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Active countries: 2458
Currently Logged in: 194

Top Players - Express

Next Reset 355th round: Sep 12, 2016 - Sep 18, 2016 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 126 countries in the Express server.

1 Qfwfq (#87) 17,425$34,211,301 DG
2 (#2) 65$28,081,638 HG
3 Oppa (#74)  Game profile 20,236$25,248,128 CG
4 Kingme (#106)  Game profile 180$23,131,142 HG
5 ashe (#12) 14,716$22,579,088 HG
6 C R O A T I A (#58)  Game profile 24,534$21,528,633 HG
7 Arathodoxia (#9)  Game profile 20,021$21,522,182 RG
8 John Mace (#81)  Game profile 12,995$20,541,847 RG
9 the Temple (#80) 16,708$19,360,216 RG
10 InfinittoBureiku (#4)  Game profile 13,360$18,837,716 RG
11 Fluff Knows (#59)  Game profile 15,322$18,425,147 R
12 JOIN Lords of Chaos FFA (#14)  Game profile 12,916$15,887,231 DG
13 Concept 3 (#110)  Game profile 13,518$15,218,573 DG
14 HaySTaCK (#41)  Game profile 12,481$14,454,144 DG
15 941 (#69)  Game profile 22,106$14,085,578 RG
16 misanthropic rage (#45)  Game profile 13,115$14,039,078 FG
17 24hr retal policy enforced (#50)  Game profile 16,737$13,977,306 CG
18 honololo (#115) 15,068$13,847,362 C
19 chiana (#31) 11,591$13,089,005 R
20 Send Lawyers Guns Money (#16) 14,723$12,752,971 RG
21 Ty95MC (#53) 22,850$12,328,737 C
22 (#1) 11,634$11,987,721 HG
23 Pablo Escobar y Sus Gatilleros (#8)  Game profile 12,437$11,637,589 CG
24 SAMS HALAL SNACKPACK (#76)  Game profile 12,047$10,957,968 F
25 ally (#30)  Game profile 12,094$10,929,859 HG
26 PneumoniacmonIcallBS (#23) 10,015$10,741,601 D
27 You will be retalled (#46) 13,905$10,234,206 CG
28 Christophers Taint (#105) 10,650$10,205,851 CG
29 American Evil Infidel (#24)  Game profile 12,625$10,068,067 R
30 m0bzta (#19) 10,592$9,831,674 HG
31 Curtis Lowe (#60) 7659$9,507,034 R
32 BaDonkaDonks (#113)  Game profile 4837$9,467,917 HG
33 Crimson (#5) 7735$8,710,304 DG
34 LST (#112) 10,465$8,698,456 H
35 TheLynxArmy (#15)  Game profile 13,897$8,352,625 M
36 Jsburg (#72) 11,687$8,165,368 C
37 The Shadow Self (#29)  Game profile 9245$7,836,715 HG
38 Un4GvN (#89) 5571$7,088,303 HG
39 IhaveSexForTech (#32)  Game profile 14,710$6,734,506 C
40 55 (#116) 14,245$6,333,403 H
41 Electric Avenue (#61) 13,021$6,324,125 D
42 Berserk (#51)  Game profile 11,086$5,880,739 H
43 Dabster (#11) 9160$5,515,803 CG
44 Hi (#98) 9055$4,860,533 D
45 The Gulf of Freeport (#111) 10,789$4,705,662 F
46 ellmudland (#122)  Game profile 9991$4,666,156 H
47 Rome Looking For KOH (#21)  Game profile 9456$4,389,308 T
48 rationalthinking (#70) 11,398$4,029,327 I
49 Bloodfart (#117) 10,135$3,741,832 F
50 Silent Hunter (#10)  Game profile 6841$3,699,426 I
51 Satans playground (#79) 11,700$3,575,785 I
52 Fort Sunshine (#48) 11,716$3,575,726 H
53 MasculinityZero (#114) 9946$3,543,510 H
54 Caraxes (#92) 12,042$3,330,751 I
55 Soviet Red Army (#62) 8580$3,143,189 T
56 Neesmo (#123)  Game profile 8468$3,092,788 R
57 Mine (#118) 12,652$3,083,193 D
58 Pastosa (#18) 7581$2,857,408 T
59 Wetz (#13)  Game profile 7161$2,827,587 D
60 SAM I AM (#100) 11,737$2,761,800 H
61 GDI Salesman of the Month (#77) 7353$2,569,703 C
62 TheVenusProject (#109) 8675$2,407,415 C
63 The Dregs (#107) 12,290$2,321,621 DG
64 The old Cleveland Steamer (#64) 4451$2,104,169 I
65 Swift Nitrogen (#44) 8445$1,854,027 C
66 Palidwyeth (#54) 6182$1,401,099 C
67 The Sons from Valyn (#84) 5626$1,337,663 C
68 Rythens Daimons (#39) 5981$1,299,235 C
69 26 (#35) 0$1,263,685 C
70 Peace Love Unity Respect (#65) 4652$1,262,130 FG
71 The Protectors of Dawood (#28) 5228$1,192,125 R
72 Titania Endless (#34) 5442$1,076,004 C
73 Chanceville (#43)  Game profile 4608$1,052,036 D
74 Gruesome Boiling Laser (#49) 5240$1,039,094 C
75 Reason (#22)  Game profile 6656$1,034,820 FG
76 GDI Salesman of the Month (#124) 7121$976,768 M
77 Tyden of the Falcons (#78) 6158$888,336 R
78 Cybelia Orlock (#83) 6038$861,224 R
79 Bredock Daemons (#82) 5575$815,424 H
80 Francois Dreadbeard (#38) 6445$795,360 R
81 Risky Zebra (#91) 5265$788,478 R
82 Moonship Francois De Belleville (#86) 4354$785,502 I
83 The Slayers of Ieli (#71) 5532$781,305 F
84 M V (#6)  Game profile 4829$695,632 C
85 pew pew pew (#103) 6041$694,837 R
86 John Klek (#73) 6858$681,503 R
87 Sphinx of Zilz (#88) 5383$668,144 R
88 Lackus Staph (#68) 5390$664,400 R
89 Ravenblack Jack Deadwood (#93) 6150$635,587 R
90 Escariets Alliance (#57) 6554$607,558 H
91 Schneeky Kaldar (#20) 6721$592,712 M
92 Tuscan (#75) 6425$586,179 M
93 Allwaysretal (#36) 3074$582,038 M
94 Massive Worthy Dancer (#52) 6346$555,215 H
95 Dreaded Damion (#27) 6208$553,199 H
96 Ruthless Guinea (#63) 5413$538,623 R
97 Medea Demon (#42) 6455$501,293 H
98 Ox Morbid (#40) 5722$497,881 M
99 Shelley George Crawhawk (#85) 5822$495,910 M
100 Pure Student (#66) 5107$481,494 F

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