Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 12 - Mar 16
Mar 14 - May 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2459
Currently Logged in: 193

Free For All Clan: Insane Multi Posse (IMP)

Twelfth round: Dec 01, 2011 - Jan 30, 2012
Clan Standings
Membership Rank9 of 34
Total Networth Rank17 of 34
Average Networth Rank22 of 34
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
568 tyler (#1366) 13,676$17,705,841 IG
569 jackson (#1361) 13,647$17,697,604 IG
570 van buren (#1364) 13,654$17,638,139 IG
574 henry harrison (#1365) 13,704$17,432,798 IG
579 buchanan (#1375) 13,645$17,257,974 IG
581 polk (#1367) 13,644$17,212,487 IG
586 pierce (#1370) 13,652$17,173,454 IG
602 taylor (#1368) 13,647$16,573,061 IG
603 lincoln (#1376) 13,661$16,488,430 IG
609 q adams (#1360) 13,643$16,419,837 IG
610 jefferson (#1353) 13,645$16,282,672 IG
654 monroe (#1362) 13,656$14,292,039 IG
655 adams (#1352) 13,648$14,275,617 IG
658 washington (#1343) 12,968$14,199,493 IG
659 madison (#1359) 13,645$14,197,566 IG
668 filmore (#1369) 13,649$13,759,516 I
1239 November (#5224) 6793$3,051,550 F
1252 Kilo (#5221) 4946$2,828,086 F
1253 ron (#5485) 9482$2,821,736 TG
1282 Papa (#5226) 6856$2,520,195 F
1291 halfway there WOAAH (#5488) 10,300$2,454,530 FG
1293 w00t (#5342) 9766$2,447,856 T
1307 Charlie (#5213) 6756$2,341,915 F
1309 john adams (#5775) 9468$2,335,834 TG
1312 Bravo (#5212) 956$2,298,332 F
1315 elizabeth Johnston (#5776) 9098$2,293,069 TG
1316 thankuforlovingme (#5462) 8916$2,288,211 TG
1328 Lima (#5222) 6829$2,234,569 F
1333 Jack russel (#5777) 9340$2,213,183 FG
1337 half way there (#5461) 9466$2,190,617 FG
1339 Golf (#5217) 6806$2,176,453 F
1340 Juliet (#5220) 6807$2,171,863 F
1346 Mike (#5223) 6838$2,154,547 F
1347 Joker (#5778) 9261$2,146,589 TG
1349 jovial (#5780) 9056$2,135,634 TG
1359 jackson (#5774) 9486$2,074,822 FG
1360 Jokers Wild (#5779) 9125$2,044,638 TG
1367 Hotel (#5218) 5274$1,930,489 F
1370 Oscar (#5225) 4697$1,911,737 F
1373 Echo (#5215) 6811$1,883,061 F
1374 they count me out (#6004) 8114$1,875,177 TG
1378 ring the bell before (#6003) 8325$1,826,307 TG
1380 Delta (#5214) 5200$1,816,979 F
1384 pick me up (#6001) 8234$1,757,783 TG
1393 Alpha (#5211) 6852$1,711,413 F
1406 India (#5219) 6893$1,655,406 F
1407 when I fall down (#6002) 8147$1,637,759 TG
1466 Foxtrot (#5216) 6860$1,152,484 F
1647 Bass (#4783) 3382$305,028 FG
1653 Bees (#4778) 3087$293,096 FG
1654 Beavers (#4777) 3277$291,905 FG
1659 Bearded Dragon (#4781) 3138$281,186 FG
1660 Bobcat (#4782) 3130$279,854 FG
1666 Basilisl (#4779) 2932$256,014 FG
1668 Black Fly (#4780) 2789$249,016 FG
1673 Bats (#4776) 2790$223,069 FG
1676 Bears (#4775) 2423$213,015 FG
1720 little bit (#5682) 1890$101,627 M
1728 hanukkah (#4663) 840$93,037 F
1729 kiss your ass (#4661) 850$92,677 F
1733 kiss my ass (#4660) 1083$90,715 F
1737 kiss his ass (#4662) 827$87,586 F
1945 Happy New Year (#5121) 440$33,465 F
2045 Luda (#5186) 420$32,565 M
2046 Locks (#5187) 420$32,565 M
2047 Love (#5188) 420$32,565 M
2048 Laid (#5189) 420$32,565 M
2049 zeta (#5191) 420$32,565 F
2050 zebra (#5192) 420$32,565 F
2051 catherine (#5193) 420$32,565 F
2052 zorro (#5194) 420$32,565 F
2053 ze missles (#5195) 420$32,565 F
2054 misslez (#5196) 420$32,565 F
2055 zen (#5197) 420$32,565 F
2056 moment of (#5198) 420$32,565 F
2057 sayz to me (#5199) 420$32,565 F
2058 whatz that (#5200) 420$32,565 F
2059 zoloft (#5201) 420$32,565 F
2060 Lowes (#5202) 420$32,565 M
2892 stinkvapour (#5685) 100$4717 M
3127 (#7028) 100$4717 M
3128 (#7029) 100$4717 M
3129 (#7030) 100$4717 M
3130 (#7031) 100$4717 M
3131 (#7032) 100$4717 M
3132 (#7033) 100$4717 M
3133 (#7034) 100$4717 M
3134 (#7035) 100$4717 M
3135 (#7036) 100$4717 M
3136 (#7037) 100$4717 M
3137 (#7038) 100$4717 M
3138 (#7039) 100$4717 M
3155 combinedwarchats (#7056) 100$4717 M
3156 whenwillfordfightfair (#7057) 100$4717 M
3157 ccandantecupelyballs (#7058) 100$4717 M

Ranked countries: 95 (Show all countries)

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