R O A T I A (#53)  Game profile 26,488$11,807,102 T
25 Electric Avenue (#91) 9637$11,309,112 DG
26 Master of Puppets (#28)  Game profile 11,614$11,257,414 HG
27 SkidSteer (#40) 11,551$10,924,200 HG
28 Velcro Fly (#36) 9413$9,654,485 DG
29 (#3) 13,334$9,245,802 HG
30 24 (#66) 15,530$8,894,871 DG
31 I 3 2 double TAP (#116)  Game profile 6614$8,400,590 TG
32 Horde of Nythil (#76) 13,485$8,097,887 F
33 duuuuude (#124) 7548$8,092,302 H
34 (#101) 16,331$8,075,391 C
35 911 (#121)  Game profile 15,964$7,788,667 R
36 Skye (#122)  Game profile 14,371$7,682,163 C
37 Ace of Spades (#7) 52$7,578,421 MG
38 U L T R A V I O L E T (#6)  Game profile 12,348$7,271,696 HG
39 TheLynxArmy (#11)  Game profile 7061$7,076,140 T
40 Store Turns to AB (#108)  Game profile 11,365$6,798,438 HG
41 slow play retaler (#65) 21,653$6,729,677 I
42 (#125) 12,028$6,635,749 C
43 Gesalin (#127)  Game profile 14,634$6,492,081 RG
44 Sherif Stud (#64) 14,123$6,365,849 C
45 Audrey Grimrage (#44) 13,724$6,361,977 C
46 Rare Smoke (#24) 13,531$6,337,417 C
47 izMla (#34)  Game profile 21,900$6,283,302 C
48 lackadoo (#43) 10,523$6,266,931 CG
49 thanx for last set (#75) 8329$6,181,063 T
50 Adel Mistfang (#84) 12,665$5,910,650 C
51 Warriors of Fenrirr (#86) 13,660$5,873,932 R
52 A (#93) 18,263$5,734,736 FG
53 PerkyBits (#54)  Game profile 13,353$5,680,787 R
54 Meaningful Firecracker (#88) 12,788$5,666,735 R
55 Flavor Country (#111) 12,808$5,642,584 H
56 CDoggie (#23) 7079$5,544,391 I
57 OliviaCoco (#9) 10,598$5,377,579 C
58 Cool Freak (#39) 12,111$5,321,771 C
59 Dark Elik (#8) 12,691$5,312,758 R
60 Vladimir Hawkings (#48) 13,035$5,286,094 R
61 Rhina Schleepi (#38) 13,580$5,143,238 R
62 Comtesse Useli Dybbuk (#79) 12,537$5,006,771 C
63 Cockroach Stormy (#69) 12,831$4,983,944 C
64 MikesFeelgooderie (#55) 11,341$4,905,007 F
65 Stormy Crystal (#73) 11,731$4,846,723 R
66 Jack Moonship Davis (#61) 11,756$4,695,374 F
67 duvel (#12) 9457$4,670,281 C
68 Dragon Fly (#29) 7575$4,561,579 C
69 Mardin (#99) 10,894$4,271,949 C
70 Brave Boiling Planet (#51) 10,998$4,134,855 D
71 Aaaarrrrgggghhhh I Gotcha (#103) 11,633$4,041,393 M
72 MoJo (#98) 11,941$3,599,496 C
73 Enoona (#72) 13,596$3,436,401 D
74 Arstotzka (#13) 6376$3,372,963 D
75 Nihilist Front (#104) 12,778$3,333,456 CG
76 Freeport ImExAg Bank (#102) 10,204$3,213,353 D
77 Rough Dog (#47) 12,199$3,164,493 C
78 ymcacafe (#42) 11,144$3,150,235 T
79 Alderman (#52) 13,012$3,113,587 H
80 hunchback of notre dame (#100) 9102$3,112,168 R
81 WWWBAYROCKCHEATSCOM (#131) 8229$3,093,669 T
82 Kimboslice (#22) 13,316$3,044,712 H
83 Caraxes (#68) 14,067$2,815,735 I
84 Zathe (#77) 11,503$2,807,155 H
85 Mine (#94) 13,217$2,593,948 D
86 Earth Has Good Grafix (#31) 5980$2,406,911 R
87 Un4GvN (#20) 4430$2,362,841 F
88 Bigstuffing (#114) 11,105$2,271,520 H
89 Forgotten Land (#41) 9868$1,994,155 C
90 Oort (#123) 5838$1,976,449 M
91 Gothor Spirits (#67) 12,748$1,847,353 H
92 Yellow Full Plutonium (#87) 12,168$1,814,301 H
93 Silverbeard Margaret Blacksmith (#57) 12,313$1,686,953 D
94 izMlaTHEBEST (#130)  Game profile 10,545$1,684,943 C
95 Unique Boomerang (#5) 11,969$1,636,436 C
96 Davezzorr (#45) 12,562$1,608,353 M
97 Silvergrim Brutus Redbeard (#62) 12,661$1,591,926 D
98 BiBiGoN (#59)  Game profile 8045$1,587,110 CG
99 Bloody Jack Dreadbeard (#80) 13,520$1,564,248 M
100 Vanessa Dreadbeard Gull (#32) 12,358$1,561,995 H

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