Feb 26 - Apr 26
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Active countries: 2458
Currently Logged in: 194

Top Players - Express

Next Reset 357th round: Sep 26, 2016 - Oct 02, 2016 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 86 countries in the Express server.

1 JOIN Lords of Chaos on FFA (#4)  Game profile 14,275$21,044,918 HG
2 Halt I Am Reptar (#48)  Game profile 10,793$18,627,444 CG
3 I R WoG SuperFly (#2)  Game profile 17,205$18,196,178 CG
4 land mine (#36)  Game profile 14,696$17,204,032 RG
5 duterte (#58)  Game profile 13,937$17,059,860 HG
6 HakaishinNoIkari (#1)  Game profile 14,180$16,460,957 RG
7 Vatzooland (#68)  Game profile 5354$15,368,938 HG
8 Chicago Cubs (#52) 18,011$14,791,780 IG
9 landfarm (#46)  Game profile 11,395$14,000,000 HG
10 C R O A T I A (#37)  Game profile 17,286$13,863,906 CG
11 ashe (#33) 8325$13,660,889 HG
12 Number 10 or riot (#10)  Game profile 9435$13,468,478 HG
13 Silent Hunter (#28)  Game profile 10,009$12,641,807 HG
14 Ugly Peoples Club (#31) 17,287$12,411,424 CG
15 Freeport City (#66) 8377$12,321,919 D
16 Shipwreck Cove (#50) 14,618$11,901,856 DG
17 Gronk For Prez (#16)  Game profile 13,260$11,856,411 FG
18 inveterate oozes (#53) 19,794$10,591,762 I
19 Beep Boop Im A Bot (#56)  Game profile 10,219$10,488,482 CG
20 MaDaWaSKa (#30)  Game profile 13,613$10,140,267 IG
21 Sudnar (#12) 8449$9,697,334 HG
22 I always retal (#62) 15,172$8,974,989 CG
23 Shadowrider (#8) 17,661$8,680,227 R
24 Lyin Ted Cruz (#19) 11,807$8,362,929 DG
25 Sex Drugs Money (#35)  Game profile 8856$8,088,317 C
26 LST (#70) 4792$7,533,322 H
27 honololo (#11) 11,948$6,957,652 D
28 Alt F4 for free Autism (#74)  Game profile 11,087$6,538,593 F
29 m0bzta (#24) 11,871$6,048,667 C
30 Lima country (#22) 9255$5,902,392 TG
31 Cy 35C (#49) 11,746$5,081,431 CG
32 Who Done it (#54)  Game profile 10,162$4,751,227 T
33 the Temple (#3) 12,824$4,362,604 RG
34 55 (#61) 14,829$4,074,007 C
35 Destiny (#17) 11,851$3,868,388 R
36 The old Cleveland Steamer (#29) 5559$3,379,251 I
37 Backlash (#27) 7859$3,232,969 I
38 borek (#39)  Game profile 10,902$3,227,424 RG
39 Slag (#45) 8423$2,983,730 C
40 team (#75) 9881$2,950,980 FG
41 Lodestone (#73) 6777$2,714,020 T
42 The Living Infinite (#25)  Game profile 10,975$2,669,867 HG
43 ZO (#59) 8928$2,262,177 I
44 Wheres Johnny Manziel (#5) 6214$2,246,254 HG
45 Caraxes (#41) 8925$2,215,901 I
46 Chance (#42)  Game profile 5798$2,082,424 F
47 MakeMyDay (#43) 4703$2,019,964 M
48 Efil (#64)  Game profile 9011$1,991,904 M
49 icecream (#14) 0$1,863,704 C
50 MAJ Nation (#32) 8113$1,847,835 C
51 Bad Company (#13) 7087$1,819,036 C
52 ally (#21)  Game profile 6651$1,759,118 HG
53 Maladroit (#80)  Game profile 12,500$1,730,957 F
54 3030 (#47)  Game profile 6416$1,694,169 T
55 Im Gonna you Miss (#20)  Game profile 12,719$1,523,852 TG
56 Mine (#71) 10,617$1,362,870 D
57 Justanothercountry (#18)  Game profile 2603$1,193,501 R
58 MakeMyDay (#84) 2098$1,109,404 T
59 TheVenusProject (#40) 5008$966,386 C
60 spinx (#83) 6598$941,814 TG
61 2Times (#26) 3117$696,924 C
62 Islamisthebeast (#7) 6955$688,526 R
63 Midkemia (#79) 4596$669,435 C
64 The Libertine Camel Party (#57)  Game profile 3066$595,461 FG
65 AzN (#65) 2659$528,853 T
66 TheLynxArmy (#60)  Game profile 3780$455,443 CG
67 Lazy player (#72) 4037$389,983 MG
68 Nixons Richard (#15) 1766$279,154 RG
69 Freakville (#76) 1312$105,825 F
70 Stalins revenge (#86) 1207$81,906 H
71 SonOfStalin (#67) 1206$63,674 T
72 Make love not war (#81) 815$56,456 R
73 Kumano (#78)  Game profile 529$44,183 F
74 Oh that smell (#51) 100$6918 R
75 Un4GvN (#23) 140$6517 M
76 5 Days 5 Nights (#38) 140$6517 M
77 Earth Has Good Grafix (#63) 120$5617 M
78 latestart (#82) 100$4717 M
79 ygu (#87) 100$4717 M
80 xninjawillpay (#85)  Game profile 100$4717 M
81 Tinsle Town (#77) 100$4717 M
82 Anyong seo (#55) 100$4717 M
83 Wizards Of The Coast (#34)  Game profile 100$4717 M
84 Cairo (#44)  Game profile 100$4717 M
85 Arathodoxia (#9)  Game profile 100$4717 M
86 The s6x (#6)  Game profile 100$4717 M

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