Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 12 - Mar 16
Mar 14 - May 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2458
Currently Logged in: 194

Top Players - Free For All

Next Reset Tenth round: Jul 30, 2011 - Sep 30, 2011 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 3772 countries in the Free For All server.

1 Drinks (#298)  Game profile 932,149$2,330,729,152 HG TKOwnd
2 Zaka (#1110) 803,203$1,983,338,815 H TKOwnd
3 Genesis Receiver (#2160) 549,427$1,272,810,730 DG TKOwnd
4 This country is a land experimen (#1827) 633,404$1,063,005,348 H xELYx
5 Darlene (#906)  Game profile 116,213$1,004,115,068 D xELYx
6 Rhino (#2204) 179,930$825,465,172 H xELYx
7 Huge Dict (#547)  Game profile 1,054,209$710,270,788 I TKOwnd
8 (#140) 77,297$649,662,005 DG TKOwnd
9 die nacht hat ohren (#652)  Game profile 247,433$646,735,588 HG TKOwnd
10 Drinks (#310)  Game profile 722,730$627,845,275 HG TKOwnd
11 DIE OVERLORDs MACHT FREI (#1699)  Game profile 25,791$621,105,336 DG ESD
12 Iamwithstupid (#2535)  Game profile 199,553$560,145,018 HG xELYx
13 Swamp Guardians 16 (#53)  Game profile 74,548$521,131,178 DG PANLV
14 (#142) 73,443$479,832,786 DG TKOwnd
15 Swamp Guardians 6 (#43)  Game profile 123,044$469,260,602 HG PANLV
16 consequence (#1490) 206,120$469,180,853 H TKOwnd
17 Walo (#1462) 202,814$455,299,271 HG TKOwnd
18 Graphite (#3018)  Game profile 71,932$440,647,680 F xELYx
19 7 (#12) 12,825$408,855,635 DG TKOwnd
20 Azarcon (#929) 77,767$408,209,278 FG PANLV
21 Swamp Guardians 1 (#38)  Game profile 112,080$404,399,140 RG PANLV
22 BaaBaaBlackSheep (#224) 141,269$397,967,276 R PANLV
23 (#144) 73,454$371,843,146 DG TKOwnd
24 Trying to better thirteenth (#1108)  Game profile 38,584$357,550,416 H TKOwnd
25 Ricky Ponting (#649) 31,687$356,550,289 DG TKOwnd
26 Rafael Trujillo (#1227) 107,073$346,643,803 DG xELYx
27 theDreaming (#669) 33,209$331,639,866 HG TKOwnd
28 pestilence (#2075) 32,195$314,189,027 D PANLV
29 i wanna war (#1367) 45,179$311,988,735 H PANLV
30 all out of bubblegum (#1633) 44,245$305,381,377 H PANLV
31 kick ass and chew bubblegum (#1632) 43,974$299,019,336 H PANLV
32 war (#2073) 41,059$297,652,113 H PANLV
33 famine (#2074) 38,786$296,750,192 H PANLV
34 try on the glasses (#1634) 43,419$296,095,263 H PANLV
35 Alderaan (#1395)  Game profile 102,837$287,166,760 HG PANLV
36 Augusto Pinochet (#1228) 96,099$284,724,982 DG xELYx
37 BASTION 5 (#684) 27,598$284,163,530 HG TKOwnd
38 its all pie in the sky (#674) 29,121$284,007,855 HG TKOwnd
39 Swamp Guardians 11 (#48)  Game profile 59,318$277,564,607 HG PANLV
40 a dream come true (#672) 28,009$277,546,637 HG TKOwnd
41 Swamp Guardians 7 (#44)  Game profile 54,813$276,704,253 HG PANLV
42 Raptus regaliter (#676) 26,892$275,958,007 HG TKOwnd
43 McDreamy (#670) 29,806$275,602,892 HG TKOwnd
44 Porfirio Diaz (#1229) 99,971$273,250,071 DG xELYx
45 a midsummer nights dream (#673) 31,346$266,225,456 HG TKOwnd
46 I need your clothes (#708) 40,282$266,006,001 H PANLV
47 Sex Beast (#1065) 31,302$265,394,306 DG xELYx
48 Billy Murdoch (#651) 31,268$264,525,585 HG TKOwnd
49 dreamALittleDreamOfMe (#671) 28,848$260,985,914 HG TKOwnd
50 The Pump (#706) 37,030$260,484,044 H PANLV
51 Not to Be (#711) 39,726$260,240,213 H PANLV
52 Swamp Guardians 8 (#45)  Game profile 55,029$258,366,754 HG PANLV
53 Ian Johnson (#650) 31,203$257,658,917 HG TKOwnd
54 Fasc (#787) 52,731$257,082,487 HG xELYx
55 Francos a child (#707) 38,609$250,820,739 H PANLV
56 And your motercycle (#710) 37,975$249,373,661 H PANLV
57 Consider that a divorce (#712) 72,734$249,149,156 H PANLV
58 Sir Wind (#966) 101,076$249,053,602 DG xELYx
59 Kashyyyk (#1396)  Game profile 99,732$249,024,511 HG PANLV
60 angryjesus (#837) 66,803$247,736,267 H PANLV
61 Sir Chaos (#967) 31,963$247,522,259 HG xELYx
62 Gazza is a legend (#681) 26,827$246,240,188 HG TKOwnd
63 Your boots (#709) 37,093$245,757,488 H PANLV
64 look alive (#1496) 68,832$245,554,332 H TKOwnd
65 Drinks (#301)  Game profile 353,341$243,235,766 HG TKOwnd
66 Wanna be a farmer (#713) 71,501$241,916,609 H PANLV
67 Gambit (#683) 25,251$241,741,924 HG TKOwnd
68 insert creative name here (#675) 25,484$238,867,022 HG TKOwnd
69 i wanna net (#1366) 71,653$238,407,044 H PANLV
70 Red (#1175) 29,371$238,188,484 HG xELYx
71 Strange Famous (#167)  Game profile 91,428$236,303,342 H TKOwnd
72 y u no leave me alone (#682) 26,089$235,007,158 HG TKOwnd
73 Gray Wolf (#1205) 31,794$234,362,209 HG xELYx
74 Cat Person (#435) 50,861$234,106,585 DG xELYx
75 sotilas (#2372) 68,489$233,525,403 D PANLV
76 Heres a couple of achers (#714) 71,008$233,158,394 H PANLV
77 pohjantahti (#2374) 67,281$232,942,470 D PANLV
78 3 for QM (#1015) 70,937$232,631,498 H PANLV
79 Endor (#1391)  Game profile 48,493$231,686,648 HG PANLV
80 Fasc (#788) 48,687$230,142,155 HG xELYx
81 Swamp Guardians 2 (#39)  Game profile 93,351$229,782,918 HG PANLV
82 Its not a tumor (#715) 71,977$228,695,097 H PANLV
83 Strange Famous (#169)  Game profile 88,079$228,216,677 H TKOwnd
84 Strange Famous (#168)  Game profile 80,381$227,903,851 H TKOwnd
85 tuntematon ampuja (#2373) 65,055$227,250,359 D PANLV
86 Achilles Last Stand (#902)  Game profile 81,369$226,745,428 H xELYx
87 Swamp Guardians 15 (#52)  Game profile 69,014$222,861,650 DG PANLV
88 Strange Famous (#166)  Game profile 81,752$222,055,997 H TKOwnd
89 Naboo (#1398)  Game profile 99,616$221,563,828 DG PANLV
90 Swamp Guardians 13 (#50)  Game profile 73,397$221,286,081 DG PANLV
91 lollipop (#2444) 63,964$220,843,908 D PANLV
92 Yavin III (#2429)  Game profile 94,295$220,830,617 HG PANLV
93 darkjesus (#838) 64,258$220,730,631 H PANLV
94 Strange Famous (#172)  Game profile 89,950$220,018,803 H TKOwnd
95 Swamp Guardians 10 (#47)  Game profile 49,228$219,691,914 HG PANLV
96 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (#417) 53,573$218,470,855 H TKOwnd
97 Dog (#2206) 28,181$217,639,895 H xELYx
98 Double Fister Twister (#3006) 47,967$216,773,524 R PANLV
99 Hoth (#1392)  Game profile 46,046$215,867,903 HG PANLV
100 ESDragon (#101) 24,920$213,371,328 R ESD

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